Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 880 Lu Ze's plan, Lucario's defeat!

The time of Chinese New Year passed quite quickly.

In the process of playing around, the middle age disappeared.

Dark Chaomeng was reluctant to part, but was still taken away by Chaomeng.

"Don't you want power?"

With Chaomeng's words, Darkness Chaomeng returned the phone to Lu Ze.

This period of time is too addicted to mobile phones.

Fighting with Latias' Pokémon every day, I successfully climbed to the top in less than a month.

Seriously, Dark Mewtwo climbed to the top faster than Mewtwo in one place.

At least for now, Mewtwo has only reached the top in the Pokémon battle.

The two divine beasts of the super power system, to be reasonable, are really a dimensionality reduction blow in Pokémon Smash Bros.

Not only that, but they are also duo.

If it wasn't for their identities, the two of them would have teamed up to play professionally.

That's right, now there are professional leagues for both Pokémon Battle and Pokémon Smash Bros.

That is, now Lu Ze is preparing for the World King Challenge.

Otherwise, the high and low will bring the great profession of poker player to this world.

After Dark Mewtwo left, the patterned Pokémon also began to work hard.

Although I don't know what Chaomeng said to them.

But Lu Ze knew that Chaomeng asked him for a training plan.

Not just forkbats, carbys and charizards.

There is also a training plan for Tang Yunqin's two Pokémon.

If there are no others, let Lu Ze make a training plan.

In exchange, Chaomeng promised himself and Dark Chaomeng that they could serve as Lu Ze's thugs twice.

It's a good feeling.

In one night, Lu Ze made all the training plans for more than 30 Pokémon.

What a joke, although I don't know what you think about Chaomeng.

But I have been coveting these pattern Pokémon for a long time.

I have everything about the training plan in my heart, and now I just write it out.

Although it is a pity, it is not a big problem.

After the patterned Pokémon, I also have candidates for the second team in my heart.

For example, the two sides who are going to fight today.

One is Lucario of Lu Ze, and the other is the opponent that Lu Ze has chosen for Lucario long ago.

At the same time, he is also a member of the second team that Lu Ze is optimistic about.

The Pokémon in the Noble Secret Realm, the Pokémon Iron Warrior of the fighting plus fairy type.

As the future species of Elledo, it also evolved from Lalulas.

Think about it, although I failed to get Xanadu.

But Lalulas evolves Shanaido, and Lalulas also evolves Elledo.

Then, Shanaido is equal to Elle Duo.

The iron warrior is the future species of Ai Lu Lei Duo, which is equal to Ai Lu Lei Duo.

In the end, Iron Warrior is equal to Xanadu.

The second team of iron warriors is equal to the second team of Xanadu.

It is equivalent to Lu Ze getting Xanadu.

"Lucario, you are allowed to use super evolution."

After arriving on the grass, Lu Ze looked at Lucario with a smile and said to him.

Lucario has been much better since losing to Huhu.

However, the opponent that Lu Ze prepared for him a long time ago of course cannot be wasted (crossed out).

However, Huhu used tactics to defeat Lucario, and Lucario might be dissatisfied.

At this time, Lu Ze needs to come forward to find a player who is similar in strength to him and can beat Lucario head-on.

And this player is Iron Warrior.

Lu Ze felt that he was very kind to Lucario, not to mention his good intentions, and planned for such a long time.

In order for Lucario to truly change himself, Lu Ze secretly trained Iron Warriors for a period of time.

So much so that iron warriors have a greater probability of defeating Lucario.

In fact, without Lu Ze's special training, the strength of the two Pokémon is almost [-]-[-].

Lucario three, iron warrior seven.

And after Lu Ze's special training, even if Lucario is super-evolved, it's only [-]-[-].

As for Lucario if he doesn't choose super evolution...

That's not good to say.

Facing Lu Ze's question, Lucario shook his head as expected.

"Adversaries of the same strength don't need me to use super evolution."

Lucario is confident, but he is confident when he doesn't know who his opponent is.

That's arrogance.

Lu Ze smiled slightly, arrogance obviously has no good end.

"Iron Warrior."

