Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 912 The incredible moves of the wind fairy!


Lu Ze was a little stunned after hearing Fu Ye's instructions to Kuduhua?

No, it’s me [hot wind]?

Are you avoiding it?

Lu Ze was puzzled, but he soon realized that Kou Daihua avoided the [hot wind].

Facing the large-scale [Hot Wind] skill, Kou Daihua didn't look afraid, but instead looked full of energy.

Because of the characteristics of [Chlorophyll], the Kouduhua moves very quickly, and when the [Hot Wind] comes, it quickly retreats behind it.

But in this case, there is no way to avoid the [hot wind].

After all, the range of [Hot Wind] is very large.

But just when Lu Ze was confused, Kou Duhua suddenly jumped up.

With the help of the power of [Vine Whip], he directly bounced up from the ground.

Under the sun, Kuduhua successfully jumped over the height of the [hot wind].

"Can it still be like this?"

Lu Ze was stunned. He had never thought that the [hot wind] had a large range and could not be avoided.

But the height is only so high.

As long as you can reach a height beyond the reach of the [hot wind], you can naturally avoid it.

Looking at Mr. Fu's smiling eyes, Lu Ze couldn't help but sigh.

Ginger is still old and spicy.

People are still old monsters.

This is combat experience.

However, this is still not enough.

Although Tan Xiaoshi was probably very surprised that his [Hot Wind] was dodged by the opposite Kouduhua.

However, Tan Xiaoshi reacted quickly and rushed towards Kou Daihua.

Not only Lu Ze, but also Tan Xiaoshi could see it.

In [sunny] weather, the speed of mouth-sucking flowers is very fast.

In this case, his long-range skills are basically useless.

[Hot Wind] can be avoided, but is it a big problem to avoid [Spark] from you?

Tan Xiaoshi rushed forward, and Lu Ze had no intention of stopping him.

After all, this is also my own idea.

However, what was Xiaozhi's battle with Fu Ye like at that time?

Why do I always feel like I'm missing something very important?

"Little Attendant Tan, charge up the flame attack!"

The body of Tan Xiaoshi who was running suddenly burst into flames, and he rushed towards the falling Kou Daihua.

"The mouth is stupid and the grass is knotted."

The smile on Mr. Fu's face has not disappeared, it is still the same.

After Kuudahua heard Fu Ye's command, two vines suddenly appeared on the ground.

It's just on the path Tan Xiaoshi must pass.

As expected, Tan Xiaoshi was knocked down immediately.

"Dark Shadow!"

When Tan Xiaoshi stood up, the flower in his mouth had already fallen.

Lu Ze also understood at this time that the most important thing now was to survive the [Sunny Day] round first.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Tan Xiaoshi to cause any harm to Kuduhua.

Not only was he quick to talk, he was also very wary of Tan Xiaoshi's idea of ​​getting close to him.

In this case, it is better to use some unconventional skills.

"Change is a good thing."

Fu Ye smiled, but unfortunately this change was not very good.

The Pokémon on both sides are actually about the same strength, and [Dark Shadow] can be effective.

However, this is not enough.

"You're dumb, beat me!"

A flash of light suddenly flashed across Mr. Fu's narrowed eyes, just as Tan Xiaoshi used [Night Demon Shadow].

Kou Daihua rushed up.

After the leaf in his hand grabbed Tan Xiaoshi's hand, he threw Tan Xiaoshi away.


Tan Xiaoshi suddenly fell to the ground, and Fu Ye's voice sounded again at the same time: "Give him the final blow, Sunbeam!"

At this time, Tan Xiaoshi, who fell to the ground, had no ability to dodge.

After Lu Ze saw this scene, he could only sigh helplessly.

"Oh, same fate."

The light words fell, and when Kuduihua's [Sun Beam] hit Tan Xiaoshi, a ghost-like shadow appeared on Tan Xiaoshi's body and entered Kuduihua's body.

[Same Life] was released successfully, and Kudu Dahua and Tan Xiaoshi lost their combat ability at the same time.

"Pocket Monsters and Tan-chan lose their fighting ability at the same time, please both parties change their Pokémon."

"Brother Ozawa is so awesome, Tan-chan actually defeated two of Grandpa Fukerji's Pokémon!"

"The last skill of sharing life is too tricky!" Citron was also amazed.

If you think about it from another person's perspective, if you were the gym leader, you wouldn't be able to do anything about this situation now.

"We share the same fate."

