Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 895 The Difference in Another World, Hoopa's News


Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment: "Mr. Ozawa is going to play with Hoopa?"

Seeing the excited expression on Xiaozhi's face, Lu Ze knew that he was wrong.

"No, I came to your world because of an accident."

Lu Ze smiled helplessly: "So I want to ask Hupa if he can send me home."


After hearing Lu Ze's words, Kerni was shocked: "Brother Xiao Ze is not from this world?"

"I thought it was just not from the Carlos area."

Kerni looked at Lu Ze in disbelief and shook her head.

Lu Ze's clothes were obviously different from their clothes.

Originally thought that Ozawa brother came from another region to challenge the gym, and then challenge the regional conference.

The result is not from this world?

It wasn't just the surprised expression on Kerni's face, even Mr. Ke Kebul, who had always been calm, also showed a surprised expression on his face.

People coming from other worlds!

This is a big event!
Wait, you can write it on the secret biography book!

Lu Ze nodded: "My world is different from yours. There are no regions and alliances, but countries, and there are no gyms. Everyone has to go to school."

"Is the country the kind of country in ancient times?" Serena asked actively.

In the ancient times of Pokémon Continent, there were also various countries, which were not replaced by alliances until modern times.

"more or less."

"Then if you don't have a gym, do you have a district meeting?"

"Of course not."

Lu Ze smiled, turned to look at Kerni and explained.

"Our world is different from yours. Everyone there has to go to school to learn all kinds of knowledge, and only then can they get their own Pokémon."


Xiaozhi was shocked: "If you go by your side, wouldn't it take me another eight years to get Pikachu?"

Lu Ze looked at Xiaozhi, and was a little speechless.

Arguably so.

But maybe like Conan, he is getting smaller and the timeline changes when you get Pikachu.

"That's more or less the case. You still have to go to school at our age at your age."

"go to school!"

Xiaozhi was a little excited, after all, the word going to school was really far away for him.

"If possible, I really want to visit Ozawa's world!"

Xiaozhi was very excited: "There are many powerful opponents in Brother Xiaozawa's world!"

"of course."

Lu Ze nodded. Although Xiaozhi's talent is indeed very strong, there are many people in his world that Xiaozhi cannot beat.

However, there are cases where people in this world are already adults when they acquire Pokémon.

If they are the same age, then there is not much to say.

At the same age, maybe only Red and Green are stronger than Ash, right?

Pure combat.

But if you insist on purely fighting, Xiaozhi's level is also among the top in this world.

Of course, it was Xiaozhi who was at the same level as Lu Ze just now.

Xiaozhi's fighting level is the same as Pikachu's strength.

Up and down, unpredictable.

Of course, one thing is certain.

Xiaozhi must be a scumbag after passing through this world.

"So, are your matches all school matches?" Kerni asked curiously.

She really couldn't imagine what a world without gymnasiums would be like.

"Of course not."

Lu Ze shook his head: "The battle within the school, the battle between schools, the battle within the country, the battle between countries."

"I just went to the World Youth Championship, which is, well... it's like every conference in every region of yours combined together."

"This is the battle between countries. The next thing we will participate in is the Heavenly King Challenge. This is a competition between heavenly kings. The requirement is to have a team of at least six Pokémon with the strength of the heavenly king."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, not only Kerni and the others were surprised, but even Mr. Cocobul was very excited.

A game in which all district conventions are combined.

Just listening to it makes my blood boil!

"So, brother Xiaoze has won the championship!" Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and then he asked the question he was most concerned about.

"Of course he won the championship."

Lu Ze smiled and touched Xiaozhi's head.

"In this World Youth Championship, there are also various mythical beasts appearing."

Xiaozhi was a little curious: "Is it like Dakoto at the Lily of the Valley Conference?"

"Almost, but most of us had only one mythical beast in that game, and the others were battles between ordinary Pokémon."

