Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 877 Chapter 1 is Coming

[Destroying Death Light] Hit from the front.

There is no doubt that the strange power was lost in seconds.

But Lu Zhengjie didn't mean to panic.

After recovering the monster power into the Poké Ball, Lucario was sent out.

"Lucario, super evolution!"

The moment Lucario came on stage, the super evolution keystone on Lu Zhengjie's wrist lit up.

The super evolution stone on Lucario's wrist also shone with colorful light.

Facing Bangira who had just finished using [Destroy Death Beam] and fell into a short-term stiff state, Lucario raised his hand and saw two [Wave Missiles].

[Wave Missile] The moment it was thrown out, Lucario jumped into the air.

After a slight pause, he suddenly slammed towards Bangira on the ground.

Bangira's stiff state at this time is over.

Facing two [wave missiles], I tried to raise my hand to stop them.

Although the interception was successful, two [wave missiles] exploded in Bangira's big hands, but Super Lucario also fell down at the same time.


With the powerful [Flying Knee Kick] plus four times the damage, Bangira's blood bar was emptied directly, and the moment he flew upside down, his eyes turned circles.

Fugui looked at the opposite Super Lucario with a headache.

It was agreed to avoid Super Lucario, but he was still caught.

Although I thought of it when I just let Bangira use [Destroy Death Light].

But it was quite disappointing to be seized by the other party.

It's no use getting lost now.

Now that Bangira is down, it's up to you next!

"Go, Hu Di!"

The moment Hu Di appeared on the stage, it was just like Lucario's appearance just now.

The super evolution stone shone brightly, and Hu Di also transformed into a super Hu Di.

The characteristic of Super Hudi is [Copy], which copies the characteristics of the opposite Super Lucario the moment he enters the field.

The characteristics of both sides at this time have become [adapted], but obviously, the situation is not very good for Lucario.

After all, Hu Di of the super power system is resistant to fighting skills.

Even the physical defense of Super Hudi is not very high.

After Lu Zhengjie hesitated for a moment, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

The Abandoned Monkey after the evolution of Firestorm Monkey seems to be a ghost-type Pokémon?
"Come back, Lucario."

After thinking of this, Lu Zhengjie directly took Lucario back into the elf ball.

Although the Abandoned Monkey, as a ghost-type Pokémon, is also restrained by superpowers.

But if you can replace the super Hudi who is the most threatening to you in the opposing team.

Then there is this game!
Fugui didn't expect that the other party would choose to change Pokémon.

In his vision, after his Super Hu Di came out, only Super Lucario could face him head-on.

As for the others, to be honest, it was basically impossible to know Lu Zhengjie with wealth.

He can only choose Super Lucario to head-to-head with his own super hudi, defeat his own super hudi, or exchange with his own super hudi to have a chance to win himself.

But the strange thing is that now Lu Zhengjie actually replaced Lucario?
Under Fugui's curious eyes, Lu Zhengjie immediately dispatched his Abandoned Monkey.

"Abandoned Monkey?"

Fugui was a little puzzled, but soon, his master and the information about the Abandoned Monkey appeared in his mind.

One of the most important points is.

Ghost system!
Forsaken Monkey is a fighting-type plus ghost-type Pokémon.

The ghost system can restrain the super power system.

In addition, Abandoned Monkey's signature skill [Fist of Wrath] is also a ghost-type physical attack skill.

This is not good news for Super Hudi.

Although Super Hu Di can also restrain the Forsaken World Monkey.

But the battle of the king against the king, you now come up with a soldier who can threaten the king?
After Fu Gui hesitated for a moment, he directed Hu Di to attack.

He wanted to try it first.

Try out how powerful this new Pokémon Forsaken Monkey is.

"Super stupid, strong mind!"

Abandoned Monkey is restrained by super power, ghost, flying, and fairy.

Fugui also directly used the super power attack that Super Hudi is best at.

The invisible superpower wrapped towards the Abandoned Monkey.

Although the Abandoned Monkey was aware of it, it did not escape successfully.

Lu Zhengjie's heart tightened when he saw the Abandoned Monkey being lifted into the air, but he soon relaxed.

"That's fine, wait until you use Fist of Wrath."

