Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 862 Export?Not an export!

Chapter 862 Export?Not an export!
Sui Yan exclaimed when he saw the scene below, and then took out his elf ball.

"Go, help out!"

While the fire-breathing dragon swooped down, Suiyan's elf ball was also thrown down.

At the same time, Charizard super evolved, super Charizard Y appeared, and then [Jet Flame] was released.

The Coal Turtle and Frog Flower that landed on the ground did not hesitate, and released their skills after finding the target.

[Fire-breathing] plus [Sun Beam]!
Lu Ze, who turned on the waveguide, naturally knew of Suiyan's arrival.

After conveying this news to his own Pokémon, the moment Suiyan's Pokémon attacked, Snorbymon and the others also attacked.

The Kirby beast [arm hammer] hit Super Boss Kedora again.

At the same time, [Jet Flame] and [Fire] also came at the same time, hitting Super Boss Kedora.

Super Boss Kedora didn't have any reaction time at all in this sudden attack, and was directly knocked down, exited the super evolution state, and lost the ability to fight.

While Super Boss Kedora was down, the Electric Shock Beast also used [Plasma Lightning Fist] on his opponent Xishi Hairen.

Cooperating with Wind Speed ​​Dog's [Crazy Volt], the two sandwiched Xishihairen one after the other, and the damage was poured into Xishihairen's body.

After Miaowahua's [Sun Beam] hit the giant marsh monster that had just arrived on the battlefield, it instantly knocked the giant marsh monster out of combat ability.

In the battle between the Pokémon with the strength of the king level, it is okay for him with the strength of the senior level to come and cooperate.

If you really want to attack him head-on, he can't stop it.

Not to mention the quadruple damage [Sun Beam].

Super Boss Kedora fell, Sishi Hairen fell, and the giant marsh monster fell.

After a while, with the cooperation of Lu Ze and Suiyan's Pokémon, the remaining Pokémon of the opponent also fell down.

"Is it too late for us to run now?"

Seeing this scene, the long-haired heavenly king asked the short-haired heavenly king beside him a little desolately.

The short-haired king sighed helplessly, and knelt down with his head in his hands.

But as soon as he squatted down, he seemed to have thought of something, and quickly took out some food and elf healing medicine from his backpack.

Then he snatched the backpack of the long-haired king next to him, and it was the same operation process.

"This is…"

The long-haired king was a little puzzled, and stared blankly at the movements of the short-haired king next to him.

"You know what a fart, squat down and put your head in your hands!"

After taking out all the things, the Long-haired Heavenly King arranged the things he had just taken out in a row.

Then, together with the long-haired Heavenly King who had just squatted down, he put his head in his hands and looked down at the ground.

The young man next to him didn't understand.

But he understands!
I have also been in the secret realm for so many years.

The weak heavenly kings of weak countries can survive until now, naturally they have their own set of procedures.

Although after getting to know the Heavenly King next to him, this kind of situation basically never happened again after the two joined forces.

After all, after so many years of mixing, when he saw the strong ones, he just slipped away.

When they saw those who were weak, or those with similar strength, they would attack.

Relying on the not very tacit cooperation between the two, nothing happened between the two for so many years.

Until this time I met Lu Ze.

This new king-level trainer.

They didn't know the strength of their opponents, and they fell straight away.

But one thing the guy next to him was right about.

His beast really didn't make a move.

But here's the problem now.

Lu Ze's beasts didn't even make a move, and the Pokémon of the two of them fell down.

How strong is this Lu Ze?

Among other things, at least the No. 80 five heavenly kings in the previous heavenly king ranking were all snatched by the two of them.

What now?
Beat them both by a little kid?

The two squatted on the ground with their heads in their arms, without moving.

After a while, Lu Ze and Sui Yan finished all their Pokémon.

"What do they mean?"

Sui Yan looked at the two people squatting on the ground and asked in confusion.

"Hey? What's your situation?"

"Sorry, it's our fault that we suddenly attacked you. Please leave some food for me. I will go out when I find the exit. Please be merciful!"

The short-haired Heavenly King didn't intend to raise his head, but a sentence was spoken skillfully.


