Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 866: Dark Mewtwo Appears!

"It's packed, how do we go out?"

After Sui Yan packed up, he put on his backpack, came to the side of the two, blinked his eyes expectantly, and asked them.

"Why don't you talk?"

Looking at Lu Ze, Lu Ze didn't speak.

He turned his head to look at the Insect Armor Saint again, but the Insect Armor Saint did not speak.

One person and one Pokémon stared at each other like this, completely treating Suiyan as air.

"Get out? How to get out."

Lu Ze glared at the Insect Armor Saint unhappily, and the Insect Armor Saint also glared at Lu Ze, then Lu Ze sat down on the ground and said to Sui Yan.


Sui Yan looked at Lu Ze and Zongjia Sheng with disbelief.

Didn't you two just say you knew how to get out?

Why are you packing up now and you come here.

Sui Yan was puzzled, but he looked at Lu Ze and Zongjia Sheng like this.

He decisively chose to ask the Insect Armor Saint.

Experience from childhood told him that once Lu Ze has a dark face, then don't provoke him!

But it's a pity that the Insect Armor Saint didn't pay attention to him.

With a dazed expression on his face, Sui Yan sat down with this person and his Pokémon.

Now the two of them and the Pokémon were sitting on the grass, neither looking at each other.

In the inverted world at this time, Giratina also found Dialga.

"Why did you go? Can't find you?"

Giratina is also a little impatient. After so long looking for Dialga, she still hasn't found it, and she doesn't know what's going on with Lu Ze and the others.

"What's the hurry?"

"Lu Ze and the others are trapped in a small world, and the small world has the power of time."

"The power of time?"

Dialga murmured, then looked up at Giratina with a half-smile in his eyes.

"So where have you been and why can't you be found?"

The two Pokémon talked while walking.

In the past two days, Giratina searched the entire Blue Star, but they couldn't find where Dialga was.


Dialga's eyes were playful, and he turned to look at Giratina.

"I'm out of time."

"During the time?"

Giratina was a little puzzled. Dialga said he was lazy, but he was indeed very lazy.

It is often that one of my own Pokémon does not move in one place.

Let him expend a lot of energy to get into time.

No matter how you think about it, this is not a small matter.

"What's the matter, is there something wrong?"

Giratina's face also became serious, and she asked Dialga.

"No, it's mainly to satisfy curiosity?"



Dialga nodded, then turned to look at Giratina next to him.

"About why you are so nice to Lu Ze, curiosity."

Di Yaluka looked playful, and left here at an instant speed after speaking.

Sure enough, the next second, the black-faced Giratina launched an attack on the place where he was just now.


Dialga, who had been preparing to escape for a long time, laughed happily.

He knew that this grumpy Giratina couldn't help but attack him after hearing this sentence.

But he didn't lie, he did enter time, looking for the reason why Giratina was so good to Lu Ze.

"To shut up!"

After Giratina missed a hit, he sped up again to catch up and said fiercely to Dialga.

Looking at Giratina that has become the original form, Dialga naturally knows that Giratina is serious.

Reluctantly, he nodded and agreed.

"As for it, it's not..."

As soon as Dialga's words came out, Giratina turned around suddenly again, staring at Dialga tightly.

"Okay, okay, I didn't say anything."

Dialga had no choice but to surrender, and he didn't think it was embarrassing at all.

Who hasn't had a soft encounter in their heart?
Dialga shook his head, he was really just curious.

The two Pokémon quickly flew towards where Lu Ze was.

At this time, in the small world, the three contestants were also speechless as they watched the space fragments constantly shattering and disappearing in the sky.

They looked at each other and wanted to speak, but they didn't know how to speak.

Everything is in vain.

They have no way to get out, and everything they say now is futile.

"Hoopa, lalo~"

Just when Suiyan was about to bear it no longer, a golden ring suddenly opened between the three of them.

Followed by a voice that moved Sui Yan to the point of tears.

"Hoopa, Hoopa, here I am!"

Sui Yan hurried up, but before he could put his head in, Lu Ze kicked his ass just as he bent down.

"hurry up!"

