Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 870 Four Lucarios

Time flies, less than a month before the Chinese New Year, the university has also started to have a holiday.

After talking with his family, Lu Ze was not in a hurry to go home.

There is his Pokémon Nurturing Garden here, and there are still many Pokémon in it that he needs to take care of.

So many Pokémon need a lot of food in a day.

But fortunately, Lu Ze doesn't need to make it himself now.

To use machines instead of labor, as long as the ratio is mastered.



Meng Fanxing greeted Lu Ze with some embarrassment, and sat next to Lu Ze.

"There must be a lot of people during this time."

"Of course, you are on fire." Lu Ze said with a smile, looking at Meng Fanxing.

Meng Fanxing listened to Lu Ze's suggestion and started making videos to post on Station B.

"Body Maintenance of Steel Pokémon." "

"Steel-type Pokémon battle details. "

"Steel Pokémon and Pokémon of Different Attributes Battle Teaching - Fire System"

"Steel Pokémon and Pokémon of Different Attributes Battle Teaching - Flying System"

The four videos made Meng Fanxing completely popular.

Although compared to Suiyan, it can only be regarded as a small fire.

But his starting point is much lower than Sui Yan.

It is precisely because of the two videos released by Meng Fanxing later that Lu Ze's nurturing garden has also become popular.

Because Meng Fanxing's opponents in the next two videos were chosen in Lu Ze's cultivation garden.

Just like the video of challenging the fire-type Pokémon, he chose the flame chicken.

The Pokémon he chose to fight was Bronze Bell.

In the first round, the flame chicken successfully defeated the bronze bell by virtue of the [acceleration] feature.

Then Meng Fanxing's teaching began.

After the bronze bell was restored, Meng Fanxing said in the video.

What I use is a skill that the owner of this breeding garden has used before, and it is very useful in the face of very fast Pokémon.

Then Bronze Bell played again, against the flame chicken.

After the flame chicken speeded up for the third time, the bronze bell directly used the trick space.

Bronze Bell wins the second game.

After the second match, Meng Fanxing changed his opponent.

Because the Pokémon he was going to play was also replaced by Big Mouth Baby.

As the third Pokémon to be subdued, Big Mouth Baby's strength is not weak at this time, and has reached the strength of a senior level.

The opponent he chose this time was a platypus with the same senior strength.

In the face of the unmanned platypus, even though it was restrained by attributes and did not choose to super-evolve, the big mouth baby also won the victory under Meng Fanxing's exquisite command.

The video of how steel-type Pokémon can fight against fire-type Pokémon became popular as soon as it was released.

And Meng Fanxing also listened to Suiyan's advice, and launched the second phase of the attribute battle while the iron was hot.

The protagonist of the second battle is the flying Pokémon with the most comments in the previous video.

Although the Steel type resists the Flying type, most of the Flying type Pokémon are very flexible, and the Steel type Pokémon are very difficult to fight.

And many of the audience are just ordinary students, not very strong.

So the second phase of Meng Fanxing began under the guidance of Sui Yan.

The first round is a battle between senior Pokémon.

Big Mouth Baby vs. Armor Bird, this kind of match with very weak attributes is the beginning.

What this scene shows is that steel-type battles against flying-type Pokémon need to be close.

It's easy to hit as long as you get close.

The second battle is a battle between high-level Pokémon.

The battle between Bronze Bell and Bi Diao.

There is no Pokémon of the flying type that is faster than the Bronze Bell, so you can use [Trick Space] with confidence.

However, Meng Fanxing did not choose to do this in this game, but changed a fighting style.

Turn on [Sandstorm], use [Light Wall] and [Reflective Wall] to continuously resist the opponent's attack, and grind the opponent to death.

Then the third game was a battle between Cocoa Dora and the messenger bird.

The battle between junior Pokémon is still very anxious.

However, Cocodola did not disappoint Meng Fanxing's trust, and soon ended the battle and won.

And because of Meng Fanxing's two videos, Lu Ze's cultivation center became popular nearby.

Everyone is on vacation now, and there is no natural selection for elf battles.

It's not good on the Internet, and the people who can make a date are very familiar with each other in reality.

then what should we do?

Lu Ze is very good here!
There are not only many types of Pokémon, but also Pokémon of all stages of strength.