Both Lu Ze and Sui Yan were taken aback.

Such a sensible loser?
It's really the first time I've seen you.

After the two looked at each other, they could only helplessly spread their hands.

People have already done this, so naturally they have to respect it.

After taking out the contents of their backpacks, Lu Ze and Sui Yan picked out some spoils and returned the backpacks to them.

After the two turned and left, the long-haired and short-haired heavenly kings raised their heads tentatively.


"Well, let's go."

The short-haired heavenly king stood up, straightened his small suit with a solemn face, and then took his backpack.

After checking it, he saw that there were no valuables inside, but the daily necessities were still there, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"They're pretty nice."

"Everything has been taken away, and that's great!"

After the long-haired king saw that there were only daily necessities left in his backpack, he immediately retorted angrily.

"This is not bad, at least there are more things left for us."

The short-haired king didn't care, and said to him while putting the food he had just taken out into his backpack.

"Let's not talk about my life, do you know what the US Emperor and Heavenly King I met before I met you?"

The long-haired Heavenly King was stunned for a moment: "How did you do it?"

"Leave your life, and then there will be only one life."

The short-haired king shook his head helplessly.

At that time, I was naked, except for a belt tied around my waist, on which was my elf ball.

If he hadn't already found the exit of that secret realm, he would go out directly after his Pokémon recovered slightly.

I'm afraid he was going to die in that secret realm when he was naked at that time.

"It's so miserable..."

The long-haired Heavenly King's mouth twitched.

Indeed, compared to the king of the United States, Lu Ze and the others are already very good.

At the very least, even the daily necessities they voluntarily handed over were left to them.

Only some Pokémon items were taken.

"This time it is considered a good harvest."

Sui Yan looked at his "trophy" just now, and said to Lu Ze with a happy face.

"These two people are quite witty, and they just squatted down with their heads in their arms, making me think that I can't do anything about them."

Lu Ze shook his head with a smile, if it wasn't for the two of them coaxing too fast.

Then I guess I won't even leave those daily necessities and food for them.

"Oh, right!"

As Lu Ze said, he suddenly remembered that there was one of their Pokémon in his shadow.


Lu Ze turned his head to look at his shadow, and after a soft cry, a Pokémon was thrown out of the shadow.

After Geng Gui glanced at Lu Ze's shadow in a daze, his whole body trembled visibly.

Before Lu Ze could speak, Geng Gui ran away.

It looks like she's still wiping tears?
Lu Ze was a little funny seeing Geng Gui like this.

But if it wasn't for Giratina in his shadow this time, he would really be intimidated if he couldn't tell...?
But not necessarily, after all, Deoxys is still there.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, the shadow fluctuated for a while, and soon returned to normal again.

Lu Ze smiled, and then began to heal his Pokémon with the healing spray he just grabbed.

Because Suiyan came late, his Pokémon was not injured, and he just watched Lu Ze operate it.

"Do you know what's over there?"

Sui Yan watched Lu Ze operate while chatting with Lu Ze.

Lu Ze looked up and saw that the direction Sui Yan pointed just now was the direction from which the strange voice came from.

"I don't know, what's wrong?"

Lu Ze turned his head, still spraying the iron claw lobster seriously.

"I heard Elle Duo said that there is something strange over there, so I'll take a look."

Sui Yan scratched his head and said happily, "Then I saw you being besieged."

Lu Ze rolled his eyes: "I also heard a strange sound over there, so I wanted to check it out."

"Then wait for the two of us together? Maybe that's the exit."


Lu Ze nodded, that's what he meant.

The two rested for a while, and after their Pokémon had almost recovered, they continued to fly in the direction just now.

Two different-colored fire-breathing dragons soared in the sky.

After meeting two Heavenly King trainers just now, the two soaring in the sky also met a few people along the way.

But everyone has their own things to do.

Some are busy collecting information.

Some are busy capturing Pokémon.

Some were busy fooling the little guys with the [Pickup] attribute, asking them to take out their treasures.

Lu Ze and the others didn't care either, their goal was that mysterious voice.

Lu Ze told Sui Yan when he was treating Pokémon just now.

Not only just now, I heard that voice when I was at the entrance of the secret realm.

