Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 900 The test of the Charizard Valley

Chapter 900 The test of the Charizard Valley
What the Divine Beast Team said was a bit too much.

After all, in this world, if you take out a team of mythical beasts, wouldn’t that be bullying?
Of course, if you want to become a regional champion.

Then, it depends on whether Crossbat, Kirbymon and the others can successfully break through.

Although it is difficult.

But after the gym challenges in the entire Kalos region are over, it seems that this is not impossible.

Kalos Gym, Kalos Tournament, and then the Four Heavenly Kings.

After the Four Heavenly Kings there is Karuna.

Karuna's strength is inferior to Sirona's.

But compared to Sirona, her own strength is much inferior.

Pokémon with master level strength are still very powerful.

I don't know if Kirby can beat it when it explodes at full strength or when Crossbat's status is fully stacked.


Don't be in a hurry.

After Lu Ze thought for a while, he quickly sorted out his plan.

"Ozawa, are you going to the Carlos area next?"

Dr. Omu also asked curiously after seeing Lu Ze come to his senses again.

Not only Dr. Omu, but also Sirona looked at Lu Ze very curiously.

"Do not."

Lu Ze shook his head: "Next, I might have to go to Charizard Valley first, and then I'll go find Dawu Sang."

"Charizard and Iron Dumbbell, right?"

Dr. Oki and Sirona turned their heads and looked at Lu Ze who was still floating behind him, dragging an iron dumbbell with iron ore thoughtfully.


After Lu Ze nodded, he realized that Kirby seemed to have gone somewhere?
The power of waveguide spread out...

Then take it back.

OK, Kirby has been found.

Kirbymon is currently at the pool in Dr. Oak's backyard.

Not only him, but also Xiaozhi's Kirbymon.

Xiaozhi's Kirby stood in front of Lu Ze's Kirby and looked like it was missing almost two turns.

However, the smaller size brings more flexibility.

Ash's Kirby jumped into the water, and after ignoring the water gun attacks from Pokémon such as Goldfish, he happily waved to the Kirby in the water.

Kirbymon turned around, used the [Water Gun] attack transferred to itself to adapt to the water temperature, and then jumped directly into the water.

A depth charge fell, splashing a lot of water in the pool.

Along with the water, there were several Magikarp and Horned Goldfish that had lost their ability to fight.

But after all, they were affected. After a while, they woke up and returned to the water one by one.

But after being baptized by a depth charge, the hornfish no longer dared to attack the Kirby beast.

Ash's Kirby wiped the water that splashed on his face and laughed.

"Can you swim?"


Kirby scratched its head, then floated on the water, its arms and legs fluttering continuously.

Water splashed everywhere, and Ash's Kirby also smiled happily.

"That's not the case. Let me teach you."


Kirby nodded happily.

If you learn how to swim, can you play in the sea?

After Kirby nodded, Ash's Kirby began to butterfly swim in front.

"What I'm teaching you now is butterfly swimming. Well, I can only do this one."



"Thank you Dr. Ohki for your hospitality."

"You're welcome, come and play more when you have time."

"Do not worry."

After Lu Ze happily nodded to Dr. Damu, he waved his hands and turned to leave.

"Charizard, let's go."


Charizard nodded, waved his hand to Dr. Oak, and then rose into the sky.

After spending one night in Dr. Ohki's research institute, it was time to leave.

Sirona had already left last night.

After all, he is also a regional champion after all.

In addition to worrying about ice cream, I am still very busy at other times.

When Sirona left last night, Lu Ze also asked Dr. Omu where the Charizard Valley was.

After getting the answer, Lu Ze said that he would leave the next morning.

Hupa didn't know when he would come back, and Dialga and Palkia didn't know when they would meet.

In this case, it is better to complete your plan as soon as possible.

If you still can't go back after all your plans are completed.

then you can...

Can be a ghost!
Lu Ze would have panicked by then.

If you haven't been able to go back after challenging the Kalos Alliance.

Lu Ze was about to find a way to see if he could find Arceus.

Lu Ze was looking at the map in the Elf Illustrated Book while directing the fire-breathing dragon to fly.

Charizard was also very excited.

Charizard Valley.

