Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 903: Conquer the little frozen bird!

Chapter 903: Conquer the little frozen bird!
"Ash's Charizard?"

Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon thought for a while.


Is he that kid with pretty good strength?

He seems to have said that he also has a fire-breathing dragon.


Lu Ze's Charizard looked at Ash's Charizard who was training next to the lava.

King-level strength?

It feels really good.

Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon showed a fighting spirit in his eyes.

The five elders who saw this scene looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

This means that Lu Ze didn't see this scene.

If Lu Ze could see it, he would know what this smile was.

Old Yinbi's smile.



Lu Ze and Little Frozen Bird on the other side also landed in a town.

Charizard Valley is in the Johto area.

The Whirlpool Islands are near Zhanlan City.

Seriously speaking, it's actually not too far.

After all, Charizard Valley is near Kikyo City.

At this time, the place where Lu Ze and Little Frozen Bird landed was in Platycodon City.

It's a pity that Lu Ze has no intention of challenging the alliance conference in the Chengdu region.

So even though I came to Platycodon City, I just took a rest and had no intention of challenging the Platycodon Gym.

However, it's not too late now, so you can look around.

"what would you do?"

Outside Platycodon City, Lu Ze was looking at Little Frozen Bird thoughtfully.

Although Little Frozen Bird is still a child.

But he is a frozen bird after all.

If you just bring him into Kikyo City in such a swaggering way.

There should be people watching, right?

After all, this is the Johto area, and the Frozen Bird, one of the three holy birds, is naturally familiar to him.

It's not like Lu Ze has never thought about letting Little Frozen Bird stay outside the city.

But after looking at the pitiful look in Little Frozen Bird's eyes, Lu Ze softened his heart.

Another thing, the little Frozen Bird is still young after all. What if he encounters any danger outside?

This is not this world.

The humans here can catch Suicune with fishing nets!

Although the little Frozen Bird has king-level strength, the big Three Frozen Birds were all captured using machines.

This little frozen bird looks dangerous in the wild.

Although it's possible that the little Freezebirds lived for a time in the mountains near Charizard Valley.

But you want to say that those five old Charizards don't know about the existence of Little Freeze Bird?

How can it be!

Those five old guys definitely knew about the existence of the Frozen Bird.

In a volcanic area like Charizard Valley, there is snow all year round on a mountain next to it.

Without even thinking about it, I knew that it was definitely those five old guys who protected the little Frozen Bird by the way.

Although I don’t know why they didn’t come out when Lu Ze took away the little Frozen Bird.

Maybe I don't know?

But it's not a big problem now, after all, Lu Ze has brought out the little Frozen Bird.

But what happens after you take it out?
Lu Ze was thinking, and so was Little Frozen Bird.

She has never seen the human world since she was born.

One person and one bird looked at each other, and then fell silent again.


It is indeed a difficult question.

It would be easier if Little Freeze Bird was the same size as Victini.

But even though she is a little Frozen Bird, her size is not small.

At least he can be recognized as soon as he enters the town.

"If that doesn't work, we can only spend the night in the wild." Lu Ze spread his hands helplessly.

He basically has everything in his backpack, so there is no need to worry about this.

Although it’s a pity that I didn’t go to Kikyo City to see the Tower of Trumpet Buds.

But there will be opportunities in the future.

After Hupa breaks through his own limitations in this world, he can come over at any time.

According to Little Hupa, this should be called space-time coordinates.

After hearing what Lu Ze said, Little Frozen Bird panicked first.

How is this!
She also wanted to visit the human world.

I always hear my mother say how terrifying the human world is.

She wanted to see how terrifying the human world was with her current strength!
Raise your head proudly!

When Little Frozen Bird saw that Lu Ze had begun to take things out of his backpack, he became even more panicked.

Her brain was spinning rapidly until she saw Onion Ranger coming out of the elf ball to help Lu Ze, and then her head suddenly lit up!
Onion Rangers can enter the Poké Ball, can I too?
Little Frozen Bird glanced at Lu Ze secretly, and after seeing that Lu Ze was not paying attention to her, she moved her steps cautiously.

Lu Ze was a little strange. After turning his head to glance at the little Frozen Bird, he felt a little strange when he saw the serious look on the little Frozen Bird's face.

