Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 894 Iron warrior breaks through!King class!

With a flash of light in Iron Warrior's hand, he rushed directly towards Pikachu.

Pikachu's face was panicked, and he jumped up facing the slash of the blade in the iron warrior's hand, barely dodging the iron warrior's attack.

However, the iron warrior's attack has not stopped yet, he continued to slash Pikachu one after another.

Pikachu kept retreating until it was impossible to retreat before using [Iron Tail] to slam it on Iron Warrior's knife.


Lu Ze froze for a moment.

Iron Warrior was also taken aback.

Pikachu actually defeated the Iron Warrior?
Why is he?

But before Lu Ze and Iron Warrior figured it out, Pikachu charged up again.

[One Hundred Thousand Volts] hit Iron Warrior directly, and [Iron Tail] also spun around in the air and slashed down suddenly.

The iron warrior crossed his hands, although he blocked Pikachu's [Iron Tail] attack, he was still hit by the powerful force and knelt down on one knee.

"It's outrageous..."

Lu Ze was helpless, Pikachu crushed and beat the Iron Warrior in an instant burst.

It was obviously at a disadvantage before.

"Nice job Pikachu!"

Xiaozhi waved his fist excitedly: "Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts again!"

With a big wave of Xiaozhi's hand, Pikachu also jumped into the air again, and released [One Hundred Thousand Volts] at Iron Warrior.

"Iron Warrior, we also have [-] volts!" After seeing Pikachu's movements, Lu Ze also directed at Iron Warrior.

The iron warrior nodded, and [one hundred thousand volts] was released at the same time.

Two golden currents collided in the air.

But this time there was no explosion, instead they began to push each other like wrestling.

After a while, the electric current of [one hundred thousand volts] on Pikachu's side retreats, and after a while, the electric current of [one hundred thousand volts] on Iron Warrior's side recedes.

Both Pokémon were exerting their strength, and there was a stalemate for a moment.

Lu Ze pursed his lips helplessly. This was the case when Pikachu's special attack had just been lowered by one level by Iron Warrior's [Spirit Shock].

If Pikachu's special attack has not been reduced, there should be no pulling each other now.

After all, Pikachu's special attack ability is quite strong.

The two currents keep going back and forth in the air until...

"Pikachu, come on!"

After hearing Xiaozhi's words, Lu Ze was shocked.

Come on from Xiaozhi at this time!

Lu Ze quickly looked up at Pikachu.

Sure enough, Pikachu closed his eyes, exerted his strength, and the electric current burst out again.


Pikachu's [One Hundred Thousand Volts] completely overwhelmed Iron Warrior's [One Hundred Thousand Volts] and hit Iron Warrior.

A violent explosion came, and Iron Warrior was also covered in white smoke.

"Come on Pikachu!"

"That's amazing, Pikachu!"

Citron and Serena cheered excitedly in the stands, and even the frog beside him showed an excited smile on his face.

"Iron warrior, is it okay!"

Lu Ze took a long breath and asked the iron warrior.

Under the power of his wave guide, the iron warrior still has some physical strength.

But Pikachu's truth was a bit beyond his expectation.

Whether the Iron Warrior can continue to fight, or whether to replace other Pokémon on the field, it is still necessary to ask the Iron Warrior.


The white smoke dissipated, and Iron Warrior reappeared on the field with a serious face.

Although he didn't have much physical strength left.

But now this state can still continue to fight.

Now that we can continue to fight, let's kill the Pikachu on the opposite side!

Iron Warrior swung his arm, and the knife in his hand suddenly lit up.

"Pikachu, be careful!"

"Pickup pickup!"

Pikachu nodded vigilantly, and he also noticed something wrong with Iron Warrior.

"Then let's go, the electric field, and the holy sword!"


The iron warrior stomped his feet suddenly, and the [Electrical Field] was turned on directly.

Pikachu was stunned for a moment, and Xiaozhi was also stunned for a moment.

"Facing Pikachu, he turned on the electric field?"

Kerni looked puzzled at Mr. Kekebull next to her.

Grandpa, you are well-informed, explain to me why Lu Ze chose to let Iron Warriors activate the [Electrical Field]?

Seeing Korni's puzzled eyes, Mr. Kekebul was also a little confused.

He doesn't know much about Pokémon like Iron Warrior either.

He also didn't know why Iron Warrior would activate [Electric Field].

