Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 865 What test?How to get out!

"Probably not very good."

After Giratina looked around, he shook his head and said to Lu Ze.

"what happened?"

Lu Ze was a little curious, Giratina is the ruler of the inverted world.

Theoretically speaking, the secret realm is also a subsidiary world of the main world, and the other side of the subsidiary world should also belong to the reverse world.

But now Giratina actually said that he can't do anything?

"The space here is too fragile. It's okay to forcibly connect to the reverse world, but if you take you there, the passage will easily collapse."

Giratina said, and looked at the top of his head again: "The strange thing is that this small world still has the power of space."

"If you want to go out, you still need Dialga's power."

"Is it so difficult?"

Lu Ze was also a little surprised.

The power of time?
So Lurton?
Lu Ze was a little silent.

If this is the case, it is indeed more difficult to do.

The power of time.

If I remember correctly, it seems to be in Shaymi's theatrical version.

Giratina chased Dialga's hammer, and Dialga made a time loop for Giratina when he escaped from the reverse world.

Although Giratina's strength is stronger than Dialga's, it can also be seen that he seems to have no way to break through at this time.

"Can Hoopa?"

After thinking for a while, Lu Ze suddenly raised his head and asked Giratina.


A hint of confusion appeared on Giratina's face.

He really didn't know if Hoopa's golden ring could fish them out of this time-bound world.

"I'm going to try it?"

Giratina asked tentatively.

Although he can't take Lu Ze and the others out.

But it's okay to enter the reverse world by yourself.

After entering the reversed world, come out from the outside world, then find Hoopa, and let Hoopa come over and fish for it.

It seems not impossible.

"Thank you for your hard work~"

Lu Ze didn't hesitate either, and immediately said to Giratina with a smile on his face.

Giratina nodded, and then opened the passage to the reverse world.

After Giratina left, Lu Ze also breathed a sigh of relief.

Just wait and see what happens next.

You can't be stuck here forever.

When Giratina left, Chaomeng also entered this secret realm.

"Thin space!"

Chaomeng frowned, if he fought in it, he might be able to break this secret realm by accident.

Frowning Chaomeng, feeling the unhappiness from his heart, found the right direction and flew over.

That direction is exactly where the entrance of Lu Ze's small secret realm is located.

The moment Chaomeng came in, the only remaining Pokémon in another secret realm also opened its eyes.

"Familiar breath!"

The voice echoed in this empty secret place, and soon he closed his eyes again.

"Soon, soon!"

The scarlet pupils closed, and the secret realm was once again plunged into darkness.



After Giratina entered the reverse world, after finding a place in the reverse world, she came to Hoopa's small valley.

"Huh? Why did you come to Hoopa's place?"

Little Hoopa asked curiously when he saw Giratina appearing suddenly.

"Lu Ze and the others are trapped in a small secret realm, and there is no exit from that secret realm, so come and see if you can bring them out."

"That's it."

Little Hoopa thought for a moment, then nodded: "Then Hoopa, let's try."

Little Hupa closed his eyes, and then began to look for Lu Ze's location.

"found it!"

After a while, Hoopa shouted excitedly.

He was still very familiar with the aura of Lu Ze, so Hupa found where Lu Ze was after a while.

Without any hesitation, the golden ring around Hoopa's waist flew out and came in front of Hoopa.


After Hoopa's voice sounded, Hoopa stretched his hand in.


The mischievous smile on Hoopa's face froze for a moment, and then he tried again.

"Hoopa, I can't seem to get them."

After Little Hoopa took his hand out of the golden ring, he looked at Giratina with some disappointment and said.

"Can't you?"

Giratina is also a little angry at this time.

He had a bad temper before, and now that he has nothing to do, he is even more upset.

"Well, the power of time."

Little Hoopa nodded, and the power of time also hindered his golden ring.

Now if you want to bring Lu Ze and the others out, you may need to go to Di Yaluka first, and then talk about it after breaking the power of time.

"it is good!"

After Giratina nodded, he entered the reversal space again.

He was going to find Dialga.

"Why haven't you come back yet?"

Sui Yan lay on a rock and asked Lu Ze with a bored expression.

