Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 911 Master Fu’s teachings, gym battle!

"You come first or I come first?"

After a night's rest, Lu Ze was woken up early by Xiao Zhi the next day, and then came to Fuye's gym.

After seeing that Fuye's gym was a very huge tree, Xiaozhi and his party, including Lu Ze, all showed surprised expressions.

But after being surprised, Lu Ze asked Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi hesitated. He wanted to challenge the gym as soon as possible.

"In that case, you go first." Lu Ze smiled, and he naturally saw what Xiaozhi was thinking.

Of course, he also liked Xiaozhi's fiery character very much.

Young people are motivated.

Come to think of it, I am already almost 24 without realizing it.

Lu Ze smiled. According to his family's calculation of age, he would be 24 next year.

Where is Xiaozhi?
Well, it will still be ten next year.

"Okay, then let's go!"

Xiaozhi nodded, said excitedly, and quickly ran towards the tree.

"Wait for me, Xiaozhi!"

Serena, Yurika, Citron and Lu Ze followed Xiaozhi and rushed towards the top of the tree.

The road to the big tree is made up of thick vines that wrap around the big tree, so it is not very strenuous to run up it.

But what puzzles Lu Ze is that the body he exercises regularly only arrives faster than Serena.

Not as good as Xiaozhi, a super newbie, even Yurika.

Are you saying that this is the physique of humans in the Pokémon world?

Thinking of this, Lu Ze couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Citron, who had barely climbed up.

Well, there are always exceptions.

Look at Serena and Citron who are panting, and then look at Ash and Yurika who are fine.

Well, it's nice to be young.

After Lu Ze sighed again, he followed Xiaozhi and the others and walked inside.

The top of the big tree was not too big, and Lu Ze and the others arrived at the battle site in a short time.

The sun fell from the top of the tree and fell on the battlefield.

The various green plants around make the place more vibrant.

Plus the rattan hanging down from the top of the tree.

It's a wonderful feeling to live in a place like this.

While Xiaozhi and the others were sighing with emotion, Master Fu, still squinting his eyes and smiling, appeared in front of everyone with a pair of big scissors.


"Here it is."

"Grandpa Fukerji, please start the gym battle immediately!"

When Xiaozhi saw Master Fu appear, he immediately stepped forward and said to Master Fu.

Xiaozhi's excitement has continued from yesterday to now.

It was already almost impossible to contain the excitement in my heart.

However, Master Fu did not agree immediately, but patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder.

"Yes, just right."

With that said, Master Fu turned and left.

Xiaozhi glanced at Master Fu with some confusion, but he was soon led by Master Fu to his study.

“Good tea.”

After Lu Ze took a sip, he glanced at Master Fu in surprise.

I didn’t expect that Fuye would have such good tea here.

I don’t know if he grew it himself or not.

Lu Ze also drinks tea often.

After all, his father and grandfather both like to drink tea.

Coupled with the status of his father and grandfather, there is definitely a lot of good tea.

So what Lu Ze drank for the first time was good tea.

And he also fell in love with the feeling of drinking tea.

"Not bad."

Master Fu glanced at Lu Ze with a smile: "Someone else just gave me good tea."

With that said, Master Fu looked at Xiaozhi.

The meaning is obvious.

try it?

When Lu Ze saw Master Fu like this, he understood what Master Fu wanted to do.

Well, I was treated like this before.

Although it's not Fu Ye.

"I want to start the gym battle quickly."

Xiaozhi looked at the cup of tea in front of him with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Lu Ze didn't pay attention. He smiled and started tasting tea.

It tastes pretty good.

"Don't be anxious, don't make any noise, let's have a cup of tea with the old man."

"When the battle in the gym is over, let Brother Ozawa drink tea with you. He seems to like it very much."

After Xiaozhi glanced at Lu Ze, he said to Lu Ze with a sad face.

"I do like drinking tea, but won't you come with me?"

Lu Ze was happy, and Xiaozhi fell into a tangled state with just one sentence.

"Now that Grandpa Fukerji is ready." Serena smiled and comforted Xiaozhi.

Yurika on the other side also picked up the teacup: "Then let's drink tea."

Xiaozhi had no choice but to drink the hot tea in one sip.

After the tea tasting was over, Xiaozhi became excited again.

"Grandpa Fukerji!"

But before Xiaozhi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Master Fu.

