Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 864 The Form Change of Paradox Species

After listening to Insect Armor Saint's explanation, Lu Ze fell into deep thought.

The secret realm they were in before was a big secret realm.

And the place where he and Suiyan are now, the secret place where Chongjia Sheng and the others are.

It is one of the affiliated secret realms of the previous great secret realm.

There is another subsidiary secret realm like this.

However, some time ago, a passage suddenly appeared in the two affiliated secret realms.

The channel sent all the Pokémon from another secret realm over.

Then the passage was closed, and a mysterious voice told him these things.

And told him that after a period of time, a horrible thing will happen, but there will also be two people coming here.

These two can get them out safely.

After that guy who didn't know who said this, he disappeared.

Then the Insect Armor Saint gathered all the Pokémon here, waiting for the arrival of the two people in the prophecy.

And now, Lu Ze and Sui Yan are here.

If there is no accident, the two of them are the two people in the prophecy.

"You say we are the ones in the prophecy?"

After Sui Yan listened to Lu Ze's explanation, he looked at the Insect Armor Saint in disbelief and asked.

Insect Armor Saint nodded, this situation is now obvious.

"Then how do we get out?"

Lu Ze didn't care about the prophecy, what he cared about now was how to get out.

Mo Qiancheng outside should be looking for them now.

After all, they've been gone for so long.

And according to what the Insect Armor Saint said, there will be no difference in time flow in this subsidiary secret realm.

"do not know."

Insect Armor Saint shook his head: "This is a closed world, and there is no passage leading to the outside."

"Then how do I take you out?"

"do not know."

Facing Lu Ze's question, the Insect Armor Saint shook his head again.

"This is something you have to consider, we just need to be with you."

Seeing Zongjia Sheng like this, Sui Yan laughed instantly.

"You don't know anything, just wait for us to take you out, right?"

"What if we don't bring it?"

Facing the threat of Suiyan, Chongjia Sheng remained unmoved.

"We are one."

After one sentence, the Insect Armor Saint stopped talking.

After Lu Ze took a deep look at the Insect Armor Saint, he began to think about countermeasures.

It's a pity that this is not the earth, otherwise it should be no problem for Hoopa to fish himself out.

But crisis?
Lu Ze pondered, what is the crisis that the Insect Armor Saint is talking about?
Lu Ze was thinking about how to get out, while Sui Yan stared at Bug Armor Saint with big eyes.

"Then let me ask you, what's the situation with them?"

After the two looked at each other for a while, finally Sui Yan couldn't help it anymore, pointing to the ground crawling wing and the poisonous iron moth, he asked the insect armor saint.

"They are the paradox species, the ground-climbing wing is the ancient species, and the iron poisonous moth is the future species."

Facing Sui Yan's inquiry, Chongjia Sheng explained to Sui Yan without concealing it.

"The paradox species is changed through the red orb here, and the future species is changed through the blue orb."

"A paradox?"

"Future species?"

"Ancient species?"

Sui Yan scratched his head, not understanding what this guy was talking about.

"What did you just say?"

After hearing Sui Yan's murmur, Lu Ze also turned his head to look over and asked Sui Yan.

Sui Yan didn't hesitate, and told Lu Ze what the Insect Armor Saint told him just now, and everything he didn't understand.

"These two orbs?"

Lu Ze frowned and looked at the two orbs next to the Insect Armor Saint.

What the Insect Armor Saint said just now had too much impact on him, and he also forgot about these two orbs.

Without hesitation, Lu Ze directly used the system's ability on the two orbs.

Red Stone: A stone imbued with the power of Taile, which has the power to change a specific Pokémon into an ancient species.

Blue Stone: A stone imbued with the power of Taile, which has the power to change a specific Pokémon into a future species.


Lu Ze looked at the information of these two stones with some surprise.

Not to mention the power of Taile on these two stones, but with the energy of Taile, can there be the ability of Taile?

This is a bit outrageous!
"Where did these two stones come from?"

"The red stone is from our dimension, and the blue stone is from another dimension."

Facing Lu Ze's inquiry, the Insect Armor Saint did not hide anything.

