Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 876 The evolution is successful, the battle begins!

Because of Lu Ze's words, the two trainers who had just entered the Tianwang class decided to wait for a while before starting the competition.

Lu Zhengjie basically stayed at Lu Ze's house these days.

After Lu Ze communicated with the Insect Armor Saint, the Insect Armor Saint called the Abandoned Monkey over.

The moment Lu Zhengjie's Fiery Monkey saw the Abandoned Monkey, its eyes lit up.

handsome ah!
In this way, Fire Monkey received special training from Abandoned Monkey.

It is said that it is a special training, but it is actually just teaching the fire monkey to learn [Fist of Anger].

After Lu Zhengjie started studying, it wasn't just Lu Zhengjie.

Lu Xingguo, who had already gone back to sort out the materials, directly handed over all the work to Father Lu, and then came to live by himself.

In other words, Lu Ze has more rooms.

Otherwise, Ladias will be squeezed out.

While Firestorm Monkey is learning from Abandoned Monkey, Fugui is also learning from Lu Ze.

Learn how the Sandstorm team faces the fighting team.

Especially Lu Zhengjie's waveguide power plus Super Lucario's fighting team.

To be reasonable, one side is his younger brother, and the other side is his apprentice.

After Lu Ze hesitated for a while, he chose richness amidst Lu Zhengjie's ridicule.

Brother, you don't want to be rich and lose unfairly, do you?

According to Lu Zhengjie's thinking, Lu Ze had already pointed out the re-evolution of the Fiery Monkey for him.

Compared with helping his apprentice get rich, this help is obviously greater.

Another one, he is still very confident in his own strength.

Of course, he should also be confident.

The natural enemy of Team Sandstorm is the fighting system.

For the Sandstorm team, the fighting system is more disgusting than other teams that grab the weather.

Those of the fighting department don't have to compete with you for the weather.

But he can stand against your weather and kill all your sandstorm teams.

Sandstorm's weatherman, Bangira, if one is accidentally caught by Super Lucario.

Then this battle will be more difficult to fight.

Not only Bangira, but also the main attacker of the Sandstorm team, Gopher, was also double restrained by the fighting system.

But wealth is not cowardly.

Compared with the traditional sandstorm team, he is not afraid of Lucario in the sandstorm team improved by Lu Ze.

After all, whether it is Hu Di, or Tyrannosaurus, armored bird can pose a big threat to Lucario of the fighting department.

Although Lu Zhengjie's team is an all-member fighting department.

But compared with his brother's traditional sandstorm team, his resistance to fighting teams is still very strong.

So wealth is not in vain.

Come, it is your fighting team that is fighting.

In this way, time passed little by little during the special training of Lu Ze and the Abandoned Monkey.

Because of too long time, Lu Xingguo has already left.

But before Lu Xingguo left, he also said that he must remember to call him when the fire monkey evolves.

If it’s too late, make sure to record a video.

Lu Ze agreed.

At this time, a week has passed.

There are still thirteen days before Chinese New Year.



"elder brother!"

Lu Zhengjie excitedly came to the open space in front of the small room, and shouted to Lu Ze excitedly.

"what happened?"

Lu Ze, who was teaching Fugui how to use some small skills to disgust fighting Pokémon, turned his head and looked at Lu Zhengjie excitedly.

Are you about to evolve?
"Wait and try to evolve, call grandpa over."

"it is good!"

After hearing that it was exactly as he thought, Lu Ze also became excited.

"There are still eight days until the Chinese New Year, you can finally do it!"

Lu Ze was so excited.

After all, as long as the fire monkey evolves into the abandonment monkey, their battle can begin.

After the battle is over, you can celebrate the New Year with peace of mind.


Lu Zhengjie smiled a little embarrassedly.

After all, I really delayed it for a long time.

After Lu Ze called his grandfather over, Lu Zhengjie was ready to let the fire monkey evolve.

According to Lu Ze, Firestorm Monkey can evolve after using [Fist of Anger] twenty times in battle.

To be fair, this condition is easy to satisfy.

But it's a pity that Kirby can't play.

After all, [Fist of Wrath] is a ghost-type skill, and it is ineffective against normal-type Snorkellings.

Although I don't know if invalid ones can be counted as completion conditions.

But it would be more appropriate to let someone else do it.

Such as the rich Bangira.

As a Pokémon of the evil type and the rock type, Bangira has good physical defense, and at the same time resists the damage caused by ghost-type skills.

