Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 915 Lu Ze: Are you kidding?Let me be a light bulb?

As he walked on the road, Lu Ze thought thoughtfully about the tips that Mr. Fu had just told him.

"Skills are not limited to forms. As long as you want, your skills can be released in any form."

Lu Ze still agreed with Fu Ye's words.

If nothing else, let’s talk about the [wooden horn].

A melee attack was suddenly made to look like a long-range attack.

It can be said that if this skill hadn't caught the croaking frog off guard, the croaking frog might have resolved the battle faster.

"Don't you stick to the form of skills?"

Fu Ye's words also reminded Lu Ze of the [Poison Powder] used by Fu Ye's pocket monsters.

As a powder skill, Lu Ze has always directly covered a large area.

I never thought that a skill like [Poison Powder] could spray out.

Although the range is much smaller, the speed is faster.

In this case, facing the charging Pokémon, it’s hard to tell whether it’s better to cover a large area or spray it out directly.

But if you master both, you can better distinguish the occasions for use.

For example, if you don't want the opponent to rush in, use a large area of ​​coverage to force the opponent back.

And if you want to make the opponent [poisoned], then wait for the opponent to rush in, and then spray out directly to make the opponent fall into [poisoned state].

Both forms of release have their own meaning.

However, what Fu Ye said, "It depends on how you understand this skill", Lu Ze did not quite understand.

What this means is, does it depend on what you want your skills to be like?

What do you want your skills to be like?

Lu Ze thought about it, but didn't figure it out until he followed Xiaozhi and the others back to the hotel.

He knows how to change the way his skills are released.

It’s nothing more than an improvement in skill proficiency.

But what will it look like?

This is a bit difficult for Lu Ze.

Because of this problem, Xiaozhi and the others asked Lu Ze to go to dinner and Lu Ze didn't even go.

But even after sleeping all night, Lu Ze only had a general idea in his mind.

Just like the Wind Fairy, for example, let the Wind Fairy's [Magic Shine] become a luminous body and launch attacks around it.

As Lu Ze expected, a beam of light like the [Destructive Death Light] was formed, and then launched out to strike accurately.

Lu Ze didn't know if his idea could be realized, but now that he had the idea, he might as well give it a try first.

"Brother Ozawa, do you want to go out for a walk together?"

"Yes, yes, we haven't had a good turn around Biz City yet."

Early the next morning, after Xiaozhi's voice rang outside the door, Yurika's voice also rang outside the door.

Yurika was a little moved and fell in love.

Of course, the target is not Lu Ze, but the Wind Fairy.

Yurika has absolutely no resistance to a cute Pokémon like Wind Fairy.

In addition, after the Wind Fairy played with Yurika for a while yesterday because she was bored, Yurika wanted to come to the Wind Fairy as soon as she got up today.

This is the mini dragon, Victini and Zoroa are not here.

Otherwise, Yurika's transference and love will definitely fall on the three of them.

In a sense, these three guys are the pinnacle of cute Pokémon.

"Wait a mininute."

Lu Ze's voice came from the room, and Lu Ze opened the door and came out after a while.

Just now, he was still thinking about whether there were any other skills that could change the release method.

Like [Wooden Horn], because after changing the release method, it can produce many unexpected effects.

But before I thought about it, Xiaozhi and the others were already here.

Go for a walk and see if you get any inspiration.

"Let's go."


After Xiaozhi happily agreed, everyone left the hotel together.

Xiaozhi didn't know why, but he seemed very fond of Lu Ze.

Maybe because of the waveguide?
Will they also be attracted to each other as waveguide heroes?

Lu Ze didn't know, but there didn't seem to be anything wrong with the protagonist's favor.

At least Xiaozhi should be a straight man.

Well, kiddos, don’t think about that.

Even if the children in the Pokémon world are a little precocious.

Everyone walked and chatted all the way.

Xiaozhi was also chatting with Lu Ze about Pokémon cultivation.