The place here is not big, and he has just finished strolling around this small secret place with the fire-breathing dragon.

Except here, the other places are in a state of nothing.

After coming back, and now it has been so long, but still nothing.

"Hold on."

Lu Ze was also a little anxious, there was no exit from this small secret realm.

If Hoopa can't help it, then they're going to have a problem.

The Pokémon here can also eat tree fruits and so on.

What did he and Suiyan eat?
It's just that much food, it will be eaten up in no time.


Sui Yan was a bit bored, but there was nothing he could do now, he could only continue to wait.

Time passed quickly, and soon two days passed.

During this period, Lu Ze and Sui Yan were so bored that they became familiar with the Pokémon here.

"Not yet?"

Sui Yan was still lying on the big rock, and asked Lu Ze with a bored face.

"do not know."

Lu Ze also shook his head, looking at the Pokémon playing outside.

"When will this day be a head!"

Sui Yan groaned, and Chaomeng outside also looked unhappy.

I've been in this place for more than a day, and I know it's here, but I just can't find it.

Chaomeng frowned, looking at the two smooth stone walls in front of him.

These two things are definitely problematic.

It's not intuitive.

Nor is it a super dream experience.

Simply puzzled.

Whose stone wall is on the tree?
On the trunk of a big tree, two irrelevant stone walls appeared?

Is this normal?

Isn't it normal?

Chaomeng took a deep breath, suppressed the irritability in his heart, raised one hand, and then pulled up the big tree.

But the amazing thing is that these two stone walls don't seem to be integrated with the big tree.

He might not even have a physical body.

The big tree was removed, and the two stone walls remained motionless, like a mirage.

Chaomeng could no longer suppress the anger in his heart this time.

He has been brushed by these two stone walls for a day!

Pushing both hands horizontally, the huge super power instantly wrapped the two stone walls.

But Chaomeng found out when he squeezed.

These two stone walls really have no entity!
Superpowers don't work on him at all!



Chaomeng turned back suddenly, looked around but didn't see anyone or Pokémon.

Moreover, why does this voice sound so familiar?

In the secret realm, the black Pokémon opened his eyes and looked at the vigilant Mewtwo outside.

There is time energy on these two stone walls.

To be precise, when he activated just now, these two stone walls were no longer in this time.

How can you touch things that are not in this time?
"Don't worry, it will be soon!"

The Pokémon covered in black grinned, the evil on his face was not concealed at all.

"Okay, I'll just wait here to see when you show up!"

At this time, Chaomeng also discovered that the sound came from one of the two stone walls.

It seems that the owner of this voice seems to be behind the scenes.

Chaomeng has no emotion of fear.

But if it didn't make him feel good, the feeling that upset him didn't figure it out.

He may be even more irritable!
Chaomeng calmed down, and sat cross-legged in front of the two stone walls.

At the exit of the secret realm on the other side, Mo Qiancheng and the remaining two heavenly kings of the Dragon Kingdom also joined.

"Lu Ze and the others still haven't come back?"

Gao Jiatong asked Mo Qiancheng curiously.


Mo Qiancheng's face was also a little ugly.

Lu Ze and Sui Yan really disappeared under his nose.

What will he say when he goes back?
"I found a stone similar to the Super Evolution Stone, and I want him to see it."

Gao Jiatong was a little disappointed, but soon he reacted again.

"No, it's been a few days, they must have come out from somewhere, some secret realms have more than one exit."

"I think so too."

"Let me go out and have a look. It's nothing more than waiting to come in and run a certain distance. My Pokémon is faster."

At this time, another brown-haired king of the Dragon Kingdom also spoke.

It's okay to say Suiyan.

Although he is a very rare young king in the world, he must be a talented player.

But obviously Lu Ze is more important.

His doctorate status really benefited everyone else.

What's more, his talent as a trainer is stronger than Sui Yan.

"Okay, you can go out and have a look."

After Mo Qiancheng thought for a while, he nodded.

"Go back quickly!"

"it is good!"

"Why, your people haven't been found yet, can't they be dead?"

After seeing the situation here, the emperor of the United States and Heavenly King gloated again.

"Don't worry, he won't die even if you die."

Mo Qiancheng looked at Meidi Tianwang with disdain and said.

