Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 883 Silver-white iron dumbbells, plans after the year

Why are you still fighting?
In Lu Ze's room, looking at Lu Ze who was sleeping soundly, Giratina came out of Lu Ze's shadow and glanced worriedly at the empty sky.

It doesn't matter how long they play.

The main reason is that these two guys seem to be on fire, and the distance here is getting closer and closer.

Dialga and Palkiya also fought a lot.

But the number of times of real fire is not much.

Sometimes his presence didn't work, and it took Arceus himself to stop the two of them.

But the main problem lies here.

Once he or Arceus comes forward, it means that the fight between these two guys has affected the main world.

In this case, he will show up if he doesn't show up.

Another one, the two of them are too close to here now.

Once it affects the main world, Lu Ze basically bears the brunt here.

He was afraid of what impact it would have on Lu Ze.

Giratina glanced at the sky again, then at Lu Ze who was sleeping soundly, and then returned to her shadow.



"Why does it feel a little wrong?"

When he woke up the next morning, Lu Ze rubbed his right eye which had been jumping all the time, feeling a little strange.

Right eyelid twitching is not a good sign.

But not long after the right eyelid twitched, the left eyelid also started to twitch.


Lu Ze is really strange. He has never encountered such a situation where the left and right eyelids twitch alternately after living for so many years.

What does this represent?
Lu Ze was puzzled, but today's work must continue.

After feeding all the Pokémon in the breeding garden, Lu Ze took his Pokémon out.

Said to go out, in fact, did not mean to run too far.

Due to the large number of fire-type Pokémon staying in the back mountain of the cultivation park, although it did not form a volcano.

But the lake on the top of the mountain has become like a hot spring.

He made an appointment with Suiyan to go to the hot spring today.

By the way, bring your own Pokémon together to relieve their fatigue.

"Where have you been?"

"I have arrived."

After the brief conversation between the two, they saw each other who was also on the back of the fire-breathing dragon.

"The hot spring doesn't burn the skin, does it?"

After Lu Ze saw Suiyan, he asked curiously.

This hot spring was discovered by Sui Yan.

But he went home after talking to Lu Ze.

I just came from my hometown in Chang'an City last night.

Without hesitation, the two made an appointment to come over to soak in the hot spring.

"It's okay, I soaked it once."

After Sui Yan waved his hand, he led the way.

Lu Ze followed Sui Yan with a strange expression.

If I remember correctly, this should be my territory, right?
How do you feel that you are more familiar than me?

However, Lu Ze didn't say much, and followed Sui Yan to the hot spring soon.

The lake is not very big, but it is still easy to accommodate all of them and Pokémon.

Both had swimming trunks.

Although the weather was colder, I got into the water quickly after getting used to it.

"It's really good, this water temperature."

After Lu Ze entered the water, he couldn't help moaning comfortably.

Soaking in a hot spring on a cold day can't be more comfortable.

Not only Lu Ze and Sui Yan looked like this, but the cross-word bats on the side were also very comfortable.

Forked Bat, Snorbeast, and Lucario are soaking in the water, as are the two Charizards.

But compared to other Pokémon, the two of them are on the edge.

Soak your whole body in the hot springs.

Only the eyes, the nose, the top of the head, and... a flaming tail were exposed.

Their tails cannot be extinguished.

So even though they feel comfortable at this temperature, the tail still has to be exposed.

Compared with the two fire-breathing dragons, the remaining fire-type Pokémon are more free.

They have nothing that cannot be touched by water.

Except, of course, for Alola Gala Gala's bone stick.

This is a weapon, just put it on the shore.

Other Pokémon like Wind Speed ​​Dog and Coal Turtle are already happily playing in the water.

Although they are fire-type Pokémon, compared with cold water, they are more acceptable to this kind of hot spring water.

Victini and Mini Dragon, along with Wind Fairy and Zoroya, four Pokémon have already started to flop.

Constantly stirring the water in the hot spring.

Deoxys, Latios and Latias were also quietly soaking in the water.

Although Reshiram doesn't like water very much, hot spring water is also acceptable.

