Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 898 Lucario breaks through?

Chapter 898 Lucario breaks through?

Until Iron Warrior saw Sirona's Lucario pretending to be a [Dragon Wave] that accidentally hit him.

The Iron Warrior understood.

Especially after seeing Iron Warrior blinking at him.

He was even more certain.

If nothing else, Sirona's Lucario doesn't know what he wants to do.

But he needs me to join the battle.

"Are you sure you want to challenge the two of us!"

Thinking of this, Iron Warrior blocked Sirona Lucario's [Dragon Wave] and roared at Sirona's Lucario.

"Tch, so what if you two go up together?"

After Sirona's Lucario knocked Lu Ze's Lucario into the air with a bone stick, he said disdainfully to Lucario and Iron Warrior who landed on Lu Ze.

"Lucario, let's go together!"

Lu Ze's Lucario was a little confused.

Didn't we say we had a good discussion?
Why did it suddenly become like this.

However, after seeing that all the iron warriors had rushed up, Lucario of Lu Ze had no choice but to bite the bullet and rushed up.

Two on one for justice!

Lucario of Lu Ze could see clearly that it was the attack of Lucario on the opposite side that hit the Iron Warrior first.

Although it doesn't look like he did it on purpose.

But an unknown Lucario and his old rival Iron Warrior.

Lucario still decisively chose to help his old rival Iron Warrior.

Seeing that Lucario had taken the bait, Iron Warrior and Sirona's Lucario couldn't help being overjoyed, and then the fight became more realistic.

The iron warrior [Holy Sword] unfolded, colliding with the bone stick in Lucario's hand in Sirona.

"Is this the strength after the breakthrough!"

Seeing this scene, Lucario of Lu Ze was very enthusiastic, and he also joined the battle with a bone stick.

Although I don't know what Lucario of Sirona thinks, but now that he doesn't command himself what to do again, let's shoot him with Lucario!

Unexpectedly, the two attacked Sirona Lucario in an unexpected tacit understanding?
With you [Holy Sword], I beat Sirona's Lucario who suppressed the strength with a single bone, and there was no room for fighting back.

This was the first time the two of them faced an enemy at the same time.

It is also true that it is a bit beyond the two people's expectations.

The two Pokémon looked at each other.

Could it be, is it a tacit understanding from frequent battles?

The two Pokémon didn't have time to think about it, because they could clearly sense that the strength of Lucario on the opposite side was constantly improving.

It has slowly started to suppress them.

Because none of the three Pokémon used skills.

So the suppression at this time is the suppression of pure strength.

Lucario of Lu Ze felt a little aggrieved.

It was originally his own battle, but in the end the iron warrior was disturbed.

The most important thing is that even after Iron Warrior played with him, he still seemed to be no match for Lucario on the opposite side.

After watching Iron Warrior help him block the opponent's attack again, Lucario of Lu Ze felt even more uncomfortable.

He did not break through to become a Pokémon with the strength of a king.

He has never seen a battle between master Pokémon.

He naturally didn't know how strong a Pokémon with master-level strength was.

All he realizes now is that.

I seem to be a laggard.

If it wasn't for him, Iron Warrior might be more at ease and fight more freely.

After all, the Iron Warrior himself had to block the opponent's attack, and occasionally he had to help himself block the opponent's attack.

Because his strength is too weak.

Sometimes Lucario's bone stick on the opposite side is too fancy, and there is no time to react or block the opponent's attack.

"Don't be stupid, steal the teacher!"

Taking advantage of the gap between Sirona Lucario's attack, Iron Warrior hurriedly whispered to Lucario who landed in Ze.

Lucario's birth time is still too short.

Although under Lu Ze's nurturing and the addition of Lu Ze's waveguide power, his strength has improved rapidly, and he has already surpassed the Wind Fairy who was born earlier.

But obviously, the combat experience is too poor.

When fighting against Korni's Lucario, he can still rely on his strength and Lu Ze's command to make up for it.

But now Lucario's attack facing Sirona is different.