But just after hearing that voice, the Flying Mantises suddenly felt as if they had turned black.

Although the two of them didn't know what happened, it should be right to look over there.

After all, this is one of the meanings of coming to the secret realm, isn't it?
The speed of the two is not slow.

Except for eating and sleeping, the two basically fly in the sky.

During this period, Deoxys also told Lu Ze an important news.

There seems to be a problem with this mystery.

Compared with other secret realms, the space of this secret realm is somewhat fragile.

In other words, it's fine for him to enter this secret realm without doing anything.

If you do it, it may cause the collapse of this secret realm.

Especially in the case where two divine beasts fight each other, this situation is very likely to happen.

After Deoxys finished speaking, Lu Ze was also a little curious.

Maybe the reason why this secret realm is relatively fragile is because of the mysterious voice before.

But Deoxys didn't know either.

As a super-type Pokémon, he also felt that something was wrong here.

But they didn't hear any strange sounds like Lu Ze and Lucario.

Lu Ze nodded and continued to fly forward.

At this time, two days have passed since the battle with the two heavenly kings.

They've finally come to this place that doesn't feel right.

They also met many people along the way.

Some of them also came to this place together with them.

Some are completely unaware of what is going on, and are still doing their own things.

"You are here too."

After Lu Ze and Sui Yan came together, Mo Qiancheng, who had been waiting here for a while, raised his hand to greet them both.

"what's going on?"

Lu Ze looked at the white hole in front of him strangely and asked Mo Qiancheng.

"Should you also come here after your super-type Pokémon sensed something?"


Sui Yan nodded, but Lu Ze frowned.

Glancing at the heavenly kings from other countries around him, Lu Ze also nodded together.

"That's right, if there is no accident here, it should be the exit."

As Mo Qiancheng spoke, a smile appeared on his face.

"However, this secret realm is a bit big, so no one is willing to try to see if it is the exit of the secret realm."

As Mo Qiancheng said, he turned his head and looked at the heavenly kings from other countries nearby.

The heavenly kings of other countries did not care.

The secret realm is so big, who knows where it will be teleported when you come in after going out.

Lu Ze didn't speak, but still frowned.

It doesn't seem to be here.

Lu Ze looked up, and there was a mountain behind the white cave, and there was nothing strange about it.

Sui Yan was a little curious: "So we have to wait here?"

"Of course not, we'll talk about it after the assembly."

Mo Qiancheng smiled. He wanted to wait for the other two heavenly kings from his own country to come over to discuss the subsequent exploration of this secret realm.

"Okay, then the two of us will walk around first, and wait for us to be called."

"it is good."

After Mo Qiancheng waved his hand, Lu Ze and Sui Yan left.

Mo Qiancheng continued to look at the heavenly kings of other countries with a smile on his face.

The heavenly kings of other countries don't care about Lu Ze and the two of them going around.

After all, each country here only needs one king to guard here.

Let's see who will be the first to try.

"Why do you want to come out?"

After the two wandered around for a while, Lu Ze walked up the mountain with Sui Yan.

"Not just there."

Lu Ze shook his head, followed Bird's feeling with a serious face.

After a while, the two of them were completely out of everyone's sight, and came to the depths of the dense forest on the mountain.

Seeing the vines falling down in front of him and being blocked, it looked very much like a cave with peerless kung fu hidden in martial arts novels.

Lu Ze became excited.

"Just go a little further and you'll be there!"

As Lu Ze said, he grabbed the cane and climbed up.

Although Sui Yan was a little confused, he also followed Lu Ze.

After the two took two steps forward again, they suddenly saw two smooth walls appearing abruptly on top of the mountain.


As soon as Lu Ze spoke and was about to ask Sui Yan which one he would choose, a dazzling white light shone from the wall on the left, and then moved towards the two of them.

Before the two of them could react, they were swallowed up.

The moment Lu Ze and the others were swallowed, another smooth wall also lit up with a dark light.

But one step too late.

After Lu Ze and Sui Yan were swallowed by the wall emitting white light, the two walls disappeared here immediately.

The forest was quiet again.

As if nothing had happened just now.

(End of this chapter)

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