Except for Giratina in the shadow, the Pokémon of the two of them, whether it is the first team or the second team or the beasts, enjoyed it.

Giratina didn't want to enjoy it.

He didn't realize it until he woke up this morning.

Diya Luka and Palkiya fought more fiercely.

Although Lu Ze and Suiyan couldn't feel it, he could.

The space here has begun to rippling.

Not far from volatility.

If they continue to play, they will soon break through the space.

Thinking of this, Giratina didn't have the slightest idea of ​​enjoying it.

He just wanted to go up and separate the two of them at this moment.

lest you suffer from unwarranted disasters.

However, after hesitating for a while, after looking at Lu Ze and Sui Yan, he finally chose to give up this idea first.

The two of them are fighting peacefully now. If they really want to break through the space, they will probably have to wait until tonight or tomorrow.

How about taking Lu Ze somewhere else tonight?

Giratina was thinking, with a headache.

But Lu Ze and Sui Yan were not worried.

They didn't know that two behemoths were fighting above their heads.

But although it is said to be above their heads, there is a space between them.

So even if Lu Ze had the power of waveguide, he didn't find it.

Lu Ze looked at the Kirby beast a little strangely.

The size of the Kirby beast actually floated on the water.

The Snorby with its belly up now has a lot of Pokémon on its belly.

Victini, Mini Dragon and Zoroya are lying on the belly of the Snorkel and enjoying themselves.

His wet body was blown by the cold winter wind, and he shivered from time to time.

After a while, when the whole body is getting cold, soak in water again for a while.

Kirbymon didn't react at all to the Pokémon on his belly. He was floating with his face at this time, and the hair on his body was wet with water, chatting with the wind fairy just attached to his body.

"You know, I picked you up last time when I was in a hot spring."


"Yes, the hot springs of the British Isles."

Snorkel couldn't help laughing when he thought of the scene at that time.

"At that time, you floated in with the stream, and I was afraid that you would be given to someone else by Ozawa."

As the Snorby said, the wind goblin also became curious, floating on the water, holding its chin, and the family listened curiously to Snorkel's story of the year.

"Later, I hid you under my belly and planned to take you to your family after hiding it from Ozawa."

When Kirbymon said this, the wind goblin couldn't help becoming nervous.

Although she likes her current life, although she is very satisfied with her current life.

But she is also very curious about her parents.

But if she had to choose again, she might still choose to follow Kirby and Ozawa.

Of course, this didn't stop her from being curious about her parents.

"Unfortunately, I still didn't find it in the end."

Seeing the wind goblin like this, Kabimon couldn't help showing distressed eyes, and reached out to touch the wind goblin.

However, with the movement of Kabimon, Victini and the others suffered.

Victini and Zoroya, who had just come out of the water and climbed onto the Snorlax, were overturned by the sudden raise of Snorlax before they could lie down.


Victini stuck his head out of the water, shook off the water on his body, and floated again.

I just climbed with Soraya.

But now, he is tired.

Need a break.

As for Zoroya...

Victini sat on the belly of Snorlax, raised her little feet and looked at Soraya with a smile.

Seeing that Victini looked like this without any morals, Soroya gave Victini a pleading look.


Victini laughed happily, and as soon as he raised his little hand, Soraya was supported by the miniature dragons that had already been prepared under him.

The mini dragon also smiled happily, while Zoroya was a little confused.

Didn't Victini use super powers to lift himself up?
Xitri Zoroya is generally added to the ghost system, so Victini can lift her up with superpowers.

If it is an ordinary Zoroya, it will not work.

Ordinary Zoroya is evil, immune to Victini's super power lifting.

"How are you going to spend this year?"

Sui Yan and Lu Ze on the other side also felt a little hot, and sat on the bank, just soaking their feet in the water.

"In my case, I might continue to stay in the breeding house." Lu Ze said after thinking about it.

"I want to go out for a walk."

Sui Yan looked into the distance and said expectantly.

Because there are Pokémon outside, generally children rarely go out too far.

At most, it was the outskirts of the Qinling Mountains where they went not long after they got the Pokémon.

