Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 899 Challenge Sirona?

Are you going to fall down here?

This Lucario is really strong!

Lucario of Lu Ze looked at the huge [wave missile] in Sirona Lucario's hand and gave up a little bit.

It's too strong and can't be beaten at all.

As Sirona Lucario's voice fell, the huge [wave missile] in Sirona Lucario's hand also smashed towards Lucario who landed in Ze.


Lu Ze's Lucario was waiting to be defeated.

However, when he sensed the power of the waveguide, a waveguide suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was the Iron Warrior who had just been sent flying by Sirona Lucario.

The iron warrior used [Teleportation] and stood directly in front of Lucario Lu Ze.

"You can't give up until the last moment!"

The Iron Warrior roared and looked at Lucario with a smile on his face.

The next second, a huge [wave missile] exploded on the iron warrior's back.


Seeing the iron warrior being beaten into his arms, Lu Ze's Lucario also roared.


A strong momentum suddenly erupted, directly blowing the surrounding grass to the ground.

The powerful movements naturally attracted other people.


Lu Ze looked at Lucario with surprise.

I thought it would take some time for Lucario to break through.

Unexpectedly, under the stimulation of Sirona Lucario, he successfully broke through to the strength of the heavenly king.

Lu Ze was excited, and Dr. Oki and Sirona were also smiling.

The breakthrough of Pokémon's strength is always a gratifying thing.

Even if this Pokémon is not your own Pokémon.

"Finally broke through."

After seeing this scene, the Crossed Bat not far away also showed a happy smile on his face.

But soon her eyes shifted to Lucario of Sirona.

"Master-level strength, I really want to test how close I am to master-level strength now."

"Little Luka has also successfully broken through to the king-level strength."

The Kirby on the grass nearby felt the blow of Lucario's momentum and closed its eyes in comfort.

"It's time to work hard towards master-level strength, but we can't be outdone by Xiaoluka and the others."

With a smile on Kabimon's face, he also secretly made up his mind.

"Ah, Xiao Luka has already broken through, when will I be able to break through?"

After Lucario broke through, the Wind Fairy couldn't help being happy for Lucario.

But just after I was happy, I started to feel a little sad.

Lucario and Iron Warrior, who joined the team behind him, have successfully broken through to the strength of the heavenly king.

But he, the captain of the second team, is still at the senior level and has not been able to break through to the king level.

It's really sad.

When will I be able to break through?

Is it because I have experienced less fighting?

The wind goblin was thinking about it, although Lu Ze had already explained it to her when the Iron Warrior broke through successfully.

A Pokémon whose assistance is greater than its combat power will break through slower than a battle-type Pokémon.

But seeing his little brother who used to be by his side, Lucario, who once needed to take care of himself, succeeded in breaking through.

She still felt a little sad that she hadn't had the climate to break through yet.

"When will I be able to break through to the strength of the Heavenly King?"

The wind goblin sighed again, now let's not talk about the whole team, just say that the second team is only better than the two iron dumbbells and charcoal servants who are still children.


At this time, Lucario didn't know that everyone's attention was on him.

At this time, Lucario didn't know that Sirona's Lucario and Lu Ze's Iron Warriors had happy smiles on their faces after seeing his successful breakthrough.

He knew now that the Lucario on the opposite side said it was a sparring session, but now he injured the Iron Warrior.

The most important thing is that Iron Warrior was still injured because of protecting himself.

Lucario was very angry. The moment the bone stick appeared in his hand, he opened his mouth and the [Cannon Light Cannon] hit Lucario at Sirona.

"It seems that the battle is not over yet."

After seeing this scene, Dr. Oki also sighed with emotion.

Sirona smiled: "It seems that the relationship between the two of them is indeed good."

Sirona was naturally talking about Lu Ze's Lucario and Iron Warrior.

She saw what her Lucario was thinking.

However, if the relationship between Lucario of Lu Ze and Iron Warrior is not in place, this plan will obviously not succeed.

But this time it succeeded.

What that means is already obvious.