In this case, it would be appropriate for Bangira to come forward as a sandbag.

By the way, let the current Firestorm Monkey and the later Forsaken World Monkey try their hands.

After all, the two sides will officially start fighting.

As Bangira raised his hand to indicate that he was ready, a unilateral help began.

Firestorm Monkey attacked directly, and at the same time it punched [Fist of Anger] on Bangira, [Sandstorm] was also activated at the same time.

However, 【Sandstorm】did not cause any damage to Firestorm Monkey, and was used by Coal Turtle to change the weather with 【Sunny Sky】.

The fire monkey was not attacked, and [Fist of Anger] naturally did not increase the damage.

In this way, under the attack of the Fire Monkey, the milky white light representing evolution soon lit up on the Fire Monkey's body.

The moment the light flickered, Lu Zhengjie couldn't help but get excited.

Lu Xingguo adjusted the camera, and recorded this scene in amazement.

If it wasn't for Lu Ze, if it wasn't for that wild Abandoned Monkey who didn't know how to come here.

No one can imagine that there is a Pokémon that evolves after performing [-] attacks with the same skill in battle.

But fortunately, from today onwards, Pyromonkey has become a Pokémon with three stages of evolution.

The milky white light dissipated, and an abandoned monkey appeared in front of Bangira.

After seeing that his mission was completed, the Abandoned Monkey who appeared in Zhuzi's secret realm also nodded with satisfaction, and then left here.

Lu Ze called Victini, handed him two boxes of delicious energy cubes, and motioned him to send them to the Abandoned Monkey.


After Victini nodded with a smile, he held two energy cubes and chased after the departing Abandoned Monkey.

"Our battle, let's begin!"

Fugui also became excited after seeing the Firestorm Monkey evolve into the Abandoned Monkey.

Is the battle I've been looking forward to finally about to begin?
"Let Bangira and Abandoned Monkey go to recover first, and then start."

Lu Zhengjie was equally excited. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Looking at the energetic young people, Lu Xingguo packed his things and left.

He wants to go back to the research institute to find a fire monkey.

Then, after Lu Zhengjie's match was over, he asked his Abandoned Monkey to come over and teach the new Fire Monkey to use [Fist of Anger].

They want to study why the fire monkey will evolve through the use of skills.

After Lu Ze, Sui Yan and Tang Yunqin prepared the melon seeds, they sat on the grass and waited for them to come back.

After a while, Bangira came back from the elf treatment center with the Abandoned Monkey.

After the two Pokémon came back, Fugui and Lu Zhengjie, who had been chatting happily just now, separated in an instant.

From now until the end of the battle, the two of them will be opponents!
After the two sides stood up, they took out the elf balls at the same time.

Just now their Pokémon were taken back into the Poké Ball.

Even Bangira and the Forsaken Monkey who just came back are no exception.

"Go, Violent Dragon!"

"Go, Weird!"

Both sides released their Pokémon at the same time.

Fugui did not choose to be the first to leave Bangira.

And Lu Zhengjie seemed to have guessed it, and he didn't choose to be the first to bring out the Tyrannosaurus.

Among the rich Pokémon, all three of my Pokémon can super evolve.

Bangira, Hu Di and Tyrannosaurus.

So for Lu Zhengjie, it is very necessary to guess the super evolutionary player in the rich team.

After all, three different Pokémon represent three different directions.

For Lu Zhengjie, Bangira's super evolution is the best way to deal with it.

Followed by Tyrannosaurus, and finally Hu Di.

Hu Di's super power is too restrained for fighting.

It's okay to resist, the control of superpowers and the skill of [teleportation] are really annoying.

Especially on the most representative Hu Di in the Super Energy Department.

Although Lu Zhengjie hadn't played against Fu Guizheng much.

But they are all from the same grade and department. Even if they have never fought, they have seen each other fight a lot.

So now he is praying that Hu Di doesn't carry the super evolution stone.

With the sound of "the battle begins" from Lu Ze outside the field.

Both sides attacked each other at the same time.

"Sonic Fist!"

"Dragon Tail!"

Although he was frightened by the characteristics of the violent dragon, the physical attack was lowered by one level, but the strange power still took the lead, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards the violent dragon in the sky.

The characteristics of [No Defense] lead to the fact that as long as the strange force is close, one's own attack will definitely be able to hit.

Similarly, the strange power of [No Defense] will also be hit by the opponent.

The strange force that punched the Tyrannosaurus hadn't had time to punch the second [Burst Punch] before it was pulled back into the elf ball by the Tyrannosaurus's tail.

