Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 925: The king-level Pokémon hunter and his accomplices!

After [Rock Blockade] blocked the sight of Lu Ze and Xiaozhi, the Pokémon hunter facing Kojiro and Meowth also secretly pressed the button of a communicator in his hand.

He just saw the Pokémon behind the boy.

It is a king-level strength!
"In order to make you unable to resist, I will make you suffer a little more."

Feeling the vibration in his palm, the Pokémon hunter's eyes became excited again.


Suddenly the appearance of a branch interrupted the Pokémon hunter's thoughts.

"what's the situation?"

"Since you asked the question sincerely!"

Musashi's figure appeared on the rocks in the dusk.

Both Kojiro and Xiaozhi were very surprised to see Musashi.

Didn't Musashi say that he would quit Team Rocket and live an ordinary life with Dr. White?
Compared to Xiaozhi and the others' shock, Musashi smiled bitterly when he saw the surprise in Kojiro's eyes.

Thinking of Dr. White just now...

It's all just wishful thinking.

"To prevent the world from being destroyed!"

As if to strengthen his determination, Musashi spoke again!
"No, you go back!"

Kojiro said loudly to Musashi seriously.

At this time, all he had in his heart was his blessing for Musashi's future.


Musashi's eyes were firm and he spoke again: "To protect the peace of the world!"

"Musashi, you have to live for love, not evil!" Meowth also tried to dissuade him.

If Musashi really finished speaking, she might not be able to go back!

"To carry out love and true evil!"

Musashi's eyes were firm, and he was not shaken by the words of Kojiro and Meowth.

"It's up to you next!"

Seeing Kojiro and Meowth hugging each other and crying, Musashi felt relieved.

Sure enough, a person like me is suitable for living with the two of them!

"it is good!"

As Musashi spoke, Kojiro and Meowth looked at each other and quickly came to Musashi's side.

Kojiro was so fast that even the Pokémon hunter didn't have time to react.

This is the rule of the world!

Just like when Ash says "dodge quickly", there is a high probability that Pikachu will dodge any attack from the opponent.

Lu Ze couldn't help but sigh after seeing Kojiro's speed just now.

If Kojiro and Meowth had this speed before.

What a Pokémon hunter.

Even if Hunter J comes, I'm afraid he won't be able to catch you.

"Cute and charming villain!"



"We are the Rockets traveling across the galaxy!"

"White hole, a white tomorrow awaits us!"

"That's it, meow!"

"Huh? Where is Weng Guoran?"

After waiting for a while, after not hearing the familiar "Sonas", Kojiro also raised his head curiously and asked.

Logically speaking, Guo Zhenweng should have fallen from the sky now, and then pulled him with a loud cry.

"That guy will be happier if he lives for love." Musashi said with emotion.

He didn't get love, but as expected, Weng You could do it.

"Okay, let's run towards the white tomorrow!"

"Well, this is what we..."

"Team Rocket!"

Kojiro said, and all the members of Team Rocket rushed towards the Pokémon hunter.

"Although the God of Fruit is missing, this is Team Rocket."

Lu Ze couldn't help but burst into tears when he saw Team Rocket like this.

Woohoo, the familiar Team Rocket is back!

Of course, Lu Ze didn't really have this idea.

After all, the Rocket trio were still following Ash during the trip, so they naturally wouldn't be separated in the Kalos area.

"Super-armored rhinoceros, one-horned diamond!"

Facing the rushing Team Rockets, the Pokémon hunters were also very unhappy!

Got tricked!
The super-armored Rhino's swift and violent blow caused the Rockets trio to instantly collapse.

Team Rocket was knocked out and hit the rock of the [Rock Blockade] that had just been released by the Super Armored Rhinoceros.

However, there was nothing serious about the Rockets, they were just a little embarrassed.

"The last blow, super-armored rhinoceros, rock cannon!"

The Pokémon hunter waved his hand excitedly, and Super Armored Rhino directly unleashed a powerful attack on the three members of Team Rocket.


Xiaozhi saw this scene and quickly prepared for Pikachu to try to stop it.

But the Super Armored Rhino's attack was too fast.

I'm afraid Lu Ze was the only one present who could stop him.

However, Lu Ze had no intention of stopping him.

Lu Ze, who was still watching the show with a smile in his eyes, had already sensed Guoshen's waveguide.

With Guo Shen here, there will be no surprises this time.

Just when the [Rock Cannon] was about to hit Team Rocket, God of Fruit appeared instantly.

