Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 881 The battle is not over yet, Lucario's change!

Chapter 881 The battle is not over yet, Lucario's change!

"it is good!"

A happy smile appeared on Lu Ze's face, and he nodded in agreement.

Lucario always felt a strange feeling when he saw the smile on Lu Ze's face.

But he didn't think much about it.

There is only one thought in his mind right now.

Defeat the Iron Warrior!
Wash away the shame!

After Lu Ze nodded and agreed, Lucario and Iron Warrior were also ready.

The battle is imminent!
"Lucario, super evolved."

At the same time as the battle started, Lu Ze let Lucario complete the super evolution.

While Lucario was super-evolving, two [wave missiles] still shot towards the iron warrior.

The Iron Warrior raised his hand at the same time, and the [Wave Missile] collided with the [Wave Missile], blasting a dense fog in the air.

After the evolution of Super Lucario, his confidence has risen again.

He can be sure that his power after super evolution will not be weaker than that of Iron Warrior.

Fairy-type and fighting-type iron warriors are double restrained by steel-type.

So Super Lucario didn't hesitate, and used [Comet Fist] again.

The iron warrior is not as relaxed as before this time, and he should be more cautious when facing the super-evolved Super Lucario even if his strength is stronger.

Super Lucario studied under Lu Ze, so he might use those weird methods.

This requires vigilance.

Iron Warrior didn't sprint forward, Super Lucario's speed was very fast, and he arrived in front of Iron Warrior in a short while.

The pink arm was burning with flames, and it collided head-on with Super Lucario.

After seeing that his strength was indeed similar to that of Iron Warrior, Super Lucario also showed a happy smile on his face.

The three Lucarios hidden behind the cabin were also excited for a while when they saw that the power of the two Pokémon was equal.

They always believed that Lucario of Lu Ze developed in a balanced way under their teaching, not to mention his combat experience is also very rich.

It should be purely a matter of strength that he failed to beat the Iron Warrior just now.

The strength of the iron warrior is indeed a bit stronger.

Now that the strength of the two sides is almost the same, Lucario and the others don't believe that Super Lucario will lose to Iron Warrior again.

The battle on the field is still going on, and the two Pokémon have collided many times in a short period of time.

However, because of Lucario's super evolution, the two sides are now basically evenly matched.

The more Super Lucario fought, the more excited he was, [Comet Fist] kept hitting the Iron Warrior.

The iron warrior responded calmly, but he was thinking about the fighting style from Master Huhu in his head.

Not two days after Huhu defeated Lucario that day, Lu Ze took Huhu to find the Iron Warrior.

Because he was afraid that Huhu would not understand Iron Warrior, Lu Ze commanded Huhu and Iron Warrior to fight.

In that match, Iron Warrior can be said to be the most difficult battle he has ever fought since he was born.

too disgusting!

It was so disgusting that Iron Warrior now doubted whether the decision he had made was correct.

It was Iron Warrior who found Lu Ze by himself.

He saw the electric monster and the iron claw lobster.

He wants to be strong.

So he found Lu Ze, and after expressing his intention to become stronger, Lu Ze also sized him up.

Lu Ze finally spoke when Iron Warrior was feeling uneasy.

"Okay, but I have a test, what do you think?"

When Iron Warrior heard this, he nodded and agreed without hesitation.

Trials were normal, and he would only worry if there were no tests.

And Lu Ze's test is this.

Fight Lucario.

And beat Lucario!

Similarly, Lu Ze also expressed his sincerity.

Trained with him for a while.

During this period of time, iron warriors can clearly feel the improvement of their own strength.

This also made him more determined to follow Lu Ze.

It has been almost a year since the special training for less than a month.

If you want to become stronger, you can't ignore time!

So, I have a reason to beat you!
Iron Warrior glanced calmly at Super Lucario who was in a frenzied state, and said sorry in his heart.

In a head-to-head situation, Iron Warrior still has [-]% confidence in defeating Super Lucario in the end.

It's not [-]% unstable!
He wants to become Lu Ze's Pokémon!

