Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 886 The battle is over, wait for Xiaozhi

Corny's super Lucario face hit.

Kerni naturally saw that her Super Lucario was not as powerful as her opponent.

So, what to do next?

Kerni thought about it, but Lu Ze did not fall into confusion.

"Lucario, speed!"

Lu Ze's Super Lucario attacked Corny's Super Lucario again.

Super Lucario, who quickly came to the opponent, waved the bone stick in his hand, and Corny's Super Lucario, who was too late to react, was knocked back.

Corny's Super Lucario stood up again, looking solemnly at the opponent who charged again.

"Close combat!"

Lu Ze commanded again, and the bone club in Super Lucario's hand waved at the same time.

The bone stick formed by the power of waveguide hit Super Lucario's body.

Although Corny's Super Lucario had tried his best to defend, he was still hit by the bone sticks he swung.

After a while, Super Lucario was a little out of breath.

But Lu Ze's Super Lucario offensive hasn't stopped yet.

The bone stick was slammed down, and at the critical moment, Corny's Super Lucario also successfully condensed a bone stick with the power of waveguide at the last moment.

Although it is not too difficult to use the power of waveguide to condense the bone stick, it is not so easy.

So after seeing her super Lucario also condensed the same waveguide power bone stick, Kerni was also excited.

But after all, it is a bone stick that has just been condensed and formed. Although it barely resisted it, it was still quickly dissipated by the blow.

Swinging the bone stick, sweeping and chopping vertically, it didn't take a while to beat Corny's super Lucario to the north.

"Come back, Lucario."

Corny's Super Lucario fell down.

After exiting the state of super evolution, he became the form of Lucario again.

Kerni didn't say much, and directly took Lucario back into the elf ball.

Lu Ze couldn't help pursing his lips when he saw Ke Erni's disappointed look.

Corney is too small.

He looked like he was eleven or twelve years old.

I always feel like I am bullying a child.

After all, I'm already 22.

It's almost ten years old.

But speaking of it, Kerni's Lucario is really good.

He also has a lot of combat experience, and he is worthy of being a player who has challenged a hundred consecutive victories.

It's a pity that his own Lucario is not bad.

Looking at the majestic Super Lucario on the field, Lu Ze couldn't help but feel a little proud.

"Well, you won."

After feeling lost for a moment, Kerni also came to her senses.

Although I thought that I would send out a battle badge.

But I didn't expect that I would send one out so soon.

"Aren't you going to fight?"

Lu Ze looked at Kerni who was walking towards him strangely and asked.

If I read correctly just now, the fighting style here is three-on-three.

Unless you only have one Pokémon.

But obviously, Lu Ze has more than just one Pokémon.

"Well, your strength is very strong."

Kerni nodded, and glanced at Lu Ze's Super Lucario.

"My other Pokémon may not be able to defeat him. You have the strength to get this badge."

Kerni's face was full of seriousness, she raised her head to look at Lu Ze, and at the same time stretched out her hand.

Looking at a fist-shaped battle badge, Lu Ze was also in a daze.

This, is it so easy to get a badge?

Even though he thought so, Lu Ze reached out and picked up the battle badge from Kerni's hand.

"Then, my first badge is accepted."

"Hey, sir, is it also the first badge?"


Lu Ze frowned, and found the key point in Kerni's words.


Kerni waved her hands and smiled happily: "This is the first badge I have given away!"

"The first badge?"

Lu Ze was puzzled: "Isn't the first badge given to Xiaozhi?"

"Hey? Do you know Xiaozhi too, sir!"

After hearing Xiaozhi's name, Kerni also became excited.

"But sir, you're wrong, Xiaozhi hasn't come to challenge me yet."


Lu Ze froze for a moment, but...

He thought about it, Xiaozhi seemed to have arrived after Korni successfully became the gymnasium owner.

If so...

Lu Ze felt slightly uneasy.

According to the timeline of the animation, when Xiaozhi challenged Kerni, the croaking frog had not yet evolved into a croaking frog.

