Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 910 The dream world of Pokémon

Chapter 910 The dream world of Pokémon

Golden hair, plus the dull hair on the head.

Although it was hit by lightning, it was still vaguely identifiable.

However, the figure fell too fast, and the fishing rod that had not moved for a long time in his hand suddenly moved.

Lu Ze didn't care about this anymore.

“I’m going to catch a fish!”

After Lu Ze shouted excitedly, he suddenly pulled up the fishing rod.


But the next second, the uncle next to him burst into laughter.

I don’t know if he didn’t take the bait or if Lu Ze lifted the rod too fast, causing the fish to fall off.

Anyway, when Lu Ze lifted the fishing rod up, it was empty.

Not only was there no fish, even the bait Lu Ze had just put on it was gone.

Lu Ze was a little embarrassed, but he didn't care.

There was no movement just now, but now there is movement.

What does this mean?
It shows that the addition of my delicious energy cubes is still effective.

Lu Ze didn't pay attention to the laughter of the uncle next to him, and once again put the bait mixed with delicious energy cubes on the hook, and then swung it out suddenly.

"When fishing, the most important thing is to have peace of mind."

After the uncle said something, he continued to lift the fishing rod up.

"Blazing and roaring tiger, high-five surprise attack!"

Seeing the Carp King fluttering in the air, the uncle let the Roaring Tiger take action without hesitation.

Otherwise, Magikarp's tail would be swung in his face.

I am a fishing master who has just been blown away, how could I allow such a shameful thing to happen!

After being slapped by the Roaring Tiger, King Carp returned to the water.

A Carp King is just a basic reward for fishermen.

Of course, it is different for Lu Ze.

Even with the blessing of delicious energy cubes, the fishing rod only moved and had no intention of the Pokémon taking the bait.

Lu Ze was already losing his temper.

Who can bear the thought of someone living next to him catching fish all the time while he is a fish and can’t even move his fishing rod?


Seeing the fishing rod moving again, Lu Ze lifted the fishing rod up again.

But unfortunately, the fishhook is still empty.

"Don't be too spicy!"

Lu Ze was in a troubled mood, could he really not even give him a fish?

Probably because of the novice protection period of the three of them, no fish bit my hook.

Well, yes, that's it.

"Haha, young people just can't keep calm."

Lu Ze curled his lips and said nothing.

If you stay here for a long time without catching any fish, you probably won’t be able to calm down.


Suddenly a voice came, causing Lu Ze to suddenly turn his head and look in the direction of the woods.

"what happened?"

The fisherman uncle asked curiously after seeing Lu Ze like this.

"Didn't you hear anything just now?" Lu Ze frowned and glanced at the calm uncle and asked.

"No sound?"

Seeing Lu Ze's serious look, the uncle no longer had the idea of ​​joking.

But after thinking about it carefully, I realized that I really didn't hear anything just now.


"Haven't you heard yet?"

Lu Ze frowned. Although the sound was not from a Pokémon, there was indeed another sound.

"Indeed not."

The fisherman uncle was a little confused. He thought his ears were wrong, so he turned around and asked the Roaring Tiger.

However, the Scorching Flame Roaring Tiger also shook his head with a blank look on his face.

Just now, I really didn't hear any sound.

Lu Ze didn't mean to ask. He was sure that he heard correctly.


Lu Ze looked up at the sky, which was already darkening.

The clouds were gathering and the snowflakes were beginning to fall.

"what's the situation?"

After the uncle fisherman reached out to catch a falling snowflake, he looked up at the sky in confusion.

The sun was shining just now, which was good weather for fishing.

Is this the result now?
"Forked Bat."

After Lu Ze thought for a while, he threw the Poke Ball of the Crossed Bat.

"Uncle, this is the power of Pokémon. I'll take my leave now."

After saying hello to Uncle Angler, Lu Ze left with Tan Xiaoshi and Lucario.

It should have just been the sound perceived by the waveguide.

So, the source of the sound is...

The Crossed Bat led Lu Ze to the place where the first sound came from.

Lu Ze looked helpless after looking at the Rockets trio who were frozen into ice cubes by Duo Duo Bing and Double Duo Duo Bing.

