Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 858 Chaomeng's Palpitations

"what's the situation?"

Seeing the flying mantises whose eyes all turned black and got up again, Lu Ze couldn't help but feel palpitations.

The Flying Mantis whose eyes have turned black is still at the level of a heavenly king.

But it seems that because of some special reasons, there is no pain and no fear.

However, under the attack of Snorbeast and Forked Bat, the few flying mantises who stood up were quickly knocked down.

Seeing the downed flying mantises on the ground slowly return to normal, Lu Ze was also very puzzled.

What happened just now?
Whose voice is the voice coming from my own waveguide?
Lu Ze was wondering, and the same thing happened in other places.

Sui Yan faced a group of rivals.

Mo Qiancheng faced the Longlong Rock and the Small Fist Rock Group.

Gao Jiatong faced the lava swarm and so on.

All the Pokémon faced by the fighting kings have undergone such changes.

And not just in the secret realm.

Outside the secret, a place very far away from the secret realm.

On the top of the snow-flying mountain, Chaomeng, who was sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, also heard this voice.


Chaomeng suddenly opened his eyes and looked around his surroundings.

But on the top of this very high mountain, there are no other people or Pokémon except myself.

After Chaomeng looked around and saw no one, he immediately opened up his mental power.

However, there were still no signs of life.

"Is it an illusion?"

Chaomeng frowned and sat down cross-legged again.

"There is a strange throbbing in my heart..."

Chaomeng covered his heart, and looked up at the place where the secret realm was.

"Do you want to go and see?"

Chaomeng hesitated, after all, this feeling of heart palpitations has not appeared for a long time.

And he always felt that the creature that made this sound had a very important relationship with him.

In the secret realm, after Lu Ze studied the flying mantis for a while, he didn't find anything.

No matter before the change, during the change, or now after the change, the Flying Mantis has no change under his waveguide perception.

"Unfortunately, it was too fast just now."

Lu Ze was a little annoyed, what happened just now was too sudden.

Otherwise, if you use the capabilities of the system to test it, you may find something else.

Now after using the system to detect, there is no difference between the flying mantis and the ordinary flying mantis.


After taking a deep breath, Lu Ze no longer cared about these flying mantises.

The most important thing now is to abduct those lily root dolls, Patchlitz and Kino chinchilla... and bring them back to their nursery.



After softly shouting to Victini who was hiding in the Chino chinchilla group, Victini nodded immediately.

After smiling triumphantly at Lu Ze, Victini began to "persuade" the Kino chinchillas beside him.

It's not just victini that's kicking into action.

Mini Dragon, Zoroya and Wind Fairy also started the process of lobbying Pokémon.

After taking a break, Snorkel also squinted his eyes and began to introduce them.

Why is our cultivation garden so big.

How safe is our nursery.

After joining our cultivation garden, there will be delicious food every day and so on.

Lu Ze wasn't in a hurry either, he just sat there and waited for the results of Victini's lobbying.

While waiting, some flying mantises also woke up.

But knowing that they have failed, they naturally have no idea of ​​​​taking any further action.

After getting up, they quietly left by themselves.

Lu Ze didn't pay much attention to them either, and now his target is these lily root dolls.

After a while, Victini and the others completed their task.

All the Lily Root dolls, Chino Chinchilla and Patch Liz have lined up in front of Lu Ze.

Lu Ze was sitting on the grass with a smile on his face.

After the lily root doll came bouncing in front of him, Lu Ze took out an elf ball from his bag.

The elf ball gently touched the lily root doll's head, and the lily root doll was put into the elf ball.

After putting the lily root doll in front into the elf ball, the lily root dolls lined up behind came to Lu Ze again.

Lu Ze repeated the previous action again, and took the Lily root doll back into the elf ball.

Although there seem to be many Pokémon in the three groups, there are only more than 200 in total.

With everyone's orderly cooperation, Lu Ze quickly collected all the Pokémon into the elf ball.