However, he turned his head and continued to pack his things.

Take out the tent first and then set it up.

You can't let the frozen bird sleep outside, right?
Oh, by the way, although it is summer in the Pokémon world now, the weather is relatively hot.

But if the frozen bird is by his side, he will definitely get cold.


Split into two tents?

Or take out another quilt?
If the air conditioner is turned on, is it more comfortable to cover with a thick quilt?
Lu Ze was thinking about it. After seeing Lu Ze turn his head, Little Frozen Bird began to move his steps cautiously again.


Looking at the elf ball in front of him, the little Freeze Bird clicked it with his beak without hesitation and turned on the switch on it.




Three voices sounded at the same time, and Lu Ze looked at the little Frozen Bird who opened the elf ball with a blank expression.

The little Frozen Bird also looked at the elf ball that was opened but did not take it in with a blank expression.

No, when Lu Ze took the Crossed Bat back just now, he turned on the switch and the Crossed Bat turned into a red light and went in?

Why can't I?

Little Frozen Bird was puzzled.

And aggrieved!

Only Cong Youbing jumped around in anger!
Just when I came out to do a favor, my home was robbed!

Who can bear this?

The onion ranger pointed at the little frozen bird with a green onion and sued Lu Ze fiercely!

"Tooth! Tooth! Tooth, tooth, tooth!"

After Lu Ze comforted Cong Youbing with a bit of laughter, he looked at the little Frozen Bird curiously.

"you think?"

Lu Ze was not sure whether the little Frozen Bird wanted to be conquered by him or whether he had never seen a Poké Ball before and wanted to take a look.

After all, he has this kind of Pokémon in his team.

At that time, Iron Claw Lobster got started because he had never seen such a Poké Ball before.

Then he discovered that the Poké Ball was so comfortable inside!

So he didn't leave.

So Lu Ze wasn't sure what was going on with Little Frozen Bird.

Judging from the appearance of the little frozen bird, the probability of the latter situation should be higher. "Woo~"

"She said she wanted to get into the elf ball so that we could go into the town together."

After living as a translator for a period of time, Lucario is now used to it.

As long as Ozawa talks to Pokémon, that's when he appears.

Lu Ze froze for a moment.

In this case, it seems that it is not impossible.

First let the little Frozen Bird enter the Poké Ball, and then wait until the Little Frozen Bird is about to leave, then destroy the Poké Ball and let the Little Frozen Bird return to its wild state.

Lu Ze thought for a moment and found that this method was not impossible.

But I still need to tell the little Frozen Bird.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze didn't hesitate and told the little Frozen Bird what he was thinking just now.

But what Lu Ze didn't expect was that Little Frozen Bird nodded without hesitation.

Lu Ze laughed and didn't know if Little Frozen Bird understood.

But it doesn't matter.

When the time comes, the choice is yours.

Just wait until she meets Lugia and destroy the Poké Ball.

After Lu Ze thought for a while, he finally took out the luxury ball from his backpack.

Compared with ordinary Poke Balls, Deluxe Balls are obviously more comfortable.

Although the little Frozen Bird was obviously underage, Lu Ze did not choose to use ordinary Poké Balls to conquer the Little Frozen Bird.

When Lu Ze came to this world, he didn't bring any elf balls other than luxury balls.

So in addition to luxury balls, Lu Ze's current red and white balls, high-end balls, etc. were all bought in this world.

As we all know, the Poke Balls in the Pokémon world can tame mythical beasts.

Didn’t you notice that Mewtwo and Rayquaza were all staying in the red and white balls?

As soon as the luxurious ball was taken out, the little frozen bird couldn't wait to peck at the consecration of the luxurious ball.

As she wished, she entered directly into the luxurious ball.


"She said, can we enter the town now?"

"Yes, that's right, but we still need to put these things away first."

After Lu Ze looked at the things he had just taken out and sighed, he began to put these things into his backpack again.

Who wants to sleep in the wild if there is a hotel to sleep in?

The little frozen bird was very happy, even a little impatient.

She discovered that she could see outside the Poké Ball.

She was right.

In this case, she can stay quietly in the elf ball and see what the human world looks like outside.