Lu Ze also told Xiaozhi his thoughts.

He wanted to change the way the skill was released, but he didn't know how.

Regarding this, people like Xiaozhi who rely on intuition or talent to fight can't explain why.

After arriving at the destination, Xiaozhi could only reluctantly say that he could have a battle to find inspiration.

After all, many small problems will be very clear during the battle.

Lu Ze nodded and agreed, but the current strength of his Pokémon and Xiaozhi's Pokémon were not very suitable for battle.

Well, the wind fairy can.

Several of Xiaozhi's Pokémon are also at the senior level.

"Registration for the Pokémon Tribeca Club rookie level has been completed."

"Please come on."

At Miss Joy's voice, Serena couldn't hide her excitement and turned to look at Xiaozhi.

After seeing Xiaozhi nodding with encouragement, he knelt down and said to the fire fox and naughty panda.

"Come on, fire fox, naughty panda!"

"I'm finally going to make my debut!"

Xiaozhi was also very excited and cheered for Serena.

Serena looked happy, while Lu Ze looked at this scene with a smile on his face.

This feeling is quite interesting.

Not only did he eat melon in person, he also ate melon from an acquaintance.

Well, or rather.

Knock CP!

"Although there is still some distance before the start, Serena, are you ready?" Citron asked Sirona curiously.

"Well, I need to practice more!"

Serena also seemed very excited: "In order not to lose to Xiaozhi, I have to work hard!"

"Serena, there must be no problem!"

"Pickup pickup!"

"Just do your best and leave no regrets!"

"Well, I will!"

Xiaozhi and Serena looked at each other, and Lu Ze looked at this scene with an aunt's smile.

Serena's eyes were full of happiness and joy.

But when he saw Xiaozhi's eyes, he immediately felt disgusted.

Xiaozhi's eyes were full of encouragement for Serena.

Well, this kid is hopeless.

Lu Ze helplessly held his forehead. Fortunately, this situation did not last long, and he quickly walked out.

"Are there any activities going on today?"

After going out, Citron finally asked curiously.

I wanted to ask just now, but because Serena was still nervous about signing up, no one said anything.

But now that the registration has been successful, no one cares.

"It's a festival."

"Grandpa Fukerji!"

Everyone was very excited to see Fu Ye riding on the goat.

"Sure enough, if you follow Xiaozhi, you can encounter various celebrations and activities." Lu Ze also remembered at this time, wasn't this the first time Xiaozhi and Serena went on a date.

However, I have been wandering around for such a long time, and I have not encountered any celebrations or activities.

Now I ran into a festival on the second day of traveling with Xiaozhi.

Moreover, according to Fu Ye, it is only once a year.

It should be said that he is worthy of Xiaozhi.

The treatment of the protagonist.

"This is an annual festival in Bizhi City."

"A long time ago, there was a trainer and a Pokémon. They traveled together and experienced various adventures before finally arriving here."

"After that, they lived happily together. They maintained the same excitement and friendship. Later, the trainer gave the Pokémon a sapling."

"In the end, that little sapling grew vigorously and became the largest tree in Bizheng City."

"It's called the Tree of Oath."

"It feels so good."

After Mr. Fu finished speaking, Serena was immediately moved.

But Lu Ze twitched his lips.

this story…

Okay, I don’t mean to question the story, it’s just that Mr. Fu, you told it too omittedly.

At least it's different from what the fishing uncle said when he first came to Biyi City.

The difference between the simplified version and the detailed version.

"Is the Tree of Oath still there?" Citron asked.

"of course."

After Fu Ye nodded, he pointed to a big tree on the top of the mountain over there.

"Look, there it is!"

After Fu Ye pointed, he continued: "After that, there was an activity where trainers would give gifts to their Pokémon under that tree, which would deepen the bond with their Pokémon."

"how romantic!"

Yurika was a little excited: "When will this festival start?"

"After sunset."

As Mr. Fu said this, he looked at the crowd of people carrying gifts.

