Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 861 Lu Ze fought with someone!

Chapter 861 Lu Ze fought with someone!

After the two heavenly kings saw Geng Gui entering Lu Ze's shadow, they became excited instantly.

After releasing all their Pokémon, the two heavenly kings directed the Pokémon to attack Lu Ze.


After Lu Ze saw the Heavenly King Pokémon rushing out from not far away, he couldn't help showing a helpless smile on his face.

Don't they know that I have a beast?
Why are they so brave!

However, Lu Ze did not choose to let Deoxys take action in such a small situation.

It's just twelve Pokémon with the strength of the king level.

I also have a Pokémon with the strength of a king!
Thinking of this, Lu Ze released all his Pokémon without hesitation.


The moment Snorlax came out on the stage, the [Belly Drum] skill was activated.

The Wind Fairy behind her was not far behind either. After finding a faster Pokémon on the opposite side, she directly opened the [Magic Space].

[Tricking Space] unfolded, except for Snorbeast and Iron Claw Lobster, all the other Pokémon left this space and rushed towards each other on their own initiative.

The moment before the two sides met, three dazzling colorful rays of light erupted on the field.

The light dissipated, and Super Lucario, Super Bag Dragon and Super Boss Cordora appeared on the field.

However, the moment the super bag dragon's light dissipated, a fist as big as a casserole appeared in front of it.


The collision of meat and meat produced a muffled sound, and then the super bagosaurus flew upside down, exiting the state of super evolution.

The scene was quiet for a while, and all the Pokémon couldn't help feeling chills when they saw the Snorby beast shrouded in the pink space.

The Kirby in this state is too scary.

Scarlet pupils and explosive muscles all showed his berserk aura and terrifying power.

[Armhammer] After killing the marsupial, the scarlet pupils of the Snorlax looked at the other two Pokémon in the pink space.

Without any hesitation, the Snakemon, who is still in the space, is still rational.

King Nido and Bricaron panicked, but before they could react, the Snorby, which was flying fast in the space, had already approached them.

Snorlax used the [Reverse Scale] skill without the slightest hesitation.

There is no other meaning, I just want to kill the two of you immediately!

The deterrent power revealed by the scarlet pupils made Nido King and Bricaron, who were both heavenly kings, stunned for a moment.

However, the severe pain that followed also caused the two Pokémon to lose consciousness.

Looking at the only one remaining in the space, the Snorby who fell into [chaos], the Wind Fairy appeared again.

The [Grass Flute] blew, and the Snorkel beast that had just finished the [Reversed Scale] state fell into the [Chaos] state, and at the same time it heard the sound of the [Grass Flute] coming from its ears.

The upper and lower eyelids fought, and Kung Fu Snorkel fell asleep after a while.

The wind goblin breathed a sigh of relief, and it was fine for the Snorlax to fall asleep.

After the Snorlax wakes up again, it should be able to get rid of the [Chaos] state.

If it can't be lifted...

The wind goblin showed a smug smile on her face, and then took out a persimmon fruit from Lu Ze's backpack.

As a berry that can relieve the state of [Chaos], it would be good to feed it to Snorby while he is sleeping.

The cross-word bat and the fire-breathing dragon are fighting one against two at this time. After the electric shock monster repelled its opponent for a short time, it came to the side of the carby to protect the carby.

The eruption of Snorkel just now directly took away the three Pokémon on the opposite side.

Now they are barely in a state of being able to resist.


With the swing of the iron claw lobster's pincers, the opponent once again eliminated a Pokémon.

In terms of round-to-round killing speed, apart from the berserk Snorkel, the iron claw lobster is the first.

After the iron claw lobster killed one, the forked bat also successfully took away a Pokémon on the opposite side.

There are now seven opponents' Pokémon left on the field.

Super Lucario dragged one, Charizard dragged two, there was one left in front of the forked bat, and one left in front of the iron claw lobster.

Of the remaining two, one was blocked by the Electric Shock Beast, preventing him from attacking the Kirby, and the other was fighting against the Onion Ranger.

Lu Ze couldn't help smiling when he saw this situation.

Take advantage of yourself now!

Because Snorkel has woken up!
Just after waking up, Kirby was fed persimmon fruit by the wind goblin.

Before the Kirby could react, the persimmon fruit had already been eaten.

The [Chaos] effect disappeared, although I don't know if it was because of the [Sleep] state or because of the persimmon fruit.

At this time, as long as the Snorkel does not fall into [chaos], it will be fine.