He also knew that if he wanted to survive the horrors of the future, he still had to rely on Lu Ze and Sui Yan.

He told them both what he knew.

As for the unspoken...

Didn't you ask.

After Lu Ze glanced at the Insect Armor Saint again, he began to explain to Sui Yan.

Let Suiyan choose whether to change form or not.

"Old Deng, translate for me!"

After Sui Yan listened to Lu Ze's explanation, he instantly disliked the Insect Armor Saint.

It's fine if you beg us, but don't explain it to us now.

Don't explain well how we know how to take you out!

Sui Yan no longer has a good temper with the Insect Armor Saint, but the Insect Armor Saint doesn't care at all.

Since Suiyan called him, he went over.

It's all about getting out of here safely.

As for leaving here...

I'll let you know why I'm the leader of so many Pokémon here!

After the Insect Armor Saint came, Sui Yan released his Pokémon.

After looking at the future species and paradox species that Lu Ze had just told them below, Sui Yan also called out Elle Duo and Vulcan Moth.

"Now there is a chance to change yourself, do you think?"

After Sui Yan finished talking to the two Pokémon, he explained the pros and cons to them.

First up is the vulcan moth.

If you choose the ancient species, then the characteristics will change, and become the one with the highest value in sunny weather, that is, the physical attack will increase.

At the same time, the racial value increases, and the attributes become insects and fighting.

If a future species is selected, the characteristics will also be changed.

However, the trigger of the characteristic has changed from [Sunny] weather to [Electrical Field].

Racial value increased, attributes changed to fire and poison.

However, unlike the ancient species, the Vulcan Moth of the future species has a stronger special attack.

The ancient species prefers physical attack, and the future species prefers special attack.

After explaining to Vulcan Moth, Sui Yan began to explain to Elle Duo again.

Elledo has no ancient species, so what I told him is the future species.

The racial value of the iron warriors of the future species is increased, and at the same time, the attributes are changed to goblins and fighting.

Physical attack, special attack and speed increase, and double swords are very powerful.

But the problem is that if you evolve into an iron warrior, you can no longer perform super evolution.

After explaining clearly with the two Pokémon, the two Pokémon responded quickly.

Neither of them chose to change their form.

First up is the vulcan moth.

He thought about it very seriously.

I don't have a super evolution, and there is no problem changing the shape.

Moreover, Suiyan's team is the sunny team, so if he changes into an ancient species, let's not talk about ugliness.

As long as his characteristic is triggered in the [Sunny Sky] state, it is more suitable for the sunny team than his current characteristic.

But the problem is, if he changes form and becomes an ancient species.

He no longer has the fire attribute.

Physical attack is improved, and I don't rely on physical attack to make a living.

The disappearance of the fire element means that the fire element has lost its own bonuses under [Sunny Sky], not to mention the weather bonus of [Sunny Sky].

It is completely worth the candle.

The future species is okay, but it is still a problem with its own characteristics.

The trigger feature requires 【Electrical Field】.

Is there anyone in Team Sunny who knows the skill [Electric Field]?

So in the end Vulcan Moth decided, let's do it first, without changing the shape.

Let's see what happens later.

Vulcan Moth did not choose to change its form, and Elle Duo is naturally the same as Vulcan Moth.

But he didn't think as much as Vulcan Moth.

He was just thinking that after changing his form, he didn't seem to be much stronger than he is now.

And without the super evolution, it still makes him more entangled.

Another one, Sui Yan has promised himself that he will change a new personality for himself.

I have been coveting that [Feng Rui] characteristic for a long time.

Does he not want to spend the money?

After Elle Duo thought of this, he looked at Sui Yan with something wrong.

But Sui Yan didn't notice this.

After seeing that his two Pokémon did not choose to change their forms, Sui Yan drove the Insect Armor Saint back.

Hmph, it's annoying to see this guy who doesn't explain everything clearly!

"By the way, in Team Sunshine, is there any Pokémon that is more suitable?"

After the Insect Armor Saint left, Sui Yan came to Lu Ze's side again and asked Lu Ze.