The Abandoned Monkey's attack was forced to be interrupted, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The Abandoned Monkey became angry, and the power of [Fist of Wrath] also increased.

"Forsaken Monkey, Fist of Wrath!"

Lu Zhengjie directly directed the Abandoned Monkey to attack.

[Fist of Wrath] is the exclusive skill of Abandoned Monkey, which can increase the damage of [Fist of Wrath] when attacked.

After being thrown so badly just now, it is appropriate to use [Fist of Wrath] now.

But the problem is that his opponent is a super Hu Di.

As one of the representative Pokémon of the Psychic Pokémon, the skill of [Teleportation] can be said to be engraved in the bones.

Super Hudi [teleportation] After dodging the attack of the Abandoned Monkey, he launched an attack on the Abandoned Monkey again.

【Spiritual Field】Expand.

When the Abandoned Monkey rushed over again, use [Spiritual Sense] directly.

With the bonus of [Adaptability] and the bonus of [Spiritual Field], Abandoned Monkey was taken away in just one face-to-face.

"Why doesn't he use the stealth attack?"

Lu Ze gave Lu Zhengjie a strange look, and then looked at the Abandoned Monkey who fell to the ground as if he had thought of something.

Oh, the Forsaken World Monkey has just evolved and hasn't learned this skill yet.

In other words, Lu Zhengjie didn't know that the Abandoned Monkey could learn this skill at all.

But Lu Zhengjie will definitely give it a try when he goes back.

After all, after my Pokémon has evolved, it has an additional ghost-type attribute, so I must learn the ghost-type skills.

Lu Zhengjie suffered from the loss that the Abandoned Monkey came to fight just after it evolved.

Otherwise, the Abandoned Monkey who has learned [Shadow Claw] and [Submarine Assault] would not be so easily defeated by Super Hudi.

If one is not careful, the car may overturn in a super awkward manner.

Of course, this is just a conjecture. After all, Hu Di's strength after super evolution is much stronger than that of Abandoned Monkey.

"Sure enough, I can only rely on you."

After Lu Zhengjie murmured, he took out Lucario's elf ball.

In the next second, Super Lucario appeared again!

"Super Lucario, wave missile!"

As soon as Super Lucario came on the field, he launched an attack on Super Hudi.

Although Lu Zhengjie's Lucario is not, it is also the same route as Lu Xingguo and Lu's father's Lucario.

In other words, his Lucario is between Father Lu's Lucario and Lu Ze's Lucario.

Lu Papa and Lu Xingguo's Lucario are pure physical attacks and like to fight close to body.

Lucario of Lu Ze has two swords, both are fine.

Lucario of Lu Zhengjie has stronger physical attack and weaker special attack in the dual swords.

It's okay to say it's double swords, or it's okay to say it's close combat.

In this case, [Spiritual Ground] can be immune to the effects of preemptive skills.

Super Lucario, who has no pre-emptive skills, is not easy to face the super Hudi.

If it's not easy to stick to your face, just drag the long-range attack first, and drag it until this [spiritual field] disappears.

After all, what you brought with you is a super evolutionary stone, not a large mulch.

Facing Super Lucario's [Wave Missile], Super Hudi just flew out the spoon behind him, directly blocking Super Lucario's [Wave Missile].

In the smoke produced by the [wave missile] blasting on the super power barrier, Super Lucario is also constantly approaching Super Hudi.

However, Super Hudi was like opening a waveguide, and caught the approaching Super Lucario in one fell swoop.

Super Lucario was thrown out.

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhengjie opened the waveguide fully.

While connecting with Super Lucario's waveguide, Super Lucario's power has also increased a lot.

"Super Lucario, shadow ball!"


The moment Super Lucario raised his hand and threw out two [Shadow Balls], he rushed towards Super Hudi again.

Looking at the coming [Shadow Ball] and Super Lucario rushing over, Super Hu Di's invincible IQ did some calculations.


While dodging the [Shadow Ball] attack, he also used [Psychic Sense] on Super Lucario.

[Shadow Ball] is not a tracking skill like [Wave Missile].

Of course, if it's [Bo missile], Super Hudi still won't hesitate.

After all, the threat brought by Super Lucario is much greater than two [wave missiles].

Facing Super Hudi's invisible mental power, Super Lucario and Lu Zhengjie closed their eyes at the same time.