"Indeed, I didn't expect the relationship between the two of them to be so good."

Lu Ze nodded and said with a smile, "The two of them often fight. Is this a relationship?"

"Just like Xiaozhi and Xiaomao."

Dr. Oki also laughed.

The same is true for Xiaozhi and Xiaomao. They usually don't deal with each other, but their relationship is very good.

"The goal has been achieved. I'll call him back."

Lu Ze said, ready to step forward and call Lucario back.

But before Lu Ze could step forward, Sirona pulled his arm.

"It's okay, let them finish the fight."

Sirona smiled, and she also wanted to see how much Lu Ze's strength would improve after the breakthrough.


After Lu Ze nodded, he turned back to Dr. Omu and got rid of Sirona's hand holding his arm without leaving any trace.

Sirona didn't pay attention, and still looked at the two Lucarios fighting with an interesting expression.

After the two Lucario's bone clubs suddenly collided together, they punched out at the same time.

[Fa Jin] After colliding with each other, the two Lucarios also took a step back at the same time.

Sirona's Lucario looked surprised.

Good guy, although he knew that Lucario on the opposite side was in a state of berserk at this time, but he was a little surprised to be able to confront him.

Although I really didn't use my best.

But anyway, he is also a Pokémon with master-level strength.

The Lucario on the opposite side has only just reached the level of King of Heaven.

But Sirona's Lucario didn't have time to think about it.

Because Lucario, who had just stepped back two steps, rushed towards him again.

Although the bone stick in his hand was constantly waving, he knew what Lucario on the opposite side wanted to do at a glance.

The energy of the ground system under the feet is too obvious.

Sirona's Lucario had a slight smile on his face.

While blocking the bone rod with the bone rod in his hand, he lifted up Lucario Lu Ze's leg and stepped on it while preparing to use [Heavy Stomp] on him.

Seeing the astonished expression on Lu Ze Lucario's face, Sirona's Lucario also laughed.

"It's too obvious!"

With that said, Sirona's Lucario used [Close Combat] directly on Lu Ze's Lucario.

Since you took the initiative to reveal your flaws, don't blame me.

Lucario of Sirona silently calculated in his heart.

This [Close Combat] should be able to directly defeat the opposite Lucario.

The violent fighting energy condensed on Sirona Lucario's fist, and suddenly hit Lucario in Lu Ze.However, Lucario of Lu Ze suddenly showed a smile on his face.

Sirona Lucario, who was smiling at this scene, was shocked.

This guy has a backhand!

Almost instantly, this idea appeared in Sirona's Lucario's mind.

But the distance between the two of them was too close at this time.

Even though he thought of this, he couldn't take back the fist he punched.

The thoughts in the mind and the reactions in the body are not in sync.

After punching Lu Ze Lucario, Lu Ze Lucario's body also burst out with energy.

Powerful energy entered Sirona's Lucario's body, causing Sirona's Lucario to take several steps back in pain.

"Good boy!"

Sirona's Lucario did not hide his admiration at all.

In the end, I let myself suffer.

Thinking about it, the obvious [heavy stepping] just now must have been part of his plan.

Sirona's Lucario looked at Lu Ze's Lucario with admiration, but he didn't forget to take two steps forward.

[Healing Wave] was released, restoring Lucario's strength, which was already at the end of his strength and would fall if he touched it.

"You are strong!"

Lucario, who had regained his strength, looked at Sirona's Lucario seriously.

The opposite Lucario is very strong.

It's stronger than Dad Lu's and Grandpa Lu's Lucario.

Is this the strength of a master-level Pokémon?
Lu Ze's Lucario was so hot inside that he couldn't help but think about the scene where he would break through to the master level and then go over and ravage the three Lucarios.

However, I have only just broken through to the strength of a heavenly king now, and I don't know how long it will take to break through to the strength of a master.

"You're good!"

When Lucario was excited, Lucario of Sirona also stepped forward and said to Lucario of Lu Ze.