Lu Ze thought for a while, and then decided to skip this topic: "If I can come next time, I will bring you the CD of that competition, so that you can see my heroic appearance when I won the championship."


"Brother Ozawa, I want it too!"

Xiaozhi nodded excitedly and agreed, and Kerni on the side also said to Lu Ze quickly.

"Of course it's yours."

After Lu Ze touched Korni's head with a smile, Xiaozhi's second question rang out again.

"Brother Ozawa, are all the kings in your Heavenly King Challenge?"

"Of course."

Lu Ze nodded: "As I said just now, to participate in this challenge, there must be at least six Pokémon with the strength of a king."

"So, how many people are participating?"

Xiaozhi's eyes were about to light up.

If this is the case, he seems to be able to participate in this competition.

Pikachu, Charizard, Snorkel, Lizard King, Flame Monkey, Scorpio King, Rogue Crocodile.

It is enough to participate in the conditions of this competition.

Opportunity to compete with various kings on the same stage!

This is much better than fighting against the development zone!

Xiaozhi is very excited. If he can, he really wants to participate in the Heavenly King Challenge in Brother Xiaozawa's world!

"Well, although I don't know how many people there are in total, but there are a hundred people on the current king list."

Although Lu Ze didn't understand why Xiaozhi was so excited, he still told Xiaozhi directly.

He didn't know how many kings there were in the world.

But there are only a hundred who are eligible to be on the list.

“There are a hundred people on the list alone!”

Xiaozhi was shocked.

Not only Xiaozhi, but also Keerni, Serena, Xitron and Mr. Cocobul were all shocked.

There are four heavenly kings in a region, although these four heavenly kings are one of the four most powerful heavenly kings in the region.

After all, there are still many heavenly kings who don't like to hold positions, don't like to be restrained, don't like to stay in one place, and so on.

But in their world, there are probably only more than 100 regions in total, right?
In Lu Ze's world, there are a hundred people on the list alone.

How many are left that didn't make the list?
"How many are not on the list?"

Mr. Ke Kebul couldn't calm down at this time and asked quickly.

"do not know."

Lu Ze shook his head: "Only the top [-] in the Heavenly King Challenge are eligible to be on the list."

"Those who participated in the Heavenly Kings Challenge, last time I remember it seemed like 400 people?" Lu Ze thought for a moment.

"When was the last time?"

"Three years ago, the Heavenly King Challenge was held every four years." Lu Ze replied quickly.

"every Quadrennial!"

"Three 400 people!"

Xiaozhi was so excited that the corners of his mouth almost split open.

It is held once every four years, and the last time it was held was three years ago.

In other words, there is still a year until it is held again.

In this year's time, can I also work hard to improve myself, and then participate in this Heavenly King Challenge?
Brother Ozawa can travel through time and space to his own world to fight with himself.

Then I should be able to go to Brother Ozawa's world and fight against people in Brother Ozawa's world!
However, maybe Hoopa will be called on at that time?
Xiaozhi thought about it, and then suddenly remembered that brother Ozawa seemed to be asking Hupa a question just now, right?

Why do I have so many problems, and it delays Brother Ozawa's return home.

Xiaozhi slapped his forehead with some annoyance.

"Brother Ozawa, if you want to find Hupa, I can call Balza."

"Yes, Balza!"

Lu Ze's eyes lit up. Balza and Melia were Hupa's "guardians" appointed by Arceus.

If you want to find Hoopa, they are the right ones.


"follow me."

After Xiaozhi nodded, he led Lu Ze to the elf center.

The Wizard Center has clearer facilities for remote calls.

"It's Xiaozhi, what's the matter?"

The video call was quickly connected, and a smiling Balza appeared on the screen.

"Balza, long time no see."

After Balza appeared, Xiaozhi smiled at Balza and then moved away.

After Lu Ze greeted the surprised Balza with a smile, Balza finally came to his senses.

"You are, Lu Ze!"

