Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 873 Bravery?Reckless!

The forked bat shook its head, then flew into the air.

The face of the fire-breathing dragon on the side turned black.

The movement of the eldest sister's head shows that she didn't even consume much energy when she defeated herself just now.

But think carefully.

It seems to be so.

Lu Ze smiled when he saw the forked bat like this.

Although the aptitude of the forked bat is not the highest.

But from the beginning, until now, her combat power has dominated other Pokémon.

Because she has too much combat experience.

As far as Lu Ze knew, the crossbat often went out to challenge other Pokémon and other trainers.

Forked bats undoubtedly have the most experience in autonomous combat.

So it's not unreasonable that the fire-breathing dragon was bullied so badly just now.


Electric Shock Warcraft walked onto the field full of confidence.As Lu Ze said "The game begins", the Electric Shock Monster directly used [Discharge].

The large-scale [Discharge] skill extended towards the crossed bat in the sky.

Looking at the somewhat slow current, the cross-word bat also glanced at the electric shock beast with a smile.

"There's something about the Electric Shock Monster."

The fire-breathing dragon naturally saw the idea of ​​the electric shock beast.

In other words, a team of Pokémon present basically saw the idea of ​​the electric shock beast.

So obvious!

And they are too familiar with the electric shock beast.

Sure enough, the cross-word bat retreated as the electric shock beast thought, avoiding the attack of the electric current.

And the Electric Shock Monster took the opportunity to directly use the skill of [Seeking Rain].

The water blue water polo lifted into the sky, and there was a light rain in the sky immediately.

But as soon as the light rain fell, the sky cleared up again.

The forked bat that escaped the electric attack saw the moment the water polo lifted into the air, and used [Sunny Sky] without hesitation.

The speed of [Thunderstorm] in the rain is very fast.

In addition, if her body is contaminated with rain, Thunder and Lightning will follow.

In addition, the lightning speed is very fast, so it is basically the same as locking, and it is difficult to avoid.

Even the forked bat.

So the best way is to prevent the electric shock beast from using this set of skills.

【Pray for rain】add 【雷雷】.

Lock-on plus high damage.

And for the forked bat, it restrains damage.

So if it can be avoided, fork bats should be avoided as much as possible.

[Sunny day] After changing the weather, the Electric Shock Monster was stunned for a moment.

But soon, the Electric Shock Monster noticed the chatting of the companions next to him.

Obviously, everyone saw what he was thinking.

The Electric Shock Beast blushed, and then rushed towards the cross-bat with some embarrassment.

The cross-word bat also had a smile on its face, how could it be so simple after shocking the beast for so long.

Ozawa's Pokémon.

Should not be!

Seeing the electric monster rushing towards him with the [Plasma Lightning Fist], the crossbat turned on the [Tail Wind] and directly took off with the wind.

A hint of cunning flashed in the eyes of the electric shock beast.

I'm not that simple Pokémon.

The blue water polo appeared in his hand again, but this time before he threw the water polo into the sky, he watched the water polo disappear in his hand.

The electric shock monster looked up in astonishment, and then saw the smile on the face of the cross-bat and the energy index finger twitching in front of the cross-bat.

The electric shock monster also recognized the skill used by the forked bat.

[Provocation] completely blocked him from using the combined skill of [Praying for Rain] and [Thunderstorm].

The biggest support is gone, think about what to do next?
While thinking about it, the electric shock monster threw [one hundred thousand volts] at the forked bat.

The cross-word bat was flying in the air, relying on its almost full dodge to avoid the attack of the electric shock monster while relying on [Tail Wind].

While dodging the attack, he threw a [Very Poison] to the electric monster.

At this time, the electric shock monster finally knew the helplessness of the fire-breathing dragon just now.

There was no time for him to think carefully now.

[Very Poisonous] Before the final eruption, the cross-word bat does not fall down, it will fall down by itself.

Electric shock surged all over the monster's body, and the hair all over its body also flew in the current.

[Plasma Lightning Fist] was released again.

But this time it was different from the [Plasma Lightning Fist] that was used as a cover-up just now.

Stimulated by the strong current, the Electric Shock Beast jumped directly from the ground, and rushed towards the crossed bat in the sky.

The forked bat didn't panic at all.

Electric Shock Beast is the most reckless Pokémon in Lu Ze's team of Pokémon.

Reckless is also decisive.

Therefore, the electric shock monster has no effect in conventional methods, and after being forced to a certain extent.

Electric shocking monsters will lose their brains in a sense.

