Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 914: Ask Master Fu for advice!

Chapter 914: Ask Master Fu for advice!
Emerald green vines emerged from the ground, trying to block the frog's progress again.

"It's now, Yan Hui!"

The frog was also well prepared. His hands flashed with white light and formed into sharp blades, directly cutting through the vines formed by the [Grass Knot].

After the vine was cut, the frog showed no intention of stopping and rushed towards the Kouduhua again.

Kou Daihua stared blankly at the rushing frog, but in the next second he was chopped to the ground by the frog.

"The dumb-mouthed flower loses the ability to fight, and the croak-headed frog wins!"

"Tsk, tsk, you are indeed a master of reverse attributes."

Lu Ze looked at the victorious frog and couldn't help but sigh.

The cis attribute cannot win, but the reverse attribute wins.

It should be said that he is indeed Xiaozhi!

"Then go!"

Fuye didn't hesitate. After taking back the Kuduhua that had lost its fighting ability, he directly sent out his last Pokémon.

"It is indeed a goat!"

Xiaozhi looked at Master Fu's mount goat with a solemn expression.

Lu Ze was also a little strange.

The mountain goat seems to be of gym-level strength, right?
And Xiaozhi's Frog is only a high-level Pokémon.


Lu Ze thought about the memories of animation in his mind.

Although it was very vague, he remembered that Xiaozhi won the final victory in the end.

So, that is to say, Xiaozhi's Frog is not only an inverse attribute, but also has the following attributes?

But looking at Xiaozhi's appearance, there was no worried expression.

Instead...a little excited?
"Frog, the wave of water!"

After the goat came on stage, Xiaozhi directly commanded his frog to attack.

It’s still [Water Wave]!
However, this time the [Water Wave] released by the Croak-headed Frog was directly whipped away by the mount goat's [Vine Whip].

Should it be said that it is a suppression of strength?

"Frog, shadow clone!"

Xiaozhi didn't mean to be discouraged, and used [Shadow Clone] again just like the battle with Kuduhua just now.

A large number of frogs directly surrounded the goat.

But Fu Ye just smiled slightly: "Sweep with the vine whip!"


The mount goat roared, and the vine whip was like an electric fan, smashing all the shadows of the frogs around him with the [vine whip].

The rapidly sweeping [Vine Whip] not only shattered the shadow of the Croak-headed Frog, but even the Croak-headed Frog's body could not escape the whipping of [Vine Whip] and was directly whipped away.

The frog landed smoothly, and Xiaozhi asked nervously.

Although he is a master of reverse attributes, he still knows that attribute restraint can increase damage.

After the mount goat knocked the frog away, it slowly came to Fu Ye.

Mr. Fu smiled and touched the horns on the goat's head and praised it. Then the goat returned to the field full of energy.

"croaking frog, swallow back!"

"Flying Leaf Knife!"

Fu Ye reacted quickly and directly commanded the mountain goat that was charging towards him.


Lu Ze was shocked after seeing the scene on the field.

[Flying Leaf Quick Knife] can still be used like this?
At this time, after the mount goat on the field used [Flying Leaf Knife], [Flying Leaf Knife] directly rolled up a tornado on the field.

Lu Ze and the others were shocked by the use of [Flying Leaf Knife], but the Croak-headed Frog was not afraid.

[Yan Hui] directly broke the tornado formed by [Flying Leaf Knife] with several consecutive knives.

But the problem is that Lu Ze clearly saw that the [Flying Leaf Knife] flashing with green energy had not dissipated.

The next second, the [Flying Leaf Knife] body in the sky flew towards the frog, directly hitting the frog.

"Shadow Clone!"

After the frog was hit, Xiaozhi reacted quickly and let the frog use [Shadow Clone] again.

And this time the [Shadow Clone] can clearly see the progress of the frog.

There are more shadows.

"Parasitic seeds!"

Mr. Fu didn't panic, and neither did the horse goat.

After a seed falls on the ground, branches bloom directly.

The branches are like flowers, smashing almost all the shadows in the sky.

Lu Ze saw this scene and silently released his wind fairy.

See how people play.

It’s not just [Flying Leaf Storm] that is out of control.

