Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 859 The Appearance of Electric Z

After a while, the Pokémon who pouted just now came back.


After the leading Pokémon looked at the thing in that Pokémon's hand just now, he showed a slightly heartbroken expression.

But at this moment, for food, he had to be taken out.

A look of determination appeared on the face of the leading Pokémon, and then he grabbed the shiny object and walked towards Lu Ze with a firm face.

Lu Ze stared blankly at Meow Meow who pushed aside the bushes aggressively and came out of it.

With a determined face, Miaomiao didn't seem to see a dead branch in front of her, and kicked it accidentally.

Miaomiao staggered a bit, but the expression on her face didn't change at all, it was still full of righteousness.

However, Lu Ze could clearly see Miaomiao's slow breath.

The face is given by everyone, and Lu Ze didn't poke it, but was just curious about what the hell is going on?


Meow came to Lu Ze, and without hesitation, she opened her right hand to show Lu Ze, and then pointed to the energy cube that Lukalio and the others were eating with her left hand.

"This is!"

Lu Ze didn't pay attention to what Miaomiao's left hand was doing at this time. Obviously, what was in the palm of Miaomiao's right hand surprised him a little.

"Meow Meow said that she wanted to exchange this with you for energy cubes."

Lucario saw that Lu Ze looked at the things in Meow Meow's hands and didn't respond. He still thought that Lu Ze didn't understand what Meow Meow meant, so he took the initiative to say to Lu Ze.


Lu Ze waved his hand and said to Lucario without hesitation.

He really didn't expect that what Miaomiao brought him was this.

Z pure crystal!

It has a rhombus shape, a golden color, and the lightning pattern inside.

This is Electric Z!
How would it appear here?

Lu Ze thought for a while, thinking about the super evolution stone and super evolution keystone that appeared in the secret realm of Chang'an City.

Lu Ze seemed to understand a little bit.

Pokémon's props basically come out of secret realms.

The current Z Pure Crystal is no exception.

In other words, there are no Pokémon in this world.

Because of the secret realm, Blue Star's parallel world was changed into a parallel world with Pokémon.

In a split second, Lu Ze thought a lot in his mind.

But none of this has anything to do with Meow Meow.

After getting the idea that Lu Ze could change it, Miaomiao was overjoyed instantly, and put the electric Z in Lu Ze's hand directly, and then picked up a box of energy cubes and prepared to leave.

"and many more!"

After seeing Miaomiao leave, Lu Ze finally reacted, and quickly stopped Miaomiao.


Miao Miao, who had just run two steps, stopped immediately, then turned to look at Lu Ze in horror.

Could it be that this human being is going to repent?
Seeing Miaomiao's pathetic way of holding the energy cube in front of her chest and looking at herself, Lu Ze also understood instantly.

Miaomiao must have misunderstood what he meant.

But before he could speak, two Pokémon rushed out of the place where Meow Meow came out just now.

The two little ones, Baby Bear and Little Kaby, stood in front of Miaomiao without hesitation, looking at Lu Ze warily.

Lu Ze, who saw this scene, was not in a hurry to speak.

After scanning the three Pokémon, Lu Ze immediately understood.

These three little guys are the same as the Long-tailed Monster Hand in the secret realm next to Chang'an City.

The three little guys in front of them all have the characteristic of [Picking Up].

No wonder they have this on hand.

But since it's the [Pickup] feature...

Thinking of this, Lu Ze couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Snappy, tell them I'm a good person."

Lu Ze smiled. He didn't have this idea just now, but now he wants to tease these little guys.

Among other things, I still like the three Pokémon Lu Ze very much, Meow Meow, Snorkel and Baby Bear.

Meow Meow is because of the Rockets' Meow Meow.

Needless to say, the little Snorby is naturally because of the Snorkel.

And Baby Bear.

Although in Lu Ze's heart, the baby bear is a little bit inferior to the naughty panda.

But now that there is a furry baby bear in front of him, Lu Ze still likes it very much.

The point is, it seems that there are no baby bears and naughty pandas in my nursery.

