Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 885 Fight against Corny, 2 Super Lucarios!

Chapter 885 Fight against Corny, two super Lucarios!

"Okay, let's go back!"

A slightly cheerful girl's voice sounded, and beige hair floated in front of Lu Ze.

The cheerful pace of the girl and the smile on her face make people unable to help but have a good impression of her.

"Strange guy?"

A voice suddenly sounded from the heart.

Lu Ze looked up and saw the strange eyes of Lucario following behind Corny.

Presumably the voice that sounded in my heart just now was the voice of Corny's Lucario.

Lu Ze didn't pay attention to Lucario's words, and after showing a smile at Lucario, he turned around and prepared to follow.

Gym battle.

Haven't seen it yet.

After a moment of shock, Lu Ze also calmed down.

Thinking about coming here should be the world.

Looking at it like this, it should be the animation world?
The timeline is after Xiaozhi and Corni met.

Corny mastered the gym after completely completing Lucario's super evolution.

After casually turning off the call to Suiyan who still hadn't got through, Lu Ze wobbled behind Kerni and Lucario.

Lucario seemed to have noticed that Lu Ze was following them, and turned his head to look at Lu Ze vigilantly from time to time.

Lu Ze responded with a chuckle every time.

Just like the last time Hoopa's theatrical version came over with Black Raykon.

When I suddenly come to the world I have always wanted to come to, I always feel happy at the first moment.

As for the mini dragons...

There should be no problem with Victini.

Although Victini looks cute.

But the strength is not bad among divine beasts, or Eudemons.

With his two exclusive skills, ordinary Pokémon are really no match for him.

After thinking about this, Lu Ze felt relieved and followed behind Kerni and Lucario.

From the sea to the city.

Different from the "XY" game, the city here is like a huge city like Chang'an City.

As a seaside city, Sala City is not far from the sea to the city.

After a while, Lu Ze followed Kerni to the gymnasium.

Corny happily entered the gym with Lucario.

Lu Ze followed closely behind.

The staff at the door glanced at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze didn't panic, and after gesturing to Ke Erni in front of him, he swaggered in.

Well, no ticket.

Of course, he has no money in this world either.

Make up next time.

After Lu Ze entered the gymnasium, he came to the auditorium.

The challenger below is a teenager about eleven or twelve years old.

At this time, the boy was nervously looking at the passageway where the gymnasium master came out.

After a while, Kerni came out from the dark main passage of the gymnasium.

The iconic roller skating helmet, roller skates under the feet, and an evolution keystone inlaid on the glove of the left hand.

After Lu Ze found a position, he watched the upcoming gymnasium competition with great interest.

I used to watch a lot on TV.

But it's the first time in reality.

It's like watching a concert.

After the two exchanged names, the battle was about to begin.

The boy who challenged was sent by the iconic Yusanjia Chubby Harry in the Carlos area.

Elf: Fat Harley
Gender: Male

property: grass

Feature: Bulletproof (Pokémon with this feature are immune to damage from ball and bullet skills.)
Qualification: blue

Basic skills: slightly

Genetic skills: slightly.

Although the Carlos region did not choose the croaking frog and the fire fox Lu Ze was a little confused.

But respect your personal choice.

Moreover, the [Bulletproof] feature of Chubby Hari is really good.

At least if facing Lucario, Lucario's [Wave Missile] will not work directly.

"Okay, we're going too!"

After seeing the boy's chubby Hari, Kerni also sent out her own Pokémon full of energy.

"Go, Kung Fu Itachi!"

Elf: Kung Fu Itachi

gender: female

Attribute: fighting
Feature: Sacrifice (When using a skill with reaction damage, the skill damage is increased by 20.00%.)
Qualification: Purple

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

"Korni's Kung Fu Itachi."

Lu Ze chuckled, Kerni's Kung Fu Itachi hadn't evolved into Master Itachi yet.

However, Kung Fu Itachi with high-level strength should have no problem facing the opponent's fat Hari with intermediate-level Pokémon strength.

The battle began quickly, and Kungfu Itachi took the lead in the fight amidst Kerni's energetic voice.