If she were suddenly allowed to enter the human world directly, she would still be really panicked.

After all, the human world in my mother's words is too scary.

After a while, Lu Ze and Cong Youbing put everything back into their backpacks.

After Green Ranger returned to his elf ball, he sighed.


I almost had my house robbed.

"Let's go, we are going into the town now."

After Lu Ze said something to the little frozen bird in the elf ball, he walked towards Platycodon City.

Although Platycodon City is a city where a flying gym is located.

But you still have to walk into the city.

After all, being brought in by the cross-shaped bat was really a bit embarrassing.

Fortunately, the place where they landed was not very far from Kikyo City.

After a while, Lu Ze entered the city.

Seeing more and more people around, the little Frozen Bird in the elf ball also became excited.

"Hello, I would like to ask, how to get to the Tower of Trumpet Bud?"

"The Trumpet Bud Tower is closed now. If you want to go, you can wait until it opens tomorrow."

The young man who was asked for directions by Lu Ze took one look at Lu Ze and knew that Lu Ze was probably from out of town, not a local, so he said to Lu Ze.

"But the Feiyi Gym is still open at this point, so you can go there to challenge first."

The young man said, seeming a little excited: "The leader of the Feiyi Gym, Mr. Asu, is also here today. Once you go, you can challenge."

"Flying Wing Gym?"

Lu Ze checked the weather and saw that it was indeed a bit late, so he gave up the idea of ​​going to the Trumpet Bud Tower.

Get up and go tomorrow morning.

But forget about challenging the gym, the Wings Gym badge doesn’t look very good.

Since you don't participate in the Johto Conference, there is no need to challenge.

"Let's forget about Feiyi Gym and won't challenge it."

After Lu Ze finished speaking with some disappointment, the young man in front of him became a little anxious.

"Why, come to Kikyo City, why don't you challenge the Flying Wing Gym?"


The little Frozen Bird in the elf ball also nodded.

Yes, yes, why not go?

I haven't seen Gym Challenge yet?
I heard from my mother that gym leaders are all good people.

After Lucario told Lu Ze what Little Frozen Bird said through the waveguide, Lu Ze felt helpless.

"Then, are you going to challenge?"

"That's right!"

The young man smiled happily: "How can I not challenge the Feiyi Gym when I come to Platycodon City?"

"Okay, how to get to Feiyi Gym?"

"I'll take you there!"

After the young man patted his chest vigorously, he led Lu Ze from the front.

Lu Ze was a little surprised. Is this person so enthusiastic?
Isn't it for some purpose?
But thinking about it, it shouldn't be a problem in a town.

After Lu Ze thought for a while, he still followed.

I have Deoxys here, so if I really can't use [Teleportation] to run away, it's fine.


The little Frozen Bird was very excited in the elf ball. He kept looking at Lu Ze and the surrounding scenery.

"Little Frozen Bird said she was very happy."

After hearing what Lucario said, Lu Ze also laughed.

"Just be happy."

Under the happy and curious eyes of the little Frozen Bird, Lu Ze also followed the young man just now to the Feiyi Gym.

"This is the Feiyi Gym, one of the three must-visit places in Kikyo City!"

The young man stood at the door of Feiyi Gym and said to Lu Ze with a proud look on his face.

"Why don't you ask where the other two places are?"

After seeing Lu Ze's indifference, the young man asked strangely.

"Arufu Ruins and Trumpet Bud Tower, right?" Lu Ze said calmly.

The animations I have watched for so many years are not in vain.

The games I have played for so many years were not in vain.


The young man nodded helplessly: "Okay, let's go in."

After the young man finished speaking, he led Lu Ze inside.

"Can I play during the gym battle?"

Lu Ze thought for a while: "It's not impossible."

Now that you have decided to challenge the Flying Wing Gym, it is not impossible to let the little Frozen Bird go up and play.

Soon, Lu Ze followed the young people in front to the challenge field.

"Hey? Why didn't you see Mr. Aso?"

"You need to defeat me, the gym trainer, before you can challenge Mr. Azou."

After the young man came to the opposite side of Lu Ze, he smiled and said to Lu Ze.

(End of this chapter)

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