The first time Snorlax woke up, it used the [Sleep] skill again.

I couldn't recover my physical strength when I was sleeping just now, but now I can when I actively sleep.

Snorkel lay down according to the plan Lu Ze had just made.

But the wind goblin at the side was a little embarrassed.

According to Lu Ze's plan, his task is to use [Wake Up Slap] to wake up the Snorby after the Snorkel has fallen asleep on its own initiative.

But looking at Kabimon's sound sleep, it's really hard to do it.

The wind goblin looked at Lu Ze with some embarrassment.

Lu Ze also instantly understood what the wind fairy was thinking, and looked at the wind fairy with some dumbfounding.

After thinking for a while, Lu Ze had to shake his head helplessly.

Either wait, or [wake up slap].

Looking at Lu Ze's eyes, the wind goblin understood.

After looking down at the sleeping Kirby, he raised his little hand.

[Wake up slap]!
The wind goblin gave a coquettish cry, and then slapped the Snorby's belly continuously.

After a while, Snorkel woke up.

After giving the wind goblin a thumbs up, Snorbeast turned around and looked at Super Boss Kedora, who was fighting the electric shock monster, and rushed over.

Logically speaking, Super Boss Kedora should be difficult to deal with Snorkelmon.

After all, Super Boss Kedora's [Filter] feature can reduce the damage of excellent skills.

At the same time, Super Boss Kedora's physical defense is also very strong.

Kirbymon, who relies on physical attack for food, is obviously not a good choice for Super Boss Kedora, who has strong physical defense.

Just when Lu Ze was about to direct the Snakemon to attack other Pokémon, the two behind-the-scenes masters ran over panting.

Just forgot to leave a rideable Pokémon.

Wangshan ran to death!

It's tiring to run so far.

After the two came over, they saw at first glance that there were no beasts beside Lu Ze or on the battlefield.

"Look, I'll just say..."

When the long-haired king was about to show off his foresight, he saw that there were only two Pokémon left.

"how is this possible!"

The long-haired king roared inconceivably, how could his super bag dragon fall down so easily?

Then he saw the Kirby beast that was attacking Super Boss Kedora.

Punch after punch, Super Boss Kedora couldn't bear it anymore.

Although it has super high physical defense, the physical attack of Kirbymon is not low.

Although it has the [filtering] feature.

However, the [Filtering] feature is only reduced by a quarter.

In this case, he has no chance to fight back against the berserk Snorkel.


The short-haired king also discovered something was wrong on the field at this time.

How is it a one-on-one now?
No, there are two cheerleaders on the opposite side!

A wind leprechaun and an iron dumbbell.

Iron dumbbells don't have much fighting ability. After finishing the work in Lu Ze's plan, the wind goblin also started to be a guest cheerleader.

The short-haired Heavenly King's roar made the long-haired Heavenly King beside him understand.

Oh, my super bag dragon is so dead!

No one can stand up to this Kabimon in his hands, okay?
[Belly Drum] After that, the Snorkel beast killed Reggie Locke.

This famous scene that happened at the World Youth Championship is still fresh in his memory.

But the long-haired king didn't care too much.

Although the current situation on the field is balanced, but I have a backup.

"Is it time for Geng Gui to appear?"


The short-haired king immediately reacted when he was reminded by the long-haired king.

That's right, I still have a backup now.

As long as Lu Ze is under control, isn't it up to him?
Lu Ze looked at the two people who suddenly appeared strangely.

If I remember correctly, these two should be the heavenly kings of a certain country.

It seems that the two of them are behind the scenes.

I just don't know why after they came out, they were happy, surprised, angry, and then happy again.

But it doesn't matter, wait until all their Pokémon are killed.

"Geng Gui, do it!"

Just when Lu Ze was puzzled, the short-haired king turned to look at Lu Ze, and then yelled loudly.

Lu Ze's expression changed.


The waveguide opened instantly, and sure enough, he found a strange waveguide in his shadow.


Why are the emotions coming from the waveguide fear and panic?
Oh, right.

It seems that Pluto Dragon Qi Latina is still in his shadow.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the two people over there with a funny face.

"Geng Gui, do it!"

The short-haired king suddenly panicked when he saw that there was no movement from Lu Ze, and when Lu Ze looked at him with a teasing face.

Although I already had a bad premonition in my heart, I still didn't give up and shouted again.

"It won't be under control, will it?"

The long-haired Heavenly King also looked puzzled.

