Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 884 The battle between the space-time twin dragons, Kerni?

Looking at Sui Yan's slightly expectant eyes, Lu Ze also showed a big smile on his face.

"Do not."

After rejecting Suiyan without hesitation, although Suiyan was helpless, he couldn't say anything.

Growing up with Lu Ze, he naturally knew that Lu Ze had some otaku attributes.

Hmm, a little lazy.

Unless he is very interested, he will not take the initiative to do anything.

The two soaked in the hot spring with their Pokémon for a while.

After the Pokémon were a little tired from playing, they were ready to go home.

"Go back?"

"Okay, it's not far away."

Lu Ze nodded after looking at the distance.

Their hair is still wet now, and if they are brought back by the fire-breathing dragon, they may catch a cold.

Might as well go back.

After putting all the Pokémon back into the poke ball, Lu Ze and Sui Yan walked home together.

The three little guys, Victini, Mini Dragon and Zoroya, ran ahead.

Latios and Latias didn't care if they caught a cold, so they flew back directly.

Latias still wants to follow the drama, so this can't be delayed.

The two talked while walking.

He is about to graduate, and Sui Yan is a little confused about his future arrangements.

Lu Ze has a nurturing garden as a sideline.

What is he going to do?
Although I am a king-level trainer, I will start to climb the leaderboard next.

But during this period, some side jobs are still needed.

Otherwise, if you keep training, not only yourself, but also your Pokémon can't bear it.

"I didn't think so."

Sui Yan sighed, and Ochisis suddenly appeared in front of Lu Ze at the same time.

Lu Ze was startled suddenly, and Bird also sent a perception.


With a dragon chant, Giratina also rushed out of Lu Ze's shadow.

However, Giratina's speed is still a bit slow.

The moment he rushed out, a translucent white light enveloped Lu Ze and Deoxys standing in front of Lu Ze.

Giratina's eyes widened, and he roared suddenly!
Translucent white light continuously appeared out of thin air, making all the objects it touched disappear.

Lu Ze and Deoxys were no exception, they all disappeared.

Sui Yan looked at this scene in shock, looking at Giratina and Reshiram who opened up a barrier in front of him.

Victini and the mini dragon, Zoroya also found that Lu Ze had disappeared, and ran over quickly.

Giratina also noticed the three little guys, and after turning her head and yelling at Reshiram, she changed her form.

Giratina's six legs disappeared, and its wings flowed behind its back.

Giratina's origin form.

After Giratina, whose scarlet eyes were full of anger, came into the air, it tore open the space directly.

After watching Diya Luka and Palkya colliding fiercely in the space, Sui Yan also opened his mouth wide.

Just now...was it caused by the two of them?

Sui Yan was surprised, but at this time Giratina had stepped forward to intervene in the battle between the two Pokémon.

[Reverse Scale] was turned on directly, and the violent dragon energy directly collided with Palkya and Dialka.

After separating the two, Giratina let out a roar, and then a large number of meteors fell from the sky.

Reshiram's face changed suddenly, but Giratina was still a little rational.

The range of [Dragon Star Group] is only Dialga and Palkya.

After the scarlet eyes turned to look at Reshiram and Suiyan, the liquid waved behind him, the space was closed, and the three Pokémon disappeared.

Sui Yan froze in place.

What about me, Lu Ze?

What about the big Lu Ze?


How does this scene feel like I have experienced it?

Sui Yan was at a loss, and he was a little slow to react.

Reshiram looked at the air solemnly, and Victini no longer had the cheerful smile of the past.

"I'll go find Hoopa, you two go back first."

After turning his head and exhorting the mini dragon and Zoroya, Victini turned and left.

He saw the process of Lu Ze disappearing just now.

That was the space-time turbulence caused by the battle between Dialga and Palkiya.

Being hit by time-space turbulence will be carried into the chaotic time-space.

In this case, either Arceus or Hoopa.

Either Dialga and Giratina join forces.

