Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 887 Goodbye Xiaozhi, the Puzzling Difference

"There should be a Sala gymnasium in the refining tower you saw over there..."

Serena, who came to the observation deck, fell silent as she spoke.

"How did it go?"


Xiaozhi, Serena, Pikachu, Xitron and others looked at the refining tower in the water with some puzzlement.

"I didn't see the bridge or anything here?" Xitron was puzzled.

"Is that island floating on the sea?" Yurika was curious.

Serena frowned slightly: "This way, I won't be able to go to the gymnasium."


"I'm here, but I can't go to the gym."

Both Pikachu and Ash were a little disappointed.

"How could such an excessive thing happen!"

"I obviously want to fight right away!"

"It's your turn."

Lu Ze looked at Xiaozhi who was complaining at the observation deck with a chuckle, and said to Kerni who was beside him.


Kerni lifted her foot, and the shoes under her feet turned into roller skates.

With a slight movement, he slid towards Xiaozhi and the others.

"O you who seek great power!"

Kerni flipped and landed on the lawn behind Xiaozhi and the others.

With a smile on his face, Lu Ze wobbled behind Kerni.

"In the face of that determination, the road will naturally open!"

"Wow, Kearney!"


Xiaozhi and the others looked excited and happy, while Kerni turned around energetically.

"I'm joking~"

After a wink to Xiaozhi and the others, Lucario of Corni, who was following Lu Ze, also took a run-up, jumped up and landed beside Cornie.


"Lucario is here too!"


After Lucario raised his hand to say hello, Xiaozhi and Pikachu also happily greeted their old friends.

"Korni is still so full of energy." Serena was equally excited.

"Everyone is very energetic, welcome to Sala City!"

"Did you come here specially to welcome us?"

"Well, I thought you were almost here, so I'm waiting here."

After Kerni nodded with a smile, Lu Ze also appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Hey! Mr. Lu Ze!"

After seeing Lu Ze come out, Xiaozhi instantly became excited: "It's been a long time, Mr. Lu Ze."


Seeing Xiaozhi's enthusiasm, Lu Ze was a little dazed.


Shouldn't you know yourself?

It is known that Ash's croaking frog in Hoopa The Movie has evolved into a croaking frog.

It is known that the croaking frog had not yet evolved into a croaking frog when Xiaozhi challenged the Sala Gym.

From this, it can be seen that Hoopa's theatrical version took place after challenging the Sala Gym.

So, now that Xiaozhi has not challenged the Sala Gym, the Hoopa theatrical version should not have happened.

In other words, Xiaozhi probably didn't know him!
Regardless of whether the theatrical version is an independent world or mixed in the plot, Xiao Zhi probably doesn't know him.

But now Xiaozhi called him by his name...

Look at Serena and Pikachu next to him, Citron's reaction.

Did they really recognize themselves?
"Long time no see, Xiao Zhi, how is Hoopa?"

After thinking quickly in his mind, Lu Ze didn't reveal anything wrong, and also reached out to greet Xiaozhi and the others.

"Hoopa said he missed you, but he can't seem to find your coordinates."


After Xiaozhi scratched his head, he said with some embarrassment.

"That's it."

"Does Mr. Lu Ze bring Pokémon?"

After seeing Lu Ze, Xiaozhi obviously remembered what they said when they parted last time.

"This time, of course I brought it."

Lu Ze smiled, then looked at Kerni: "But I just got the battle badge."

"If you challenge me, let's talk about it after you successfully challenge the Sala Gym."

Lu Ze smiled, Xiaozhi's talent is very strong.

Every time he successfully challenges the gymnasium, his strength will improve a lot.

It's no fun to fight the current Xiaozhi.

It's like bullying a child.

Let's see how much the strength will improve after challenging the Suola gymnasium.

"Okay, then it's settled!"

After Xiaozhi nodded in agreement, he turned to look at Kerni.

"Are you ready to challenge the gym!"

Kerni naturally understood what Xiaozhi meant, so she took the initiative to ask Xiaozhi.

"That's natural!"

Xiaozhi had a confident expression on his face, while Serena next to him was a little worried: "Obviously, even the battle plan has not been decided at all..."