Since the eyes can't see it, let's use the power of waveguide!

The waveguide power of one person and one Pokémon are combined into one, and the transparent superpower is as dazzling as the sun in the sky in their eyes.

Now that you see it, you can avoid it.

Super Lucario kept dodging the [spiritual thoughts] that Super Hudi grabbed.

But this scene seemed a bit strange to Sui Yan and Tang Yunqin.

Super Hu was sweating profusely, while Super Lucario closed his eyes, as if he was dancing.

Soon, Super Lucario approached Super Hudi.


A sudden attack sent Super Lucario flying again.

"This is?"

Lu Zhengjie was shocked.

【Predict future】?
Fugui had a smile on his face, just before using [Teleportation].

Unexpectedly, while avoiding your [Shadow Ball], Hu Di can also use a [Future Foretelling].

Fugui smiled happily.

Now as long as Super Lucario falls, the victory of this game will be his own.

Looking at the current appearance of Super Lucario, it is obvious that he is not far from falling down.

Although the [spiritual field] has disappeared, there is a strengthening of the [spiritual thoughts] and a [future prediction].

With the blessing of the [Adaptability] feature, Super Lucario doesn't have much stamina left.

"Super Hudi, get rid of him! Mental shock!"

Fugui chose to use [Spiritual Shock] for the last skill.

Just now Super Lucario evaded the arrest of [Mental Force], which really scared him.

Are you kidding me, can you hide with superpowers?

Although he knew that this was the blessing of Lu Zhengjie Bird's strength.

But the last attack must be safe!
The [Spiritual Shock], which is directly pushed across a large area, is obviously more suitable for this scene.

The spoon behind Super Hudi appeared in front of him again, and then a powerful super power appeared on the field, pushing towards Super Lucario.


[Spiritual Shock] Hitting Super Lucario, there was a light bang.

Super Lucario…


That's right, it exploded!
The moment Super Lucario was hit by [Spiritual Sense], it turned into a white smoke and exploded.

"Stand-in, teleport!"

Seeing this scene, Fugui was shocked, and immediately reacted, and reminded Super Hudi to use [teleportation] to leave the place.


Unfortunately, when Lu Zhengjie opened his mouth, Super Lucario had already appeared behind Super Hudi.

【Survival from Desperation】!
The last trump card of the fighting system!

Lu Ze, who was watching the battle, was also shocked.

When did you use the [substitute]?
He didn't notice even if he didn't open Bird to watch the battle.

I thought Lu Zhengjie was going to lose.

As a result, this hand...

According to the current state of Super Lucario, even if this [Survival from Desperation] does not have the power of [-], it is still [-].

And the current super Hudi, let alone the one hundred and fifty-power "Survival from Desperation".

That is, the attack power of the [-]-power [Survivor] in Super Lucario, with the blessing of Super Lucario's [Adaptability] feature, whether it can hold it is one thing.

The last hole card of the fighting-type Pokémon, it sent Super Hudi flying in one blow.

Even the moment Super Lucario touched the Super Hu Di, the Super Hu Di lost his fighting ability and degenerated into a Hu Di.

"Come back, Hudi."

Fugui was a little annoyed and took Hu Di, who had lost his fighting ability, back into the poke ball.

I am a little careless.

Thought the ticket was in hand.

The result was overturned!
But fortunately, Super Lucario obviously doesn't have much physical strength anymore.

Looking at the panting Super Lucario on the field, Fugui thought for a while before sending out his next Pokémon.

"Go, shellless nudibranch!"

That's right, Fugui's choice is the Sea Hare.

Sea Bunny is slower than Super Lucario though.

But the good thing is that he is not afraid of fighting.

If the leading gopher is allowed to play now, he is really afraid that Super Lucario will take away his main attacker.

After the sea hare beast came out, before it launched an attack, two powerful auras came from the sky.

"This is?"

Lu Ze raised his head and squinted his eyes, but under the influence of the sunlight, he only saw two shadows.

Seems like Mewtwo?
But why are there two Mewtwo?

Oh, by the way, a black Mewtwo came out of the secret realm some time ago.

How did the two of them come back together?

Dark Mewtwo is also celebrating the New Year here?

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