Even the skill [Parasite Seed] can become an offensive skill.

You can imagine that after a seed falls on the ground, it suddenly grows into a thick branch.

Then the top of the branch split into dozens of branches, attacking in all directions?
Is this riding horse a [parasitic seed]?
If you say this is a [seed bomb], I believe it.

After the wind fairy came out, she gave Lu Ze a confused look.

Then I saw the mount goat throw out a [parasitic seed], and then controlled the frog.

The wind fairy rubbed her eyes.

She read it right, [Parasite Seeds] generated branches, and then controlled the frog.

Not only is it under control, it is still using the characteristics of [Parasite Seed] to absorb the frog's physical strength.


The wind fairy was confused and turned to look at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze nodded expressionlessly.

He was already thinking about whether to stay here for a while.

Fuye's goat seems to have some special skills.

Or should I say, Mr. Fu?
After all, Fu Ye is very old and has a lot of experience over the years.

Of course, there is also some research on the grass-type skills of the grass-type Pokémon that I have loved for a lifetime.

Although his only grass-type Pokémon is Wind Fairy.

But just one will do.

If the wind fairy can learn these moves, his combat effectiveness will also be improved.

"Yan back!"

After the croaking frog broke free from the constraints of the [Parasite Seed], Xiaozhi once again directed the croaking frog to attack.

The attack successfully hit the mount goat, but before Xiaozhi could get excited, the mount goat launched another attack.

"Wooden corner!"

Fu Ye shouted, and the movement of the goat once again subverted Lu Ze's cognition.

It's not like he hasn't seen the use of [Wooden Horn] before.

After all, this skill is not an exclusive skill.

But everyone’s [Wooden Corner] was rushed and hit.

How come your [Wooden Horn] directly extends two to emerald green energy, and then hits it with energy!

[Mujiao] Can it still be used like this?

Lu Ze had no choice but to say that every world is different.

In Xiaozhi's world, people's understanding of skills is obviously more arbitrary.

The way the skills are used is even weirder, but I have to say that it would be really good to change the release method of some skills.

For example, the [Wooden Horn] used to mount the goat just now.

If it were still the way Lu Ze and the others used it in this world.

I'm afraid that when the mount goat rushed up, the frog had already dodged.

The croaking frog's dodge is still very reliable, not to mention the bonus of [Shadow Clone] just a few times.

But now, [Wood Horn] has become a semi-long-range attack.

Before the croak-headed frog could react, it was directly hit by the [Wooden Horn].

This is the benefit of changing the way skills are released.After Lu Ze saw this scene, he was also thinking about what skills could be used like Fu Ye's mount goat using [Wooden Horns]. Changing the attack method can bring unexpected gains.

The battle on the field stopped temporarily. After the [Wooden Horn] hit, the frog lay on the ground as if he was a little exhausted.

Xiaozhi also became confused.

But this time Pikachu stood up.

"Pika pika, pika pika pikachu~"

"I understand, Pikachu!"

After Xiaozhi smiled, he looked at the frog on the field again.

Lu Ze, who was not far behind Xiaozhi, looked confused.

No, what did Pikachu say?

How come you understand?

Is this the power of fetters?
Lu Ze pursed his lips, not knowing what to say.

"Frog, it doesn't matter, we will never lose!"

After Xiaozhi figured it out, he roared angrily at the frog on the field.

What's amazing is that the frog obviously doesn't have much physical strength anymore.

Stand up again!


With a roar, the mount goat launched another attack after receiving praise from Master Fu.

It was still the [Flying Leaf Blade], and the [Flying Leaf Blade] released again enveloped the frog.

It still looked like a tornado, and the frog was in the eye of the storm.

"Yan back!"

The frog showed the blade in his hand and kept attacking the [Flying Leaf Knife] that was coming at him.

"If you are confused by what is in front of you, you will not see the important things."

"If you calm down and observe, you can see many important things."

Xiaozhi, who was still nervous, suddenly remembered what Master Fu had just said to him.

Putting it this way...

Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly lit up: "Frog, don't be fooled by the flying leaf blade!"

"Go and feel the scent of the goat on the other side!"