"I have continued to practice since then, and the whole battle..."

Kerni said, and glanced at Lu Ze.

"I only lost to brother Ozawa!"

Seeing Xiaozhi's confident appearance, Kerni didn't want to lose her momentum, so she said proudly.

The appearance of hands on hips is really cute.

Lu Ze couldn't help but feel happy when he saw Kerni's appearance.

"Does that mean you always win?"

"Korney is amazing!"

Serena and Yurika also couldn't help but praised.

But while praising, he also looked at Lu Ze.

Kerni, who has always won, lost to Lu Ze.

Then Lu Ze must be very powerful.

Not only Serena and Yurika, but even Xiaozhi and Pikachu looked over.

"Sure enough, a trainer with a divine beast must be very strong!"

Xiaozhi felt himself excited.

He can't wait to challenge Mr. Lu Ze after challenging the Sala Gym!
"Okay, we want to defeat MEGA Lucario and get the third badge!"

After Xiaozhi said something excitedly, he turned to Lu Ze again: "Then challenge Mr. Lu Ze, defeat Mr. Lu Ze!"


Lu Ze nodded in agreement.

Xiaozhi's challenge.

Who is better to use to fight?
"Although we are going to the gymnasium, isn't the gymnasium on that island?" Citron looked back worriedly and said.

"How do we get there?"

"I can't go now."

With a calm and serious face, Kerni said something that shocked Xiaozhi and Pikachu and changed her style of painting.

"how come!"

Xiaozhi and Pikachu's newly ignited mood was instantly suppressed by [Frozen World], and they asked Corny with disbelief.

After Lu Ze looked at the refining tower curiously, he looked at Kerni with a smile.

This should be a test for Xiaozhi and the others.

I and the boy I challenged in front of me don't have this kind of "protagonist" treatment.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze felt a little happier.


"Those who are rushing to the battle, calm down and wait!"

Kerni crossed her arms and said these words with a smile.

Xiaozhi was lost and didn't understand: "What are you talking about from just now?"

"My grandfather often talks about it, it seems like my family's family motto."

"Maybe it will take some time, just wait." Corny said with a lovely tilt of her head and a smile.

"Ah, really, but I really want to fight!"

"Calm down, it's not very good to fight in this state."

Lu Ze also smiled when he saw Xiaozhi's childish appearance, stepped forward and said to Xiaozhi.


"That's pretty good, isn't it? Think about it, you need more time for special training in order to defeat the stronger Kerni, don't you?"

Xitron on the side also persuaded Xiaozhi.

"That's right."

Xiaozhi, who was still hesitating, looked at the smiling Lu Ze, and then nodded excitedly.

"Come out!"

As Xiaozhi threw the poke ball, Wrestling Hawkman, Croaking Frog and Rocket Sparrow also appeared beside Pikachu.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ze's brain crashed instantly.

My memory is wrong?

How do I remember when Xiaozhi challenged the Sala Gym?

Is it a croaking frog?

Lu Ze fell silent.

Could it be that my memory is wrong?

If my memory is wrong, then it is reasonable for Xiaozhi to know me...


Always feel that something is wrong?

"Hey? You subdued the Wrestling Eagle!"

Lu Ze was puzzled, but Kerni became excited.

Looking at Xiaozhi's Pokémon, he said happily: "Is there a Rocket Sparrow that has evolved into a fire-type and a flying-type!"

"Thinking about the countermeasures of our fighting gym!"

Cornie and Lucario sat on the stool, very excited.

Xiaozhi was proud: "Of course!"

"However, if you want special training, it would be better if we don't see it."

Kerni seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and asked Xiaozhi and the others weakly.

"It's true, because it will expose your hole cards to your opponent!" Xitron nodded.

"I don't care!"

"Hey? Is this good?"

Xiaozhi looked confident, but his confidence surprised Serena.

"We've been fighting head to head!"

"There's nothing to hide, right?"

"Pickup pickup!"

Pikachu took the lead in catering, and the croaking frog and rocket sparrow also nodded seriously.

"Let's perfect the rhythm tactics together and defeat Corny and Lucario!"

