After appeasing Miaomiao, Lu Ze received Miaomiao, the little Snorkelling and the baby bear into the elf ball.

Lu Ze has already made an appointment with them. It's getting late today, so get some sleep first, and then go to their house to pack things tomorrow.

After finding a safe place to rest for the night, Lu Ze set off with Meow Miao and the others after breakfast the next morning.


It is here.

Meow pointed to a big tree in front of him that was big enough for three people to hug, and said to Lu Ze with a happy face.


Lu Ze was a little strange, but the little Kabimon stepped forward and opened a log that covered the hole next to the big tree with ease.

"This is?"

Lu Ze looked at the wood dumbfounded.

This is what you yourself opened on the big tree.

Lu Ze smiled, but didn't say much.

Miao Miao went in to pack up her belongings.

Lu Ze is also looking forward to it, after all, these three Pokémon are all of the [Pickup] characteristic.

As we all know, encountering a nest of Pokémon with the [Pickup] characteristic in the wild means getting rich.

Lu Ze stuck his head in and took a look.

The tree hole is quite big, and inside the tree hole, you can also see three wooden boards on the inner wall of the tree hole, which should be specially left when the tree hole was opened.

The one at the bottom is the biggest, and it should be the little snobby sleeping.

Then the one in the middle is that of Baby Bear, and the one on top is that of Meow Meow.

The three Pokémon were pouted in a corner of the tree hole at this time, not knowing what they were doing.

But Lu Ze was not in a hurry, he had already made an agreement with the three little guys yesterday.

After leaving here, basically will not come back.

He took everything he wanted to bring, and he would choose to exchange things like electric Z with them.

Your things are still yours, and if I want something, I won't take it for nothing.

So at this time the three little guys should be thinking about how to take all the things away.

A two-tailed monster with the [Pickup] trait can store a lot of good things.

Now that the three Pokémon with the [Pickup] characteristic are together, there must be more good things.

After Lu Ze glanced at them, he came out.

Although it is not very dark inside, there is a hole in the top to let the sunlight in.

But the tree hole, which is just a hole, is still not so bright.

"By the way, do you want to set up a dormitory for the little guys after you go back?"

Lu Ze thought about the Pokémon in his garden.

Some Pokémon like to sleep in the wild, but some Pokémon like to sleep in the same log cabin where they rest.

As if, according to them, to feel safe?

Lu Ze is not very clear about it, but after returning, he can build a few more cabins as their dormitory.

Anyone who wants to come in and live here can come in and live here, if they don't want to live here.

With a place as big as the cultivation garden outside, you can just find a place to live by yourself.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze couldn't help but nodded.

Among the Pokémon hatched from the last batch of elf eggs, there are arm strength, under the curtain warriors, and porters.

There are a few of them here, looking for a Pokémon that can make plans.

Among other things, there shouldn't be any problems with the cabin.

There are still trees in the forest, and among the last batch of hatched Pokémon, there are also Pokémon that can cut down trees and make them into planks.

It's totally doable.

Just as Lu Ze was thinking about who would build the log cabin when he went back, Miao Miao and the others quickly came out of the tree hole.

After the little Snorkel put the tree baffle back at the entrance of the tree hole, the three little guys all said their final goodbyes to the big tree.

The three of them have lived here for such a long time.

It is also because of this big tree and this tree hole that they can sleep safely and live with peace of mind.

Now that we are leaving, the tree hole will return to its original state, looking forward to the next fate... Pokémon.


After Miao Miao and the others came out, they put a burden in front of Lu Ze.

Lu Ze looked at Miao Miao with a hint of showing off and a hint of distress in his eyes, which was a little funny.

"Well, let me see if there is anything I can use right now. If there is, can I use it first?"


Miaomiao nodded without hesitation. He believed in Lu Ze. Lu Ze said he would exchange, so he naturally didn't choose to pick and choose.

"Of course, I will take my baby and replace it with you when I go out later."