There are only two Pokémon teams in my current Pokémon team.

If there are more suitable ones, you can also choose a few to add to the second team.

But the problem is that he doesn't know many Pokémon in it.


After Lu Ze looked at it, he pointed to Sui Yan.

"That is?"

"Chilli, with chlorophyll characteristics, grass and fire, very suitable for the sunny team."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he couldn't help being interested in Suiyan's idea of ​​subduing Pokémon.

In other words, do you want to tame a Pokémon?
When Zhu Zi first came out, among other things, Cang Yan Saber Ghost was really handsome, and he could definitely join his second team.

Iron warriors are also good.

Although I don't have Xanadu, it's not impossible to have an iron warrior.

Another iron arm, there is a wind goblin in his second team, and the iron arm can also play in the space team.

It's not bad to have Sai Fuhao again, and the attributes of the steel system and the ghost system are also very good.

In addition, Saifuhao's speed is not slow, and his special attack is not low, so he can be used as an output player.

What's more, there are no ghost-type Pokémon in my current team.

After Sai Fuhao and Cangyan Saber Ghost came, they could take turns standing guard in their own shadows.

In this way, there will be no such thing as Geng Gui sneaking into his shadow.

After all, it is impossible for one's own waveguide power to be activated all day long.

But if the two of them enter the shadow, they may not have a good relationship with Giratina first.

Lu Ze didn't know what Giratina wanted to do, so he just stayed in his shadow and didn't leave.

But it doesn't matter, Giratina didn't affect him and protected him many times.

With Giratina in his shadow, he is also very relieved.

"Cruel chili? It's really good to say that!"

As soon as Suiyan's eyes lit up, he began to prepare for a good relationship with Ruanjiali.

According to what Lu Ze just said, Ruthless Pepper is indeed very suitable for Team Sunshine.

Seeing Suiyan like this, Lu Ze couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Sui Yan doesn't need to be brainy when he's with him.

very nice.

Unlike myself, I have to think about how to get out.

Lu Ze woke up suddenly.


I don't know how to get out now, so why did I start to think about the choice of Pokémon for my second team.

After sighing helplessly, Lu Ze continued to think.

Hoopa must be dead, and now Hoopala will tell himself before going over.

Unless that Hoopa in Xiaozhi's world has a whim, then he can be pulled out.

However, if he had to wait for his whim, he didn't know when he would have to wait.

If there is no hope for these two hoopas, what should we do with this space with no exit?
Space, it would be great if Palkya was there.

No, wait!

Lu Ze stood up suddenly and turned to look at Giratina in his shadow.

"Giratina, do you have a solution?"

Without hesitation, Lu Ze asked Giratina directly.



In the main secret realm at this time, Mo Qiancheng was still guarding the exit of this secret realm.

After a day, people from other countries have already proved it.

This is the secret exit.

But what about Lu Ze and Sui Yan?
They probably wouldn't go out, after all, apart from just looking for the two of them, he didn't leave here either.

Another one, when I left here, Gao Jiatong and the others were also here, it is impossible not to know that the two of Lu Ze and the others went out.

Mo Qiancheng hesitated, wondering if he should go out and have a look.

See if Lu Ze and Sui Yan left without knowing when.

After all, there are many exits in the secret realm.

Mo Qiancheng hesitated in the secret realm, and similarly, there were Pokémon hesitating outside the secret realm.

Chaomeng has come to the entrance of the secret realm at this time.

After looking at the humans who kept gathering here, Chaomeng's gaze turned to the entrance of the secret realm in front of him again.

The voice he heard came from here.

But, do you want to go in and have a look?
Chaomeng stretched out her hand, and touched the secret realm tentatively.

He was a little angry at this time.

He felt panic in himself.

For the unknown panic.

For that restless panic.

"The source of the panic is here!"

Chaomeng murmured, and then directly entered the secret realm.

I am super dreamy!
How could you not dare to enter because of panic!
I want to see what can make Chaomeng panic!

In the secret realm, Giratina appeared from Lu Ze's shadow.

Ignoring the fear of the Pokémon below, Giratina looked around.

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