All act on instinct.

Just like now.

After jumping into the air with the help of lightning, although the attack failed to hit the cross-bat, he didn't fall down again.

[Electromagnetic levitation], the electric shock beast chased directly towards the forked bat.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Seeing this scene, the fire-breathing dragon couldn't help shaking his head.

Are you kidding me, I can't catch up with a flight department, so you just open [Electromagnetic Levitation] Do you want to catch up with the eldest sister?

When you catch up, I'm afraid it's when you fall to the ground.

The fire-breathing dragon is not optimistic about the electric shock monster, and the Kirby beast is also not optimistic.

Theoretically speaking, the strength of Kirbymon is not much different from that of Forked Bat.

But in a real fight, Kirbymon can't do anything with the forked bat.

After all, forked bats can fly, and they are very fast.

It just so happens that Snorlax is the other extreme.

It has strong attack power, but it cannot fly and its speed is very slow.

If you seize the opportunity, you can directly defeat the forked bat.

But this opportunity is basically equal to no.

Because this opportunity is that the forked bat uses a physical close attack to attack the Snorby, and then it is caught by the Snorkel.

Forked bats are not stupid, of course they wouldn't treat Kirbymon like this.

Even Wang Xingqiu's leave king is the only one who dares to fight Kabimon like this now.

Even now Lu Xingguo's wearing bear and marsupial dragon will not choose to attack in close quarters when facing the Kirby beast that has broken through to the strength of the heavenly king.

Although the Snorlax is very slow.

But if you are caught by him in melee attack, he will tell you why his speed is so slow.

Huge body brings huge strength.

[Hercules] The leave king with the characteristic can only barely tie with the Snorlax after he turns violent.

For the rest, forget it.

Even the patterned Snorby's current strength growth is not as good as Snorby's.

In the sky, the electric monster that used [Electromagnetic Levitation] was chasing the forked bat while using [One Hundred Thousand Volts] to attack.

The forked bat in front couldn't help sighing when it kept dodging attacks.

While waving its wings, the forked bat directly entered the clouds.

The electric monster lost its target, and the attack frequency also stopped at the same time.

But in the next second, the forked bat rushed towards the electric shock monster from the air.

A large piece of [Sludge Bomb] also fell at the same time as the forked bat.

[Sludge Bomb] Cover the whole body of the electric shock beast, and then the electric shock beast will fall down.

[Electromagnetic levitation] effect disappears.

The forked bat took advantage of the victory to pursue, [Venom Shock] plus a series of [Shadow Ball].

In the end, before the electric shock beast landed, he successfully grabbed the electric shock beast in his hand and slowly placed it on the ground.

Both sides fell at the same time.

But the difference is that the electric monster falls vertically.

The cross-word bat is a distance away from the electric shock beast.

The attack landed on the Electric Shock Beast, and the Electric Shock Beast had already lost its fighting ability before it landed.

Seeing that the Electric Shock Beast lost its ability to fight, the Cross Bat stepped forward to grab the Electric Shock Beast to prevent it from falling directly to the ground.

The fire-breathing dragon, which was about to take off, didn't move after seeing the electric shock monster being caught by the forked bat.

With the eldest sister around, it's no problem.

Seeing the miserable appearance of the electric shock monster, Lu Ze couldn't help laughing and shaking his head.

How can this child be so sincere!
The fire-breathing dragon also laughed.

Look at yourself, then look at the electric shock beast.

If the situation is not right, I just admit defeat!
Anyway, losing to the eldest sister is also a normal thing.

Look at you again, so miserable.

Gee tut.

A strange sound came out of the Charizard's mouth.

Lu Ze could only helplessly beckon, and asked Qiqiwawa and Lucario to take the electric shock monster to the school's elf treatment center first.

After almost Wawa and Lucario left with the electric shock monster, Lu Ze looked at the iron claw lobster and onion ranger with a smile.

"Is there any one of you two who wants to challenge the forked bat?"

Of course, it goes without saying that Kirbymon, he will definitely not challenge the forked bat.

He still has a clear understanding of himself and his eldest sister.

Onion Youbing quickly shook his head, while Iron Claw Lobster looked down at his pincers, then shook his head.

While the iron claw lobster shook its head, the onion ranger also picked up the green onion in his hand, facing the iron claw lobster.

He wants to challenge the iron claw lobster!

He challenged the ironclaw lobster!
Iron Claw Lobster took a look at Lu Ze, and after seeing that Lu Ze was still smiling, he accepted the challenge from the Onion Rangers without hesitation.

