Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 902: Charizard leaves the team and Frozen Bird joins the team!


The orange-red fire-breathing dragon nodded to Lu Ze and took a bite of Taotao fruit.

Under the influence of Taotaoguo, the purple light emitted from the orange-red Charizard quickly dissipated.

After [Poison] disappeared, the orange-red Charizard also stretched out happily.

"Come with me."

After beckoning to Lu Ze and Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon, the orange-red fire-breathing dragon flew up.

Lu Ze also sat on the fire-breathing dragon and was carried by the fire-breathing dragon to fly up.

At this time, Lu Ze's waveguide power has been closed.

With Deoxys' superpower barrier to resist the wind and snow, there was no need for him to activate the power of the waveguide to resist it.

Because of this, he didn't notice it.

After they left, an ice-blue head poked out from behind a stone, looking at Lu Ze's back strangely.

Charizard led Lu Ze, followed by the orange-red Lu Ze in front, and soon arrived at the Charizard Valley.

Different from the top of the mountain just now, it is very hot here in Charizard Valley.

But yes, Charizard Valley seems to be a volcano.

After falling with the orange fire-breathing dragon, Lu Ze entered the Charizard Valley with the two fire-breathing dragons.

This is indeed the Charizard Valley, and all the Pokémon you can see belong to the Charizard family.

While playing around, the little Charmanders were stunned when they saw the black Charizard and Lu Ze, a human, who suddenly came in.

A pair of fire dinosaurs fighting against each other.

There were also those fire-breathing dragons who looked at Lu Ze's black fire-breathing dragon with the same curiosity.

"He passed my test!"

After the orange-red Charizard looked around, he spoke directly to the Charizard in the Charizard Valley.

After hearing what the orange fire-breathing dragon said, the fire-breathing dragon in the valley looked at the black fire-breathing dragon with a different look.

There are also some female Charizards ogling Lu Ze's Charizard.

It's been a long time since a strange fire-breathing dragon came into the valley.

Especially this powerful and unfamiliar fire-breathing dragon.


The child's qualifications should also be very good.

Lu Ze didn't know what Charizard was thinking, but after the orange Charizard roared, a voice came from deep in the valley.

The sound rang out, and all the fire-breathing dragons showed a look of respect on their faces.

"Let's go."

The orange-red fire-breathing dragon waved to Lu Ze and Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon, then led them inside.

There were no fire-breathing dragons blocking the way, trying to make you unworthy of being here.

After all, Charizard defeated the orange Charizard openly.

Judging from his appearance, his status in Charizard Valley seems not to be low.

The orange fire-breathing dragon led them into a room-like place soon.

There were five fire-breathing dragons in the room, looking at Lu Ze and Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon with curious faces.

"You just beat him?"

When Lu Ze heard the fire-breathing dragon in the middle speak, he asked Lucario to translate for him without hesitation.


After Lu Ze's Charizard nodded, the middle-aged Charizard who looked older laughed.

"Who will take him?"

The Charizard in the middle turned to look at the Charizards beside it.

The Charizards who can come here are either with a trainer or without a trainer.

As long as you can defeat this orange Pokémon, you are qualified to be taught by them personally.

"What's up with him?"

The muscular Charizard on the left side of the old Charizard in the middle turned to the orange Charizard and asked.

"Same as the Great Elder, they are both swords."

The orange fire-breathing dragon turned his head and glanced at Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon before he said hesitantly.

He didn't know what kind of school that black fire-breathing dragon was.

But he should be the same type of hexagonal warrior as the Great Elder.

At least it won't be purely physical attack like the second elder.

"That's it."

After the old Charizard nodded, he waved to Lu Ze's Charizard.

Lu Ze listened to what was said between them and remained silent the whole time.

He doesn't know what the situation is now.

Let Charizard decide for himself.

The fire-breathing dragon stepped forward and looked curiously at the five fire-breathing dragons in front of him.

After the old fire-breathing dragon pointed to himself, he began to introduce.

"I am the great elder of Charizard Valley. I am good at everything."

Then he pointed to the strong fire-breathing dragon next to him: "This is the second elder, good at strength."

