Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 896 Dr. Oak and Tai Le


An angry voice came, and then a middle-aged beautiful woman appeared on the screen.

"How long has it been since you called mom!"

That's right, the person who made the video call was Xiaozhi's mother, Hanako.

"Um, mom."

Xiaozhi's face was visibly panicked, but he quickly pushed Lu Ze out as if he had found a shield.

"Mom, is Dr. Oki here? Brother Ozawa wants to see Dr. Oki."

"Here I am."

As soon as Xiaozhi finished speaking, Dr. Oki's head protruded from the screen, and Hanako's face became gentle again.

"Brother Ozawa? Is that the one you mentioned a while ago?"

After smiling gently at Lu Ze, Hanako asked Xiaozhi curiously.


Xiaozhi was a little excited, and Dr. Oki became interested when he heard this.

If I remember correctly, what Xiaozhi said last time, it seems that this Ozawa should be from another world, right?
"Hi Dr. Oki, my name is Lu Ze, you can just call me Xiao Ze."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Dr. Damu also greeted Lu Ze with a smile.

I have to say that Dr. Oki's affinity is still very high.

"I heard you came from another world?"

After the two talked a few words, Dr. Oki asked Lu Ze curiously.


Lu Ze nodded, and there was nothing to hide about this.

As for whether it will be sliced ​​to study this.

Not to mention that the Pokémon world is a utopian world.

As far as time travel is concerned, Dr. Oki has traveled through time, so naturally he will not have too much and unnecessary curiosity about him, a visitor from another world.

"What is the different world like?"

Dr. Oki showed a curious look on his face.

A Ph.D. of Dr. Oki's age can basically do a lot of research.

But he is still very curious about the strange world of the different world.

"Well, Dr. Oki, I will visit you in two days."

After thinking for a while, Lu Ze said to Dr. Oki.

He is still very curious about Dr. Oki's courtyard.

Another one, although he is a plagiarist, he is still a researcher.

Go and see if there are any new research results, and plagiarize first.

After a happy smile appeared on Lu Ze's face, Dr. Oki nodded emotionally.

After the two ended their conversation, Xiaozhi explained to the angry Hanako again.

It seems that Xiaozhi's plan did not succeed.

After Lu Ze smiled, he began to plan his future journey.

Now that you're here, let's take part in the conference in the Carlos area.

It seems that after becoming the champion of the conference, you can also challenge the Four Heavenly Kings and the champion.

By the way, the champion of the Carlos area seems to be Caluni.

I don't know what level the regional champions here are.

Soon, after the video call ended, Xiaozhi and the others were ready to leave.

They have to go to the next place.

Lu Ze didn't stay either, and left after saying hello to Kerni.

It's a pity that Latios was not able to keep up with him, otherwise he wouldn't have to fly now.

Lu Ze sat on the plane and looked at the various areas below.

The area of ​​Pokémon World is indeed not very big, otherwise Xiaozhi would not choose to hike.

So it didn't take long for Lu Ze to land at the airport in the Kanto area.

"Thank you, Dr. Oki."

As soon as Lu Ze got off the plane, he saw Dr. Oki and Xiaozhi's mother Hanako outside the airport.

After the two greeted Lu Ze with a smile, the three of them got into the car and drove towards Zhenxin Town together.

"The scenery in Zhenxin Town is really nice."

Looking at the scenery of Zhenxin Town outside the window, Lu Ze couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The scenery of every town in the Pokémon world seems to be pretty good.

If you finally come here, it is also a good choice to go around and have fun.

If the Carlos conference is over and Lu Ze's challenge is completed, Hupa still has no news.

Or if Diya Luka and Palkiya have no news, then they can only play around.

However, I hope it doesn't look like this.

After all, there is still one year left before the World Kings Challenge will start.

The King of Heaven Challenge is still quite important.

"come in."

After the three of them arrived at Dr. Oki's research institute, Dr. Oki warmly invited Lu Ze into the institute.