Well, it’s really this guy.


Lu Ze turned around and saw Xiaozhi looking over the fence, preparing to stop Duo Duo Bing and Double Duo Duo Bing.

"Sure enough, you are still so reckless."

It's been so long that I can't even remember some of the plot.

But this time it should be Fu Ye who comes to the rescue, right?

"Xiao Zhi, come back soon!"

"Too dangerous!"

After hearing what Serena and Citron said, Lu Ze was also a little helpless.

It's really dangerous.

Who is the good guy who just rushes up against the senior-level Duo Duo Bing and the double Duo Duo Bing [Xixue].

Not to mention it is still under [heavy snow] weather.

"Duo Duo Bing, double Duo Duo Bing, calm down!"

Ash put his arms in front of him and tried to use Mouth Dodge to calm down the two Pokémon.

But it didn't seem to have any effect.

And in such a short period of time, Xiaozhi was obviously almost unable to withstand the power of the two Pokémon [Xixue].

"Really, Iron Warrior."

Just when Lu Ze was about to let the iron warrior use his super power to bring Xiaozhi out, two vine whips suddenly appeared on the hillside on the other side.

The vine whip was wrapped around Xiaozhi's waist, and Xiaozhi was brought over directly.

"Master Fu?"

Lu Ze looked curiously at an old man sitting on a goat, squinting his eyes.

"Really, what are you doing!"

"Do you want to die!"

Master Fu looked at Xiaozhi with a serious face. If he hadn't taken action just now, Xiaozhi might not be able to hold on.

Well, although Mr. Fu may have underestimated the physique and tenacity of the super true newcomer, it is not unreasonable for him to say so.

"But Duoduobing and the others..."

"Young man, it's good to move forward bravely, but sometimes you need to take a detour."

"A detour?"

"Well, just watch."

Master Fu said with a smile on his face.

"Shuttlecock cotton!"

The elf ball was thrown, and a gym-level shuttlecock appeared in the air.

"It's a sunny day." Lu Ze also laughed when he saw Shuttlecock Mian appear.

"If nothing else happens, this Shuttlecock Mian will be your opponent."

Lu Ze looked at the wind fairy who had come out and said to the wind fairy with a smile.


The wind fairy also squinted her eyes and looked happily at the shuttlecock cotton in the sky.

"Now that he has appeared, let's not steal the limelight."

Lu Ze smiled, and the shuttlecock cotton in the sky also used [Sunny Day] under Fu Ye's command.

The dark clouds in the sky dispersed, the heavy snow stopped, and the sun reappeared, shining on the earth.

"Alright, gather all the sunflower monsters in the ranch!"

Looking at the pasture still covered with heavy snow, Master Fu waved his hand, and then a large group of sunflower monsters appeared in front of Xiaozhi and the others.

"Sunflower monsters, let's all use the sunbeams together!"

Lu Ze looked at this group of sunflower monsters with interest.

The Sunflower Monsters are not very strong, but if they can use [Sunbeam]...

The Sunflower Monsters used [Solar Beam] together, and wherever the [Solar Beam] shined, all the ice and snow melted due to the temperature.

However, because they were not very strong, they did not cause any damage to the original grassland, trees, etc.

But having said that, it is quite surprising that the sunflower monsters all fired [solar beams] together.

After all the venues returned to their original green color, the two Dodo Ice and Double Dodo Ice that had just gone berserk seemed to be shocked and returned to normal.


"Almost died."

"In that case, use Plan B."

The Rocket trio on the other side also recovered from the ice state under the [clear sky].

However, they had no intention of giving up.

"Got it, Meow!"

"Come out, air-cooling machine!"

As Miao Miao finished speaking, the cat's paw pressed directly on a small box-like object in his hand.

The next second, a huge meow robot rose from the ground.


Lu Ze looked at this scene in shock.

It would be fine if it was in an anime, but this scene happened in reality.

This really made Lu Ze admire him.

Meow this guy, if he doesn't do bad things, he won't be hungry.


Lu Ze looked at Miaomiao and smiled.

If you take him back, dad and grandpa will probably like him very much.

Lu Ze smiled, and Miaomiao, who had just entered the robot, couldn't help but shudder.