Then he pointed to the taller fire-breathing dragon on the right: "This is the third elder, good at special attacks."

Then came the thin Charizard on the far left: "This is the fourth elder, good at speed."

Finally, there is the ordinary fire-breathing dragon on the far right: "This is the fifth elder. It can help you better develop your characteristics."

After the old Charizard finished speaking, he looked at Charizard seriously.

"If you choose to practice here, you can choose a master now."

Charizard didn't reply, but turned to look at Lu Ze.

"Do it according to your own ideas, and I will support you." Lu Ze said to the fire-breathing dragon without any hesitation.

Whether Charizard chooses to stay in Charizard Valley to practice for a period of time or chooses to leave with him, he supports it.

But from a rational point of view, Lu Ze could also hear what the elder said just now.

It is most suitable for Charizard to practice here for a period of time.

First and foremost.

That old Charizard turned out to be a master of strength!
The other fire-breathing dragons are almost all approaching the master level.

At the very least, it's the kind that reaches the top of the Heavenly King level.

Another one, Lu Ze is going to challenge the gym next.

It would indeed be a bit too much for the gym to allow a king-level Charizard to fight.

He also wants to experience his second team of Pokémon.

So to sum up, it is best for Charizard to practice here for a period of time.

I won't be like Xiaozhi.

The fire-breathing dragon has been with me for so long, and I will definitely let the fire-breathing dragon come back to follow me.

Although it is indeed a bit reluctant to let go from an emotional point of view.

After all, Charizard has never left his side several times since he was born.

Not to mention the long separation this time.

The fire-breathing dragon took two steps forward and hugged Lu Ze in his arms.

After he saw the slight redness in Lu Ze's eyes, he understood what Lu Ze was thinking.

"I will become stronger and come to you!"

After Charizard patted Lu Ze's shoulder, he firmly turned around and walked towards the old Charizard.

"I choose you!"

"it is good!"

After the old fire-breathing dragon nodded, he nodded to Lu Ze.

Then he spread his wings and took Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon to prepare to leave.

I think there should be a special place for their special training.

Charizard turned his head, waved his hands to Lu Ze and Huhu, who came out of the elf ball at some point, and then left with the old Charizard.

"Let's wait for him to come back together."

"Ku Qi!"

After Lu Ze patted Hu Hu's back, Hu Hu curled his lips and then lay on Lu Ze's head.

After Lu Ze waved his hand at the orange fire-breathing dragon, he turned and left.

It seems that Charizard's special training this time should be good.

The four fire-breathing dragon elders behind seemed to have followed suit.

Lu Ze turned around and left. After arriving at the door of Charizard Valley, he looked at the sky and sobbed.

"Crossword Bat, please take me for a ride..." "At least we have to get to the town."

After Charizard left, it seemed like his flying mount was gone.


The cross-shaped bat smiled and looked at Lu Ze with a smile after coming out of the elf ball.

Lu Ze was fine when Charizard left.

But she really didn't expect that Lu Ze couldn't hold back after getting outside.

After lightly patting Lu Ze with its wings, the cross-shaped bat took Lu Ze and flew towards the town.

"Wait, it seems..."

Halfway through the flight, just as Lu Ze opened his mouth, he saw the Frozen Bird flying not far away with a childish expression.

The Frozen Bird flew next to Lu Ze and sniffed at Lu Ze's body strangely.

It doesn’t feel wrong.

Is he Lugia?
What, is Lugia a human?
Little Frozen Bird tilted his head and looked at Lu Ze with some puzzlement.

"Are you Lugia?"

"what did he say?"

Faced with the curious inquiry from Little Frozen Bird, Lu Ze pulled Lucario out without hesitation.

"She asked if you were Lugia."


Lu Ze was also stunned for a moment, and then shook his head at the little Frozen Bird: "You admit it wrong, I am not Lugia."

Seeing the puzzled look on Little Frozen Bird's face, Lu Ze thought for a while and then said again: "Lugia is a bird Pokémon like you, and I am a human."


The crisp bird call sounded again, and the little frozen bird opened its mouth.

"Mom said, this is what Lugia tastes like."

Lu Ze frowned, the smell of Rogia?