With his hands behind his back, Kung Fu Itachi, who quickly rushed towards the fat Hari opposite him, had already activated his skills halfway.

[High-five surprise attack]!
With a sound of "Pa!", before Chubby Harry could react, he slapped Chubby Harry's side.

Fat Harry took two steps back, but still blocked the attack.


The expression on Kungfu Itachi's face did not change at all, and following Corni's yell, Kungfu Itachi slapped the fat Harry again.

Fat Harry let out a wail, swung his arm violently and hit Kung Fu Itachi on the body, knocking Kung Fu Itachi back two steps.

"Spiked Arm."

Lu Ze chuckled, seeing Kung Fu Itachi in pain, he knew what skill Fatty Hali used just now.

At this time, Kerni also showed the strength of her own gymnasium owner, and began to continuously direct Kung Fu Itachi to launch attacks.

Kung Fu Itachi was stronger than Fat Hali, and he defeated Fatty Hali in a short time.

The teenager who came to challenge looked disappointed.

He has only one Pokémon.

It's a pity that I didn't pass the challenge of the gym.

After seeing the opponent accept the failure, Kerni also cheered happily.

But she seemed to have remembered the responsibilities of the Gym Master.

Corni, who was wearing roller skates, slid quickly, and soon came to the boy.

"You're sure to get a battle badge!"

Kerni blushed slightly, and after saying the words she had prepared before, she patted the boy on the shoulder.

The first challenge was a complete success~
Kerni cheered in her heart.

The first challenge is successful, and the first battle badge will be given out next!

Excited, Kerni looked up at the scattered people in the auditorium.


Kerni looked at the smiling Lu Ze, and tilted her head slightly.

It seems, just met this gentleman?
"Can I challenge?"

If you look at each other, you must accept the opponent's challenge!
Lu Ze didn't know why this sentence came to his mind.

But Ke Erni smiled sweetly.

"Of course!"

After hearing Kerni's reply, Lu Ze also took two steps forward, jumping directly from the auditorium onto the field.

The height of the auditorium and the battle field is only about one meter, and it is very easy to jump off.

"Is this your first challenge to a gym?"

Kerni did not return to her seat in a hurry, but asked Lu Ze suspiciously.

"how do you know?"

Lu Ze was a little puzzled, and looked down at the lovely Kerni.

"Because you don't have any badge on your body anymore, just like that person just now."

After Kerni smiled, she turned around and slid to her seat.

"Then let's have a battle between trainers!"

Kerni raised the elf ball in her hand to face Lu Ze, and invited Lu Ze to a battle.

Lu Ze chuckled and threw the luxurious ball in his hand.

"Go, Lucario!"

When Kerni saw the luxury ball, there was a hint of curiosity on her face.

But soon he opened his mouth slightly and looked at Lu Ze in surprise.

and Lucario.


After being surprised for a moment, Kerni soon had her signature vigorous smile on her face again.

"Then let's go too!"

After Kerni replaced the poke ball, his Lucario also came on the field.

"The opponent also has gym-level strength, so don't take it lightly!"

Kerni clasped her fists across her waist, and said excitedly to Lucario.

Lu Ze smiled, and as the referee's flag fell, Lu Ze and Kerni spoke at the same time.

"Lucario, Super Evolution!" ×2
Both sides saw the super evolution stone on the other Lucario.

The two of them didn't mean to be hypocritical, and they directly chose super evolution.

"This Lucario can also super-evolve?"

"Two Super Lucarios, this ticket is worth it!"

With two dazzling colorful lights flickering in the field.

The few spectators who bought tickets to watch the gymnasium competition also became excited.

You must know that the general challengers who buy things like gymnasium competitions are not strong players.

In this case, the battle is not so good-looking.

But I didn't expect an accident to happen today.

A handsome and outrageous young man came to challenge the gym.

It looks like it has good strength.

Gym-level strength can barely support a gym in a city.

Just look at the current Kearney.

She is now only Lucario, a gym-level Pokémon, and Wrestling Eagle, a Pokémon that barely reaches the gym-level strength.