It must be full of fire-breathing dragons.

If Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon knew about this kind of thing, he would definitely be jealous.

And Dr. Oak also said that there is a master-level Charizard in the Charizard Valley.

When the time comes, I will break through to the master level first, and then go back and kill him!


The fire-breathing dragon was happy and couldn't help but yelled.

"What are you calling for?"

Lu Ze happily patted the fire-breathing dragon's neck.

"You are also very excited when you think about meeting so many people of the same race, right?"


Charizard nodded excitedly.

That must be exciting!

Not to mention fellow members, the most important thing is to improve your strength!
After being promoted, you can despise Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon.

Can this not excite me?


Thinking of this, the fire-breathing dragon looked up to the sky and roared again.

But this time a dragon responded!




A series of fire-breathing dragon sounds came, and Lu Ze's eyes lit up instantly.

The power of the waveguide was turned on, and then the dense and fiery waveguides behind the mountain in front were noticed.

"Looks like we've arrived."

After looking at the map and confirming that it was here, Lu Ze happily patted Charizard's neck and motioned to Charizard to go around this mountain.


The fire-breathing dragon nodded, but as soon as he took Lu Ze to fly to the side of the mountain, he saw a fire-breathing dragon.

"Are you going to enter Charizard Valley?"

The orange-red Charizard looked at Lu Ze's black Charizard with a hint of surprise in his eyes, and then asked the Charizard.

After the Charizard turned his head and glanced at Lu Ze, he nodded to the Charizard opposite who didn't look as strong as him.

"It's okay to enter."

After the not-so-strong Charizard nodded, he pointed to the mountain next to him that the Charizard was going to go around.

"But if Charizard wants to enter Charizard Valley, he must go through the top of the mountain."

"The top of the mountain?"

Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon glanced at the top of the mountain strangely.

The top of the mountain is obviously very high, and the top of the mountain cannot be directly seen among the clouds. "Yes, this is our rule."

The not-so-strong Charizard nodded: "If you can't do it, you can go back."


Lu Ze's Charizard was a little angry, and two streams of white air spurted out from the Charizard's nostrils.

Lu Ze looked at the two fire-breathing dragons strangely.

Lattios was not there, and he couldn't understand what the two fire-breathing dragons were saying.

"Charizard what are they talking about?"

However, Latios, the translator, is not here, and Lucario, the deputy translator, is still there.

Lucario and Lu Ze can talk through the waveguide.

"They said that if you want to enter the Charizard Valley, Charizard must go through the top of the mountain, otherwise you have to go back."

"oh, I see."

Lu Ze nodded: "Charizard, what do you think?"


Charizard nodded, not hiding the fighting intent in his eyes.

It’s just a small hill!

See how I get there!

Seeing the fighting spirit in Lu Ze's Charizard's eyes, the not-so-strong Charizard also showed a hint of admiration in his eyes.

However, some challenges are still needed.

"I can take him in first and then wait for your arrival."

The not-so-strong Charizard smiled, then pointed at Lu Ze and said.

When he saw Charizard turning his head and looking at him with a questioning look on his face, Lu Ze asked Lucario again.

"what did he say?"

"He said he could take you in first."

After Lucario finished speaking, Lu Ze nodded.

Well, no wonder Lucario is the deputy.

In this case, Latios translated directly without having to speak himself.


Lu Ze looked at the not-so-strong fire-breathing dragon on the opposite side, with a wild smile similar to that of an electric shock monster.

"I am the trainer of Charizard, so naturally I have to work with Charizard!"

As Lu Ze said, he didn't look at the fire-breathing dragon. After he patted his own fire-breathing dragon, the fire-breathing dragon shot straight into the sky.

He thinks the same as Charizard.

Isn’t it just a small hill!
Pass him!
After watching Charizard take Lu Ze off, the not-so-strong Charizard also showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

But what followed immediately were admiring looks and thumbs up.

But Lu Ze didn't see it at this time.

The mountain is still quite high.

Especially after breaking through the clouds and looking at the ice and snow appearing on the mountain, Lu Ze had a bad feeling in his heart.

Soon, this bad premonition came true.

The mountain is quite high.

But this is not the point.

