Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 874 Putting it to death and rebirth, the last resort of the iron claw lobster

Chapter 874 Putting it to death and rebirth, the last resort of the iron claw lobster


Lucario in the air had no time to dodge, and was directly covered in a cloud of mud on his face.

After [Mud Shot] hit, Huhu used [Quicksand Hell] again, trapping Lucario who had just fallen to the ground.

Lu Ze couldn't help laughing at this scene.

Lucario is so smooth.

The growth was too smooth, and there were no setbacks at all.

And because of the teachings of Lu Papa and Lu Xingguo Lucario, basically many Pokémon of the same strength are not Lucario's opponents.

At least Lucario has basically lost to anyone since he evolved.

Even when fighting against Pokémon of the same strength in the Zhuzi Secret Realm, he still has the upper hand.

This was when he didn't super evolve.

So Lucario has an arrogance in Lu Ze's eyes now.

His strength is indeed very strong, but no matter what, he cannot be proud.

Not to mention pride ruins everything.

It is said that a proud person is the easiest to deny himself in a failure.

The longer the pride persists, the greater the chance of denying yourself.

Fortunately, this has only recently happened to Lucario.

He needs to be woken up now.

Originally, Lu Ze had already found a good candidate.

But judging by today's situation, pot pot should be enough.

Huhu followed Lu Ze for a very long time.

And every time Lu Ze played the game of Pokémon Battle, Huhu would watch with great interest.

It can be said that the "dirty" level of pots is not low.

Plus Lu Ze's teaching.

It was "dirty" and "oily".

Facing such an opponent, Lucario is really blessed.

Lu Ze smiled. Actually, Huhu is not very good at beating Lucario.

After all, Huhu's attack power and attack methods are not many.

The main attack method, poison, is useless to Lucario of the steel system.

The powerful rock-type skills can only deal a quarter of the damage to the steel-type and fighting-type Lucario.

But that's exactly what it is.

If Lucario is really defeated by the non-combatant Kehu.

Then he might be able to let go of his pride.

However, Lu Ze actually prefers that Lucario beat Hu Hu.

Because Lucario has not reached the limit yet.

The limit of senior level strength.

When Lu Ze was going to let Lucario reach the limit of his senior-level strength, he asked Lucario's opponent, who he had originally chosen, to fight against Lucario.

For this, Lu Ze had already started training Lucario's opponents when he just came back.

The purpose is for him to defeat Lucario.

While destroying Lucario's proud heart, it stimulated Lucario to break through to the king-level strength.

Now that this is the case, though, let's take a look.

If Lucario beats Kehu, then follow the original plan.

If Huhu defeated Lucario, then Lucario would probably remember this battle for a lifetime.

No matter what the situation is, he is not at a loss.

Lu Ze looked a little funny at Lucario who was struggling.

Pot pot.

But I cultivated it with my own hands.

Facing Lucario who was trapped in [Quicksand Hell], Huhu used [Earthquake] again.

This time Lucario couldn't jump up at all, and was hit head-on by the earthquake.

However, even if Huhu used [Equal Strength] to equalize Lucario's physical attack, her physical attack is not very strong.

Huhu hesitated for a moment, then directly used [Power Trick].

Attack and defense were swapped, and Huhu's physical attack instantly became stronger.

On the other hand, Lucario.

After being hit by [Earthquake], Lucario was stunned for a moment.

Although it was double damage, it didn't seem to cause too much damage to himself.

On a conservative estimate, he should still be able to withstand two such attacks.

Thinking of this, Lucario's pride that had just been beaten rose again.

With another attack, the effect of [Quicksand Hell] will disappear.

After the [Restraint] status is gone, with my strength, I can easily defeat Hu Hu, a non-combatant.

Lucario was a little excited, and he didn't worry too much about the [earthquake] again, but directly turned on the enhancement.


After seeing Lucario's choice, Lu Ze froze for a moment.

No, who taught you this?
Lu Ze's face was a little ugly.

In this case, even if you are stuck in the quagmire and cannot move, you can choose to use [Protection] to block the attack.

If you underestimate the other party and don't say anything, you don't even look at the other party, right?

Lu Ze was a little upset, the plan he had just abandoned was now in his heart again.