He wants [-]%!

The iron warrior who was a little apologetic in his heart used [wild-wisp] directly after [kick down], [split tile], and [mind hammer].

Before becoming an Iron Warrior, he was Elle Duo.

Naturally, the skills learned in Elledo's state will not become unusable after becoming an Iron Warrior just because he touched the blue stone.

There is no energy conflict.

[Wildfire] hit directly at close range.

Looking at Super Lucario's incredible eyes, Iron Warrior could only say sorry again in his heart.

"A reason why I had to win the fight again."

After the iron warrior spoke, he attacked Super Lucario.

After Super Lucario heard what Iron Warrior said, he became even more angry.

Do you have a reason to win that I don't have?
Super Lucario was furious, and faced the iron warrior who was rushing over, he directly threw a [hard support] hand.

After repelling the Iron Warrior, Super Lucario's chest heaved unceasingly, obviously very angry.

After all, in his eyes, iron warriors are rare guys who can defeat him head-on.

As a result, he is now using this skill!
Super Lucario was very angry, and the expressions of the three Lucarios who were secretly watching the battle also changed at the same time.

This time Super Lucario is not easy to fight.

The pain caused by [burning] is still a small problem, the problem is that the physical attack of [burning] is halved.

This is the biggest problem.

Super Lucario forcibly calmed himself down, looking indifferently at the Iron Warrior opposite him.

Iron Warrior still didn't have any expression, just quietly looked at Super Lucario.

"Don't forget how to teach you."

Seeing the state of the two Pokémon, Lu Ze didn't intend to mediate, but just shouted with a pun.

Iron Warrior and Super Lucario nodded at the same time, and then the two Pokémon took a deep breath at the same time, forcing themselves to calm down.

The iron warrior once again assumed a fighting posture, thinking about what Lu Ze said in his heart.

"Your advantage is that you learned most of the skills when you were in the form of Elledo. Although you don't use these skills much after you evolve into Iron Warrior, there are still many useful skills in them. "

"If these skills are used well, there will be no problem passing my test."

Thinking of this, Iron Warrior's eyes on Super Lucario became firm again.

This time I want to pass Lu Ze's test!

After passing, there will be a head-to-head battle between us!

When Lu Ze said this to Iron Warrior, it was because of fear.

Although Lucario is a bit arrogant, his strength is really the capital of his arrogance.

If Lucario loses in the first game, Lucario wins again after Mega Evolution.

So this is not good news for Lu Ze.

Too much arrogance will eventually suffer.

If it doesn't work this time, it will be troublesome.

Next, more and more frequent battles are needed to temper Lucario.

Just like the forked bat at that time.

So in the second match, Lu Ze wanted the Iron Warrior to win.

No matter what he is, as long as he can win.

Similarly, what Lu Ze said just now was also for Lucario.

Lucario has two swords, and the simple physical attack limit does not limit the combat effectiveness of Super Lucario.

What he meant by shouting this was to let Super Lucario know that he has other fighting methods!
Super Lucario also calmed down.

He listened to what Lu Ze said, but he seemed to understand it differently from Lu Ze.

While raising the huge [Wave Missile] to the Iron Warrior, Super Lucario started his own plan.

If nothing else, Iron Warrior will use skills to resist the huge [wave missile].

But that's exactly what Super Lucario thinks.

The collision of [Wave Missile] and [Wave Missile] directly produced a large amount of thick smoke covering the battlefield.

The moment the thick smoke appeared, Super Lucario used [Substitute].

After the stand-in [digging].

Super Lucario didn't mean to go out. After sealing the hole he just dug, he used the [Sleep] skill.

He wants to release the [burning] state on his body!
The Iron Warrior didn't notice Super Lucario's movements.

However, Lu Ze and the three Lucarios, who had been using the power of the waveguide, understood the meaning of Super Lucario.

[Substitute] Attract attention above, and then use the [Sleep] skill underground to restore the state.

I have to say, it is indeed a good idea.