But looking at the two of them like this, it is obviously difficult to join forces.

The easiest thing to do now is to find Hoopa.

See if Hupa can determine Lu Ze's location.

It would be best if Lu Ze could be fished out from the turbulence of time and space.

If not, then you can only go to Arceus.

In fact, real-time rabbis are also available.

But at this time in this time and space, the rabbi is not there.

After Victini left, Mini Dragon and Zoroya were a little dazed.

Although they have been spoiled by Lu Ze and Lu Ze's Pokémon, they don't know what to do at this time.

But listen to Victini and you're right.

After glancing at Suiyan and Reshiram, Mini Dragon and Zoroya were ready to go back first.

In the absence of Lu Ze, whether it is to stay with Latios and Latias first or go to Lu's parents and mothers is all right.

That's what Victini just meant.

But because of the language barrier, Sui Yan didn't understand what Victini just said.

But this does not affect his IQ after he calms down.

"Wait a moment."

After Suiyan calmed down, he stopped Mini Dragon and Zoroya with a serious face, and then turned his head and said to Reshiram.

"Take us to find Latios first."

Sui Yan, who doesn't understand Lu Ze's situation now, can only make arrangements for Mini Dragon and Zoroya first.

After the arrangements are made, ask Reshiram or Latios to see what's going on before making a decision.

After the Mini Dragon and Soroya hesitated for a while, they finally followed Suiyan and sat on Reshiram's body.

In the space opened up by Palkya, three mythical beasts, Giratina, Palkya, and Dialga, are fighting.

The two divine beasts who played real fire had no intention of softening their hands when facing the equally angry Giratina.

Sui Yan was taken by Reshiram, and soon came to Lu Ze's hut.


After Sui Yan shouted anxiously, the door of the room opened.

Latios, who had turned into Xiaolan, looked at Suiyan curiously.

"Why did you come back so soon?"

"Didn't you say you were going to walk back?"

Seeing Suiyan whose hair was blown messy by the wind, Xiaolan, who was holding a lollipop in his mouth, asked a little funny.

While speaking, he stepped aside and motioned for Sui Yan to come in first.

"Why didn't you see Lu Ze?"

"Lu Ze is gone!"

After Sui Yan swallowed hard to lubricate his dry throat, he said anxiously to Latios.


Latios froze for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face again.

"Have you been called away by Hoopa again?"

Latios didn't care either. After all, Lu Ze wasn't suddenly taken away by Hupal once or twice.


"It's Palkya and Dialga."

"Palkya and Diya... Luca?"

Latios was a little puzzled, how he got involved with the two of them.

"Is such that."

After Sui Yan calmed down his mood, he told Latios what happened after he left.

"Go find Hoopa!"

After hearing Suiyan's words, Lattios also looked solemn, and turned back into Lattios and said to Suiyan.

At the same time, Lu Ze, who was surrounded by the turbulence of time and space, also woke up.

"This is?"

Lu Ze looked around in the translucent pink light ball.

The translucent pink light ball is the superpower barrier of Deoxys who wakes up faster than Lu Ze, or has always been awake.

It was within this superpower barrier that Lu Ze was able to successfully pass through the turbulence of time and space.

Without the protection of Deoxys, it is entirely possible that Lu Ze, an ordinary human body, would be directly torn apart by the tearing force of space in the turbulent flow of time and space.

But Lu Ze didn't think of this at all at this time.

He looked at the sea below him and fell into a state of confusion.

Are you on your way home?

Is there a sea in my own cultivation garden?

The first thought in Lu Ze's mind was Gaioka.

But Gaioka obviously won't create an ocean in his cultivation garden.



Deoxys next to Lu Ze nodded a little tiredly.

"There's a city over there."


Deoxys nodded, he had just discovered the city over there.

But Lu Ze hasn't woken up yet, so he didn't run around.

Now that Lu Ze wakes up, he has the backbone.

Deoxys brought Lu Ze with superpowers, and took Lu Ze to the beach in a short while.

