Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 897 Sister Baicai and Master Lucario

Chapter 897 Sister Baicai and Master Lucario

"Excuse me, is Dr. Oki at home?"

A sudden voice made Dr. Oki, who was chatting with Lu Ze, laugh out loud.

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here."

After Dr. Oki smiled, he turned his head and looked at Lu Ze: "Come on, come with me to greet him?"


After Lu Ze nodded, the two walked outside together.

As for the cross-word bats and the others, let's play here for a while.

At this time, the Snorby has gone with Xiaozhi's Snorkel who didn't know where to go.

The cross-shaped bat spreads its wings and flies into the air to see if there is any suitable opponent for it.

The fire-breathing dragons each had their own ideas and sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to massage the pot and maintain the turtle shell.

"The iron dumbbell of a different color, I didn't notice it just now."

The iron dumbbell dragged a new iron ore and followed behind Lu Ze and Dr. Oki.

Dr. Oki also saw this silver-white iron dumbbell of different colors at this time.

"I remember that Dawu also has a different color, but his has evolved into a giant metal monster."

Dr. Omu patted the iron dumbbell's body gently with a smile on his face.

The iron dumbbell didn't show any intention of resisting, and followed behind the two of them unsteadily.

"I have an idea to ask Mr. Dawu about how to raise iron dumbbells, but..."

"I don't know where he is, right?"

Before Lu Ze finished speaking, Dr. Omu burst out laughing.

"After he resigned as the champion, he has been digging stones all over the world. If you want to find him, wait until that person may give you some news."

Dr. Oki smiled mysteriously, but he still didn't tell Lu Ze the identity of the visitor.

Lu Ze could only judge by the voice just now, it should be a girl.

But they don't know who it is.

But if it has something to do with Dawu?

Couldn't it be Mikri?
As an elegant player, there seems to be nothing wrong with Mi Keli's voice being more feminine, right?

Lu Ze thought wildly, and soon arrived at the living room in front of Dr. Damu's Institute.

The living room is very close to the nursery at the back, and you can directly see the scenery of the nursery from the living room.

But if you want to come from the nursery, you need to take the proper way, and you can't open the window.

"Dr. Big Wood."


"Sirona, you're here, I was talking about you just now."

Lu Ze looked at the beautiful woman with long blond hair in surprise.

Miss Cabbage!
Is it that simple to see?

"This is?"

After seeing Dr. Oki bring a stranger, Sirona also asked curiously.

"This is Lu Ze, you can call him Ozawa, he is a um...a great breeder."

After being silent for a while, Dr. Oki still revealed the identity of Lu Ze with a strange expression.


Sirona chuckled: "Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Sirona."

"Silona, ​​I have long admired your name."

After watching Sirona reach out her hand, Lu Ze also quickly reached out and shook Sirona lightly.

Well, the little hands are a little rough, not very smooth.

But it's normal, he is a trainer after all.

Look at Tang Yunqin, her little hands were very tender even before she got the Pokémon.

It wasn't as smooth as before.

"You just talked about me, what did you talk about?"

After introducing herself to Lu Ze, Sirona turned to look at Dr. Oki again and asked with a smile.

"Too happy."

After Dr. Omu nodded, he said to Sirona with a serious expression.

"Too happy?"

As a mythological archaeologist, Sirona also has some research on Taile.


Sirona turned her head to look at Lu Ze, her pretty eyes looked at Lu Ze curiously.

Could it be that he has information about Tai Le?

"Let's go, talk while walking, things are a bit complicated." Dr. Oki said to Sirona after pointing to the cultivation garden outside.

"it is good."

Sirona nodded, and the three of them walked towards the nursery outside again.

During the period, the strange-colored iron dumbbells dangling behind Lu Ze also attracted Sirona's attention.

But Sirona is not Dawu after all, and she also likes the steel-type different-color Pokémon very much.

He just looked away after being curious about the quasi-god of a different color.