Then wait for your senior-level strength to reach the end before bringing you a second failure.

Lu Ze knew how powerful the attack power of Huhu who had used the [Power Trick] was.

Tang Yunqin is not the only one who can calculate skill damage.

Although the first [earthquake] did not cause much damage to Lucario.

But now after the offensive and defensive swap, Lucario may lose his combat ability directly after an [earthquake].

Lu Ze has confidence in his own judgment, but Huhu obviously doesn't have much confidence in his own judgment.

She is ready, if Lucario does not fall in this [Earthquake], then she will immediately use [Defensive Split].

How can I say that I am also an old man in Ozawa's team.

It's fine if you're not as good as a combatant, but losing to a rookie would be a little ugly.

Huhu looked at Lucario nervously.

And the ending was naturally not what Lu Ze expected.

The damage of [Earthquake] plus the damage of the last stage of [Quicksand Hell] directly beat Lucario to the point where he lost his fighting ability.

"Take Lucario for treatment."

After Lu Ze waved his hand helplessly, the electric monster who had just returned from the elf treatment center resisted Lucario without hesitation, and ran towards the elf treatment center.

He also noticed that Lu Ze's face was not right, so he didn't speak even though he had already made an appointment with the iron claw lobster.

Just take Lucario there, throw it wherever you want and come back without affecting the duel between yourself and the iron claw lobster.

Anyway, there are almost dolls there, so it's fine.


Seeing Lu Ze like this, Forked Bat and Snorbeast also came to comfort Lu Ze.

The forked bat lightly patted Lu Ze's back with its wings.

The Kirby beast was even more straightforward, and its paws were placed on Lu Ze's head.

Just like how Lu Ze comforted him when he was a child, he gently rubbed Lu Ze's hair with his paws.

Lu Ze took a picture of the Snorby beast's paw with some dumbfounding.

"Learn quite fast."

Lu Ze smiled. Although he couldn't hear what the forked bat and the squirrel said, but after living for so long, he knew what they wanted to express by looking at them.

Nothing more than that.

He is still a child.

Don't worry, we will train him well in the future.

They watched the whole thing.

To be reasonable, even if Lucario doesn't know about Huhu's skills and fighting methods.

(Kuhu, as a non-combatant, is basically not involved in combat just like mini dragons.)
But Lucario was taught by two powerful Lucarios, and was taught and fed by the seniors of their team.

Even if you don't understand, you can't lose like this.

There was only one reason why Lucario lost.

underestimate the enemy!

To underestimate the enemy is because of pride.

To get rid of pride, you have to try and fail more!

Forked bats also failed.

Although Lu Ze didn't know.

But she also often fails on the way to challenge others.

But those were all opponents stronger than her.

She has never lost in a battle with an opponent of the same strength or a little stronger than her.

And Lucario...

To be honest, the loss this time was really ugly.

"Okay, okay, I'm fine."

After Lu Ze helplessly patted the wings of the cross-shaped bat that was about to climb to his head, he said to the two of them.



Forked Bat and Kabimon smiled and did not leave, but just stood beside Lu Ze.

Both of them have self-confidence, and neither of them will choose to challenge themselves.

Needless to say, the cross-word bat is too strong.

Although the same is true for Snorbeast, he is even more difficult to deal with than forked bats.

Snorkel is too restrained against electric monsters, iron claw lobsters and onion rangers.

Although the electric shock beast can be used for long-range and melee combat, it is fine for melee combat against the Kirby beast.

And the long-range can't cause much damage to the almost omnipotent Snorkel.

Snorkel is not stupid, he will not stand there for you to fight, he also has various long-range attack skills.

Although the damage is not very high, the skills used to resist the opponent are still completely sufficient.

Let's talk about the iron claw lobster and the onion ranger.

The two of them are fast attack close combat players.

It is even more difficult for them to face Kirby.

Snorlax can completely move without moving, blocking your attack and grabbing you is over.

Once is not twice, twice is not three times.

As a heavy tank, Snorby can make many mistakes, but you cannot make one mistake.

It can be said that the Pokémon such as Snorkel is the most restrained against the iron claw lobster and onion ranger.

"What do you say next?"

Lu Ze looked at the iron claw lobster in the field and asked.