After Xiaozhi yelled, Lu Ze suddenly heard the sound of vague background music in his ears?
The frog closed his eyes tightly, and after dodging the [Flying Leaf Knife] that attacked him several times, he directly used [Yan Hui] to cut a path.

After breaking through the tornado formed by the [Flying Leaf Knife], the frog rushed directly towards the goat.

Seeing this scene, the Wind Fairy, who was still very surprised, shook her head indifferently.

In this case, it seems that the skill release method of [Flying Leaf Knife] is not very good.

Not to mention the croaking frog, even she, the wind fairy, can think of several ways to crack it.

Whether she uses the mixed destruction method of [Fairy Wind] or the powerful destruction method of [Storm], she can do it.

It seems to work without using skills.

She can fly directly out of the eye of the storm.

So this method doesn't seem to have much effect on her.

Moreover, it seems that there is no need to learn this way.

Well, just refer to the [Flying Leaf Quick Knife].

[Mujiao] That one is still very valuable.

Under the flash of the sword, the goat was directly chopped down to the ground.

However, although this damage was a bit severe for the mount goat, the mount goat did not fall.

Xiaozhi saw a hint of excitement in his eyes when he saw this scene.

"Frog, shadow clone!"

Xiaozhi repeated his old trick and once again used [Shadow Clone] to surround the mount goat.

And Fu Ye's reaction was just as Xiaozhi thought. He once again let his mount goat use [Vine Whip] to sweep across and destroy the shadow of the croaking frog.

"The wave of water!"

This scene was exactly what Xiaozhi had imagined.

After the mount goat destroyed all the shadows of the frog, it discovered the frog holding a water balloon in the air.

[Water Wave] was thrown out, hitting the mount goat who had no time to react.

"The mount goat loses the ability to fight, and the frog wins!"

"So the winner is challenger Ash!"


After hearing the referee's voice, Xiaozhi and Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Guigui, you are worthy of being a master of reverse attributes."

Lu Ze is really convinced, although the goat is indeed a bit fragile.

However, the mount goat is still very powerful.

And it’s also attribute restraint.

There was no way, who made Xiaozhi finally play the war song?

It can be said that without Xiaozhi's final flash of inspiration, the frog would still not be a match for the goat.

Attribute restraint is okay, mainly due to the difference in strength.

But now, the gap in strength has been solved abruptly by Xiaozhi.

In this situation, Lu Ze really didn't know what to say.

"That's great frog!"

After Xiaozhi shouted excitedly, the frog suddenly jumped on Xiaozhi and threw Xiaozhi to the ground.

Seeing the croak-headed frog competing with me for favor?

Pikachu jumped on Ash's body without hesitation.

Then Xiaozhi, Frog, and Pikachu laughed together.

Finally won!

It's not easy!
"It's so beautiful at the end."

After Xiaozhi and the others were finished getting excited, Master Fu also came to Xiaozhi and praised him.

"This is what Grandpa Fukerji taught me."

Xiaozhi looked at Master Fu gratefully: "If you are confused by the things in front of you, you will not see the important things."

"That's why I used the shadow clone as bait to cultivate the germination of the final attack."

"Hahaha, I really got tricked."

Master Fu laughed, and he naturally understood what Xiaozhi meant by "bud".

"Here you go, here's proof of your victory, the plant badge."

Fu Ye picked up a plate, which contained the same plant badge as Lu Ze.

"Thank you!"

After Xiaozhi excitedly took over the plant badge, he excitedly showed off his signature moves.

"Okay, I got the plant badge!"

"Congratulations, Xiaozhi!"

"What a wonderful battle!"

"I admire Xiaozhi in every battle!"

Serena and the others behind Xiaozhi were also very excited. At this time, Xiaozhi seemed to have thought of Serena's goal and came to Serena.

"Speaking of which, Serena should be next!"

"Well, it's my first battle at the Pokémon Tribeca Tournament, and I'm going to get fired up too!"

"Come on, Serena!"

Serena was very excited, and so was Ash.

However, Lu Ze didn't pay attention to the conversation between the two.

He brought the wind fairy to Master Fu.

"Grandpa Fukerji, I would like to ask you about skill release."

(End of this chapter)

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