"You said you were also a researcher in your world?"

After Lu Ze came in, Dr. Oki happily asked Lu Ze.


Lu Ze nodded a little embarrassedly.

"It's called a researcher, but it's just a study of the evolution of a few Pokémon."


"Well, Yula, Scorpio King and the others need a special way of evolution."

"That's it."

Dr. Oki thought for a while: "How is the progress of your world regarding these?"

"It seems that the world is not as fast as yours."

Lu Ze didn't lie, the academic atmosphere in this world is much stronger than that of Long Guo.

Should it be said that it is a utopian world?

"But one thing, there are more people on our side, so there are more powerful people."

Lu Ze showed a look of helplessness on his face: "Just like me, the reason to go back is the Heavenly King Challenge."

"Heavenly King Challenge!"

Dr. Oki was startled, raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Ze.

King Challenge.

As the name suggests, it is a game between heavenly kings.

However, this kind of competition must require a lot of kings.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be called the Heavenly King Challenge.

"How about it?"

Dr. Oki asked Lu Ze curiously.

There are not many heavenly kings in their world.

But Lu Ze's world can already host the King of Heaven Challenge.

What a shocking news.


Lu Ze thought for a while: "Some time ago, I fought with a king who ranked No. 90 in the last king challenge, and I won."

"More than 90..."

Dr. Oki is a little messy.

The king of heaven, the king of heaven with a ranking of more than 90.

In other words, there are more than 90 heavenly kings ahead?
But it's okay, Lu Ze can challenge more than 90 heavenly kings at his age, and the number of heavenly kings coming to them is not too many.

As for the strength of the Heavenly King, he didn't have any idea.

The worst king is also the strength of the king level.

It is difficult for Pokémon with gym-level strength to beat the worst Pokémon with king-level strength.

Strength should be no problem, it is Lu Ze's age.

Then there should be more than 100 heavenly kings there.

Dr. Oki heaved a sigh of relief after comforting himself.

After all, this is his own world, and when facing guests from another world, it is natural to compare various aspects of the two worlds.

"But that was the ranking of the last Heavenly King Challenge. I don't know what will happen this time."

Lu Ze thought for a moment: "Several of my old opponents should have reached the level of heavenly kings. This challenge should be very lively."

Lu Ze smiled. Not only did he and Suiyan have reached the level of heavenly kings, but also those from the US Emperor, the Russian bears, the few from Great Britain, and so on.

"Old rival..."

Dr. Oki's brow twitched unconsciously again.

A heavenly king-level trainer at this age actually has an old opponent?
Has the old opponent also reached the king level?
Sure enough, the friends of geniuses are also geniuses...

Thinking about this world of my own, it seems that I have just crossed, Sirona and the others reached the strength of the heavenly king when they were young.

And Dawu should also be counted as one.

If he hadn't been obsessed with digging stones, he would have been able to become a king-level trainer very early like Mikri.

"Is the scale of the Heavenly King Challenge in your place large?"

"It's okay, there should have been more than 300 heavenly kings participating in the last session."


A smile appeared on Dr. Oki's face, and he quickly changed the subject: "Let's go and see my cultivation garden. As a doctor, there are still a lot of Pokémon in my cultivation garden."

Hanako went to work, and she had a part-time job feeding Pokémon at the research institute, so she was often with Dr. Oki.

In addition, she was also Dr. Oki's proud student, so Dr. Oki took good care of her.

This is the information Lu Ze learned when they were chatting in the car.

"You can also release your Pokémon to relax."


After arriving in the backyard, Lu Ze released his Pokémon.

"Forked bat?"

"The training is great."

Dr. Oki was also very surprised when he saw Lu Ze's forked bat.

After all, not many people like to cultivate such a common Pokémon as the forked bat.

Thinking of the forked bat, he thought of his lost youth.

Ah, the former Chrysanthemum also raised a forked bat.

After taking a closer look at the forked bat, Dr. Oki's gaze shifted to the Snorby next to him again.