[Electric Field] can enhance the power of the electric system.

It stands to reason that facing Pikachu of the electric system, he shouldn't take the initiative to activate this skill?
Mr. Ke Kebuer was puzzled, and so was Xitron, who would later be the master of the Electric Gym.

"what happened?"

Seeing her brother frowning, Yurika asked strangely.

"The electric field has a skill damage increase for the electric system. It is understandable for Pikachu to use this skill. Why does Mr. Lu Ze let his iron warrior actively use this skill?"

Xitron was puzzled, and so was Xiaozhi.

Although Xiaozhi is a scumbag if he is in the world where Lu Ze is.

But because of the existence of Pikachu, he still knows the function of [Electric Field].

Although he didn't understand why Lu Ze let the iron warrior do this.

But his intuition told himself that if Lu Ze let Iron Warriors use this skill, then this skill must also be helpful to Iron Warriors.

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!"

Xiaozhi once again commanded Pikachu to use [One Hundred Thousand Volts], trying to prevent Iron Warrior from possible actions.

The addition of Pikachu's electric system and the addition of [Electric Field] made the [One Hundred Thousand Volts] used by Pikachu this time extremely strong.

But it's a pity that this huge powerful [one hundred thousand volts] failed to hit the iron warrior.

The figure of Iron Warrior disappeared.

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail from behind!"

Xiaozhi's fighting instinct is too terrifying.

Before the Iron Warrior appeared, Xiaozhi guessed what skill the Iron Warrior was using based on his behavior.

[Shadow Sneak Attack]!
As soon as Iron Warrior appeared behind Pikachu, Pikachu's [Iron Tail] drew directly towards Iron Warrior.

The iron warrior also reacted quickly. While blocking with the [Holy Sword] in his hand, the blade of the other hand also swept towards Pikachu.

Pikachu was startled, [Iron Tail] pressed hard, and the tail that was pressed on the Iron Warrior Knife made Pikachu bounce directly.

"That's okay too?"

"Amazing Pikachu!"

Lu Ze had an incredulous expression on his face, while Xiaozhi jumped up and down excitedly.

Iron Warrior's expression didn't change, and he continued to slash at Pikachu.

Pikachu kept dodging the Iron Warrior's attack with a nervous expression.

The iron warrior didn't mean to be restless, he was still fighting steadily, and the [Holy Sword] hit Pikachu one after another.

Pikachu jumped back again, and then [[-] Volts] was instantaneous, hitting Iron Warrior again.

Iron Warrior knelt down on one knee again.

Now he was attacked by [One Hundred Thousand Volts] again, and his physical strength was running low.

Maybe in the time of a collision, he will fall down.

Fortunately, it was instantaneous [One Hundred Thousand Volts]. Although it was under [Electric Field], the attack of [One Hundred Thousand Volts] was not so powerful, so he could still hold on.

Tie Wuzhe was not reconciled, although his face was still calm, but he had already begun to dislike himself.

Lu Ze didn't complete the task he assigned to him.

It was the first time to fight under Lu Ze's men, but he had to experience failure!
Lucario fell after killing the two opposite Pokémon.

I couldn't even defeat a Pikachu.

Was it defeated by Pikachu?
The iron warrior was extremely unwilling, how could he just fall down like this?

"This is!"

Kerni looked at the iron warrior on the field with a look of surprise.

I thought Iron Warrior was about to fall.

But I didn't expect that the Iron Warrior still had enough energy under the attack of [One Hundred Thousand Volts].

Originally thought that the iron warrior could not escape the fate of falling in the end.

But what's the situation now?
"The aura of the iron warrior is constantly rising."

Mr. Ke Kebul looked at the iron warrior on the field seriously.

"He should be breaking through to the strength of a heavenly king."

"Heavenly King!"

Corny and Lucario turned to look at Mr. Cocobul with surprise.

"Yes, the strength of the king level."

Mr. Ke Kebul nodded firmly.

He also had a Pokémon that broke through to the level of a king, so he is quite clear about this.

"What's going on, Iron Warrior?"

Serena in the stands looked curiously at the iron warrior whose momentum was rising and asked strangely.

"He's about to break through."

Citron is quite familiar, after all, he was once a gym trainer.


Serena froze for a moment: "After the gymnasium level breakthrough is..."

"Heavenly King!"