Under Lu Zhengjie's displeased eyes, the repairman came out.

[Iron Fist] The veteran repairman with the characteristic is not weak.

With the [Frozen Fist] of the Farmer's Three Punches, even Tyrannosaurus must be careful not to be hit by the repairman.

The moment the old repairman came out, what greeted him was the [Intimidation] characteristic of the tyrannosaurus.

After the physical attack was lowered by one level, the heavy rain suddenly fell.

"not good!"

Lu Zhengjie's face changed: "The old repairman uses sunny days!"

But Lu Zhengjie was obviously a step too late.

At the same time that Lu Zhengjie spoke, the Storm Dragon's [Storm] had been released.

The range of the [Storm] in the rainy day is so large that it is impossible for the old repairman to avoid it.

"The Repairman..."

Lu Zhengjie turned on the waveguide, and sensed that the struggling repairman inside [Storm] regretted it.

He also said to wait for the opponent to make a shot first, and then hit a backhand.

After all, the speed of repairing the old craftsman is too slow.

But I didn't expect the opponent to move so fast.

After a while, the 【Storm】dissipated slowly, and the repairman also appeared in the middle of the storm.

Seeing the veteran repairman lose his ability to fight, Lu Zhengjie couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

A [Storm], gave the old repairman a second?
Lu Zhengjie frowned, picked up the poke ball and took the repairer back.

"The Violent Dragon carries the Orb of Life."

Lu Zhengjie and Lu Ze, who were watching the battle, thought at the same time.

In other words, the life orb has the effect of enhancing the power of skills.

However, the damage of Tyrannosaurus is really high.

Lu Zhengjie sighed, and used the old repairman to detect that the opposite tyrannosaurus did not carry a super evolutionary stone, which is still a bit of a loss.

"Go, Weili."

Lu Zhengjie didn't hesitate, and chose Weili to play.

What he carries with his strange power is also the Orb of Life.

As long as you can get close...

"Strange Power, Exploding Fist!"

After the strange force entered the field, Lu Zhengjie directly directed the strange force to launch a strong attack.

There is no need for the strange power of the [No Defense] characteristic to reach the opponent's side one step faster.

Use [Burst Fist] directly, even if it is bounced back by your [Dragon Tail], and the [Chaos] state occurs, you still cannot escape!
not to mention…

Wei Limang went up.

[Burst Fist] Hit!

The moment Lu Zhengjie saw the tyrannical dragon's tail move, he roared hastily.

"Weird power, hold on!"

A transparent barrier appeared on Wei Li's body, and the [Dragon Tail] of the Violent Dragon was blocked by [Hold].

Moreover, Tyrannosaurus also fell into a state of [Chaos].

A smile appeared on Lu Zhengjie's face.

While the Tyrannosaurus was being [Chaos], Weili's [Frozen Fist] punched the Tyrannosaurus until Fugui took out the poke ball, and knocked the Tyrannosaurus out of combat ability.

Quadruple weak ice really can't afford it.

Looking at the excited strange force on the field and the retracted Tyrannosaurus, Lu Ze shook his head helplessly.

Wealth is too much taken for granted.

If you want to use this routine once and want to use it a second time, you will definitely be countered.

The countermeasure lies in the activation time of the card [Dragon Tail].

The activation of [Dragon Tail] is too slow, and the activation of [Hold] can be said to be one of the fastest skills.

In this case, if the opponent chooses to play with strange power, he must be able to cope with it.

This is all right, the Sandstorm team's zone defense has been broken.

Although the opponent is not the kind of multi-attribute compound team.

But then Fugui is still not very easy to play.

The two Pokémon have been exchanged for one, and now the battle continues.

In the face of the strange power of the [No Defense] characteristic, Fugui is also a little entangled.

But after hesitating for a while, he still chose Bangira as a way to deal with it.

Isn't it [No Defense].

Then let's go head-to-head!
After Bangira appeared on the stage, Fugui immediately directed Bangira to launch an attack.


The strong vibration brought the sandstorm and swooped towards the strange force at the same time.

The strange force also rushed towards Bangira at the same time.

Now whoever's attack from both sides meets first will be able to win.

Apparently Bangira seems to be faster.

[Earthquake] After the hit, the forward momentum of the strange force was directly interrupted.

But Bangira's attack is still not over.


After a roar, Bangira also shot out a thick white beam of light from his mouth.

【Destroy Death Light】!

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