Gao Jiatong's eyes lit up, he didn't care about the instant noodles in his hand, and came directly to the side of Mo Qiancheng in the sky.

That guy, just say why Mo Qiancheng didn't come down even after Lu Ze came out.

It turned out to be waiting!

Want to eat alone?

"Let's make a plan~"

Seeing Gao Jiatong also flying up and looking at him with that kind of resentful eyes, Mo Qiancheng immediately understood.

Lu Ze must have told him about Z Pure Crystal, otherwise he wouldn't have come up.

After throwing a "you understand" look at Gao Jiatong, Mo Qiancheng continued to communicate with Zhuge Ziyu.

After telling Zhuge Ziyu everything, he waited for Zhuge Ziyu to come up with an idea.

In terms of intrigue and trickery, Zhuge Ziyu can still do it!
Lu Ze didn't know what the two said above.

Anyway, in the end, it will be handed over to him for research first.

The important thing now is that Dark Chaomeng woke up.

What should I do next?
After Dark Chaomeng woke up, he glanced at Chaomeng and raised his eyebrows.

The two Chaomeng just looked at each other like this, neither of them seemed to accept the other.

Lu Ze watched the two Chaomengs carefully.

Well, let them solve their problems by themselves.

After all, the only person who knows Chaomeng best is Chaomeng himself.

After the two Chaomeng looked at each other for a while, looking at the dark Chaomeng's rebellious face, Chaomeng finally spoke.

"Follow me."


Dark Chaomeng pushed back in an instant.

But Chaomeng didn't change my expression at all.

"Because I beat you."

The tone was flat, but he said something that made Dark Chaomeng's face change.

Seeing Dark Chaomeng gnashing his teeth, Lu Ze was afraid that the two of them would fight again.

"I can teach you how to become stronger!"

Looking at Chaomeng's appearance like this, Chaomeng's eyes were still flat, and he said again.

"I also want a way for you to change form!"

This time Dark Chaomeng did not refuse, and made his own request.

Sure enough, every super dream can't refuse to become stronger.

With a smile in Chaomeng's eyes, he glanced at Dark Chaomeng and then at Lu Ze, and finally nodded to Dark Chaomeng.


After Chaomeng and Dark Chaomeng reached an agreement, they turned their heads to look at Lu Ze.

"I took him to practice."

After hesitating for a while, Chaomeng said: "We will come back this year for Chinese New Year."

After Chaomeng finished speaking, he left here with a [teleportation].

After Dark Chaomeng was stunned for a moment, he glanced curiously at Lu Ze who also used [Teleportation] to leave here.

"it is good."

After Chaomeng left, Lu Ze said with a chuckle as if he had just realized it.

"Then what do we do next?"

The two Chaomeng left, and the three heavenly kings of the Dragon Kingdom didn't know what was going on, and they all stayed at the exit of the secret realm.

"Say hello to Uncle Mo, let's go back first."

Lu Ze stood up and stretched his waist. Although there was no danger in the past few days, the pressure in his heart was indeed great.

Tired inside, go home and rest.

"Just go back like this?"

"Otherwise, the secret realm is about to collapse."

As Lu Ze said, he turned his head and looked in the direction of Longguo: "After I go back, almost my second team will be assembled."

In the two days in the small secret realm, Lu Ze has already determined the remaining Pokémon of his second team.

Similarly, Sui Yan also had this idea.

After all, according to what Lu Ze said, ancient Pokémon are very suitable for his Sunny Team.

Coupled with the ruthless pepper, maybe his second team will be able to get together by then.

Thinking of this, Sui Yan nodded immediately.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Lu Ze laughed, went up to say hello to Mo Qiancheng and the others, and left after talking.

When they came back, they took Latios, and the two returned to Shangjing within a short time.

In Shangjing Middle School, in the cultivation garden.

As soon as the two went in, they saw Tang Yunqin happily hugging a little blacksmith and smiling.

Surrounded by some other Pokémon.

"It seems that Tang Yunqin's affinity is really strong!"

After seeing this scene, Sui Yan couldn't help feeling emotional.

Thinking about myself, I have shared joys and sorrows with these Pokémon in the small secret realm for almost three days, but I am still not as close as they are with the current Tang Yunqin.

"Don't be sour, let's go."

Lu Ze smiled and patted Suiyan on the shoulder, then walked towards Tang Yunqin.

"Didn't you have class today?"

"No, I'm almost in my senior year, and there are a lot fewer courses."