Lu Ze said, and after stroking Miaomiao's head, he looked inside the package that Miaomiao had opened.

Except for some berries, most of the others are shiny props.

After taking out some of the Z pure crystals, Lu Ze didn't take any more.

"I'll use these few stones first, after we get out of here, I'll replace my treasures for you when we get home."


go home...?

Miaomiao glanced at Lu Ze in a daze, then squinted happily in Lu Ze's doubtful eyes and smiled happily.


After patting her chest hard, Miaomiao pushed the burden back in front of Lu Ze.

The meaning of Meow Meow is already obvious, you accept all of these!

Lu Ze was a little amused: "I won't need these for now, wait until I get home."


After Miao Miao nodded vigorously, Lu Ze closed the bag and put it in his backpack.

This is what I agreed with Miaomiao before, if there are too many things, I will put them in his backpack first.

There is more space in his backpack, which is more convenient.

And the rest of the things in Meow Meow's baggage are basically not very useful for Lu Ze now.

My Pokémon already carry props.

There are also some props such as stars and sand that Lu Ze doesn't really need.

Relying on the harvest brought by the energy cube formula, Lu Ze is basically not short of money now.

"Okay, then let's go on."

Lu Ze said, and after taking out the poke balls of Meow Meow and the others, he said to them with a smile on his face.

After Meow Meow's problem is solved, the next step is to get down to business.

He wanted to find the mysterious voice that appeared in his mind.




After the three little guys entered the elf ball, Lu Ze was ready to go.

At the same time, behind a boulder in the forest, the two of them saw Lu Ze, their eyes brightened instantly.

Thanks to the fact that Lu Ze fought against the US imperial players outside yesterday, now the kings of many countries have recognized this powerful new king trainer.

"Did you see, there are a lot of good things just now."

"Yeah, I see, it should be the lair of the Pokémon with the picking ability."

The short-haired king was also very excited. He had just reunited with the long-haired king, and it took a lot of effort to defeat several Pokémon with the strength of a king in this cave.

But even if they defeated those Pokémon with the strength of the heavenly kings, they obviously didn't gain much.

In the wild, a powerful Pokémon may not have as many collections as a weaker Pokémon with the [Pickup] trait.

Obviously, Lu Ze is the lucky guy in their eyes.

"Are we really going to attack him?"

After thinking about it for a while, the long-haired Heavenly King couldn't help hesitating.

The strength of the two of them is around one hundred.

And Lu Ze's strength should be in the top [-].

But they have two of them, and that's their advantage.

But if I remember correctly, Lu Ze has a beast on his body.

"If it is a divine beast, there should be no problem."

After thinking for a while, the short-haired heavenly king explained to the long-haired heavenly king next to him.

"The trainers selected by the beasts are all arrogant, and they will not easily use the beasts to attack ordinary Pokémon."

"As long as they don't endanger their lives, they generally won't use the beasts. After all, after the beasts appear, they won't get much exercise."

The short-haired young man thought of the day when one of his juniors with a divine beast came to challenge him.

He didn't use a divine beast, so he asked himself a question.

That's what he answered himself back then.

Think again about the animal trainers at the World Youth Championships.

Basically, you use your own Pokémon to fight first, and wait until the last moment or when the opponent comes out with a beast.

Even many players are very confident in their own strength. If the opponent has no beasts, their own beasts will not appear.

If you think about it this way, what your junior said back then should be true.

And it probably means a beast.

After all, the beast doesn't want the trainer he chooses to be a player who doesn't seek to make progress, but only relies on himself.

After hearing what the short-haired Heavenly King said, the long-haired Heavenly King nodded vigorously and made up his mind.

"Then we'll just grab it and leave after we grab it. If we don't provoke the opponent's beast, we should be fine!"


The short-haired Heavenly King also nodded sharply: "Wait until we cover our heads with a scarf, lest he recognize us and retaliate later!"

"Okay! I'll let my Geng Gui sneak into his shadow first, and then fight directly when the time comes!"