Although it was not what Lu Ze thought, it was still a very good choice.

If Iron Warrior didn't react and really let Super Lucario succeed.

That iron warrior is not easy to handle.

In the end, he had no choice but to go head-to-head with Super Lucario.

After all, Super Lucario, who has suffered once, will obviously not suffer a second time.

The thick smoke dissipated, Iron Warrior looked at the opposite Super Lucario in surprise.

He didn't take this opportunity to attack himself?

Iron Warrior was a little puzzled, after all, judging from his understanding of Super Lucario.

Super Lucario can be regarded as an impulsive child.

With such an excellent opportunity, the other party should attack him.

Moreover, in the information Lu Ze gave him, Super Lucario has two swords.

Also be careful of the long-range attack skills that Super Lucario may use.

But the strange thing is that here, Super Lucario didn't take advantage of this opportunity to do something?

The iron warrior became vigilant, isn't Super Lucario planning something?
Thinking of this, Iron Warrior didn't rush to attack, but after paying attention to the Super Lucario on the opposite side, he tentatively threw out a [wave missile].

[Wave Missile] Hit, the powerful damage directly blows up Super Lucario's stand-in.

Lu Ze was also happy to see this.

Obviously Iron Warrior also misunderstood Super Lucario.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be this expression at this time.

Iron Warrior looked blankly at the exploded Super Lucario, and then his face changed suddenly.

been played!

The iron warrior closed his eyes and opened his superpowers to look for Super Lucario.

After a while, Iron Warrior found something was wrong.

There is one piece of land that is different from the rest.

【Dig hole】!
The moment this skill appeared in Iron Warrior's mind, Iron Warrior knew what Super Lucario wanted to do.

In the skill pool of Super Lucario, there is no skill that can remove the state except [Sleep].

So now it is obvious what Super Lucario is doing.

Iron Warrior did not hesitate, [Earthquake] fell suddenly.

The ground fluctuated, and Super Lucario also jumped out of the ground in high spirits.

Seeing Super Lucario like this, Iron Warrior couldn't help but sighed.

Still a step too late.

But then Iron Warrior's eyes became firm again.

I am not afraid of head-to-head!

The electric current filled the air, and the moment the [Electric Field] was turned on, Iron Warrior rushed towards the Super Lucario falling from the sky.

The energy of the fighting system condensed, and a sharp blade extended from the iron warrior's arm.

It is the [Holy Sword] skill that I learned during Elledo's time.

The air wave generated by the head-on collision of [Holy Sword] and [Flame Kick] blew Lu Ze's hair.

However, there was no worry on Lu Ze's face.

Instead, he became excited.

His purpose has been achieved!
Although I don't know why, the Super Lucario's waveguide perceived through the waveguide at this time no longer has the impetuous feeling before.

Instead, it was as calm as water.

This situation shows that the arrogance in Super Lucario's heart has dissipated.

Although Lu Ze didn't know what happened in the process, but the result was right.

Now the two of you can have a fight without any worries.

It doesn't matter what the outcome is.

With a smile on his face, Lu Ze watched the two Pokémon collide with satisfaction.

The holy sword in the hand of the iron warrior is waving, and the bone stick shaped by Super Lucario using the power of waveguide is also constantly waving, against the holy sword in the hand of the iron warrior.

After the Iron Warrior used [Electric Field], his physical attack ability increased again.

However, Super Lucario is not afraid. Although Iron Warrior's physical attack has improved, it no longer has the overwhelming power of the previous game.

I can still resist.

After using the waveguide bone rod to block the [Holy Sword] again, Super Lucario raised his hand and it was the [Cannon Light Cannon].

The iron warrior retreated quickly, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Finally, do you want to show your full posture?
Lu Ze also watched happily. Although he didn't know why, he was also very happy to see Lucario, who was taught by Lucario, who was taught by Lu's father and grandpa, to return to the "right path" of double swords again. .

"However, iron warriors also have two swords."

After being happy, Lu Ze also murmured softly.

This game is getting more and more interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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