Without the advantage of strength, there is no compensation from Lu Ze's command.

At this time, Lucario is like a sieve, leaking everywhere.

In this case, it is a good time to absorb experience.

Lucario doesn't know, how can Iron Warrior not know?
The Lucario on the opposite side came to help him break through.

If you don't hurry up and improve yourself in this situation, you, Lucario, won't be worthy of being my opponent in the future!

Seeing Lucario's blank look, Iron Warrior was a little anxious, so he quickly reminded him.

It also seems that this reminder from Iron Warrior brought Lucario back to his senses.

"Iron Warrior..."

After Lucario glanced at Iron Warrior with some emotion, he began to focus on fighting.

Lucario's aptitude is still very strong.

Strong qualifications also bring strong learning ability.

Taking advantage of the fighting time, Lu Ze's Lucario was like a sponge absorbing Sirona Lucario's combat experience.

Iron Warrior gave Lucario a strange look, he didn't understand why Lucario had that look just now.

What he didn't know was that his words meant something else to Lucario.

"You can rest assured to study, absorb the experience of the opponent, and I will help you resist the opponent's attack and give you some tricks!"

This is what Lucario heard.

Although there are some differences, the meaning is roughly the same.

The iron warrior was confused, but he continued to fight Lucario as Lu Ze's Lucario thought.

Not only was he feeding Lu Ze's Lucario, but he also occasionally resisted Lucario's attack from the opposite side towards Lucario.

Lucario of Lu Ze was moved while learning continuously.


Dr. Oki, who was in the middle of a heated discussion, occasionally saw two Lucario and Tiewuzhe huddled together, interrupted the discussion between Sirona and Lu Ze, and asked them.

"The three of them are like this, is it okay?" After hearing Dr. Oki's words, Lu Ze and Sirona turned their heads to look in the direction of the three Pokémon.

After hearing Dr. Oki's words, Lu Ze and Sirona turned their heads to look in the direction of the three Pokémon.

Lu Ze released the power of waveguide, and after seeing that Lucario of Sirona did not have any strong aura, but instead had a feeling of joy at seeing Liexin, Lu Ze was relieved.

But yes, if Sirona's Lucario seriously beats his own Lucario and Iron Warrior.

Lucario at the master level fights a Pokémon that has just broken through the strength of the king level and a Pokémon that has not yet broken through the strength of the king level.

It shouldn't take long.

In this case, it is obvious that they should be playing around or discussing something.

"Lu Ze, your Lucario talent is very good." After taking a look, Sirona smiled and said to Lu Ze.

In the discussion between the two, in Lu Ze's perception, Sirona didn't feel like a cold goddess at all.

On the contrary, she has the character of a gentle big sister next door.

And Lu Ze gave Sirona the impression that he was no longer just a handsome guy, but a young man with profound knowledge and eloquence.

Both had good first impressions of each other.

So Sirona also explained a little seriously: "They should be discussing each other, not really fighting."

"I know."

Lu Ze nodded, with a gentle smile on his face: "I'm happy to see Lucario's body."


"Yes, I am the owner of the waveguide power,"

"That's it."

Sirona smiled and nodded, and said thoughtfully.

"Your Lucario is really talented." Dr. Damu on the side also looked at Luze's Lucario and nodded.

"Those with golden qualifications are naturally very strong." Lu Ze said to the two of them with a hint of pride.

"Gold qualification?"

Sirona and Dr. Oki turned their heads and looked at Lu Ze curiously at the same time.

"What is golden qualification?"

Lu Ze patted his head: "Oh, I forgot the saying that you have no qualifications in this world."

After looking at the still curious eyes of the two, Lu Ze explained to them.

"In simple terms, aptitude can be understood as the sum of individual values, plus some other comprehensive attributes such as learning speed, such as the speed of strength improvement, etc."

Dr. Oki nodded: "I understand the individual value you mentioned. Every creature, even the same kind of Pokémon, is different, just like humans have tall, short, fat, and thin."

As for the individual value, Dr. Oki also participated in it at the beginning, so naturally he knows this.

