Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 916 Gifts

Chapter 916 Gifts
Soon everyone separated.

Xiaozhi and Serena took a car to the shopping street at the pier to pick out gifts for their Pokémon.

Yulijia, Lu Ze and Citron walked towards the Pokémon Hotel in Byi City together.

The Pokémon Hotel was not very far from where they were, so they arrived in a short time.

The Pokémon Hotel is specially prepared for passing trainers.

Not only can it provide accommodation, but it can also provide services such as making food, bathing Pokémon, and more.

It can be said to be a small Pokémon center.

But the difference is that the Pokémon Center is free.

There is a fee for Pokémon Hotel.

Of course, the difference is that the Pokémon Hotel has more services than the Pokémon Center.

Except that it cannot directly restore the Pokémon's physical strength or heal the Pokémon.

"Come out, everyone."

After Lu Ze entered the Pokémon Hotel, he looked at the situation in the store and released his Pokémon.

Other Pokémon are okay, mainly Kirby.

Kirbymon is too big.

If the Pokémon Hotel wasn't too big, they would have to find an empty space.

Fortunately, this Pokémon hotel is quite spacious.

And maybe because it was the festival today, there weren't many people in the Pokémon Hotel.

According to what the store clerk said, their boss had gone out to prepare gifts for his Pokémon.

Get ready to participate in the festival tonight.

"Cha Zi Bat, please wait for me here. I'll prepare some gifts for you."

Lu Ze smiled and touched the cross-shaped bat's head before preparing to leave.

With Crossbat around, he can still take good care of the other Pokémon.

So Lu Ze had nothing to worry about and went directly to prepare gifts for them.

The original plan was for Deoxys to stay as well.

But Deoxys was not very willing.

I have no choice but to try and see if I can buy gifts without him noticing.

After all, what Deoxys said makes sense.

All his Pokémon have put down the Pokémon Hotel.

He wanted to stay and protect Lu Ze's safety.

After Lu Ze left, Kirbymon and the others also became excited.

Kirbymon and Electric Shock Monster looked at the little guys in front of them, with happy smiles on their faces.

Well, what do you want to do with these little guys?

After all, Lu Ze also said that it might be evening by the time he comes back.

This afternoon can't be spent boringly.

The naughty panda looked at Kirby's smiling eyes and always felt a little scary.

But he quickly shook his head.

Kirby is so gentle, how could I have terrible thoughts?
The scary thing is probably the Electric Monster next to Kirbymon.

He looked fierce at first glance.

Just as the naughty panda was about to move, Harry, who was jumping excitedly beside him, stepped on his foot.

The naughty panda was in pain and didn't care about the fierce look of the electric monster. He turned around and said fiercely to Ha Lili.

"Why are you stepping on my feet!"

Ha Lili smiled sheepishly, but the naughty panda had no intention of giving up.

At this time, Yurika was pouring water.

Because Niannibao is already a little sluggish.

It looks like there is obviously some lack of water.

Youlijia moved very quickly, and after drinking a glass of water, Niannibao returned to his cheerful appearance.

At this time, the dispute between Naughty Panda and Ha Lili had been settled by Cong Youbing.

The green onion stood up between the two Pokémon, and the two Pokémon instantly forgot what they were quarreling over.

"Ah, no fighting!"

At this time, Yurika finally discovered the conflict between the two Pokémon.

Although the conflict had been resolved by Cong Youbing, Youlijia still gave a warning.

"Thank you, Onion Ranger."

Yurika happily touched the shield in Onion Youbing's hand and expressed her feelings for Onion Youbing.

Onion Ranger raised his head, as if he didn't care, but Kirby, Iron Claw, and the others, who were familiar with him, were all snickering.

This guy is a little embarrassed.

"Let me give you a bath!"

After thanking the Green Rangers, Yurika took the brush and looked at several Pokémon with excitement.

But the main ones to pay attention to are Kirbymon, Electric Monster, Rogue Panda, and Luckcat.