So in the eyes of everyone, this challenger is powerful.

After the super evolution of the two Lucarios was over, they threw a [wave missile] at each other at the same time.

[Wave missile] At the same time as the shot, the two Lucarios also rushed towards each other.


The two [wave missiles] collided together in the air, and the resulting thick smoke fell.

Two Super Lucarios also rushed into the thick smoke at the same time.

At the same time as the two super Lucarios rushed in, the power of the three wave guides also suddenly opened.

The waveguide power of two super Lucarios, and the waveguide power of Lu Ze.

"Lucario, kick from the bottom!"

Lu Ze, who activated the power of waveguide, found an opportunity and directly directed his super Lucario to launch an attack.

Kerni didn't have the power of a wave guide, so naturally she couldn't see the battle inside the thick smoke.

At this time, she can only choose to believe in the fighting ability of her Super Lucario.

The two Super Lucarios collided violently in the thick smoke, you punched each other, and those you hit and I blocked fought together.

"Draw the punch!"

After discovering the flaw, Lu Ze directed his super Lucario directly through the waveguide without any delay.

Lu Ze's Super Lucario punched quickly, and [Drain Punch] directly hit Corny's Super Lucario in the chest, causing Corny's Super Lucario to take two steps back.

However, Kerni's Super Lucario is obviously battle-tested, so she stabilized her body quickly, and pressed a [Wave Missile] backhand on Lu Ze's Super Lucario at close range.


[Wave Missile] exploded, and Lu Ze's Super Lucario took a few steps back with the force of the explosion.

But soon, the two Super Lucarios fought together again.

The fierce collision quickly dispersed the thick smoke produced by the collision of the two [wave missiles] just now, allowing Kerni and the audience above the auditorium to clearly see the battle between the two super Lucarios.

The moment the two Super Lucarios appeared, although there were not many people in the auditorium, they suddenly became excited and burst into strong cheers.

The Pokémon world is similar to Lu Ze's own world, and almost most people are avid fans of Pokémon battles.

Especially the battle between powerful trainers.

It is also because of this, whether it is various conferences in Xiaozhi's world or various competitions in Lu Ze's world.

There will always be no shortage of onlookers and excited audiences.

The excited cheers of the audience seemed to ignite the enthusiasm of the two Super Lucarios.

The two Super Lucarios collided violently and took two steps back at the same time.

Then he stretched out his hand, and a bone stick formed by the power of waveguide appeared in the hands of Lu Ze's Super Lucario.

Looking at the bone stick in the hands of the opponent Super Lucario, Kerni and her Super Lucario were both stunned.

Without using [Bone Stick Luan Da], is it just a bone stick formed by the power of the waveguide?

Cornie and her Super Lucario had solemn eyes.

My own Super Lucario was originally preparing for this training after the training at this stage.

But I didn't expect that a challenger who came randomly was not only Lucario, but also able to perfectly control the super evolution, and he could also squeeze the bone stick with his bare hands.

Thinking about the offense she suffered when her Lucario super evolved, Kerni couldn't help but pouted, and then an excited smile appeared on her face again.

"Lucario, you have to learn from your senior! Bone sticks!"

With a wave of Corni's little hand, a bone stick formed by the power of waveguide also appeared in her Super Lucario's hand, and rushed towards Lu Ze's Super Lucario.

Unlike Lu Ze's Super Lucario, Corny's Super Lucario has not yet been able to use the power of the waveguide to condense the bone stick for a long time.

She can only use the bone stick during the use of [Bone Stick Nana].

And it doesn't last long.

While Corny's Super Lucario, who was waving a bone stick, rushed over, Lu Ze's Super Lucario also waved the bone stick in his hand.




The bone stick collided three times in the air.

After the three bone club collisions ended, Corny's Super Lucario took two steps back, and at the same time the bone club in his hand disappeared.

Corny's Super Lucario stared closely at Lu Ze's Super Lucario.

The strength of the opponent is greater than him!

Although it is not much bigger, it is also a Super Lucario with gym-level strength.

The opponent is stronger than yourself!

(End of this chapter)

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