"Yes, that's it."

Lu Ze nodded: "In the early days of our world, a machine was discovered in the secret realm, and the machine can visualize these things."

"Talents are divided into seven types from low to high: white, green, blue, purple, orange, red, and gold."

"Among them, green basket purple is the most common, and white is a Pokémon that is congenitally damaged."


After hearing what Lu Ze said, Sirona and Dr. Oki also frowned.

"But if this is the case, won't people only pursue high-quality Pokémon?"

Sirona was straightforward and asked Lu Ze this question directly.

"So the abandonment law was introduced later, and the machines are basically hard to see."

"In addition, studies have shown that the influence of aptitude on Pokémon is not as great as that of trainers on Pokémon, so many years later, in our era, the pursuit of aptitude is no longer so necessary."

After Lu Ze talked to Sirona and Dr. Oki about the way to deal with aptitude in this world, the brows of the two relaxed.

"Yes, that's how it should be."

Dr. Oki smiled, looking into the distance.

"When my fast dragon was still a mini dragon, his talent was not very good."

"At least he's not very good in his group, but I chose him without hesitation when we first met."

Dr. Oki said this, with a smile on his face: "After he followed me, he didn't lose much to others, and lost to other Pokémon with better talents."

"He has also broken through to the strength of a master now."

Dr. Oki smiled, and Lu Ze also smiled: "Aptitude only determines the process of reaching the highest point, not whether you can reach the highest point."

"That's right, Pokémon and trainers are mutual."

Sirona also nodded, looking at the biting land shark boredly picking a leaf from the tree and playing with it in her hands with gentle eyes.

Well, my talent for biting land sharks is also very strong!
Sirona looked at Biting Land Shark and nodded, feeling a little proud in her heart.

"You two are really nice!"

Lucario of Sirona looked excitedly at the two Pokémon who were making rapid progress and laughed.

"But next, I'm going to use my skills!"

As Sirona's Lucario said, raising his hand, a [wave missile] hit the Iron Warrior.

Iron Warrior's face changed, and the [Holy Sword] in both hands quickly crossed to block his chest, blocking Sirona Lucario's sudden attack.

No, this is different from what you said!

There is no such paragraph in the script!

The iron warrior roared in his heart, but the plot at this time obviously followed the most powerful Lucario of Sirona.

Lucario chuckled, and after the bone stick flew Luze's Lucario out, he hit Luze's Lucario with a flash of [Comet Fist].

Lu Ze's Lucario opened his mouth in pain.

But the next second Iron Warrior appeared behind Sirona Lucario.


The powerful [Holy Sword] slashed down, but Sirona Lucario, who had been prepared for a long time, used a classic Su Qin's back sword to block the iron warrior's attack with a bone stick.

After blocking the iron warrior's attack, Sirona's Lucario kicked the iron warrior several meters away without holding back his leg.


Lucario of Lu Ze roared, and while throwing out the [wave missile] in his hand, he waved the bone stick and hit Lucario of Sirona again.

Sirona's Lucario had a smile on his face.

After blocking Luze Lucario's attack easily and freely, he raised his hand and a [Thunder Fist] was printed on Luze Lucario's body.

After blocking Lucario's attack, without looking back, he flicked his [wave missile] and directly hit the iron warrior rushing from behind.

"They seem to be playing real fire, do you want to intervene?"

After seeing this scene, Dr. Oki asked Lu Ze hesitantly.

"No, Lucario is helping me." Lu Ze smiled and stopped Dr. Ohmu's movements.

He noticed the rioting energy in Lucario's body.

It seems that Lucario is about to break through!
Sirona's Lucario didn't hold back, and after repelling the Iron Warrior, he rushed towards Lu Ze's Lucario again.

Lu Ze set up the bone club in front of Lucario, constantly resisting attacks from Sirona Lucario.

"The last hit!"

Lucario of Sirona smiled, and the huge [wave missile] in his hand suddenly slammed down towards Lucario of Lu Ze in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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