Lu Ze has Latios, Deoxys and Giratina on him.

Sui Yan also has a Reshiram on his body.

These are Pokémon with powerful combat power even among mythical beasts.

How could it be possible to die?
But now Mo Qiancheng was afraid that they would be trapped somewhere.

If there is really no one outside, then he really has to think about asking Zhuge Ziyu to look for Hupa.

After all, only Hoopa can and is willing to praise the space to find people.

Looking at the reserves of Lu Ze and Sui Yan, they should be fine for a while.

Thinking of this, Mo Qiancheng faintly let go of the worries in his heart.

The brown-haired Uranus left.

Go outside from the exit of the secret realm.

At the same time, the black Pokémon in the Small Secret Realm opened its eyes again and raised its head.

"Time is up!"

The moment the sound exited, the energy of time circulating outside the small secret room dissipated immediately.

Then the space seemed to be cracked, with cracks and holes appearing constantly.


"Wait for me, I'll be right out!"

Chaomeng in front of the stone wall frowned again when he saw the cracking stone wall and the sound coming from inside.

This voice is really familiar!
Where did you hear about falling down?
At the same time as the small world where the black Pokémon lived collapsed, the small world where Lu Ze and Sui Yan lived also began to shake and cracked.

"what's the situation?"

Sui Yan was startled, and suddenly bounced off the stone, looking at the cracked sky.

The black cracks in the sky began to expand continuously, and space fragments slowly fell one by one, revealing black holes that seemed to have no bottom.

"The disaster is coming."

The Insect Armor Saint appeared in front of the two of them again, looked up at the changes in the sky, and said to the two of them calmly.

"So what to do now?"

Lu Ze asked in a deep voice. To be honest, he is a little panicked now.

In this case, I don't know if Deoxys can protect him.

After all, it is space fragmentation.

No one knows what will happen to this world after the space of this small world is broken.

"Then it's up to you."

The Insect Armor Saint is still there: "You need to think about how you took us out."

"Take it out?"

The words of the Insect Armor Saint made Lu Ze feel helpless.

How to take you out?

How we get out is a problem, okay?


Looking at the still calm expression of the Insect Armor Saint, Lu Ze also had some thoughts in his heart.

Could it be that after thinking of a way to take them out, the Insect Armor Saint would tell him how to leave?
Thinking of this, Lu Ze suddenly realized.

This should be the case, this should be the test given by the mysterious man in the mouth of the Insect Armor Saint.

After figuring this out, Lu Ze began to think about how to take them out.

But what he didn't know was that the Insect Armor Saint was also flustered when he saw the sky that was constantly cracking.

What should I do now, are they reliable?
What that existence said, isn’t it all?

Is there anything missing?
Can the two of them do it?

Just when the Insect Armor Saint suspected that the insects were born, Lu Ze suddenly got up.

"I know how to get you out!"

"Say it!"

The Insect Armor Saint was overjoyed and asked quickly.

"You are subdued into the elf ball by me, and then I can take you all out!"

"good idea!"

The Insect Armor Saint was overjoyed, and then began to summon the Pokémon.

At this time, Lu Ze and Sui Yan also took out all their elf balls.

Fortunately, this time I wanted to expand the manor and brought a lot of poke balls.

Otherwise, there is really no way now.

With the help of the Insect Armor Saint, all the Kung Fu Pokémon entered the Poké Ball in a short while.

After putting all the elf balls into the space backpack, Lu Ze stood up excitedly, put on the backpack, and looked at the Insect Armor Saint.

At this time, including Victini and the miniature dragons who are very reluctant to enter the poke ball, they are all loaded into the poke ball.

Now only Lu Ze, Sui Yan and Deoxys are outside.

"What should I do next?" ×2
Lu Ze and Insect Armor Saint spoke at the same time, and then were taken aback at the same time.

"What's next?" ×2
"What's next!"

Lu Ze was anxious: "Isn't this your test!"

"I thought about how to take you out, and how to go out next?"

"What kind of test, didn't you say that you've decided to take us out? How will we go out next!"

At this time, the Insect Armor Saint is also in a hurry, didn't you say that you thought of how to take us out!

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