Tang Yunqin said without turning her head.

Years of going to school together made her recognize Lu Ze's voice.

"What kind of Pokémon is this Pokémon? She seems to like me a lot."

Tang Yunqin played with the blacksmith for a while before turning to Lu Ze and asking.

At this time, Lu Ze was looking for the one he had set his eyes on among the little servants at the time. Hearing what Tang Yunqin said, he turned his head and took a look.

Seeing Tang Yunqin holding the little blacksmith, she said directly.

"Little blacksmith, the fairy-type Pokémon has good strength."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he continued to look for the charcoal waiter he liked.

Tang Yunqin hugged the little blacksmith happily.

She wanted to subdue this little guy a little bit.

"Little thief! Let's settle our account!"

Sui Yan originally wanted to come and look for it with Lu Ze.

After all, one of Tan Xiaoshi's evolution forms is the Red Lotus Armored Cavalry, which is also quite suitable for his sunny team.

But he was stopped just two steps forward.

After looking down at the insect armor saint who blocked him, Sui Yan curled his lips.

"Go away, there is business!"

The Insect Armor Saint was not angry when he heard the words, but just smiled triumphantly.

"Little thief, guess why I am their leader?"


Sui Yan was puzzled and looked at the Insect Armor Saint who suddenly started shrieking curiously.

"Are you their leader?"

The aura that the Insect Armor Saint had just raised was broken by Sui Yan's words.


The Insect Armor Saint shouted: "You don't have my consent, you don't want to subdue them!"

The beetle sage is old and mature, so he can naturally see what Suiyan and Lu Ze are thinking.

But he didn't intend to stop it.

After all, everyone has come out, and there is nothing wrong with them choosing their own lives.

It's better than staying with an old man like me all the time.

And these two days, to be honest, the food here in Lu Ze is really good!

But one yard belongs to one yard, Lu Ze belongs to Lu Ze, and Suiyan belongs to Suiyan.

He wants to take back the old things that Suiyan yelled at him in the secret realm in the past two days!

"Ah? Then how can you agree?"

A smile flashed in Sui Yan's eyes, and he continued to pretend to be dumbfounded and asked.

The Insect Armor Saint's strength is at the master level, he naturally knows.

And he also asked Reshiram.

Rashiram said not to worry, the old man couldn't beat him.

So Sui Yan felt relieved.

That's why when the Insect Armor Saint came to look for Sui Yan, he only wanted to tease this old guy.

But now it seems that this old guy is a little angry.

"Come and be beaten by me, it's fine after the beating!"

After pointing at Suiyan arrogantly, the Insect Armor Saint said excitedly.

I have been looking forward to this day for a long time, and today is finally here!

"Pokémon battle?"



Facing Suiyan's question again, Chongjia Sheng thought for a while before nodding in agreement.

It doesn't matter, Suiyan's Pokémon's strength is in his eyes.

Although the series of pasts may be difficult, but to show his strength, he should...

The Insect Armor Saint was thinking, and suddenly a large Pokémon that was pure white and exuded heat appeared in front of him.

"Hey, this is your opponent."

Sui Yan smiled, but the Insect Armor Saint couldn't help but feel like a ghost.

What a joke!
Rashiram? ! !

Seeing the smiling Suiyan and Reshiram, the Insect Armor Saint instantly became paralyzed.

Are you kidding me, how does Reshiram fight?
"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore, I won't call you an old man in the future."


Insect Armor Saint was instantly excited: "Actually, there is nothing wrong with this title, the main reason is that I am a leader anyway, I am very..."

"Of course it's old stuff!"

Before the words of the Insect Armor Saint were finished, Sui Yan patted the Insect Armor Saint lightly, and then came to Lu Ze's side.

"You ride a horse!"

The Beetle Saint was furious, but with Reshiram around, there was nothing he could do.

Can only be incompetent and furious!
On the other side, Lu Ze also found the charcoal waiter he was optimistic about at the time.

He is different from Sui Yan.

His Charcoal Servant's evolution choice will be Cang Yan Saber Ghost.

He has fallen in love with this purple and handsome Pokémon since Zhu Zi released the preview.

But it's a pity that I crossed over before I could play Zhu Zi.

But how can playing games with a real charcoal little servant feel good!

Lu Ze hugged Tan Xiaoshi and smiled happily, Sui Yan also hugged another Tan servant who stumbled over, with a smile on his face.

Unlike Lu Ze's Charcoal Servant, his Charcoal Servant was the day he saw an elf egg.