As Lu Ze opened his mouth, a green, white and pink Pokémon appeared in front of Lucario.

Elf: Iron Warrior

sex male

Attributes: Fairy, Fighting

Trait: Quark Charge (When carrying drive energy or on an electric field, the ability with the highest value will increase.)
Qualification: Gold

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

That's right, this iron warrior has golden aptitude.

This is one of the reasons why Lu Ze was able to choose him.

Although Lucario is a little arrogant, he does have the ability to be arrogant.

To put it bluntly, most Pokémon of the same strength are not Lucario's opponents at all.

And as the Pokémon that wants to suppress Lucario's arrogance, it can't be stronger or weaker than him.

Lucario must be convinced of the defeat.

Obviously, the Iron Warrior possesses this strength.

This is why Lu Ze just asked Lucario if he wanted to super evolve.

If Lucario chooses super evolution carefully, the battle will be settled.

If Lucario is arrogant, it may take two games.

Beat Lucario in one match and Super Lucario in one match.

Lu Ze smiled and stepped back slowly, leaving the battlefield to the two Pokémon.

Lucario obviously understood that Iron Warrior was his opponent this time.

The two stood facing each other, and the iron warrior was indifferent, looking at Lucario on the opposite side with a calm face.

And Lucario felt the oppression brought by the iron warrior on the other side.

How is it possible, but it's just a Pokémon with the same strength as me!

Under the same strength, I am the strongest!

As the coin that Lu Ze threw into the air fell to the ground, the battle between the two Pokémon officially started.

Lucario shot first, still the two [wave missiles] set off first, and Lucario followed the [wave missiles] and rushed towards the iron warrior.

The Iron Warrior didn't panic at all, he raised his arm lightly, and after [Slash] broke through two [Wave Missiles], he met the rushing Lucario.


The two Pokémon collided.

Lucario didn't know when the bone stick formed by the power of waveguide appeared in his hand and the iron warrior's pink arms collided together.

Although the difference in strength between the two is not large, there is still a gap.

The bone rod is being pressed down all the time.

Although Lucario gritted his teeth and persisted, the gap in strength could not be made up by just gritting his teeth.


With a roar from Lucario, the bone stick suddenly lifted, and the Iron Warrior was thrown out.

The Iron Warrior fell to the ground after a backflip in the air, and then the electric current spread under his feet, and the whole field became an [electric field].

Iron Warrior's characteristic [Quark Charge] is the strongest ability improvement in [Electric Field].

The strongest of iron warriors is undoubtedly physical attack.

Originally, Lucario's physical attack was not as good as that of Iron Warrior, but now that Iron Warrior's physical attack has been strengthened again, Lucario is even less of an opponent.

But Lucario is not stupid.

Although arrogant, it was also caused by not having an opponent of the same level for a long time.

Now that he has a long-lost opponent who can head-to-head, Lucario is also excited.

While [Electric Field] was spreading, Lucario also used [Sword Dance] to enhance his physical attack.

The iron warrior smiled when he saw this scene, and did not rush forward to interrupt Lucario's strengthening.

Instead, he rushed towards Lucario after Lucario's strengthening was completed.

This behavior of the iron warrior also made Lucario's eyes blaze instantly.

I have never been the only one who looks down on others, this is the first time a Pokémon looks down on me!
Lucario clenched his fist, and the silver-white steel energy was wrapped in his hand, and he hit the iron warrior.

The iron warrior raised his big hand, and at the same time as it fell, [Spiritual Blade] also appeared in his hand.

The two sides collided together, [Comet Fist] and [Spiritual Blade] collided with each other.

Because of Lucario's [Sword Dance] just now, he finally competed with Iron Warrior at this time.

A smile appeared on Lucario's face, and his strength was finally not suppressed.

But in the next second, Iron Warrior's body suddenly slammed into Lucario.

The strength of [Melee Combat] was fully released, and while Lucario was knocked flying, he also rolled on the ground a few times.

Before Lucario raised his head, the Iron Warrior's attack came again.

Facing the [Zhen Qi Bomb] fired by the Iron Warrior, Lucario quickly used the [See Through] skill to resist the attack from the Iron Warrior.