Although Geng Gui, the short-haired Heavenly King, is only a senior-level strength, he hasn't broken through the Heavenly King-level strength.

But it's just one step away, and the strength is not bad.

Looking at Lu Ze now, his Pokémon are basically on the bright side, who can control Geng Gui?

"I haven't heard that he has a ghost-type Pokémon with the strength of a king?"

The long-haired Heavenly King is puzzled, it shouldn't be, the accuracy of his own news is still good.

"Could it be..."

"Don't worry, it must be a divine beast!"

The short-haired king interrupted the long-haired king with a loud roar.

Why didn't I expect it just now, you used your own Pokémon to defeat Lu Ze's Pokémon in the past, as long as Lu Ze's life is not endangered, the beast may not care.

But what is Geng Gui sneaking into Lu Ze's shadow?
If it might jump out at any time and deal him a fatal blow, can the divine beast ignore it?
They knew that Lu Ze's beast was the same Pokémon as Latios and the alien.

The two beasts can be invisible, and they are of the super power system, so they can naturally detect Geng Gui's figure.

Thinking of this, the short-haired heavenly king couldn't help but glared at the long-haired heavenly king beside him.

It's all this guy's bad idea!
The long-haired king also noticed the dissatisfaction of the short-haired king at this time.

Although the two are also Heavenly King trainers.

But the short-haired king is stronger than himself.

In addition, the two of them belong to two different Jamaica countries.

So at this moment, he couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

"Don't panic, wait a little longer, as long as our Pokémon defeats his Pokémon, the beast will still not make a move!"

The long-haired king said loudly again.

There's no way, he can't speak now.

Now he is afraid that he next to him will liquidate himself first.

The time to become a king-level trainer by myself is still short.

The six Pokémon of Heavenly King level strength in his hand are all on the field now.

And the king next to him still has two senior Pokémon in his hands.

"never mind!"

The short-haired heavenly king took a deep breath. Now that the situation is like this, it is impossible to stop.

Now there is only one way to go to the dark.

What's more, if the opponent doesn't produce a divine beast, he may not be able to defeat him.

After the short-haired king gritted his teeth, he released his remaining two strongest, senior-level Pokémon.

"Go, bog monster, cunning tengu!"

Although the two senior-level Pokémon are not very conspicuous in the battle of the king-level Pokémon.

But it is undoubtedly a variable that can change the situation of the two sides that are now evenly matched!
Just as the battle was raging here, the Suiyan of the other battle also became excited.

Just now he heard Elle Duo and flew towards this side.

But as before, I still didn't see anyone along the way.

After flying for a day, he had no hope at all.

Unexpectedly, shortly after taking off today, I heard the sound of Pokémon fighting.

Without hesitation, Sui Yan chose to come and have a look.

For such a long time, I flew such a long distance without seeing anyone.

It's really a little scary.

"No matter how you look at it, it seems a little familiar."

Sui Yan was on the back of the fire-breathing dragon, watching the battle not far below.

The first thing that catches the eye is a huge blue figure.

Then there was a small silver-white circle opposite the huge blue figure.


The fire-breathing dragon roared, isn't it familiar!
Did you see the guy fighting Bi Diao in the air ahead?
That's my cheap brother!
The fire-breathing dragon sped up and flew towards his cheap brother.

Among other things, my brother can only fight by himself!
If other people hit his brother in the wild, he must help out!
As the fire-breathing dragon got closer, it felt more and more familiar.

Until they flew over Lu Ze...

"Damn it, Lu Ze is fighting with someone!"

 Yan Hua, who had climbed the ladder for nine years at Qinghua Junior College, inherited the college in grief, and the game system in his mind was also loaded at this time.

  The world of this game turned out to be the different world he was in?
  Blue Star's selected partners reshape their bodies according to their own ideas, and they also have a contract space. Their souls travel to this world and become students of the academy.

  The system silently released a task: All players successfully contract the first spirit beast, reward
  "I heard that the battle department of Qinghua Junior College actually won the battle department of the Intermediate College?"

  "They have now gone to challenge the advanced academy."


  "It's just a battle system, it won't make a difference."

  "No, their breeding department, research department, and forging department are all heading towards the advanced academy."

  "What did you say? The fire chicks bred in their academy evolved into a resurgent phoenix?"

  "Impossible, the electric insect treasure has evolved into the Tianyu Thunder Dragon? What kind of butterfly has the cabbage worm evolved into? A new species?"

(End of this chapter)

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