Lu Ze was a little anxious, who knows when this small world will collapse.

He was afraid that after the Hoopa Golden Ring appeared, it collapsed as soon as they left.

Isn't that how it's done in TV shows?
In this case, he, a guy without the aura of the protagonist, should be faster.

After kicking Suiyan in, Lu Ze grabbed the Insect Armor Saint and entered the golden circle together.

The golden circle was closed, but what Lu Ze didn't know was that the scene of the small world collapsing as soon as they left did not appear.

"Hoopa, thank you so much!"

As soon as Suiyan came out, he threw himself on Hupa, and said to Hupa emotionally.

With a look of bewilderment on his face, Little Hoopa looked at Darkley at the side.

But Darkley just showed a smile on his face, and didn't intend to move.

The helpless Hupa had no choice but to wait for Suiyan to hold him and vent his emotions.

Fortunately, Lu Ze came out at this time.

Sui Yan was pulled away with one stroke.

"Too timely!"

After giving Hupa a thumbs up, Lu Ze began to look for Giratina.

"Where's Giratina?"

After searching around, Lu Ze did not see Giratina's voice.

There are still only two Pokémon in this valley, Hoopa and Darkrai.

"Giratina left after coming here two days ago."

As Little Hoopa spoke, he recounted everything that happened that day.

"So, you fished us out after seeing that the energy of time in that small world disappeared?"

"Yes, Hoopa has been paying attention to your place!"

Little Hupa held his head high, looked at Lu Ze expectantly with bright eyes and said.

That expression almost had the words "quickly praise me" written on his head.

"Hoopa is awesome!"

Lu Ze naturally understood what Hupa meant. After touching Hupa's head with a smile, he gave Hupa a thumbs up.

"So, Giratina went to find Dialga?"

Lu Ze froze for a moment, Giratina...

I did it all for him...



"what's the situation?"

In the secret realm, at the exit of the secret realm, the brown-haired Heavenly King just left the secret realm, and the secret realm began to vibrate.

But the shock only lasted two times before it ended.

The heavenly kings present were a little curious, they didn't know what was going on.

"Huh, I didn't find it, let's go out first."

In the grass on the other side of the secret realm, after glancing at Mo Qiancheng's holy son, he could not help but sigh after feeling the changes in the secret realm.

Are you late?
The Holy Son looked up at the secret realm, and without hesitation, he led his subordinates to leave the secret realm.

"I don't feel right."

Mo Qiancheng frowned, looked at a group of men in black who had just left the secret realm, and said to Gao Jiatong next to him.

"What's wrong?"

Gao Jiatong was a little puzzled, while Mo Qiancheng had a headache.

He remembered what Zhuge Ziyu said jokingly before he set off.

"With Lu Ze, if something feels wrong, either stick to him or stay away from him. This person has a problem with his luck."

Mo Qiancheng originally thought that Zhuge Ziyu was joking with him.

But now it seems that something is really wrong.

"Go, let's leave the secret realm."

Mo Qiancheng frowned, he had naturally heard of Lu Ze's "record".

Zhuge Ziyu's words, or choose to believe it.

Now that Lu Ze doesn't know where he is, choose to stay far away from him.

Lu Ze has a beast on him, so he can solve whatever happens.

But I can't do it myself.

There are no beasts on him.

"Ah, go?"

Gao Jiatong was stunned for a moment, but the next second he saw Mo Qiancheng go directly into the exit of the secret realm.

Without hesitation, Mo Qiancheng was the strongest, and he was also the supreme commander of this operation.

Whatever else, just listen to him.

Thinking of this, Gao Jiatong also left the secret realm without hesitation.

"Hey, why did you come out?"

As soon as the two came out, they saw the brown-haired king.

Just about to enter the secret realm, the brown-haired Heavenly King looked at the two of them with a puzzled expression and asked.

"Don't go in yet, there is something wrong inside."

Mo Qiancheng lit a cigarette and said calmly.

Don't know if there will be a problem though.

But it's always good to be careful.


Before the brown-haired king could react, he heard Mo Qiancheng ask again.

"What about Lu Ze and the others, haven't they come out?"