The moment he saw the elf egg, Little Attendant Tan broke out of the elf egg.

The moment one person and one Pokémon looked at each other, Suiyan made a decision.

This is the charcoal servant I want to choose.

No, Tan Xiaoshi who just saw Sui Yan coming over immediately ran towards Sui Yan.

The two came to Tang Yunqin's side with the charcoal waiter in their arms, and looked at the little blacksmith in Tang Yunqin's arms.

Tang Yunqin also looked at the charcoal waiter in the arms of the two, and smiled happily at the same time.

"It seems that everyone has chosen their own Pokémon."

Suiyan's current second team is the fire-breathing camel and Galagala, plus the current charcoal waiter and the subsequent ruthless pepper.

Tang Yunqin's current second team only has Qianmianqiu and Pokkigu.

In addition, there are only three little blacksmiths in his arms now.

Speaking of which, among Zhu Zi's Pokémon, there are quite a few that are more suitable for the two of them.

Let's take Tang Yunqin as an example first. In fact, Magic Mask Meow is pretty good.

It's a pity that Tang Yunqin is no longer an all-ice team because of Lu Ze.

But the direction she chooses is to try to focus on the three attributes of ice, water, and fairy.

The grass-type and evil-type Magic Mask Meow is obviously not a match for her team.

But the magic mask can't do it, what a pity for Dolphin Man!

Dolphin Man can transform into an all-powerful form, which is very powerful.

And the Pope dolphin before evolution is also very cute, which fits Tang Yunqin's aesthetics very well.

Another one, the ice-type Spinosaurus is also good.

Although it may look a little not in line with Tang Yunqin's aesthetics.

But Iron Warriors will definitely be able to.

And it is also good as an iron burden for the future.

When Lu Ze saw the iron burden, he had some doubts about whether Uncle Liu was holding the hammer of Phoenix King Rogia back then.

But people in the comics are indeed messenger birds.

Tang Yunqin has more choices, and Suiyan has many choices.

Those of the ancient species are more suitable for the sunny team.

But it's too appropriate, it's not necessarily true.

Although Lu Ze has never played Zhu Zi, he doesn't know much about Paradox Pokémon.

But I feel that the many Pokémon planted in ancient times are not as good as the modern ones in Team Sunshine.

For example, climbing wings, such as the roaring moon, such as Pokémon such as fierce mushrooms.

Look at Vulcan Moth, look at Tyrannosaurus, look at Bloom, etc. are all very good in Team Sunny.

But these ancient species...

To be honest, Lu Ze didn't know much about it.

But based on the feeling, it seems that the sunny team did not give them even more powerful or supplement the ability of the sunny team's lower limit.

The choice of Suiyan's second team is up to him.

Anyway, these Pokémon are now living in Lu Ze's cultivation garden.

There is still a year to go until the World Kings Challenge starts, so you can try slowly which Pokémon is more suitable for Team Sunshine.

Alternatively, it would be nice to add Pokémon from the future.

It all depends on Sui Yan himself.

As for Lu Ze?

He already had an idea in his mind, and now he had a candidate.

Next, you only need to slowly let them get close to you, and then you can subdue them.

If not all regular competitions need to be subdued to participate, Lu Ze must be very happy to have so many Pokémon here.

After all, there are quite a few Pokémon brought back from the small secret realm with only the king-level strength.

Although there is no master-level strength, it is already very good.

Unfortunately, when they were brought back, all their elf balls were destroyed.

Otherwise, these Pokémon are also Lu Ze's Pokémon.

Of course, even if they didn't destroy their poke balls, Lu Ze wouldn't take them to the arena.

Those who are not close enough to Lu Ze are definitely not as easy to use as the Pokémon that Lu Ze cultivated, and they are close enough.

So this is just a thought.

"The next step is to cultivate the second team."

After Tan Xiaoshi took back the elf ball, he grabbed back the iron dumbbell floating in the air doing nothing, and then Lu Ze started planning for the two of them.

Lucario and Wind Fairy are now able to train by themselves.

And Dad's Lucario often teaches his own Lucario.

Wind goblins also have forked bats to teach them.

Now only the Iron Dumbbell and the servant Charcoal who had just been subdued are left.

The good life of the two little ones is coming to an end.

In less than a month before Chinese New Year, the two of them will start working hard.

Recommend a peerless divine book!
【Father Gatlin, the Masked Bodhisattva】

Later, the editor used the authority to change the name~

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