Lu Ze looked at the three little guys with a smile in his eyes, and the three little guys were also a little breathless when Lu Ze looked at them like this.

After looking at Lu Ze amusedly, Kabimon stood up and walked in front of the three little guys.

Looking at the three-meter-high monster in front of me, except for the little Kirby who showed admiration and anticipation, Miaomiao and Baby Bear hugged each other in fear.

But even so, the two little guys didn't forget the box of energy cubes they exchanged with a lot of courage in their hands.


"Kalu Kalu."

Kabimon explained to the three little guys gently, and Lucario on the side also nodded to express Lu Ze's meaning.

Although Lu Ze didn't say it clearly, but looking at Lu Ze's appearance, he knew what he wanted to do.

Anyway, it wouldn't be to bully these little guys.

After all, it was just a box of energy cubes.


After listening to the explanations of Snakemon and Lucario, Miaomiao nodded, and after handing over the energy cube in his hand to Baby Bear, he mustered up the courage to come to Lu Ze.


"Meow asked, what's the matter?"

"of course."

Lu Ze nodded, and then showed Miaomiao the electronic Z in his hand.

"Is this thing still available? I can replace it with you."


Meow Meow hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Although I don't know why the human being in front of me wants to replace this.

But since he has been hungry for two days, he doesn't mind taking out his favorite shiny stone to replace food.

It doesn't matter if I'm hungry, but I still have two little brothers, Baby Bear and Snorkelby.

They can't go hungry.

Miaomiao turned her head and glanced at the baby bear and the little Snorkel who were drooling at the box of energy cubes, and then smiled.


"Meow Meow said that he can exchange food with you, but although he doesn't have much there, he wants to exchange more food."

After hearing Lucario's words, Lu Ze looked at Meow Meow and raised his eyebrows.

Meow Miao just looked at Baby Bear and Snorkelling and he saw it too.

He, the person who has been trained, can't understand the appetite of the little Snorkel beast.

Not only the little snobbies, but the baby bear's food intake is not bad either.

Among the three little guys, Miaomiao may be the one who ate less.

No wonder Meow Meow chooses to replace food with her favorite things.

Lu Ze also noticed Meow Meow's eyes on Dian Z just now.

Miaomiao must like this thing very much.

After all, what Miao Miao likes most is the kind of shiny things.

And the Z stone is obviously very suitable for this condition.

Lu Ze rubbed his chin, looked at Meow Miao thoughtfully, but didn't speak.

Seeing Lu Ze like this, Miaomiao panicked instantly.

With weak consulting eyes, he looked at Lucario who was acting as an interpreter.

Is my request a little too much?
Lucario was also a little helpless, he didn't know what Lu Ze was thinking now.

"Do you want to follow me?"

After Lu Ze thought for a while, he invited Meow Miao and the others.


Miaomiao's head didn't react for a moment, she raised her head and opened her mouth and looked at Lu Ze dully.

Is this what you just said?

"Follow me, you are together, then you will be like them, and you will be able to eat delicious food every day."

Seeing Miaomiao like this, Lu Ze didn't express anything, but continued while the iron was hot.


Miaomiao still looked at Lu Ze in disbelief.

Didn't you just talk about changing food?
Why is it like this now?
"Well, following me is just a change of place to live, but I can be sure that your life after following me will definitely be better than here!"


After Lu Ze finished speaking, Miaomiao also calmed down and began to think.

I looked at Victini, Mini Dragon, Zoroya and Kettle who were eating.

Looking at the baby bear and the little Snorkel who are still drooling while holding the box of energy cubes.


"He said he'd ask them both."

"it is good."

Lu Ze nodded: "Just tell them, just follow me and eat enough every day."

Lu Ze smiled, seeing the smile on Lu Ze's face, Meow Miao couldn't help but feel a little moved.

But in the end rationality prevailed over emotion.

After Miaomiao nodded at Lu Ze, she turned and walked towards Baby Bear and Snorkelling.

Kabimon sat in front of the two little guys, and couldn't help but feel distressed looking at the two little guys.

Although he ate and drank well every day at Lu Ze's house.

But he also knows how it feels to be hungry.