But now, his Suiyan is also at the level of a heavenly king, so he can go to the Qinling Mountains to have a look.

Not only that, but there are other places as well.

The Poisonous Forest in Yunnan, the Ice System Mountains in the Northeast, and so on.

Of course, if you encounter a secret realm on the road, you can go in and take a turn if it is not so dangerous.

Dangerous doesn't seem to matter.

After all, he still has a divine beast Reshiram on him.

"It's good to go out for a walk."

After thinking for a while, Lu Ze nodded.

Next year will be the last semester of senior year.

There are basically no classes in school.

It's the best time to go out for a walk.

Have the strength, the time, and the mood.

But Lu Ze obviously didn't have this idea.

For him, going out for a walk is worse than staying at home with his Pokémon.

I still have so many Pokémon.


After hearing Sui Yan's words, Lu Ze felt slightly moved.

If you don't go around in this world, do you want to go around in Xiaozhi's world?
After thinking for a while, Lu Ze gave up on this idea.

It's not easy for Xiaozhi's world to pass.

At least there is no way for Little Hoopa, who has not been lifted from the grounding.

Sealed by Arceus, let alone breaking through time and space, even asking him to summon two divine beasts would not work.

So if you want to go to Xiaozhi World, you can only call him by Hoopa over there.

But what was Hoopa over there calling him for?

I just met once in Hoopa's theatrical version.

Another one, the world of the theatrical version seems to be different from the usual world?

Lu Ze didn't know where the difference was.

After all, the timeline of the theatrical version can be found in the real world.

Just like Ash in Hoopa's theatrical version, his Koga Ninja Frog is just a croaking frog and has not evolved.

Moreover, will the world in the theatrical version stop in time after the theatrical version?

Keep only one world down?
Although this idea is a bit outrageous, it does not seem to be impossible.

If this is the case, it will be even more troublesome if I want to go to Xiaozhi's world.

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Ze finally decided to give up this plan.

Go back to your own nurturing garden to cultivate Pokémon, and take your second team to play games if you have nothing to do.

It's okay to take your own team of Pokémon to find some heavenly kings to learn from each other.

His second team has not been assembled yet.

Wind Fairy, Lucario, Iron Dumbbell, Iron Warrior, and Charcoal Waiter are five Pokémon.

Although there is no specific quantity limit for the second team.

However, Lu Ze, who has some obsessive-compulsive disorder, decided to make his second team also have six Pokémon.

He has already decided on the choice of the sixth Pokémon.

Suo Cailing!
Although a little tangled, Lu Ze finally chose Suo Cailing to be the last Pokémon of his second team.

Without him, it is said that Suo Cailing's final evolution game is very good at fighting rich people.

But the consequence of the last Pokémon choosing Suo Cailing is.

The attributes of his second team are a little unbalanced.

Lucario, the final evolution of Iron Dumbbell, Metagross, and Suo Cailing's final evolution, Regal, are all steel-type Pokémon.

Sure enough, he was still influenced by Mo Qiancheng.

After Lu Ze sighed, he also thought of Sai Fuhao with a golden body.

I also don't know what the color of Saifuhao's flash is.

If the original color is gold, will the shiny one be silver?

Just like iron dumbbells.

Lu Ze looked up at the silver-gray iron dumbbell floating in the water and didn't forget to hold the ore.

He's already used the Shining Charm on the Iron Dumbbell.

Now the iron dumbbell looks like a silvery white flash.

He is happy when he thinks that he will have a giant gold monster of the same style as Dawu in the future.

Metagross, once one of my favorite Pokémon.

Of course, as long as it shines.

Metagros' glitter is truly one of the best looking glitters in Pokémon!

Other Lu Ze prefers the Double Ax War Dragon.

The pure black double ax battle dragon is full of oppression!
Look at the fast dragon again, and look at the tyrannosaurus...

Powerless to rant!

If he didn't have an iron dumbbell, this flashing talisman actually wanted to subdue a double-axe war dragon.

"Aren't you coming with me?"

Sui Yan looked at Lu Ze, smiled and extended an invitation to Lu Ze.

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