"This is a rare opportunity. Can you help me trim the flowers and plants?"



Xiaozhi's eyes were dim, but Lu Ze agreed directly.

After Master Fu glanced at Lu Ze with a smile on his face, he led Xiaozhi and the others to start weeding and pruning the trees.

"Really, I obviously want to start fighting earlier."

After weeding for a while, Xiaozhi became impatient.

For him, who had been looking forward to today's gym battle since yesterday, this series of events was simply a hardship.

"Hey, hey, even weeds can't be pulled out like this."

After Master Fu glanced at Xiaozhi in surprise, he came to Xiaozhi.

"look carefully."

After Master Fu pushed aside the weeds, Xiaozhi saw a sapling among the weeds.

"If you are confused by what is in front of you, you will not see the important things."

Master Fu's voice was slightly louder, and Lu Ze who was standing beside him naturally knew that Master Fu was talking to him and Xiaozhi.

"First calm your mind."

"You can see more important things if you calm down and observe carefully."

"Especially during gym battles."

"Yes, I understand!"

When it came to gym battles, Ash understood instantly.

Teachings from gym trainers.

He has also experienced a lot.

"Then, it's almost time to start the gym battle." Master Fu stood up and said to Xiaozhi with a smile.

"Yes, please!"

As soon as he heard about the gym battle, Xiaozhi became excited instantly.

But Master Fu smiled at Xiaozhi.

"But let him come first."

Master Fu pointed at Lu Ze, who was also happy.

Sure enough, Fuye's teaching to Xiaozhi is not over yet.


Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, and then remembered what Master Fu just said.

"it is good!"

A smile appeared on Xiaozhi's face, and he nodded seriously and agreed.Mr. Fu also had a happy smile on his face.

It seems that Xiaozhi listened to what he just said.

"Come on, then."

After Fu Ye shouted to Lu Ze, the two stood on the battlefield.

Although Xiaozhi already understood what he was thinking, he had already decided that Lu Ze would come first, so it would be Lu Ze.

After the two stood still, the referee also appeared on the sidelines.

"Now begins the gym battle between the gym leader Fu Keji and the challenger Lu Ze."

"Both sides use three Pokémon, and only the challenger can change Pokémon during the battle."

"How about it? Have you decided which Pokémon to use?"

"of course."

Facing Mr. Fu Keji's inquiry, Lu Ze also smiled confidently, nodded and said.

"Niannibao, don't you want to become stronger?"

"Watch the battle carefully." Xiaozhi said excitedly to the sticky treasure in his arms, and then looked in the direction of the battlefield.

"The decision is yours, Mr. Tan!"

Lu Ze didn't hesitate. One of his Pokémon now appeared was Tan Xiaoshi.

Well, there is another wind fairy, but the opponent of the wind fairy is the shuttlecock cotton that Fu Ye had yesterday.

Mr. Fu shouldn't let Shuttlecock Mian play directly, right?

"If that's the case, it's up to you!"

"Beautiful flower?"

Elf:Beautiful Flower

gender: female

property: grass

Features: Chlorophyll (In sunny weather, speed increases.)
Qualification: Purple

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

"Beautiful flower? Is it the one on the farm?"

Lu Ze thought for a moment and saw some beautiful flowers on the farm yesterday.

And now the beautiful flower sent by Master Fu is about the same strength as Tan Xiaoshi.

They are also of high-level Pokémon strength.

"Then, the battle begins!"

After seeing both sides sending out their Pokémon, the referee waved his right hand to signal the start of the battle.

"Charcoal waiter, spark!"

The moment the battle started, Lu Ze commanded Tan Xiaoshi to launch an attack.

"Tan-chan is a fire-type Pokémon. It is obviously very advantageous against the beautiful flowers of the grass-type."

After Tan Xiaozhi appeared, Serena also said to Xiaozhi from the side.

Ash smiled, he also had a fire Pokémon.

I can also control attributes!

"Beautiful flower, poisonous powder!"

Like Lu Ze, Fu Ye also chose to attack at the beginning of the battle.

But the skill [Poison Powder] is.

But as soon as it was sprayed out, it was burned away by Tan Xiaoshi's [Sparks].

"Little Attendant Tan, charge up the flame attack!"

Although [Spark] burned [Poison Powder], [Spark] also had no lasting stamina, unlike [Jet Flame].