Furry and stuff, the cutest!
Kabimon readily agreed, it would be great if someone gave him a bath.

You know, because of his body shape, Lu Ze would rub his back during the occasional group baths.

Now that Lu Ze is not here, the others are also pretty good.

Compared to Kirbymon, Lucario and Iron Warrior, Tan Xiaoshi and the others shook their heads.

Lucario was still used to Lu Ze coming to give him a bath.

The iron warrior is used to being alone.

As for Tan Xiaoshi?
As a fire Pokémon, he doesn't really like bathing.

The Pokémon here began to enjoy their own lives, and Lu Ze over there was also thinking about what gifts to give to his Pokémon.

I really have a lot of Pokémon.

Although theoretically speaking, Xiaozhi has the most Pokémon.

After all, Xiao Zhiguang and Kentaro have thirty.

This is more Pokémon than Lu Ze has.

Of course, this does not include the Pokémon that Lu Ze did not bring.

After all, Lu Ze can be regarded as having a nursery.

Who has more Pokémon than him.

But the difference is that because Xiaozhi's gift has to be given in person, there is no need to consider the previous Pokémon.

Lu Ze was different. Guang brought more than a dozen Pokémon.

All the first and second teams are here.

By the way, is there still one Pokémon missing from my second team?

Lu Ze touched his chin, thought for a while, and then entered a doll store.

"Hello, do you have any Kirby dolls here?"

"Yes, how big do you need it to be?"

"Are there any that are three meters up?"

The first thing Lu Ze thought of was Kirby's gift.

If you give Kirby a life-size doll of your own, Kirby will probably like it very much.

"Three meters."

The shop assistant was obviously a little surprised.

But those who open doll shops still have this psychological quality.

After all, there are still people who want Karuna's life-size doll.

What a joke!
This is a serious Pokémon doll store!
In the impact of anger, the man only looked a little disappointed.

"Well, life-size dolls of Gardevoir or Jackrabbit are also acceptable."

The store manager was a little helpless. Compared to that kind of guy, a Kirby doll that was at least three meters tall was relatively normal.

"I need to check the inventory for you." The store manager smiled at Lu Ze and went into the back.

Lu Ze also understood. After all, everyone was giving gifts to their Pokémon today.

Dolls are the simplest and easiest gifts to get happiness from.

After the store manager went to the back, Lu Ze continued to look at the dolls in the store.

"Well, it's a Charizard doll. I can give one to Huhu." Lu Ze thought with a smile as he looked at the Charizard doll.

Ever since Charizard trained in Charizard Valley, Huhu has become much silent, completely losing his previous liveliness.

But not only Kechu, but other Pokémon including Luze, Crossbat, and Kirby also miss Charizard very much.

Needless to say, Crossbat and Kirbymon have been living together since Charizard was born.

Although Iron Claw Lobster and Electric Shock Monster are a little later, they also live with Charizard and have been practicing for so many years.

The fire-breathing dragon suddenly left for a few days, and it really felt like something was missing.

Some miss.

However, after hesitating for a while, Lu Ze gave up the idea of ​​giving Huhu a fire-breathing dragon doll.

One is that the dolls here are all in normal colors, but my Charizard is a different color.

In this case, even if the doll is given to Huchu, Huhu will not have any sense of involvement, so it is better to just follow the original idea.

Soon, the store manager lady came out.

"Sir, I also have a Kirby doll that is [-] meters tall. Can I do that?"


Lu Ze nodded, that's all.

A three-and-a-half-meter Kirby doll.

In this case, can Kirbymon sleep on his body?
Lu Ze smiled and quickly paid and got the packaged Kirby doll.

Needless to say, it's really, really big.

"Do you need us to send it to the tree of oath?"

"Can you?"

Lu Ze felt happy. If this was the case, it would be great.

After all, such a big thing has not been vacuumed yet, so it is really difficult to carry it shopping.

"Of course it can."

The store manager smiled, left Lu Ze's name, and asked her clerk to walk towards the Oath Tree holding the gift.