Looking at this little Snorkel and the baby bear, it is obvious that they have experienced hunger.

And it should be more than once.

Kabimon felt distressed looking at the two little guys, but he also heard what Lu Ze said just now.

Presumably Ozawa is the same as him.

Seeing Miaomiao coming back, talking with Baby Bear and the little Snorby, Snorkel couldn't help but look forward to it.

It would be great if they could follow Ozawa along with the Lily Root Dolls.

Ozawa's family life is still very good.

A happy smile appeared on Kabimon's face.

I am the best proof.

Just look at your body shape.

His body size, which was a circle larger than that of his peers, obviously proved what he just thought.

Meow and Baby Bear, after the little Snorbys talked for a while, the little Snorkels looked at Snorkels who were sitting cross-legged, looking at them with a smile on their face.

Looking at the admiration and envy in the eyes of the little Snorby, the Snorkel couldn't help but smile.

And it was Snorkelmon's smile that finally made the little Snorbymon make up his mind.

Even Kirby can afford it, so I should be fine.

Thinking of this, the little Kabimon nodded to Meow Miao seriously.

After seeing her two younger brothers nodding in agreement, Miaomiao also came over and nodded to Lu Ze with crystal clear eyes.


"I have convinced them, and they will follow you in the future."

After Meow Miao finished speaking, she turned her head and took another look at the excited Baby Bear and Snorkelling, then turned around and ran away quickly.

Lu Ze could clearly see that when Miaomiao turned around, a teardrop slipped down from Miaomiao's cheek.

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment, and the baby bear and the little Kaby over there also panicked after seeing Miao Miao leave, and prepared to follow Miao Miao.

After seeing Miao Miao disappeared into the bushes again, Lu Ze rolled his eyes helplessly.

Meow, did this guy not hear clearly what I just said...

"Stop them."

Lu Ze, who was unable to complain, said to the Snorby, and asked the Snorkel to stop the baby bear and the little Snorkel before turning to Lucario.

"Catch Miaomiao back, half of the story is how he did it!"

At this time, Lu Ze also understood what Meow Meow was thinking.

Miaomiao feels that he is useless, he must want Baby Bear and Snorkelling.

After all, both of them are very strong after evolution.

But I am a useless guy, so I will definitely not want myself.

Instead of doing this, it's better to leave directly without letting Baby Bear and Little Snorkelling see them.

When they go to live a good life, they are nothing more than returning to their previous life.

It's not impossible to live alone.

Without the big eater, Little Snorkel, and Baby Bear, who is also very edible, my life will definitely be very good!

With tears in her eyes, Miaomiao didn't dare to look back, and rushed straight back to her home.

But soon he found that he seemed to be mentioned.


What are you doing meow?

Lucario was very fast. After finding Meow Meow according to Meow Meow's waveguide, he rushed up and caught Meow Meow.

Although he didn't know the specific situation.

But looking at Ozawa's appearance just now, I knew that this guy Miao Miao definitely misunderstood.

"Follow me first."

Lucario said, and returned to Lu Ze with Meow Miao who didn't know what happened.

Meow Meow's speed is not fast, so even if Lu Ze was stunned for a moment, he didn't run far.

"What are you running for?"

Lu Ze looked at Miao Miao helplessly, and asked as he looked at Miao Miao, who had been surrounded by Baby Bear and Snorkelling as soon as he came back.


"He was sad when he said he didn't want to separate."

This is really the reason why Lu Ze raised his forehead.

"No, are you half obedient?"

"I'm talking about you, you! Naturally, you are included!"


Miaomiao froze for a moment after seeing Lu Ze like this.

Thinking back, it seems to be like this.

So, did I hear wrong?
He also needs himself?
Thinking of this, Miaomiao couldn't help but her eyes became moist again.


Meow meow yelled excitedly and then jumped on Lu Ze.

Lu Ze was taken aback, but Miao Miao, who was crying and laughing in his arms, still didn't push him down.


Another Pokémon is grabbing our arms.


"That's it."

"Tili Tili~"

"We have to trust Ozawa, he still likes us very much~"

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