"Okay, I'll attract attention in front!"

As the two talked, they immediately made a plan to rob Lu Ze.

"Go, Gengar!"


Geng Gui came out, his purple chubby body swaying, with an excited and happy smile on his face.

When he learned that they were going to sneak into each other's shadow and wait for the right opportunity to appear, Geng Gui jumped up and down excitedly.

This is what he loves most.

I'm a ghost-type Pokémon, so of course I'm going to do such a thing!
After Geng Gui gestured to his trainer with a smirk on his face, he entered the shadow and disappeared.

"I'm going to get his attention."

Seeing that Lu Ze had packed up and was about to leave, the long-haired Heavenly King said immediately.

"it is good!"

The two walked out of the cave together, and then the long-haired youth released his Pokémon.

"Go, Chief Crow!"

Let the crow head attack Lu Ze first, and after attracting Lu Ze's attention, Geng Gui took the opportunity to enter Lu Ze's shadow.

After Geng Gui was in place, they launched a full-scale mobilization, directly controlled Lu Ze, and then robbed him!
Looking at his backpack, he should have brought a lot of things!

The two grinned badly, and the crow also flew in the direction of Lu Ze.


The head of the crow [Evil Wave] was released and hit Lu Ze directly.

Before Lu Ze could react, the fire-breathing dragon stood in front of him and blocked the crow's attack with its wings.

Seeing the black smoke produced by [Evil Wave] hitting the fire-breathing dragon, the two heavenly kings who were watching this scene couldn't help but feel happy.

Sure enough, Lu Ze's beast did not protect it.

You know, the [Evil Wave] just now was aimed at Lu Ze.

If the divine beast wants to protect, he must be the fastest.

Don't say anything in the elf ball, the elf ball can't trap the beast.

Even the best luxury balls on the market can only withstand the power of the beast.

It is really a joke to talk about trapping the beast.

The two were overjoyed for a while, but they were not in a hurry to play in person.

Geng Gui has not entered Lu Ze's shadow yet.

Elf: Crow Head
Gender: male

Attributes: evil, flying
Ability: Super Lucky (The effect of the Pokémon skill critical strike of this characteristic is improved.)
Qualification: Red

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

Carrying item: Life Orb

"Life Orb?"

Lu Ze couldn't help but stare when he saw the life orb, which was a prop on the head of the crow.

This crow head is not a wild Pokémon!
Wild Pokémon don't carry props.

Not sure, but most wild Pokémon don't carry props.

Obviously, this crow head is an unknown Pokémon.

"The head of the crow with the strength of a heavenly king?"

Lu Ze looked at the crow who was already fighting with the fire-breathing dragon in the air and thought for a while, but he didn't notice that a smirk suddenly appeared in his shadow.

After Geng Gui glanced at Lu Ze's back with a smirk on his face, he slowly hid in Lu Ze's shadow.

Lu Ze now has other Pokémon on him.

After the battle started and Lu Ze's Pokémon went out to fight, this is the time for him to make meritorious deeds.

He had no doubt that Lu Ze would release all the Pokémon to fight.

After all, his opponents were two Heavenly King trainers.

Not to mention anything else, there are only twelve Pokémon in the first team of the two king-level trainers.

What if Lu Ze doesn't release all the Pokémon!
How to do!
Geng Gui's face was full of arrogance, as if he had seen himself holding Lu Ze and then deciding the victory.

Imagine the compliments from his trainer.

It's wonderful~
After thinking about it, Geng Gui suddenly saw a pair of scarlet eyes in the shadow.

Geng Gui was taken aback for a moment.

I didn't feel that there was a Pokémon in Lu Ze's shadow just now!
But before he could go out, the aura released from the scarlet eyes made Geng Gui afraid to move.

what is this!
Geng Gui was shocked, without the slightest anger.

He felt that as long as he dared to move, he might disappear into this world.

Geng Gui didn't dare to move, but the two heavenly kings outside instantly became excited.

"Geng Gui succeeded, let's go!"


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