Lucario froze for a moment after using [See Through].

It seems that it's not [Zhen Qi Bomb]?
In the next second, Lucario raised and retracted subconsciously, and a transparent energy barrier appeared, blocking the [Future Foretelling] super energy energy falling from the sky.

But if this is blocked, what about 【Zhen Qi Bomb】?
After hitting without any hindrance, Lucario was beaten and rolled several times on the ground.

"When did you predict the future!"

Lucario covered his chest, carefully recalling the iron warrior's movements.


The movement of raising the head before using [Spiritual Blade]!

Thinking about it, it should be that Iron Warrior is releasing [Future Foretelling].

Big loss this time!
[Future Foretelling] is a special attack skill, Iron Warrior has a strong physical attack.

In addition, [Future Foretelling] is a super power skill, and it does not have any restraint damage to Lucario.

So Lucario can choose to resist [Future Prediction] first, and then use [See Through] to block [Zhen Qi Bomb].

Because [Zhen Qi Bomb] is not only a physical attack that Iron Warrior is good at, but also a fighting skill that can cause double damage to him.

In the end, [See Through] blocked the [Future Forecast], which was not a big problem, and let go of the double-damage [Zhen Qi Bomb].

This blood loss!
Lucario raised his head dissatisfied, and met the calm eyes of Iron Warrior.


Lucario was dying, slammed the ground and used the [Earthquake] skill, trying to escape the fate of being attacked by the Iron Warrior.

But unfortunately, all of this didn't have much effect on Iron Warrior.

With the winning ticket in his hands, Iron Warrior directly chose to forcibly resist the [Earthquake] attack.

Then [Flame Fist] beat Lucario to the point where he lost his ability to fight.

Lu Ze looked at Lucario who lost his fighting ability and shook his head helplessly.

One step wrong, step by step wrong.

Because he misjudged Iron Warrior as a [Future Foretelling], he quickly lost his fighting ability in the end.

"Iron Warrior, take Lucario to heal, and you recover too, you may have a fight later."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Iron Warrior nodded and took Lucario, who had lost his combat ability, to the Elf Healing Center.

Lu Ze smiled helplessly, then turned his head and shouted.


As Lu Ze's voice fell, the three Lucarios also came out from the hiding place behind with embarrassment on their faces.

Lucario's self-confidence in Lu Ze was taught by them.

And arrogance is what they boast about.

Especially Lucario of Lu Zhengjie, the one thing he often said was.

When I was as strong as you, I was not invincible at the same level.

That's why Lucario became what he is now.

Of course, Lucario has become like this and he also has a big reason.

The first team has been carefully cultivated, and the second team has a sense of stocking.

Especially Lucario.

It was okay before the evolution, basically Lu Ze took Lucario with him every day.

But since Riolu evolved into Lucario, Lu Ze threw him to Lucario of Father Lu and Grandpa.

Let them teach their own Lucario.

It was precisely because I hadn't cared about it for a long time that I couldn't change it easily after I found out about Lucario.

The only option is to straighten it out again.

Lucario of Lu Xingguo scratched his head, looking at Lucario of Father Lu next to him, he didn't know what to say.

Meanwhile, Lucario of Lu Zhengjie had retreated behind the two of them, looking weakly at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze couldn't help laughing seeing the three of them like this.

"Okay, I don't mean to blame you."

After Lu Ze smiled at the three Lucarios, he waved to them.

After the three Lucarios approached curiously, Lu Ze spoke to them.

After a while, the three Lucarios looked at Lu Ze and nodded with a smirk.

After patting his chest to reassure Lu Ze, he retreated to the place where they were hiding just now.

After a while, Iron Warrior came back with Lucario.

When Lucario was still a little dissatisfied, Lu Ze also laughed.

"How about it, do you want to give you a chance to super evolve again?"


Lucario nodded without hesitation.

He also discovered that this Iron Warrior is very strong!
At the very least, even though they are of the same strength now, they are still stronger than him!
Without super evolution, he might really not be the opponent of Iron Warrior!

So he wants to do it again!

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