Citron nodded, the iron warrior was about to break through to the king-level strength.

"That Xiaozhi..."

"I don't know, but even if Iron Warrior breaks through, he probably won't have much physical strength left."

"What happened to that Pokémon?"

"Breakthrough meow..."

In the corner, Kojiro Musashi and Miaomiao poked out three heads to look at the two Pokémon who were fighting on the field.


Musashi and Kojiro turned to look at Meowth at the same time.

"Yes meow, after breaking through..."

Miao Miao said, swallowing her saliva: "It is the strength of the king of heaven, meow!"

"The King!"

"The King!"


Guoshen on the side was covered by Kojiro before he finished speaking.

But their eyes were still filled with fear.

"Let's focus on the little ghosts and the others!"

Musashi swallowed, smiled and said to Kojiro and Meow.


After the three of them nodded at the same time, they quietly backed out at the same time.

Originally, I thought that Iron Warrior and Charcoal Servant were new types of Pokémon, so I could catch them and give them to Boss Sakagi for promotion and salary increase.

As a result now...

Can't be bothered.

It's better to deal with Pikachu.

The iron warrior on the field also opened his eyes at this time.

His strength has also reached the strength of a heavenly king.

Iron Warrior stood up again, facing Pikachu.

"Pikachu, Iron Tail!"

Xiaozhi didn't mean to be afraid, even if he had the strength of a heavenly king, so what.

Pikachu's strength is not bad either!

Pikachu quickly rushed towards the Iron Warrior.

Jumping up suddenly, after spinning around in the air, [Iron Tail] slammed down towards the Iron Warrior.

But the iron warrior is no longer the iron warrior just now.

Facing Pikachu's [Iron Tail] attack, the Iron Warrior raised his arm [Holy Sword] and directly blocked Pikachu's [Iron Tail].


After a crisp sound of gold and iron clashing, Pikachu also retreated abruptly, dodging the [Holy Sword] in Iron Warrior's other hand.

Pikachu looked at Iron Warrior nervously.

He didn't feel right about the attack just now!

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!"

Ash directed Pikachu to use [One Hundred Thousand Volts] again.

Although [Electrical Site] has disappeared now.

But the iron warrior didn't have much physical strength left, one [one hundred thousand volts] was enough to take the iron warrior away.


Pikachu attacked again, but Iron Warrior still used [Shadow Sneak Attack] to avoid it.

This time the speed is faster.

Before Pikachu could react, Iron Warrior came behind Pikachu.

[Holy Sword] Slashed down suddenly, sending Pikachu flying.


Xiaozhi exclaimed, but the Iron Warrior's attack did not stop.

[Wave Missile] Throw it out, hitting Pikachu who is flying upside down.


Xiaozhi exclaimed again.

The thick smoke dissipated, and Pikachu's body appeared in front of everyone.

"Pikachu loses the ability to fight, and the Iron Warrior wins!"

Mr. Cocobul spoke again.

Xiaozhi looked at the fallen Pikachu with a gentle expression on his face.

"Thank you Pikachu."

Gently hugging Pikachu into his arms, he comforted Pikachu with a gentle face.


Pikachu barely opened his eyes, and weakly called out to Xiaozhi.

"Brother Ozawa is so strong!"

Kerni looked at Lu Ze with admiration.

She knew that Lu Ze's Lucario was very strong, but she didn't expect that Lu Ze's Iron Warrior was so strong.

And now it has directly broken through to the strength of the heavenly king level.

"well done."

Lu Ze stretched out his hand to touch Iron Warrior's palm, and praised him.

A smile appeared on Iron Warrior's face.

Fortunately, life is not disgraceful!

Fortunately, you were not disappointed this time.

Tie Wuzhe breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Lu Ze with confidence.

"You are the first player in the second team to break through the strength of the king."


The Iron Warrior nodded excitedly, puffing out his chest.

Now I have something to say in front of Lucario.

A mere Lucario, but a mere senior!



After waiting for Lucario and Xiaozhi's Pokémon to be healed, everyone reunited.

"What a wonderful battle!"

"Brother Ozawa is so strong!"

"Indeed, Iron Warrior and Lucario are both very strong!"

Everyone was excited, and Lu Ze also looked at Xiaozhi and asked the question he wanted to know the most.

"Well, I want to find Hoopa, where are I going?"

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