The scene of Lu Ze appearing from Hoopa's halo that day on a black rayon seat still shocked him a lot.

Coupled with the fact that the black Super Raykron is really too powerful.

It is very difficult for Balza to forget Lu Ze, a person from another world.

"Yes, it's me."

After Lu Ze nodded, he asked straight to the point: "Why haven't you seen Hu Pa?"


Balza looked at Lu Ze's nervous expression and thought for a while.

He seemed to understand what Lu Ze wanted to do.

"It's a bit of a coincidence that Hupa went to look for Arceus after Xiaozhi left some time ago." Balza said with some embarrassment.


Hearing this, Lu Ze panicked instantly.

"However, during this time, I can try to communicate with Hupa or Arceus. If I can communicate, I will tell them about you."

Balza looked serious: "Mr. Lu Ze is anxious about going back, right?"


Lu Ze smiled bitterly: "I don't know what happened, but I returned to this world again."

"It doesn't matter, I will try my best to communicate with them."

"Well, thank you then."

"You're welcome."

After the two finished their business, they exchanged a few pleasantries and then hung up the phone.

Lu Ze wants to get to the address of where they are. He can't wait any longer or he can go directly there after he contacts them.

But before that, he had to send some food that Hupa liked to eat.


After the call ended, everyone fell into silence.

Brother Ozawa must be very sad that his hope of returning home has been dashed.

"It's okay Brother Ozawa, Hoopa will be back."

After hesitating for a while, Xiaozhi stepped forward to try to comfort Lu Ze.

"it does not matter."

After Lu Ze recovered from his disappointment, he saw everyone's concerned expressions.

After laughing for a while, he patted Xiaozhi's head: "Since I can't go back in a short time, I can take a good look around this world."

"Furthermore, try to see if I can find Dialga and Palkiya. If I can find them, I can go home."

After Lu Ze comforted everyone with a smile, the atmosphere between them began to relax.

"Brother Ozawa, do you want to travel with us?"

After hearing what Lu Ze said, Xiaozhi immediately asked Lu Ze with excitement.

He wants to travel with Brother Ozawa.

Brother Ozawa is so strong, so his method of training Pokémon must be very special!


Lu Ze thought for a moment.

What are you going to do next?

It seems that there is nothing special to do, right?
Charizard Valley?
You can check this out. After all, there seems to be a special way to improve the strength of Charizard in Charizard Valley.

what's next?


The badges are very beautiful. Do you want to collect the badges of the Carlos region and challenge the Carlos League Conference?

It seems that it is not impossible.

By the way, you can also inquire about Dialga and Palkiya's information on the way.

These two mythical beasts seem to know Xiaozhi as well.

But if you want to find out where the two of them are now.


Miss Cabbage! !

You can go to Sister Bai Cai to inquire about it, and then you can also see the goddess in your heart!
Sister Baicai YYDS!

By the way, you can also compete with Sirona to see the strength of this world champion.

Well, it was decided.

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Ze quickly decided what he was going to do next.

Since I can't go back for the time being, let's take a tour of the world first.


After Lu Ze made up his mind, he nodded to Xiaozhi: "But not now."

"Huh? Why?"

"You've got three badges, I only have one."

Lu Ze smiled: "After I go back and get the first two badges, I will find you. How about traveling with you."

"of course can!"

Xiaozhi nodded excitedly, after all what Lu Ze said made sense.

"I believe that brother Ozawa's strength will be able to obtain the first two badges soon!"

"Lend your auspicious words."

After Lu Ze smiled and rubbed Xiaozhi's head, the video call machine he had just called flashed again.

The above login is Xiaozhi's account.

Then someone made a video call to Xiaozhi again.

"Could it be that there is news from Barza?"

Xiaozhi and Lu Ze looked at each other, and then quickly answered the phone.

Thank you City Demon for your reward! ! !
Boss atmosphere!

However, I just don't know when you saw this sentence.

You can leave a message then (˙▽˙)

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