But it's not a big problem, after all, the attributes are restrained.

Tan Xiaoshi was wrapped in flames and rushed towards the beautiful flower.

Beautiful Flower has the property of [Chlorophyll], so Lu Ze's strong attack from the beginning was to prevent Beautiful Flower from using the [Sunny Day] skill.

But I didn't expect that Fu Ye would directly use the quality skill [Poison Powder] at the beginning.

Fortunately, Tan Xiaoshi used the [Spark] skill at the beginning.

"Beautiful flowers, knotted with grass!"

The smile on Mr. Fu's face did not change, and he once again directed the beautiful flower to attack.

Meilihua opened her hands, and two vines suddenly came out of the ground and became entangled together.

Tan Xiaoshi, who was sprinting, obviously noticed this.

Just as he was about to jump up and rush over, Master Fu smiled slightly.

Two vines that emerged from the ground grew rapidly and directly grabbed Tan Xiaoshi's ankles.

Although Tan Xiaoshi's body was burning with flames, before the flames burned out the vines, Tan Xiaoshi was thrown off.


Tan Xiaoshi fell heavily to the ground, and suddenly thick smoke filled the air.

"Charcoal waiter!"

Lu Ze shouted, and at the same time felt Fu Ye's difficulty, he activated his waveguide power without hesitation.

Mr. Fu smiled slightly: "It's a sunny day!"

Although you are a fire-type Pokémon, it doesn't matter.

After [Sunny Day] is turned on, my beautiful flowers grow very quickly.

The beautiful flower fired a ball of light, and suddenly the sun's rays in the sky became more intense.

But before Meilihua could take action again, she suddenly found that she couldn't move.

"Hot air!"

Lu Ze's voice sounded, and the smile on Master Fu's face disappeared.

"Is it a body-fixing method?"

Fu Ye murmured, he was not very familiar with Pokémon like Tan Xiaoshi.

Naturally, they didn’t know that one of Tan Xiaoshi’s inherited skills was [Standing Body].

In the real world, [Implementation Method] can really immobilize the opponent.

But it is calculated based on strength.

A high-level Pokémon with the strength of a beautiful flower can only freeze for a short moment.

But this little time is enough.

[Hot wind] roared past, causing the beautiful flower to fall to the ground.

The [Hot Wind] with the increase of [Sunny Day] directly killed the beautiful flower in seconds.

Double damage is no joke.

Or double damage with the increase of [Sunny Day].

After seeing this scene, Master Fu also shook his head slightly.

I am a little arrogant after all.

He actually used [Sunny Day] in front of a fire Pokémon.

If there is no [Sunny Day], this [Hot Wind] may not be enough to defeat your beautiful flowers.


Fu Ye is also experienced in many battles, so he naturally knew that when Tan Xiaoshi landed and thick smoke was everywhere, he used the [Standing Method] on the beautiful flower.

However, he probably couldn't see the beautiful flowers outside.

Why is the time to use [Standing Body Method] so good?
Lu Ze seems to have no command?
Fu Ye was puzzled, but he still sent out his second Pokémon.

"Go, dumbass!"

Master Fu naturally didn't know about Lu Ze's waveguide power.

Although Tan Xiaoshi could not be seen in the thick smoke, Lu Ze who used the power of the waveguide could.

Not only can it be seen, but it can also use the power of the wave guide to command Tan Xiaoshi to use the [Constant Body Technique] to catch the beautiful flower off guard.

"Brother Ozawa is so awesome!"

"So strong!"

After Lu Ze won the first game, Xiaozhi and Serena on the side also became excited.

But Lu Ze's attention at this time was all on Kou Daihua.

Is the senior-level (gym-level) person dumb?
Lu Ze hesitated for a moment, but finally did not replace Tan Xiaoshi.

My own Tanchan has the strength of a high-level Pokémon, and coupled with attribute restraint, it is not impossible to fight.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze directed Tan Xiaoshi to use the [Hot Wind] skill again without hesitation.

This large-scale [hot wind] is still very threatening to the opponent's grass-type Pokémon.

In addition, it is still a [sunny day].

With the fire power bonus of [Great Sunny Day], even the senior-level Kou Duhua on the opposite side is not without the power to fight.

After Master Fu saw Tan Xiaoshi's actions, his trademark smile appeared on his face again.

"You're dumb, stay away!"

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