"Trainers should hang the gifts on the Oath Tree first, and then give them to their Pokémon after night."

"That's why everyone moves things to the tree over there." Citron thought thoughtfully.

But Xiaozhi became excited: "It seems very interesting, let's participate too!"

Xiaozhi likes this kind of celebration and activity very much.

In response to Xiaozhi's excited look at him, Lu Ze smiled and nodded.

This is the first time I have participated in an event in this world since I came to this world.

Also, do you want to give gifts to your Pokémon?

It's a very good idea.


After Lu Ze nodded, Citron also said excitedly: "Then let's all participate together."


Everyone became excited, after all, even the youngest Yurika has her own Pokémon.

Although Tonkrat was not officially tamed by Yurika, it was still Yurika's Pokémon.

Mr. Fu looked at the excitement of several people with a smile, nodded and left.

"I still need to decorate the Oath Tree."

"Okay, thank you so much!"

After Xiaozhi thanked Master Fu, Master Fu waved his hand and rode away on his goat.

After Master Fu left, Xiaozhi became excited again: "Now that we have decided, let's prepare gifts!"

"give it to me!"

Serena was equally excited and opened the map directly.

"There is a shopping street over at the port, why don't you go check it out!"

“You’ll definitely find something good!”

"Yeah, let's go and see!"

Xiaozhi turned to look at Citron and Lu Ze.

"I have my own ideas. I can just stay at the Pokémon Center." Citron waved his hand and refused.

Xiaozhi was instantly excited: "Citron, are you..."

"Yes, I want to make my own gifts."

Citron pushed up his glasses. You know, he is a genius inventor. Do I still need to buy gifts?

"So do I."

After Citron refused, Xiaozhi turned to look at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze is not the kind of guy who has no vision. He is not willing to be a light bulb for Xiaozhi and Serena.

"That's it."

Xiaozhi was not too disappointed. After all, everyone has their own ideas about gifts.

"That's it. If that's the case, they will definitely be very happy."

"Brother, don't screw up again." Yurika looked at Citron with a teasing look, and immediately put Citron in trouble.

"No problem, I haven't always failed!"

"As for Pikachu, just stay here and wait."

Ash smiled, and after placing Pikachu on the ground, he explained to them and Pikachu.

"Before you receive a gift, you don't know what's in it. You will be happier when you receive it, right?"

"that's true!"

When Serena heard this, she realized that this was the truth, so she immediately turned to face her fire fox and naughty panda.

"Can you wait here for me? I will definitely find a good gift."

"Then, can you let me take care of everyone?"

Yurika also took the initiative to ask for help. She has "coveted" these little guys for a long time.

Moreover, Yulijia couldn't help but look at Lu Ze.

After all, she also likes the wind fairy in Lu Ze's Pokémon very much.

"Can I ask you a favor, Yurika?"

"give it to me!"

Yurika was full of energy, and Xiaozhi didn't say anything else.

After releasing his Pokémon, he asked them to follow Yurika.

After Lu Ze thought for a while, he was not in a hurry.

Just wait until you get there and give your Pokémon to Yurika.

What Xiaozhi just said makes some sense.

When you don’t know what the gift is, you will be happier the moment you open it.

After communicating with Lucario using the waveguide, Lu Ze made a decision.

"Then, Pikachu and the others will leave it to you, Yurika."

"Do not worry!"

"I will also help watch over them while making the gifts."

"Well, my Pokémon are pretty sensible too."

After Yulijia and Citron finished speaking, Lu Ze also spoke.

After hearing Lu Ze's words, Yulijia's eyes lit up instantly.

"In that case, Brother Ozawa's Pokémon was also handed over to me?"

"Of course, please."

"Do not worry!"

Yurika was full of energy and said excitedly.

"But wait until I get to the place with you before I hand over the Pokémon to you."

"That's right. After all, Ozawa's Kirbymon is so big."

After Yurika thought for a while, she understood what Lu Ze meant, so she nodded and agreed.

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