"Okay, let's go and see what's going on over there."

Lu Ze said, then turned his head to look at the place where the voice came from just now.

Don't know what's going on there.

After taking back the Snorlax and the others, Lu Ze took the mini dragon and Victini on the back of the fire-breathing dragon and set off.

After flying into the air, the miniature dragon waved its tail at Lu Ze's waist with a displeased expression.

It was agreed to sleep together on the body of the fire-breathing dragon.

As a result, you, Soraya, have no conscience, and after you are full, you go into the poke ball.

"So, should you two also enter the poke ball? Zoroya has already proved with practical actions that the poke ball is indeed very comfortable."

Lu Ze smiled and touched the heads of Mini Dragon and Victini and said to them.


The miniature dragon shook his head hastily.

What are you kidding, I don't want to get into the poke ball!

For some reason, miniature dragons just don't like getting into poke balls.

It has been like this since birth.

But Lu Ze didn't mind, instead he continued to ask Victini.


Victini also shook his head, then squinted his eyes and hugged Lu Ze's arm.

His meaning is also very obvious, and it is also not to enter the elf ball.

I want to accompany Ozawa~

Seeing Victini like this, the mini dragon wrapped his body around Lu Ze's waist and put his head on Lu Ze's shoulder, not to be outdone.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, if you don't go in, don't go in."

Lu Ze smiled, and the fire-breathing dragon continued to fly in the sky to the place Lu Ze pointed to.

The conversation was divided into two parts, Sui Yan on the other side was not as quick as Lu Ze to resolve the battle.

After several heavenly king-level strength Bi Diao had no pain and no fear after being blackened, they were able to beat Suiyan's Pokémon.

But Sui Yan just didn't react for a while.

Suiyan, who reacted, quickly resolved the battle.

"What's going on?"

Sui Yan squatted down, looked at the Bi Diao who had returned to normal and said curiously.

The fire-breathing dragon, which had withdrawn from the super-evolved state, also came to Suiyan's side.

But seeing Bi Diao who had returned to normal, he shook his head.

"Do you know what happened just now?" Sui Yan turned to look at the fire-breathing dragon, and the wind speed dog asked them.

Wind Speed ​​Dog shook his head, and so did Coal Turtle and Miao Frog Flower.


After Elle Duo hesitated for a moment, he still pointed to Sui Yan.

Although he didn't know what happened.

But just now there was an abnormal fluctuation in the direction to the south.

Although it was very weak, he still felt it when the wave swept over him.

"Is there a problem over there?"

Sui Yan asked Elle Duo excitedly.

If there is a problem there, there is no reason why Lu Ze can't perceive it.

In other words, you can find Lu Ze in that direction.

"Then let's go there and see what's going on!"

After Sui Yan shouted vigorously, he jumped onto the back of the fire-breathing dragon.

After taking all his Pokémon back into the poke balls, Suiyan and Charizard set off.


"Take a break."

After successfully defeating the blackened Long Longyan and the others, Mo Qiancheng said to his Pokémon.

"What's the matter, Metagross?"

After Mo Qiancheng sat down, he saw that his golden monster had been looking in one direction, so he asked the golden monster curiously.


The giant metal monster raised its claws and pointed in that direction.

He just felt it, and there was a strange fluctuation emanating from that direction.

Just when those rumbling rocks turned black.


Mo Qiancheng sat up straight and looked at the direction the giant golden monster pointed at just now.

"What's wrong?"

Mo Qiancheng was puzzled, he didn't see anything.

It's been so long since I've been here, don't say anything strange, I haven't even seen a single person.

With so many people coming in, it was as if they had disappeared out of thin air.

"Go and see?"

Mo Qiancheng turned his head to look at the giant gold monster, and asked tentatively.


The giant metal monster nodded, there was an aura that made him very uncomfortable.

Although very weak.