"I always have a bad feeling, nya."

As soon as Miao Miao finished speaking, they saw a Lucario and an Iron Warrior appearing in front of them.

After directly cutting off the two claws extended by the robot, the two Pokémon also condensed [Wave Missiles] in their hands.

"It feels a little bad."

After Musashi saw this scene, the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

But the next second, after two [wave missiles] hit the robot, the robot exploded.

Musashi, Kojiro and Meowth flew into the sky as expected.

"How disgusting!"



The three of them said one word each, and then they turned into little stars in the sky and disappeared.

"This is…"

Ash's face lit up with joy when he saw Lucario and Iron Warrior appearing.

"Is it Brother Ozawa?"


Lu Ze walked out and nodded towards Xiaozhi and others.

"Brother Ozawa, are you here to travel with us?"

"No, I just happened to meet him."

Lu Ze's expression was strange. He really didn't expect to meet Xiaozhi and the others here.

It stands to reason that after he went to the Chengdu area of ​​​​Kandu, Xiaozhi and the others should have run far away.

Although it had been a long time since he saw XY, he still vaguely remembered that after Korni's gym challenge ended, it was Fu Ye's gym.

When he first drew Fuye's gym, he was also wondering if he would meet Xiaozhi.

But think about it, they should have finished challenging the gym in the past few days.

That's why he didn't pay much attention to Xiaozhi's affairs when he came.

But what I didn't expect was that as soon as they caught a fish, Xiaozhi and the others jumped out on their own.

"I just came back from Dr. Oak. I was originally selected at random."

After Lu Ze smiled, he explained to Xiaozhi and the others.

"Even if this gym challenge is successful, I will only have the second badge."

"That's it."

Xiaozhi was obviously a little disappointed. After all, he could feel that brother Ozawa was very strong.

If he is with me, I will make rapid progress.

"But if you come with us, you can challenge the remaining two gym badges at the end."

After Serena glanced at Xiaozhi, she smiled sweetly and gave Lu Ze an idea.

"Let's see. Now let's go and challenge Master Fu's gym."

Lu Ze smiled and did not agree immediately. Instead, he turned to look at Master Fu.

"What, you're the gym leader!"

After Xiaozhi looked at Lu Ze and then at the little old man riding the goat, he finally reacted and said to Master Fu with a shocked look on his face.

“Life is not always a straight line, sometimes it takes detours.”

Master Fu smiled at Xiaozhi and showed no intention of answering. He turned to look at Lu Ze and left.

But Lu Ze understood the meaning in Fu Ye's eyes.

Come on, boy.

Lu Ze smiled, he was here to challenge the gym, and he would definitely come.

But what Lu Ze didn't know was that Fu Ye didn't actually mean it this way.

Fu Ye was a little helpless. This guy had two Pokémon with king-level strength. He couldn't use these two Pokémon to challenge me.

Master Fu glanced at Lu Ze, meaning you should take it easy, I'm an old man.

"Come on, let's go to the city and say goodbye to Miss Joy."

Master Fu left, but Xiaozhi laughed and said to Duo Duo Bing and Double Duo Duo Bing next to them.

"Brother Ozawa is coming too, right?"

"of course."

Lu Ze nodded, he naturally wanted to enter the city.

By the way, in the plot of Biz City, it seems that Ash and Serena are dating?

Lu Ze walked behind the two of them and looked at their backs with a smile.

Although they are two small children, they seem to match each other quite well.

If this is the case, there is no rush to challenge the Gym.

You must be present at famous scenes.

By the way, this is Xiaozhi and Semei’s first date, right?

Lu Ze smiled and decided not to rush into the gym challenge.

Moreover, before challenging in the gym, you also need some special training.

I don’t know what Pokémon Fuye will send.

If he started with Tan Xiaoshi, Fu Ye wouldn't go too far and send out his own gym-level Pokémon, right?
There was a high probability that it was a Pokémon from his second team, a Pokémon that was about the same strength as his Tan-chan.

"so good."

Under the setting sun, walking on the path next to the pasture, I watched the shadows of myself and the people next to me getting longer and longer.

Sure enough, here is the Pokémon world in your dreams~
(End of this chapter)

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