Iron Claw Lobster glanced at the Snorbeast and Forked Bat next to Lu Ze, shook his head quickly, and pointed at the Electric Shock Beast flying back with its pliers.

"You two?"

Lu Ze was a little confused. The attribute of the electric shock monster is to restrain the iron claw lobster.

The battle between the two of them...

Even though Iron Claw Lobster and Lu Ze followed each other earlier, their strengths are actually about the same.

Under similar circumstances, the restraint of this attribute is very critical.

"You two have a date?"

"Don't worry!"

"Who of you two proposed to fight each other?"

"Don't worry!"

The iron claw lobster nodded again, and pointed at itself with its pincers.

That's right, it was the iron claw lobster who proposed to fight the electric monster.

It's easy to talk about attribute restraint.

As long as you can launch an offensive on it.

"Okay, then you guys get ready."

Lu Ze nodded. In fact, he didn't quite see the iron claw lobster.

Compared with the electric monster, the disadvantage of the iron claw lobster is too great.

Not to mention attribute restraint, the close combat ability of the electric shock monster is not weak.

After all, his master was Zeraora.

Although Zeraora didn't know why she went out during this time.

But what is certain is that the electric shock beast has already left.

Whether it is close combat or long-range attack.

Or [Plasma Lightning Fist].

After Lu Ze opened his mouth, the iron claw lobster and the electric shock beast also prepared.

In fact, there is nothing to prepare for, after all, both of them have just finished fighting.

After a while, the two Pokémon said they were ready.

After the two sides stood face to face, Lu Ze yelled "Start".

The moment the battle started, the Iron Claw Lobster used the [Provocation] skill on the Electric Shock Beast.

The electric shock monster was helpless, and the blue water polo that had just condensed in his hand was forced to disappear.

Facing Pokémon that are restrained by the electric system, such as the iron claw lobster and the forked bat, the first reaction of the electric monster is to use [pray for rain] and [thunder].

But obviously, this combination can face other Pokémon.

But you can't face your own people!
After the Iron Claw Lobster interrupted the Electric Shock Beast's [Pray for Rain], it directly used the [Dance of the Dragon] to strengthen itself.

The Electric Shock Monster froze for a moment, did he have such a bright idea?

[One hundred thousand volts] The moment the shot was made, the electric shock beast also understood it.

The Iron Claw Lobster may be going head-to-head with himself in this game.

Iron claw lobsters have two attack systems.

One set is water system, evil system, [Dragon Dance] or [Sword Dance] physical attack enhancement system.

This system is fast and instant kill.

The other set is [trick], a special attack enhancement system based on water and poison.

Of course, these two systems are not needed to face many Pokémon Claw Lobsters.

Because many Pokémon can be defeated without the iron claw lobster enhancement.

But obviously, the electric shock beast is not in it.

In the face of the electric shock monster, it is still necessary to [strengthen] one hand.

[One hundred thousand volts] hit, and the electric shock monster froze for a moment.

After the white smoke generated by the skill hit dissipated, the electric monster was shocked.

The iron-clawed lobster that forcibly resisted [one hundred thousand volts] underwent a second strengthening at this time.

But this time it's not [Dance of the Dragon].

It's 【Sword Dance】!
Electric Shock Monster suddenly felt a little proud, because Iron Claw Lobster said that ordinary Pokémon are not suitable for him to use [Dragon Dance] and [Sword Dance] together.

And obviously, I am not that kind of ordinary Pokémon.

But pride is pride, if the iron claw lobster is successfully strengthened, then you will be in danger.

Lu Ze was also a little surprised when he saw that the iron claw lobster chose this tactic.

To die and then to live!
This is the name the iron claw lobster gave itself to this routine.

【Dance of the Dragon】strengthen, and then get beaten, use 【Sword Dance】to strengthen at the same time.

The characteristic of [Adaptability] plus his already powerful attack power, three physical attack increases, plus one speed increase.

He once said.

Even if Big Sister Head of Forked Bat let him do it like this, he can beat Big Sister Head!
Obviously, the ironclaw lobster is not joking.

In the face of using the [Plasma Lightning Fist] to shock the monster, the iron claw lobster was not afraid at all, and even showed a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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