"This is a special service for our annual festival."

After the store manager explained with a smile, Lu Ze left the store.

Next, there are gifts from other Pokémon.

An afternoon may seem like a lot of time, but if you waste it, you may not be able to keep up.

At this time, either don’t give it away, or give it all.

Anyone who doesn't have it will definitely be very sad.

Another thing is that it would be very bad if you can't make it in time for the festival.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze's pace quickened again.

Soon Lu Ze found the store he was looking for.

"Hello, is there any machine that can make jelly quickly?"

"Yes, sir, wait a moment!"

"Hello, how much does this sparkly jewelry cost?"

"Hello, wrap this exerciser for me."


In one afternoon, Lu Ze visited many stores before finally preparing the gift for his Pokémon.

Looking at the sunset on the horizon, Lu Ze couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

Fortunately, I exchanged some money from Dr. Omu, otherwise it would not be enough.

Lu Ze basically exchanged some of the less necessary props for the money of this world.

Not only that, but he also exchanged a few energy cube formulas for a large sum of money.

He has never been short of money in this world, so naturally he cannot be short of money in this world.

If nothing else, just Kirby, you can't let Kirby eat energy cubes every day.

Occasionally, other foods are needed.

Besides, it's just an energy cube formula.

The energy cube formula of this world does not affect the money earned from the energy cubes of this world.

Two copies of a recipe are sold without affecting each other.

This is enough for Lu Ze to be proud of.

Of course, this is the difference in the world.

If it were a world, it would obviously not be possible to do this.

"I am back!"

After preparing all the gifts, Lu Ze also returned to the Pokémon Hotel.

At this time, Kirbymon was lying in the middle of the hotel like a "big" character.

And a group of little guys played a hide-and-seek game around Kirby.

Now it's Pikachu's turn to search.

But their rules don't seem to be simply hide and seek.

The place is really a bit small.

Lu Ze looked at it for a while and realized that Pikachu would be eliminated only after he encountered it.

Lu Ze smiled and had no intention of disturbing them.

After finding a place to sit down, they began to wait for Ash and Serena to return.

Well, in my impression, this date between Ash and Serena didn't seem very successful.

After all, Xiaozhi's mind was all focused on Pokémon.


What is a woman?
There is no woman in my heart, and I am fighting against the natural god!
Xiaozhi is in this situation now.

But speaking of it, Lu Ze's impression was that there was a scene between Xiaozhi and Serena holding hands under a tree.

At that time, Lu Ze also used this as a screensaver.

I don’t know if it’s under the Tree of Oath.

But it doesn’t matter, the festival is about to start anyway.

Just wait and see.

Soon Serena came back alone.

Lu Ze was happy after seeing this scene.

Sure enough, it's you, Xiaozhi!
"Hey, didn't Xiaozhi come back with you?" Xitron stood up and asked curiously.

"Well, he's still looking for gifts, but he seems to have an idea."

After Serena hugged the attacking fire fox, she explained to Citron and the others.

"Thank you for taking care of everyone, Yurika."

"Hey, there are also Onion Rangers~"

Yurika was excited for a moment when facing Serena's compliment, but then suddenly felt a little disappointed.

"Yurika, what's wrong?"


Facing her brother's inquiry, Yurika hesitated.

"I also want to give everyone gifts!"

After hesitating for a moment, Yurika finally spoke.

"But if you're not a trainer, wouldn't it be okay?"

"why not?"

Lu Ze, who was sitting on a stool beside him, raised his eyebrows and asked Yulijia.

"No, if there is no such thing, everyone will be happy!"

After Serena glanced at Lu Ze, she quickly reacted and said to Yulijia.

"To give a gift to your Pokémon, do you need a trainer who is not a trainer?"

Lu Ze stood up with a smile, and Pikachu and Dongdongshu also came to Yurika and spoke to Yurika.


After Yurika cheered excitedly, she went to get the gift she wanted to give.

(End of this chapter)

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