However, Lu Ze did not rush to look at the city.

He stood on the beach, looking at the sea.

The dots of light on the sea are brought up by the waves, shining brightly in the sun.

The blue sea, with crystal-clear waves.

"It's so beautiful~"

Lu Ze couldn't help sighing before turning his head to look in the direction of the city.

This should not be the Dragon Kingdom.

Or, is it a place that Longguo himself has never been to?
Lu Ze was not sure.

He went to a lot of beaches, but he had never seen such a beautiful one.

Lu Ze turned his head to look at the people on the beach strangely.

Well, Asians, they probably didn't run too far.

Although he doesn't know what's going on, he can roughly guess the waveguide fluctuations of Deoxys, Giratina, and Reshiram based on the feeling of his own waveguide.

I should be involved in some kind of beast.

Hoopa maybe?
But if it was Hoopa, he should be awake.

When it comes to space, it is Palkiya.

Who is Palkya fighting?
If he was fighting someone, it should be Dialga.

Although it is a little strange why the battle between these two beasts would affect him.

But it doesn't matter, the earth is so big.

Thinking of what Suiyan said about going out for a walk, Lu Ze couldn't help but smile.

He hasn't come out yet, but he came out first to take a look around.

"See if it's fun here. If it's not fun, go home. If it's fun, go home after playing."

Lu Ze strolled on the beach, looking at the Pokémon and people sunbathing on the beach.

"But Victini, Mini Dragon and Zoroya don't seem to be together?"

After thinking for a while, Lu Ze realized that something was missing.

Victini, Tiny Dragons, and Zoroa just ran too fast, so they shouldn't be teleported?
Or, was it teleported to another place?
Hope it's not the latter.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze couldn't help but worry.

"How about we go back?"

Lu Ze turned his head to look at Deoxys, but a familiar figure appeared in his eyes.


Lu Ze looked curiously at Lucario who was training on the beach.

A trainer with Lucario?

Lu Ze was a little excited. You must know that Lucario is a very rare Pokémon.

Apart from his father, grandfather, and Lu Zhengjie's Lucario, Lu Ze hadn't seen many other Lucarios in real life.

Lucario who is training shouldn't be wild, right?
However, after Lu Ze saw Lucario, he was only excited for a while and then quickly calmed down.

Bictini and the others are more important.

"I don't know what happened to Sui Yan?"

Lu Ze frowned, and took out his mobile phone to call Suiyan.

His mobile phone was upgraded by Zhuge Ziyu, and he can make cross-country calls.

If Suiyan hadn't been affected, he should know the situation of Victini and Mini Dragon.

After Lu Ze pressed Suiyan's phone number, he involuntarily looked at Lucario again while waiting.

But just at this glance, the phone in Lu Ze's hand slipped from his ear.


Because there was no signal and unable to make calls, Lu Ze's phone screen automatically returned to the main interface.

However, Lu Ze no longer cared about the mobile phone and the phone at this time.

He saw an impossible person!


Lu Ze rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

But he quickly responded.

It should be the same as Youyuyou.

When he saw Youyuyou for the first time, he also recognized Youyuyou as Onio.

Similar personalities, similar looks, plus they are all Pokemon trainers specializing in ghosts.

I think it should be the same with the "Korni" in front of me.

After all, this world is also a world where Pokémon exist.

It's okay to have similar people.

Although that one also has a Lucario.

Looking at Lu Ze, a girl with long beige hair and red goggles, who was boxing with Lucario, smiled.

It must be that I have identified the wrong person.

Although it does look alike.

Lu Ze smiled, picked up the phone from the ground, and was about to call Suiyan again.

"Korni, someone has challenged the gym, go back quickly."

Just as Lu Ze picked up his phone, a person rushed in front of him.

The man was running and shouting.



"No way…"

Lu Ze was really confused now.

You know, there is no gymnasium in the world he is in.

Saying so...

Pokémon world! !

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