Not only Citron, but also Fu Ye's smile faded slightly after seeing Kuduhua and Tan Xiaoshi fall down together.

Change is indeed a good thing.

After seeing Lu Ze nod his head, Master Fu put the Kouduhua back into the elf ball.

"Then, it's you next, Wind Fairy!"

Lu Ze did not hesitate. After taking Tan Xiaoshi back into the elf ball, he sent out his own wind fairy.

"Wind fairy."

Fu Ye still squinted his eyes and looked at the wind fairy who appeared in the sky and was boxing.

"Then, come out, Shuttlecock Mian!"

Fuye's third Pokémon sent out Shuttlecock just as Lu Ze thought.

However, my wind fairy is no ordinary wind fairy.

Lu Ze smiled: "Wind Fairy, Sonic Punch!"




After hearing Lu Ze's command, not only Fu Ye, but also Xiaozhi, Serena and Citron who were watching the battle were stunned.

But the wind fairy didn't have any dazed expression.

[Sonic Fist] Ah, I am familiar with this.

The wind fairy turned into a gust of wind and came directly in front of Shuttlecock Mian, and then punched Shuttlecock Mian.

"Wind Fairy, can you learn Sonic Fist?"

Xiaozhi on the side turned to look at Citron with a puzzled expression.

The fact that the wind fairy used [Sonic Fist] really subverted his cognition.

"I can't."

Citron's face twitched twice, even though he was from an electric gym.

But I must have been right that the Wind Fairy cannot learn [Sonic Fist].

But what is the situation with the wind fairy in front of me?
Could it be that the wind fairies from another world can learn [Sonic Fist]?
Citron was puzzled, but what they didn't understand was still behind.

[Sonic Punch] After punching Shuttlecock Mian in the face, the next second the wind fairy's small fist flashed with thunder and lightning again.

At this time, the smile on Mr. Fu's face stiffened.

Ash and Serena also looked at Citron.

The corners of Citron's mouth twitched twice and he remained silent.

He really didn't know how to explain this situation.

Forget it if you say [Sonic Fist].

After all, the wind fairy also has fists.

But [Thunder Fist]?
This has nothing to do with you at all, right?
Citron was puzzled, but this is what happened.Mr. Fu is also very helpless, this guy
The changes are somewhat radical.

Thorough to the point of not playing by the rules.

"Shuttlecock cotton, cotton defense!"

Seeing the Wind Fairy rushing over again, Fu Ye, who was afraid that the Wind Fairy would use any close-quarters skills, directly commanded Shuttlecock Cotton to use [Cotton Defense].

Not only can it increase one's physical defense, it can also release a large amount of cotton to buffer the opponent's attacks.

But this time Fuye miscalculated.

In other words, Fu Ye was already a little confused by the two punches from the Wind Fairy just now.

"Wind Fairy, magic shines."

Facing Shuttlecock Cotton's [Cotton Defense], the Wind Fairy just smiled evilly, and then pink light was released from the Wind Fairy's body.

The pink light hit Shuttlecock Mian, and Shuttlecock Mian's [Cotton Defense] had no ability to resist this skill.

It can be said that he was hit head-on by [Magic Shine] and didn't even resist.

"Shuttlecock Mian loses the ability to fight, and the challenger Lu Ze wins!"

The shuttlecock fell to the ground and immediately lost its ability to fight.

Not only Xiaozhi and the others did not expect the speed, but even Lu Ze himself did not expect it.

This shuttlecock cotton?
No defense at all?

Lu Ze was a little dumbfounded. He originally wanted to find a powerful opponent for the Wind Fairy, and then let the Wind Fairy break through.

After all, the wind fairy has been at the senior level for a long time.

Lu Ze was a little helpless. The shuttlecock cotton he saw yesterday, [Sunny Day], directly dispersed two Duo Duo Bing of equal strength and [Snowfall] with double Duo Duo Bing.

But take a look today.

Well, the attack power is strong, but the defense power is too low.

It only took three skills to lift Shuttlecock Mian away.

Lu Ze was a little helpless, and Master Fu was also a little silent.

He was indeed fooled by the wind fairy's set of combo punches.

And he misjudged the strength of the wind fairy.

Subconsciously thinking that the wind fairy did not have any strong attack capabilities, he directly sent out Shuttlecock Cotton.

He should have put his mount goat on the field.

But there's no point regretting it now, Lu Ze has already defeated him.

So, next...

A smile appeared on Master Fu's face again, he came to Lu Ze and handed Lu Ze the plant badge from the Biyi Gym.