Suddenly, Sirona stopped her steps and looked at Lu Ze next to her in surprise.

"you say…"


After seeing Lu Ze nodding his head with a smile on his face, Sirona looked at Dr. Omu.

"That's right, Ozawa came from another world."

"Yes, after all, the reason is related to Dialga and Palkya."

"Twin gods of time and space?"

Sirona believed it a little bit now.

After all, the two gods of time and space have one space and one time, and the space-time fluctuations caused by the two fighting can indeed send people to another time and space.

But the problem is that the tearing of time and space cannot bear the human body.

Sirona looked at Lu Ze and asked her own question.


Lu Ze didn't hesitate, and called Deoxys directly.

As soon as Deoxys appeared, the two immediately understood.

It turned out to be protected by a divine beast.

They still know the mythical beast Deoxys.

The strength is similar to that of Rayquaza.

Coupled with super power attributes, there should be no problem in being able to protect Lu Ze in the tearing of time and space.

The three of them talked all the way, and soon came to the cultivation garden.

The iron warrior was discussing with Lucario, and was quickly called by Lu Ze.

In addition to the iron warrior, there was also the charcoal servant who was also called over.

"This is?"

"It should be the degenerated form of Red Lotus Armored Rider and Cang Yan Saber Ghost."

After Dr. Oki observed Tan Xiaoshi carefully, he expressed the conclusion he had just pondered.

"Yes, this is the degraded form of the two of them." Lu Ze nodded with certainty.

As expected of Dr. Oki.

"Then, what about this?" Sirona looked at the Iron Warrior again.

"This is the paradox species. The iron warrior of the future species is the evolution form of Elledo."

"Is it Already?"

Sirona looked at Iron Warrior with some curiosity: "It does have the characteristics of Elledo."

"Ozawa, tell me what your world knows about Taile."

"In fact, our world doesn't know much about Taile."

Lu Ze hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to tell the truth.

"Our world has a secret realm, and the secret realm is like another Pokémon world. Many studies on Pokémon are carried out through the secret realm."

"For example, we just completed the research on super evolution some time ago, and now we have just discovered Z pure crystal from the secret realm."

"In terms of research, our world may not be as strong as yours."

"However, I entered a secret realm some time ago, and there is some information about paradox species in it."

"That's the information I got, not the information my world got."

"After all, paradox species are too rare, so I don't know if my information is correct."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he looked at Dr. Damu and Sirona seriously, wanting to see what they thought.

After listening to what Lu Ze said, the two looked at each other.

"You tell me, it can still be used as a reference."

"it is good."

After Lu Ze nodded to Dr. Damu, he started talking.

After roughly talking about the things in that secret realm, he told Dr. Oki what the Beetle Saint told him, and some news about the paradox species he read on Nintendo's game preview.

"That's it."

Dr. Omu nodded and glanced at Sirona.

"In this way, the paradox species should definitely be the power of Taile."

"Yes, but Taile's power only affects a few types of Pokémon."

Lu Ze nodded and continued: "It's like super evolution, but some Pokémon have the ability to super evolve."

"Just like Lucario, he can super evolve, but he doesn't have the evolution ability of the paradox species."

"It is indeed the case."

After Sirona and Dr. Oki nodded, the three continued to discuss.

During the period, Sirona's Pokémon was also released, and she relaxed in Dr. Oki's breeding garden.

Sirona, Dr. Omu and Lu Ze were all researchers, so they chatted together quickly.

Sirona's Pokémon quickly dispersed.

After Lucario of Sirona felt the waveguide of Lucario of Lu Ze, he went with Iron Warrior to find Lucario of Lu Ze.

Seeing Lu Ze's Lucario, who has not reached the strength of the king of heaven, Sirona's Lucario is also interested.

Lucario is too rare, especially this kind of talented Lucario.

The Pokémon world where Xiaozhi is located has no qualifications.