Moreover, the little Frozen Bird is like this, and her mother is gone?

Or are you traveling far away?

The taste of Lugia…

After Lu Ze thought for a moment, he took out the Silver Feather from his backpack.

"Is this the smell of Lugia you are talking about?"


The little frozen bird was stunned for a moment.

After looking at Lu Ze suspiciously, he fixed his eyes on Lu Ze and moved his face to feel it.

Shocked.jpg! !
Little Frozen Bird's face was full of shock.

This is really Lugia!

Oh, that's a human. He seemed to have said just now that Lugia is the same Pokémon as himself.

Little Frozen Bird thought for a moment.

So, what to do next?

Looking at the confused little Frozen Bird, Lu Ze also laughed a little.

Why does this frozen bird look so smart?

"Then, can you take me to find Lugia?"

Little Frozen Bird's head froze for a moment, and then he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and then asked Lu Ze.


Lu Ze was a little confused and didn't understand what was going on with Little Frozen Bird.

"Mom said, let me stay here, she is going to return to the arms of Lugia, the god of ocean currents." Little Frozen Bird said pitifully.

"Then she went out and never came back."

"She should have gone to find Lugia. I miss my mother. If you know Lugia, can you take me to Lugia?"

The little Frozen Bird's eyes begged and looked at Lu Ze with a little expectation: "If I find Lugia, I can find my mother."

Looking at the eyes of the little freezing bird, Lu Ze couldn't help being sad and silent.

If my guess is correct, the mother of Little Frozen Bird should be gone.

Even if we go to find Lugia...

However, looking at the little frozen bird's appearance, Lu Ze really couldn't say no.

Although you probably know that Lugia should be in the Whirlpool Islands, right?

But he couldn't be sure either.

Furthermore, it is still unknown whether this Silver Feather can summon Lugia after changing the world.

And the Lugia of this world doesn’t know him...

Well, the last one is easy to handle.

As long as Lugia can be found.

Lugia probably wouldn't leave this little Frozen Bird alone.

Furthermore, even if Lugia doesn't know him and suspects that he is a bad person, Deoxys will still have a chance to explain.


When Lu Ze spoke, Little Frozen Bird's eyes lit up immediately.

"Can you take me with you?"


The little frozen bird nodded without hesitation.

The fire-breathing dragon just took the human in front of him.

Then I should be able to take him with me.

"OK then."

After Lu Ze nodded, he signaled the cross-shaped bat to fall down.

Talking in the air like this is not a problem.

Another thing is that it is not convenient to transfer.

"Then, shall we go?"

"it is good!"

After the little Frozen Bird screamed happily, he let Lu Ze sit on him.

Then he spread his wings and took off smoothly into the sky.

"Well, where are we going?"

Just when Lu Ze was lamenting that he had temporarily lost the flying mount of Charizard and got another flying mount of a mythical beast, the little frozen bird flying in the air suddenly asked Lu Ze.

"Well, let's go to the Whirlpool Islands first."

Lugia is most likely in the Whirlpool Islands, right?

Go take a look first, and then talk if you're not there.

After Lu Ze looked at the map in the illustrated book, he pointed the direction to the little Frozen Bird.

The little frozen bird didn't hesitate and flew directly in the direction pointed by Lu Ze.

This mount feels pretty good.

It's cool and very comfortable.

Lu Ze sat on the back of Frozen Bird, blowing in the wind with a comfortable expression on his face.

The mount of the mythical beast, what a show!

When Lu Ze and Little Frozen Bird were going to the Whirlpool Islands together, Charizard also came to the place where they were training.

The place where they train is right next to the magma.

Theoretically speaking, practicing next to the same source of energy will improve faster.

Apparently that's what they meant.

However, when Lu Ze's Charizard was brought by the five elders, he was surprised to find that there was another Charizard underneath.

"This is where you will train next."

After the great elder landed, he said to the fire-breathing dragon with a smile on his face.

"Like you, he is also a fire-breathing dragon who comes here to train."

The great elder introduced Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon: "His trainer is a young man named Xiaozhi."



At this time, on the top of the mountain, the orange-red Charizard scratched his head in confusion.

What, heavy snow all year round?


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