"No, I asked the people in our national logistics department, and they all said that they didn't see a few people who came out of the secret realm."

"That's it."

After Mo Qiancheng nodded, he did not choose to return to the logistics point of his own country on the island.

He is not far from the entrance of the secret realm, and he wants to see what happened in the secret realm.

At this time, the secret realm has ushered in the second shock.

However, the heavenly kings of other countries present did not take it seriously, and even laughed at Mo Qiancheng and the others.

"The Heavenly King of the Dragon Kingdom? It's just a turtle with a shrunken head, but he ran away after an ordinary shock in the secret realm, haha!"

"Maybe they didn't run away, but went to find those two disobedient geniuses in their country."

After the Emperor of the United States finished speaking, the King of Great Britain also laughed and said something.

He was very displeased with that dragon countryman who won the championship on his own territory!
"Hahaha, who knows, maybe it's an excuse, Dragon Kingdom coward!"

Just as a few people laughed, the third shock of the secret realm came again.

The faces of the people who were still in the secret realm changed instantly.

This doesn't seem to be a good sign.

But the Heavenly King of the Dragon Kingdom who had just left was ridiculed by them.

If I leave now...

Everyone is still hesitating, but fortunately, after waiting for a while, the shock in the secret realm seems to have stopped?
After seeing this scene, Meidi Tianwang also came back to his senses, the panic that appeared on his face just now disappeared again, and continued to mock.

But what they didn't know was that the two subsidiary secret realms of the main secret realm were already on the verge of breaking apart.

"It's here."

After Giratina arrived with Dialga, he directly pointed out the location to Dialga.

"It is indeed the power of time, but it is almost dissipated now."

Dialga closed his eyes, there were indeed traces of time energy in those two broken small worlds.

But as he said, if they come 2 minutes later, the time energy above will be completely dissipated.

"Also, it seems that I haven't seen Lu Ze and the others?"

Looking at a white, empty world, Dialga said to Giratina in a strange way.


Giratina froze for a moment, then turned to look at the small black world next to the small white world.

"Could it be that he went out?"

Giratina is also a little uncertain.

At this moment, the fourth shock in the secret realm came.

At the same time, there were two sounds of ordinary balloons being punctured.

"what happened?"

Just when everyone was wondering, the fifth shock of the secret realm opened.

The concussion this time was stronger than the sum of the previous few times, and it directly vomited many heavenly kings and Pokémon.

"I `m coming out!"

A voice came, and everyone who was suffering couldn't help covering their ears.

"You are!"

Chaomeng watched the stone wall in front of him slowly shatter.

Until the last moment, after the stone wall was completely broken, a black Pokémon appeared in front of Mewtwo.

Chaomeng looked at the Pokémon in front of him in disbelief, who basically looked exactly the same as himself, but with a different color.

"I am Mewtwo!"

Dark Chaomeng smiled evilly, and opened his hands to Chaomeng.

"how is this possible!"

Chaomeng's heart fluctuated sharply.

I am a Pokémon created by Team Rocket.

Although I didn't find any information about the Rockets after I came out.

But I am a created Pokémon...

Yes, copy!
Chaomeng's eyes turned cold.

He seemed to feel the displeasure of Lu Ze and their Pokémon.

It turns out that this is how I feel when the replica stands in front of me!

Chaomeng looked indifferently at the dark Chaomeng with an evil smile in front of him, and couldn't help thinking in his heart.

"Well, isn't it a surprise?"

Dark Chaomeng didn't feel the slightest nervousness, and still looked at Chaomeng with an indifferent evil smile on his face.

When Chaomeng saw Dark Chaomeng like this, his eyes softened inexplicably.

After thinking of Lu Ze's words that Chaomeng was not the only one, Chaomeng also had a little longing in his heart.

Do I have a brother?

Like the Kirby and the patterned Kirby, like the forked bat and the patterned forked bat?

Chaomeng slowly stretched out his hand, but at this moment, the dark Chaomeng's eyes were suddenly filled with tyrannical scarlet, and he punched Chaomeng with a punch.

Chaomeng was shocked, this look!

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