Lucario snorted coldly, then turned his head and prepared to take the injured Iron Warrior to the Elf Center for treatment.

But just turning his head, he saw Iron Warrior looking at him with a smile on his face.

Lucario was stunned for a moment, and then heard the voice of Iron Warrior.

"How does it feel after a successful breakthrough?"


Lucario was a little confused, but after looking at the iron warrior and Lucario who was also smiling behind him, he understood what was going on.

After thinking about this, Lucario also had a helpless smile on his face.

"Thank you for helping me break through."

After thinking about this, Lucario of Lu Ze turned his head and said to Lucario of Sirona seriously.


After Lucario of Sirona waved his hand, he came to Lucario.

"Aren't you angry now?"

"Thank you also."

After Lucario smiled wryly, he said to the two Pokémon.

"It seems like he understands it too."

Sirona watched the three Pokémon sit cross-legged together with a smile on her face, not knowing what they were talking about.

"Lucario is still very smart."

Lu Ze also smiled, and then turned to look at Sirona.

"By the way, do you know where Dialga and Palkya are now for the mythical beasts in the Sinnoh area you are studying?"


After thinking for a while, Sirona shook her head helplessly: "I don't know either."

"The whereabouts of the two gods of time and space are erratic, and coupled with their two special abilities, they are often missing."

"That's it."

Lu Ze was a little disappointed. In this case, it seemed that he would not be able to go back in a short time.

I just don’t know that the flow of time in the two worlds is the same but different.

If it's the same, it's okay. When the time comes, let's see if we can use the stone tablet to summon Arceus.

If possible, Arceus should be able to take himself back.

After all, the Arceus of the heavens are all clones of the same body.

Well, the relationship between myself and the clone of Arceus in this world should be okay, right?

After all, he was also collecting his attribute slates.

He also said that after he collects it, he will give him a surprise.

Putting it this way, if the Arceus of this world and the Arceus of this world are both clones, they should have a good relationship, right?
If not, take Xiaozhi with you.

The relationship between Xiaozhi and the beasts is basically very good.

Although the skin god gave Arceus a shock once, it was also to save him, wasn't it?

He has a lot of adults, so he probably won't take it to heart.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze couldn't help but relax.

It would be great if there is a way.

So now, just continue according to your original plan.

"Since I can't go back for the time being, do you want to stay in my research institute? I'm still very interested in the world over there."

As Dr. Oki said, Sirona on the side also looked at Lu Ze with a little expectation.

"No, I'm going to attend the Carlos Union Conference with Xiaozhi."

Lu Ze smiled: "In our world, there are no gyms, gym badges and alliance meetings."


Dr. Oki nodded: "Then let me give you an elf illustration book, and also give you an identity in this world, so that it will be more convenient for you to go anywhere."

"Thank you so much!"

When Lu Ze heard this, a happy smile appeared on his face.

He is here without identification information just like he is riding a bicycle without a helmet.

I'm afraid of running into the traffic police (Rosa).

Fortunately, airplanes in this world are not common means of transportation, so no identity information is required.

Otherwise, it would be the same as this world, and he might not even be able to make an airplane.

Not to mention other inconveniences.

Although there is no problem in obtaining the badge, if I remember correctly, the alliance meeting should also require identity information.

"Don't you consider our Sinnoh regional conference?" Sirona asked Lu Ze with a smile on her face.

"You are too strong. I will challenge you next time I come here."

"Co-authoring you to participate in the regional conference is for the championship."

Dr. Oki laughed, and Sirona also laughed.

Indeed, compared to Carunai's words, his own strength is indeed stronger.

Lu Ze turned to look at Lucario, biting Lu Shark and Pokski.

Three master Pokémon.

Well, it seems that Uncle Mo Mo Qiancheng also has three master-level Pokémon?
or two?

I forgot, but if Uncle Mo comes here, he will probably become a regional champion.

As for myself, it's a little bit awkward.


Happy Tanabata everyone!

I’ve been to Chinese Valentine’s Day~

If you don't have a girlfriend...


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