"This is proof that you defeated me."

After Lu Ze took the badge, Master Fu smiled and glanced at Xiao Zhi who was already impatient.

Next is Xiaozhi.


"My Pokémon is going to recover its strength. It will have to wait a moment."

As Mr. Fu said, Xiaozhi's face instantly became disappointed.

Lu Ze smiled and calmly put the badge back into his badge box.

I am already in my 20s and an adult. I can't shout excitedly like Xiaozhi.

"Brother Ozawa, aren't you excited?"

Fuye went to take his Pokémon for treatment, while Xiaozhi asked Lu Ze curiously.


"Then why are you like this?"

"Because I don't really need to show my excitement."

Lu Ze smiled, but Citron soon came up.

"Brother Ozawa, why does your wind fairy have skills like sonic punch and thunder fist?"


Lu Ze glanced at Citron, then at Xiaozhi and Serena, who were equally curious and expectant.

"Do you know Arceus?"


Xiaozhi, Citron and Serena exclaimed, but Yurika was the only one who looked confused. Not knowing what Lu Ze was talking about, he looked at the surprised expressions of others around him and was very anxious.

"Who is Arceus?"

"Are you talking about the God of Creation, Arceus?" Serena reacted quickly and asked Lu Ze after she came to her senses.

"God of Creation!"

Yurika opened her small mouth and looked at the wind fairy lying on Lu Ze's head with a look of shock.

"Of course, she is not Arceus." Lu Ze smiled and stopped what Yulijia was about to say.

"Well, consider it a blessing from Arceus."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Xiaozhi, Yulijia, Citron and Serena all looked at the wind fairy with feverish eyes.

For the first time, they knew that Arceus' blessing could actually allow a Pokémon to master skills that she could not learn at all.

[Sonic Fist] and [Thunder Fist] are just ordinary skills.

But the wind fairy is extraordinary after learning these two skills.

The four of them looked at the wind fairy above Lu Ze's head excitedly, and even the wind fairy was a little scared.

Fortunately, Master Fu appeared again after a while.

Xiaozhi's attention was once again attracted by Master Fu.

After seeing their attention shift, the wind fairy breathed a sigh of relief and continued to lie on Lu Ze's head.

The wind fairy is not very heavy, so Lu Ze can completely bear it.

Another thing, what he is thinking about now is, how can the wind fairy make a successful breakthrough?

Also, which gym should I choose next?

Or, travel with Xiaozhi and the others for a while.

If I am alone, even though I am accompanied by Pokémon, I still feel a little lonely.

Well, I miss Sui Yan inexplicably.

If he were here, the two of them would probably be traveling together.

Or, would it be nice to add a Tang Yunqin?

Lu Ze's thoughts went astray as he thought about it.

Some homesick.

At this time, the battle between Xiaozhi and Fu Ye has begun.

The elf ball appeared in the sky, and the shuttlecock appeared again.

The Pokémon that Ash chose was Rocket Sparrow.

Fire-type and flying-type Rocket Sparrows should have no problem against Shuttlecock Cotton.

The battle began, and Lu Ze no longer thought about those things, but turned to look at the battle between Rocket Sparrow and Shuttlecock Cotton.

He recognized that this Shuttlecock Mian was the one who had just been defeated by his own wind fairy.

Although he had just lost to Lu Ze's Wind Fairy, Shuttlecock Mian seemed not to be affected at all.

"Then, the game begins!"

At the same time as the referee's voice fell, Xiaozhi also commanded Rocket Sparrow to launch an attack.

"Rocket Sparrow, accumulating flame attack!"

The flame bird in the sky was wrapped in flames and swooped directly towards Shuttlecock Cotton.

"Do you want to do this?"

The smile on Mr. Fu's face never diminished: "Shuttlecock Mian, Mian Mian defends!"

It's Cotton Defense again, but this time it's not the Wind Fairy's [Magic Shine] that they're facing.

Shuttlecock cotton releases cotton, while a layer of light shines on the body.

While the physical defense increased, a large amount of cotton also appeared in front of him, blocking Rocket Sparrow's attack.

"no effect?"

Serena was a little surprised when she saw Shuttlecock Mian was fine.

"Sunny day!"

Fu Ye breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that his [Cotton Defense] finally took effect.

Then he commanded Shuttlecock Mian to use [Sunny Day].

Shuttlecock cotton with the characteristics of [chlorophyll] is very fast on [sunny days].

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