When it evolved into a frog, it was on the way to Biyi City, right?
However, when Lu Ze met Xiaozhi in Hupa's movie, the croaking frog had already evolved into a croaking frog.

"Sure enough, is it still different?"

Lu Ze was a little lost.

Now whether the theater version is a separate time and space, or the theater version is not a separate time and space.

Xiaozhi was no longer the Xiaozhi he had seen before.

And Xiaozhi probably doesn't know himself anymore.

At least in the current world.

"Xiaozhi will arrive today, right?"

Kerni didn't hear Lu Ze's voice, but was thinking about Xiaozhi's itinerary.

"According to his speed, he should be here around noon today."

Kerni looked at Lu Ze excitedly and said, "Sir, do you want to meet Xiaozhi with me?"


Lu Ze smiled and nodded.

Although Xiaozhi in this world may not know himself.

But I can also get to know Xiaozhi in this world.


Kerni turned around with a smile, and waved to Lu Ze: "I'll treat Lucario first, and see you later."

"See you later."

After Lu Ze waved his hand, he followed the staff to the back of the gym.

"This is…"

As soon as Lu Ze arrived at the back, he saw a stone statue of Super Lucario.

A gigantic statue of Super Lucario.

"This should be the place where Kerni's grandfather, Ke Kebu, gave Xiaozhi the super evolution story."

Lu Ze chuckled, then was a little puzzled.

Why didn't he speak when I came?
Oh, right.

I am the audience.

"You are the young man who got the first badge from Corny, right?"

After a slightly old but powerful voice came, Lu Ze saw Mr. Cocobull with long eyebrows and a head shape similar to Ultraman.


"Hi, I'm Cocobul."

"Want to hear me tell the story of super evolution?"


Lu Ze didn't really want to agree, after all, he had indeed heard it.

However, Cocobull obviously didn't want to talk to Lu Ze, and started talking excitedly on his own.

"This is our ancestor..."

"Grandpa is telling the story of super evolution again."

I don't know how long it took, but Ke Erni also came to Lu Ze's side, and complained to Lu Ze who was a little dizzy.

"so far so good."

Lu Ze forced a smile: "I'm just a little hungry."

"Well, it's almost noon."

After Kerni exclaimed, Ke Kebul's story about super evolution has also been told.

"Grandpa, the guests are hungry, let's serve dinner."

"it is good."

After Cocobul finished telling his story, he was obviously in a much better mood.

But Lu Ze raised his eyebrows.

Is this the Pokémon world?
Just meeting him for the first time and inviting him to dinner at home?
"Please come with me."

Kerni was still full of energy, as if the failure just now hadn't happened, she still spoke enthusiastically to Lu Ze.

"I haven't asked Mr.'s name yet."

"Just call me Ozawa."

Lu Ze didn't quite know what the name of Pokémon World was.

After all, people are from an island country background, and their names are generally from island countries.

My own Lu Ze is the name of the Dragon Kingdom.

It's better than Ozawa.

After all, island countries also have…

Well, it's not a big problem.

"Brother Ozawa~"

Kerni chuckled, and soon came to the restaurant.

As expected of the owner of the gymnasium, the restaurant is so big.

Lu Ze couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

As expected of a player who owns a castle of his own, he is arrogant!
"Brother Ozawa's Pokémon can also come out together, the place is huge."

Corny will own Lucario, Kung Fu Itachi, Haoli and Wrestling Hawkman.

"I may have too many Pokémon." Lu Ze smiled a little embarrassedly.

"it does not matter."

Kerni waved her hand and said indifferently.


Now that Ke Erni said so, Lu Ze didn't say anything more.

As far as Snorbymon is concerned, this is the first time to be a guest at someone's house.

Let's get a full energy cube first.

Otherwise, the food they prepared should not be enough.

After thinking for a while, Lu Ze released his Pokémon.


"Electric Shock Monster!"

"There are also onion rangers!"

As a girl, she naturally likes furry Pokémon such as Snorkel and Electric Shock Beast very much.

At the same time, as a fighting-type gymnasium owner, she also likes fighting-type Pokémon like Onion Ranger very much.