The point is, it gets colder the higher you go.

The cold wind blew, even if the fire-breathing dragon's body was surrounded by flames and wrapped around Lu Ze.

Not only Lu Ze, as a fire Pokémon, he already felt the cold.


The fire-breathing dragon roared in its heart, and when it flapped its wings, its speed became faster than before.

Lu Ze also had a look of surprise in his eyes when he saw this scene.

Having lived with Charizard day and night, he naturally knew the speed of Charizard.

The speed just now had obviously reached the limit of the fire-breathing dragon.

But I didn't expect him to be a little faster?
Is this a breakthrough?
Lu Ze, who was about to use the power of the waveguide to cover himself, hesitated for a moment, but still did not release the power of the waveguide.

I can still hold on.

Just hold on and see if the fire-breathing dragon can get faster.

But soon, Lu Ze realized that he was thinking too much.

As it went higher and higher, the air became colder and colder, and after small snowflakes began to float in the sky, the fire-breathing dragon began to slow down.

The instant the fire-breathing dragon slowed down, Lu Ze waveguide's power was released without hesitation, wrapping himself and the fire-breathing dragon in it.

But the cold weather seems a little unusual.

Neither the power of the waveguide nor the burning flames around the Charizard's body could withstand the cold.

Fortunately, they could already see the top of the mountain.

"Charizard, work harder!"


Charizard nodded, then sprinted suddenly.


Lu Ze looked silently at the fire-breathing dragon that had almost turned into a snow sculpture on the top of the mountain.

If it weren't for the power of the waveguide, he could still feel his waveguide.

With his motionless look, Lu Ze thought he was freezing to death.

"Your goal next is to defeat me here!"

After the snow sculpture Charizard stood up and shook his body, the flames on his body burned fiercely.

Under the burning of the flames, the snow on the snow sculpture Charizard completely disappeared.

"what did he say?"

Lu Ze asked Lucario in the elf ball again.

Lucario also quickly replied to Lu Ze: "He said he was also a test."

"Got it, beat this guy, right?"

A smile appeared on Lu Ze's face, and then he took out seven elf balls.

The snow sculpture Charizard was stunned for a moment when he saw Lu Ze's action.

Then he quickly waved his hand.

No matter what, this test is one-on-one.

Lu Ze smiled and put away the elf ball.

It was not intended to use righteous siege.

But it's just a fire-breathing dragon with king-level strength.

I still believe in Charizard.

Lu Ze smiled confidently, couldn't help but shudder, and then commanded the fire-breathing dragon to attack!

"Fire-breathing dragon, dragon's wave!"

There is something unusual about this snow.

Neither Charizard's fire nor his own waveguide can stop it.

If nothing unexpected, it should be the ability of the divine beast.

But a mythical beast with the [Snowfall] attribute?

While Lu Ze was thinking, Deoxys came back.

Just when he realized that something was not right about the snow and weather, Lu Ze asked Deoxys to go and see what was going on.

Sure enough, with Lucario's translation, Lu Ze also understood.

There is a frozen bird living in a cave next to the top of the mountain.

But the Frozen Bird doesn't seem to be very big, like a Frozen Bird baby?
But even so, it still has the strength of a heavenly king, and the snowflakes released are somewhat unbearable for the fire-breathing dragon.

Lu Ze touched his chin thoughtfully.

The two fire-breathing dragons on the field had already started fighting.

After the [Dragon Wave] released by the black Lu Ze's Charizard was blocked by the orange Charizard using [Dragon Claw], the two Charizards started a close attack.

[Dragon Claws] kept touching each other, and the clanging sound kept ringing.

Lu Ze also had no plans to super evolve Charizard.

After all, this is just a test.

It would be a bit shameless to super evolve.

The opponent's strength is not too strong either.

Plus he has his own command.

"Charizard, Lightning Fist!"

Under Lu Ze's command, Charizard changed his moves instantly, and the [Thunder Fist] hit the orange Charizard's [Dragon Claw] hard.

Although it was blocked, the electric current made the orange fire-breathing dragon feel a little comfortable.

"Damn it!"

The orange fire-breathing dragon roared angrily, and then lightning flashed on his fist.

(End of this chapter)

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