There are all kinds of newborn Pokémon to senior Pokémon.

Yesterday, there was a team with a Pokémon with a king-level strength who came to challenge the Pokémon here in Lu Ze.

He chose senior level strength.

Lucario happened to be in the cultivation garden, so he chose Lucario.

But not surprisingly, he lost.

After losing to Lucario, he became angry from embarrassment, and directly sent out his super-armored mad rhinoceros with the strength of a king, trying to fight Lucario.

How could Lu Ze be used to this kind of person.

The Iron Claw Lobster came out, and the Kung Fu Super Armored Crazy Rhino was taken away in an instant.

Facing the clamor of the quasi-king player, Snorkel and Charizard stood directly behind Lu Ze.

When the man saw the aura of heavenly king-level strength emanating from the Kirby beast and the fire-breathing dragon, he was instantly discouraged.

What a joke, I can't afford to mess with the three Pokémon with the strength of the heavenly king.

Lu Ze rolled his eyes and immediately made a rule.

Pokémon of the same strength can fight, but bullying is not allowed!
Lu Ze didn't stop others from challenging his Pokémon in his breeding garden.

After all, battles are indispensable in the process of growing Pokémon's strength.

Now there is a free training partner Lu Ze is too happy to be happy, how could he not let them come.

"Which one are you going to make today?"

After Lu Ze glanced at his grandfather who was working seriously in the distance, he turned to Meng Fanxing and asked.

"I'll ask Brother Yan when he comes. I haven't considered it yet."

Meng Fanxing shook his head. Most of the comments were about asking him to fight ghost-type Pokémon.

But what he was thinking about was the fighting Pokémon.

His own thoughts conflicted with those of the fans, and he didn't know what to do at this time.

"Okay, he should be here soon, you can wait here for a while."

"Well, Brother Lu, you should do your work first."

Seeing Lu Ze get up, Meng Fanxing also hurriedly prepared to get up.

However, Lu Ze pressed it down just now.

"Just sit in your seat."

As Lu Ze said, he walked towards his grandfather and father.

The two of them are really diligent.

If it wasn't for the two of them pulling him up, he should still be lying in the bed now.

I really regret that when I told them that I couldn't go home that day, I said that I had some new types of Pokémon here.

If I didn't say it, can I still enjoy it for a few days?
After Lu Ze shook his head helplessly, he asked his grandfather.

"How's it going?"

"Two characteristics of the super-powerful ostrich have been sorted out, one is perception, and the other is acceleration."

Lu Xingguo frowned and looked at the data in his hand: "However, the super-powerful ostrich should have another characteristic. In the experiment with that characteristic just now, there was a super-powerful ostrich that did not match these two characteristics."

"Which one?"

Seeing this, Lu Ze also asked curiously.

Although he is not very familiar with many Pokémon in the Zhuzi area, he has a system.

If there is a system, it is completely possible to see what the last characteristic of the super-powerful ostrich is.


After Lu Xingguo pointed it out, Lu Ze checked the information of the super-powerful ostrich.

Trait: Follow the trend (When the opponent's ability value increases, his ability value will also increase together.)
After seeing the characteristics of the super-powerful ostrich, Lu Ze also froze for a moment.

This is a new feature?
There is also this characteristic.

But thinking about Shanaido's [synchronization] feature, it seems to be similar to this.

After Lu Ze thought for a while, he finally shook his head.

"I didn't see it, put it away first, and watch it later in the battle training."

Lu Ze put on an indifferent attitude and said to his grandfather: "I guess the characteristics of this Pokémon should only take effect in battle."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Lu Xingguo nodded and stopped worrying, and continued to test the next Pokémon.

Lu Ze sighed, it would be fine if this feature had appeared before.

This is the only feature that has not appeared before.

Lu Ze followed behind Lu Xingguo, and also started testing the Pokémon.

Height, weight, attributes, characteristics and so on and so forth.

This kind of recording is a tedious task every time a new Pokémon appears.

While Lu Ze and the others were busy with work, Lucario also welcomed his challenger.

The challenger was the friend of the trainer of the Super Armored Crazy Rhino who was beaten up by the Iron Claw Lobster yesterday.