As he said that, Xiaozhi glanced back secretly: "There is also Mr. Lu Ze!"


Xiaozhi's energetic appearance also made Pikachu and the others excited.

Xitron on the side even took out a music player.

"Then, let's start!"

"The music begins!"

As the voices of Xitron and Yurika fell, under the watchful eyes of Corni and Lucario.

Under Lu Ze's smiling eyes, Xiaozhi and the Pokémon danced together...

Lu Ze didn't hesitate, and took out his mobile phone directly.

The high-cold Koga Ninja would be very happy if he saw his current scene.

The smile on Lu Ze's face didn't stop.

Ash's dance...

It's serious, but stiff.

Lu Ze laughed happily, Kerni looked embarrassed, and Lucario was completely confused.

"Well, is this special training?"


Xiao Zhi, who is doing "calisthenics", has a proud expression on his face.

"First of all, we have to think of a way to Xiaozhi." Serena said with some disbelief.

"But how?"

Facing his sister's question, Citron stood up.

"Now is the time for science to open up the future!"

"Citron's special backpack is open!"

"If you can't dance, let him help you dance!"

"Dancing machine!"

Lu Ze looked blankly at Xitron who suddenly pulled out a machine bigger than him from nowhere.


Is this what is so special about animation?
Lu Ze laughed, but he didn't care about these small problems.

With a smile on his face, he watched Xiaozhi and the others complete their special training.

Although the machine exploded in the middle, Citron also heated up the love between Xiaozhi and Serena.

Just watching Xiao Zhi, this elm bump danced with Serena but didn't show the slightest sign.

I even feel tired and have a headache.

Xiaozhi, you're betting on a lonely life like this!
The girl doesn't even know when she throws herself into her arms.

What a poor fellow.

In the setting sun, Lu Ze gave Xiaozhi a pitiful look, and then went to the beach.

After waiting for a while, the golden sea water under the setting sun parted from the middle.

A path in the middle was revealed.

"Come on, let's go!"


Corni passed first, followed by Lucario and Xiaozhi.

"This is the refining tower, and the gymnasium is inside."

After arriving at the entrance of the refining tower, Kerni introduced Xiaozhi and the others.

Lu Ze also listened with gusto.

After all, the challengers in the morning did not have this kind of treatment.

"Okay, let's fight right now!"

"Don't be impatient!"

Just as Xiaozhi ran to the door, Mr. Cocoble opened the door with a serious face.

Next is the story of Lucario's super evolution.

Of course, Lu Ze heard about it at noon.

This is the third time.

But this time I think there is a secret biography.

Lu Ze, who has watched the animation, naturally knows what it is.

Of course, I also found the Rockets trio who were peeking above.

Lu Ze didn't want to expose them.

It was already dinner time.

When he went to eat with Kerni, Lu Ze heard the faint voice of Guoshen coming from behind.


"Is this Mr. Lu Ze's Pokémon?"

When eating, Xiaozhi immediately became excited when he saw the forked bat and the carby beast.

"I also have a Kirby!"

Xiaozhi circled around the Kirby happily: "But he is not as tall and strong as your Kirby!"

Xiaozhi was very excited: "Such a big Snorlax should be very edible!"

Seeing Xiaozhi circling around the Snakemon with an excited expression on his face, Lucario also looked up at Lu Ze.

"He has the energy of waveguide."

"Because he is also the brave man of Bird." Lu Ze said with a smile.

"Forked bat, fire-breathing dragon!"

After seeing the fire-breathing dragon, Xiaozhi was excited again: "My fire-breathing dragon is still in the fire-breathing dragon valley, there are many powerful fire-breathing dragons there!"

A mighty Charizard?

When the fire-breathing dragon heard this, it immediately became a little excited.

Lu Ze also noticed the way the fire-breathing dragon looked at him, so he nodded to the fire-breathing dragon.

Fire-breathing dragon valley, this is still going.

"What's the situation with Mr. Lu Ze?"

Citron asked in a low voice to Serena at the side.

"His Pokémon are so powerful. Forked Bat, Snorlax, Charizard, Zap Warbeast, Iron Claw Lobster and Onion Ranger are all super powerful!"

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