Therefore, Lucario of Lu Ze is the kind of Lucario with better talent in the eyes of Lucario of Sirona.

This made Sirona's Lucario also become interested.

One of those things that living beings with their own mind love to do.

Good to be a teacher.

The same is true for Sirona's Lucario.

Looking at Lu Ze's Lucario and Sirona's Lucario who were about to break through but did not, they also became interested.

"Would you like me to stimulate him?"

Lucario of Sirona looked at Lucario of Lu Ze who was exercising in front of him and said to the Iron Warrior with a smile.

"That couldn't be better."

Iron Warrior nodded, he naturally understood what Lucario was thinking next to him.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Lucario can break through successfully.

Since he succeeded in breaking through the king-level strength, it's not that he looks down on Lucario.

But the gap in strength is indeed a bit big.

Originally, the two were [-]-[-], but now after he broke through, the two became [-]-[-].

But this second obviously Lucario has no chance to get it.

It takes super evolution, explosive seeding and Lucario's own mistakes to get a [-]% chance of winning.

This was calculated by Iron Warrior himself.

On the day the iron warrior broke through, he had already fought with Lucario.

And this was calculated after that battle.

Lucario's current strength is really not good. If the Lucario next to him can stimulate him to break through successfully, his old opponent can come back.

Compared with the previous one-person training, with Lucario as an old opponent, his improvement speed is obviously much faster.

In Ozawa's words, it should be...

Roll it up.

A smile appeared on Iron Warrior's face.

Although Lucario next to him is much stronger than him.

But he should understand my good intentions.

The Iron Warrior smiled as he watched Sirona's Lucario walk towards Lu Ze's Lucario with great arrogance.

Lucario with master level strength will be your opponent of Lucario with senior level strength.

Just have fun.

After the Iron Warrior watched Sirona's Lucario walk up, the two Lucarios did not hesitate at all and started fighting in less than two words.

Sirona's Lucario's face was also a little stiff.

Why does this guy look like a stupefied young man? No matter how you say it, he hit him right away.

But Lucario of Lu Ze is pure-minded.

Since you said you want to compete, then come on.

After Lu Ze's Lucario rushed up, Sirona's Lucario wanted to stop fighting after parrying twice.

There is no point in fighting like this, and it will not stimulate Lu Ze's Lucario.

After the bone stick condensed by the power of waveguide hit the bone stick in Lu Ze's Lucario's hand to force him back, Sirona's Lucario directly stretched out his hand to block Lu Ze's Lucario's continued attack.

In the next second, the aura of master-level strength erupted from Lucario's body.

But Lucario just nodded, and rushed up again waving the bone club in his hand.


After Lucario of Sirona cursed angrily, he could only be forced to start business again.

Nothing, I choose.

After Sirona's Lucario fought with Lu Ze's Lucario for a few rounds, he also fell into deep thought.

It can't go on like this.

It doesn't look like it has any effect.

This guy is just a stunned young man. If you want to help him break through, it feels difficult.

Lucario of Sirona was thinking while parrying the attack of Lucario of Lu Ze.

There is too much difference in strength, Lu Ze's Lucario can only use a lot of energy to face Sirona's Lucario.

But Sirona's Lucario can deal with Lucario's attack while thinking about other things.

"There is."

Soon, Lucario of Sirona thought of a good way.

This method has a high probability of being able to force Lucario to break through.

However, I may be a little tired.

But it doesn't matter, in order to appear holy in front of this stupefied young man.

It's done!

Thinking of this, Lucario knew that he had taken the initiative to help him break through.

Finally, after the breakthrough was successful, Lucario with his admiring little eyes of Sirona couldn't help being a little excited.

Sirona's Lucario came towards the Iron Warrior while parrying Luze Lucario's attack.

The iron warrior who was watching the play frowned.

Why do you feel like the two of them are getting closer to me?

(End of this chapter)

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