"Oh, Snorlax?"

"Good guy!"

Dr. Oki looked up at the three-meter-tall Kirby, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Xiaozhi's Kirby is not as big as yours."

After Dr. Oki touched the Snorby with a smile, he asked the researchers next to him to bring Xiaozhi's Snorkel over.

"Wait until Xiaozhi's Kirby comes over, you can get to know him, that kid is also very powerful."

"I heard something."

Lu Ze smiled: "Xiaozhi's Snorby is very flexible, right? In theory, it's more suitable for my clumsy Snorkel."

Lu Ze also patted Kirbymon's belly, and said with a smile.

But even though it is said so, Xiaozhi's Kirbymon may not be able to defeat his own Kirbymon if he drops ten times with one force.


Dr. Oki's eyes lit up when he saw Lu Ze's black fire-breathing dragon.

"Odd color?"

"Yes, a different-colored fire-breathing dragon."

"very nice."

Dr. Oki is a little envious. Pokémon of different colors can be encountered but not sought after.

For Dr. Pokémon like him, there is only one different-colored Pokémon in the backyard.

It's still Xiaozhi's, not his.

"The hair of the electric monster is very beautiful."

"The pincers of the ironclaw lobster are very lethal at first glance."

"This is the onion ranger from the Galar region, and it seems to be full of energy."

Dr. Oki looked over one by one, full of praise for Lu Ze's Pokémon cultivation.

"The growth of the wind fairy is also very good."

"This is, Lucario!"

Dr. Oki looked at Lu Ze excitedly.

Lucario is a very rare Pokémon in the true sense.

"The muscle lines of the body are obviously smooth, and the skin is shiny. This Lucario you have cultivated is also very good."

Dr. Oki kept praising Lu Ze: "I didn't expect your Pokémon to be so well bred."

"That's for sure. After all, am I a breeder?"


After Dr. Oki nodded, he suddenly froze for a moment, then turned to look at Lu Ze.

"You said, you are a breeder?"


Lu Ze nodded with a smile in his eyes: "Why, doesn't it look like it?"

Dr. Oki pursed his lips, not knowing what to say.

Ash said it all, you beat his Pokémon with your second team Pokémon.

Or two against three, including Pikachu lost.

In addition to the previous battle with divine beasts, you came riding a divine beast.

And you also said that you subdued Latios.

With this kind of strength, you say you are a cultivator?
Mikri said that he is a coordinator, and this is no problem. Combat and coordination do not conflict, and they are even complementary.

But did you see that Xiaogang said that he is a breeder?
How do you say that you are a breeder!

Such a strong breeder?

Dr. Oki was silent for a moment and turned to look at Lu Ze's Pokémon.

Look at the smooth and beautiful, smooth and very shiny hair on the Snorkel beast.

Look at the split hairs on the Kirby you cultivated.

Well, you are the breeder.

Dr. Oki was a little aggrieved, but he had to admit that Lu Ze's Pokémon were trained very well.

Not only the appearance, but also the strength.

"What is this Pokémon?"

After being silent for a while, Dr. Oki finally chose to repeat the old trick.

【Change the subject】!
"This Pokémon is Iron Warrior."

"Well, you can understand it as a way of evolution of Elledo in the future."

After Lu Ze thought about it, he couldn't give Dr. Oki a reasonable explanation.

"The future? Paradox species?"

"you know?"

Seeing Dr. Oki thinking, Lu Ze froze for a moment.

"Well, I heard that this paradox should be created by Tai Le." Dr. Oki nodded and said.

"That's true, but..."

"A new archaeological discovery some time ago."

Dr. Oki said, then waved his hand.

"I just know one thing, and I don't have any more smiles about Taile and Paradox. I can't continue to study until the follow-up archaeological work is completed."

"Can I be together then?"

Lu Ze was a little excited. After all, he didn't know much about paradoxes.

He crossed over before the new version of the game was released.

Now that I have the opportunity, of course I want to participate.

"Of course it can."

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