If it wasn't for the wave of fluctuations that swept over him just now, he might not have noticed.

"Okay, let's go!"

Mo Qiancheng didn't hesitate either. Metagros was his initial Pokémon, and he still believed in Metagros very much.

After nodding in agreement, Mo Qiancheng put his Pokémon back into the poke ball.

"Steel Armored Crow, let's go!"


"Rest awhile?"

Lu Ze looked at the two little guys who had just woken up on him, and asked the fire-breathing dragon.


After the fire-breathing dragon nodded, it brought Lu Ze into the forest below.

After flying all afternoon, it is now evening.

The sun in the distance is only half exposed in the sky.

The setting sun dyed the clouds into warm yellow and changed the color of the whole earth.

"Are you hungry?"

"Tili Tili~"


Before the fire-breathing dragon could speak, Victini and the mini-dragon nodded with sparkling eyes.

Hmm, very hungry.

The fire-breathing dragon had a doting look on his face, and Lu Ze also nodded with a smile on the foreheads of the two little guys.

"You two have slept all afternoon, and you haven't digested."

"Tili Tili!"

Victini put his hands on his hips and looked at Lu Ze proudly.

Sleeping is also very exhausting!


that's it

The miniature dragon also imitated Victini's appearance and said aside.

But as soon as she finished speaking, the smile on her face couldn't be hidden.

"Okay, then let's eat!"

Lu Ze didn't say much, he released the Pokémon and prepared to eat.

Not only his own Pokémon, but also the little ones he just tamed.

Now that they are said to take care of them, of course their three meals a day must be prepared.

For dinner, Lu Ze still didn't choose to fire. He still used energy cubes and various fast food, and small biscuits to fill his stomach first.

If you haven't found a safe place, it's better not to open fire easily.

The ingredients are okay, so bring more.

But there is only one pot.

In case it is the same as noon again, a bunch of flying praying mantises rush out.

Then smashed the pot while fighting the flying mantis.

Do you drink northwest wind for the rest of the time?

So unless it is a familiar and safe place, other times Lu Ze chooses to use fast food to solve it.

It's definitely not that Lu Ze is lazy today and doesn't want to cook.

Soon with the assistance of Snorkel and Electric Shock Beast.

The little ones were full first and returned to the poke ball.

The little ones were so excited.

The poke ball is safe and comfortable inside. Not only that, but it is also warm in winter and cool in summer. It is completely different from the outside. It is not easy to find a place to hide from the rain even if it rains.

Their strength is too weak.

But now, not only the place to live is better.

There is delicious food to eat after coming out.

This was something I hadn't even dared to think about before.

The little ones happily returned to the elf ball one by one, before Lu Ze had dinner with Snorby and the others.

Without the help of almost dolls, they are not very good at taking care of these little guys.

Except for Victini, Mini Dragon, and Zoroya, who are already full and comfortable lying on the stone next to them, the rest of the Pokémon are a little hungry.

"Let's have dinner, what are you waiting for?"

After putting all the poke balls into the backpack, Lu Ze sat down in a small circle with Kirbymon and the others.

After hearing Lu Ze's words, Kabymon and Forked Bat showed a smile on their faces, and then began to eat the food in front of them.

Lu Ze and the others were eating, and several pairs of eyes appeared in the darkness watching them.

After Lucario turned his head and took a look, he then looked at Lu Ze.

But Lu Ze just shook his head.

People are just watching, and judging from the other party's waveguide, they are not very powerful.

After seeing Lu Ze like this, Lucario nodded and continued to eat.

Lu Ze guessed right, the Pokémon in the dark are not very powerful Pokémon.

Otherwise, they wouldn't dare to come because there were too many Lily Root Dolls just now.

Now that there are only Lu Ze and the others, they are more courageous.

Of course, there are also reasons why they are really hungry.





After one of the Pokémon nodded firmly, the other Pokémon pouted and walked towards their lair.

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