The two sides of the battle are in position, and the two Pokémon stand opposite each other.

"Battle begins!"

As Lu Ze's voice fell, the iron claw lobster and the onion ranger disappeared from their original places in an instant.

Onion Ranger [Head Attack], a very high priority skill that can only be used at the beginning.

Iron Claw Lobster's [Water Jet] is also a skill that adds one to the pre-existing system.

But obviously, Onion Ranger's [Head Strike] is still faster.

The scallions hit the iron claw lobster's head, directly knocking the iron claw lobster down.

However, the iron claw lobster didn't show any expression.

Even if the insect-type skills caused him a lot of damage.

Even the Onion Ranger's [head blow] just now did him a lot of damage.

But he had no thoughts of fear at all.

As long as you get close, then it's my turn.

The Shrimp Claw wrapped in water uses the [Crab Claw Hammer].


[Crab Claw Hammer] hit the shield in the hands of Onion Ranger.

Although the onion ranger blocked the [Crab Claw Hammer] attack with his shield.

However, the powerful attack attached to the [Crab Claw Hammer] still made the Onion Ranger fly backwards.

At the same time that the Onion Ranger flew backwards, the water that had just wrapped his fists flowed all over his body.

The iron-clawed lobster wrapped in water rushed towards the onion ranger again.

[Water flow breaks]!
The powerful impact of the water and the [Crab Claw Hammer] that fell again.


After a loud bang, Onion Youbing fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

The fire-breathing dragons on the side haven't reacted yet. Is this the end of the battle?

The Snorlax and the Charizard stared blankly at the Iron Claw Lobster.

It has only been about ten seconds since the two Pokémon disappeared from where they were just now, and now the Onion Ranger has fallen to the ground.

Both of you are fast attack Pokémon.

But how about going so fast!
How embarrassing are you for Kirby!
Kirbymon patted his belly enviously.

But think about it, if your speed needs to be traded with your own strength and big belly.

He would rather choose not to.

Compared with the powerful and abnormal strength and speed.

He still prefers his big belly.

Looking at Ozawa, watching the mini dragons, watching Victini and the others sleeping on his belly, he felt a sense of satisfaction.

It seems that when someone sleeps on his belly, he can sleep more peacefully.

Kirby patted his face, and the fire-breathing dragon scratched its head a little at a loss.

Lu Ze pursed his lips and reasoned. If he hadn't been using the power of the waveguide all the time, he really didn't see what happened between the two Pokémon.

"Charizard, take the two of them to recover."

"it is good."

After the fire-breathing dragon nodded, it grabbed one and took them to the elf treatment center.

"Do you have any contestants you want to challenge?"

After they left, Lu Ze turned his head to look at Kehu who didn't choose to go with the fire-breathing dragon.

Regardless of the small and transparent appearance of the pot, it makes juice for everyone every day.

But her strength is not weak.

Now at the peak of the senior level, she might be able to break through to the strength of the king level at some point.

Seeing Lu Ze turn his head to look at her, Huhu tilted his head. After thinking for a while, he nodded at Lucario who just came back.

Compared with the wind goblins who have the same tactics as myself, they are stronger than themselves, and they are already the strength of the heavenly kings and the forked bats.

She decisively chose Lucario who just came back.

In terms of strength, it is appropriate, and in terms of tactics, it is also restrained.

After Huhu snickered for a while, he stood on the field with a bewildered Lucario.

"Haha, the battle begins!"

Seeing Lucario's expression, Lu Ze couldn't help laughing.

He knows the tactics of Huhu.

In other words, she taught Huhu tactics.

As Lu Ze's voice fell, Lucario came up and was thrown by [Bo Missile].

However, Hu Hu directly used [Power Split].

For a split second, Lucario only felt that his physical attack and special attack had dropped dramatically.

Lucario frowned and looked at the opposite pot.

But Huhu just stuck out his tongue at Lucario, and then used 【Earthquake】.

Faced with Huhu's [Earthquake] attack, Lucario jumped straight away.

But Huhu smiled again.

They all said that I am a beast master!Not a chef!
Although the Sichuan cuisine I made can increase the attack power of the beast.

Although the Su dishes I made can increase the speed of the beast.

Although the Northeast cuisine I made can increase the physical fitness of the imperial beast.

But I am really a beast master!

Cooking is just a side job!

As a time-traveling cook, I feel wronged!
But I will definitely become the strongest beast master!
Not a cook!

Not a cook!

Not a cook!

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