"However, in the case of Snorbeast, the food may not be enough."

After the Pokémon around Lu Ze happily circled around a few times, Kerni said with some distress.


At the beginning, the cross-word bats and the others looked a little strangely at this different architectural style from what they had seen and this little girl whom they had never seen before.

But with Lu Ze by their side, they soon calmed down.

Facing Corni's worries, Snorkel patted its belly without hesitation, and then skillfully took out a full energy cube from Lu Ze's backpack.


After throwing it into its mouth and hiccupping, the Snorlax squinted its eyes again, looking down at the beige-haired little bean.

In fact, Kerni is not low, the height difference is about 1.6 meters.

However, Lu Ze is 1.8 meters, and Kirby is more than three meters.

In the eyes of Kirby, Kerni is just a little bean.

"So cute~"

Kerni looked at Snorkel with bright eyes: "Can I give you a hug?"

"of course can."

Lu Ze smiled, sat on the seat, and just watched Kerni pounce on the Snorkelling.

Korni, who hugged the Snorby, buried her face in the Snorkel's stomach and took a deep breath.

"So comfortable~"

Lu Ze smiled.

Compared to Corny's happiness, Corny's Lucario was a little unhappy.

She looked at Lucario in Lu Ze, the fighting spirit in her eyes was undisguised.

Not only Lucario, Haoli also looked at Iron Warrior, and Wrestling Eagle looked at Onion Ranger.

However, unlike Lucario, both of them knew that the opponent they were looking at was stronger than themselves.

Haoli has the strength of high-level Pokémon, but the strength of Iron Warrior is vaguely stronger than Lucario.

(No super evolved Lucario.)
And the Onion Ranger is the strength of the King-level Pokémon.

Wrestling Hawkman can only reach the senior level of strength.

(Senior level is equal to gym level.)
The two just looked at each other, and didn't intend to challenge each other like Lucario.

"Korni, sir, it's time to eat."

Ke Kebul stared at the forked bat and the kabbit with serious eyes, and then said to Kerni.

"Just call me Ozawa."

Cocoble nodded with a smile: "Ozawa, it's commonplace."

"That's pretty good."

Lu Ze also smiled, and after a reply, he began to eat.

It tastes pretty good.

However, it may be because of the prototype of the island country, the amount of dishes is not large.

"Brother Xiaoze, Xiaozhi and the others should have come."

After paying attention for a while after eating, Kerni came to the room prepared for Lu Ze and said to Lu Ze.

"So fast?"

"Well, according to my calculation of Xiaozhi's speed, it should be about the same."

Kerni nodded excitedly: "Brother Ozawa, do you want to go together?"

"Let's go and have a look."

Lu Ze got up and walked out of the castle with Corny.

The castle at this time is different from the morning, it has been wrapped by sea water.

But it didn't bother them both.

"How did you get there?"

"Wrestling Eagle can take me there."

Kerni smiled and released her wrestling eagle.

After grabbing the Wrestling Hawkman's leg, Kerni's small body was taken up by the Wrestling Hawkman.

"Then let's go."

As Lu Ze said, he also released his fire-breathing dragon.

After arriving on the back of the fire-breathing dragon, they flew towards the beach with Corny.

"Well, it seems that Xiaozhi and the others haven't arrived yet."

After walking around the city, Kerni said with some disappointment.

"There's a drink shop over there, let's go there and wait."

"it is good."

Lu Ze nodded, but he was thinking about the information about the mirror point in his mind.

The mirror hole in the game, and the mirror hole in the animation?

Lu Ze was a little confused. Did there appear mirror caves in Sala City in the animation?
It's been so long that I can't remember the little details.

But I did see the way to the mirror cave just now.

At that time, maybe you can go in and have a look?

"Brother Ozawa, what do you want to drink?"

"Well, a glass of lemonade."


After Kerni ordered two drinks, she sat by the window with Lu Ze, looked outside, and waited for Xiaozhi's arrival.

"Xiaozhi will definitely come here first, after all, you can see the refining tower here!"

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