After being reprimanded yesterday, the trainer of Super Armor Crazy Rhino became more and more unhappy after going back.

So today he urged his friend to come over and teach Lucario a lesson.

Lucario is a steel-type plus fighting-type Pokémon, which is restrained by fire-type and fighting-type.

It just so happened that his friend had a flame chicken who was about to break through to the strength of a heavenly king.

In this case, it's okay for the flame chicken to bully Lucario, right?

So he invited his friend to challenge Lucario.

Although he didn't dare to come by himself, he was afraid of being recognized.

But he also asked his friend to videotape the whole process, so that he could also see the scene of Lucario being beaten violently.

There are four Lucarios in the entire breeding park.

One for Lu Xingguo, one for Lu Dad, one for Lu Zhengjie, and one for Lu Ze.

Lu Xingguo and Dad Lu came over to test the data of the new Pokémon, so naturally they also came together.

At this time, the two big Lucarios are pointing to the two small Lucarios.

"I want to challenge Lucario!"

After a young man with blue hair came in, he said sweetly and coldly to the administrator directly.

After Tian Lengmei has been in the cultivation garden for a while.

Originally, the doll wanted her to take care of the little ones.

But Tian Leng Mei obviously didn't have the patience.

So Tian Lengmei was called over by the helpless almost doll to be an administrator.

After glancing at the young man with blue hair, he curled his lips sweetly and coldly.

Not good looking.

After pointing to the direction where Lucario and the others were, the blue-haired young man walked over arrogantly.

"I want to challenge you, Lucario!"

As soon as he got to the side of the small house, he saw Lucario's back, so he yelled without hesitation.

As soon as the blue-haired young man finished speaking, the four Lucarios stood in front of him and looked at him.

The meaning is obvious, which one do you want to challenge?
The blue-haired youth reacted after taking a step back in panic.

Turtle, four Lucarios and three king-level strengths?
Lu Xingguo and Papa Lucario's Lucario had naturally reached the level of a heavenly king early on.

Lu Zhengjie's Lucario, as his first Pokémon, also successfully broke through to the level of a king some time ago.

However, Lu Zhengjie's Lucario's breakthrough process was somewhat difficult.

Among other things, Lucario of Lu Ze would never choose to use this method anyway.

Lu Zhengjie's Lucario breakthrough was because Lu Xingguo and Lu's father's two Lucarios had been beaten for almost a week, before Lu Zhengjie's Lucario could not bear the humiliation and successfully broke through.

However, as soon as the breakthrough was successful, they were hanged and beaten again in turn.

Tell you with strength, your predecessor is still your predecessor.

Lu Zhengjie's Lucario originally planned to do the same to Lu Ze's Lucario.

But it's a pity that Lu Ze's Lucario has a good talent, so he can choose not to use this method.

And now Lucario of Lu Ze has not reached the limit of senior-level strength, so there is no need to rush to break through.

After observing carefully, the blue-haired young man chose Lucario of Lu Ze, who is a senior-level player.

After all, I know the strength of my friends.

He would definitely not choose Lucario, who is as powerful as a king of heaven, as his opponent.

Then the goal is obvious.

The blue-haired youth looked at Lucario who came out with gloating expressions in his eyes.

I can only blame you for disrespecting my friend yesterday.

The blue-haired young man thought of what his friend said about how Lucario didn't give him face in this nursery, he was amused.

Is it okay to be bullied by a nursery?

Although there are four Lucarios in this cultivation garden, the other three are all at the level of heavenly kings.

But you really have no face at all!

The blue-haired young man smiled, and then threw the elf ball in his hand, and a heroic flame chicken appeared opposite Lucario.

After Lucario noticed the other party's aura, his eyes became serious.

This is not an easy opponent!

The coin bounced into the air, and Lucario and Flame Chicken stared at the coin tightly.


The coin fell to the grass with a dull sound.

The moment the coin landed, Lucario raised his hand and it was a [Wave Missile], and at the same time used [Super Speed] to rush towards the flame chicken.

"Flame chicken, flame kick!"

The blue-haired youth reacted quickly, and directly directed the flame chicken to attack the opponent.

The two Pokémon rushed towards each other at the same time.

The flaming feet and Lucario's fist are about to collide!

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