Gogami, whose body was shining with golden light, did not have Musashi's command, so he directly used [Double Return].

The Super Armored Rhino's [Rock Cannon] was knocked back by [Double Return], and its power was doubled.

The super-armored rhinoceros faced the violent blow and blocked it forcefully.

The super-armored rhino's physique is still very tough.

"Why are you coming back?"

"You have to carry out your love! Go back!"

Seeing Guo Ranweng standing in front of him, Musashi was happy and angry at the same time.

Happily, Ran Weng made the same choice as himself and returned to the Rockets.

What makes him angry is that Guo Ranweng abandoned love and returned to Team Rocket just like him.

Her love is her own love, but as expected, Weng's love is the love of both parties!

In this case, how could she not be moved by Sure enough Weng's return.


Sure enough, Weng turned around and smiled at Musashi and the others.

"I said goodbye to them."

Miao Miao was moved: "Sure enough, you guy..."

"Stupid, big fool!"

Musashi was also moved to tears, and his voice choked up.

"Super-armored rhinoceros, burst into chaos!"

However, the Pokémon hunter did not look at their interest in touching each other, and once again commanded his Super Armor Rhinoceros to attack.

"It's time to go, everyone!"

Musashi roared, and sure enough, Weng stood directly at the front and used [Double Return] to block the attack of the Super Armored Crazy Rhino and send the Super Armored Crazy Rhino and Bounce away.

"Now, Pumpkin Spirit, use the wave of evil!"

"Okay Squid, Phantom Light!" As Kojiro and Musashi's Pokémon launched an attack, Ash also directed his Pikachu to attack.

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!"

After hearing Xiaozhi's voice, Lu Ze rolled his eyes helplessly.

Super Armor Crazy Rhinoceros is of the ground type, dear!
"Fire fox, spray flames!"

"Iron-clawed lobster, wave of water"

But complaints are complaints, assists still have to be obtained.

As everyone's attacks were unleashed, something shocking happened to Lu Ze.

All Pokémon's attacks, including his Clawfish's attacks, fuse into themselves?
It's said to be fusion, but it doesn't really count, but all the skills really became an attack, hitting the super-armored rhinoceros.

Looking at the incapacitated Super Armored Rhinoceros, Lu Ze was a little silent.

In this case, is Xiaozhi's attack useful or useless?
Lu Ze was puzzled, but soon a voice came and made the excited people fall into panic again.

"You guys can't do it either."

The sound coming from the sky made Lu Ze and Xiaozhi look up involuntarily.

A middle-aged man with the same rough appearance was seen standing on an armored bird, speaking to the Pokémon hunter underneath who was being suppressed by the Super Armored Rhinoceros, which had lost its fighting ability.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

The weight of Super Armored Rhinoceros was quite heavy, and the Pokémon hunter was also out of breath due to the pressure.

But after he roared, the rough-looking uncle laughed and threw his elf ball.

"Artificial Cell Egg, help him."

"Who are you!"

Facing this guy who suddenly appeared, Xiaozhi asked warily.


The rough uncle turned to look at Xiaozhi with interest, and then looked at Lu Ze behind Xiaozhi.

This must be the trainer of the king-level iron-clawed lobster he was talking about.

"He should be a Pokémon hunter too!"

Lu Ze looked seriously at the artificial cell egg in the air that was releasing superpowers.

This artificial cell egg is actually a Pokémon with king-level strength!
"Yo, not bad!"

Uncle Coarse Mine grinned and extended his thumb to Lu Ze.

"Iron-clawed lobster, spray with water, then bite into pieces!"

Taking advantage of the uncle's distraction, Lu Ze without hesitation directed the iron-clawed lobster to launch a surprise attack on the artificial cell eggs.

Who knows if this guy has other Pokémon with king-level strength.

If this guy is also a trainer with king-level strength, it will be troublesome.

After all, Pokémon hunters were also liberated by artificial cell eggs.

Super Armored Rhinoceros is a Pokémon with king-level strength. Who knows if he has other Pokémon with king-level strength.

Although I have Deoxys by my side, I can’t bother Deoxys with everything.

And if Deoxys doesn't take action, it will be really difficult for him to take Team Rocket and Xiaozhi with him.

"What a nasty brat!"

"Go, rogue crocodile!"

After the Pokémon hunter was rescued, he released his Pokémon without hesitation.

When Lu Ze saw the rogue crocodile, his heart sank.

Sure enough, it was another Pokémon with king-level strength.

Appearing at the same time as the rogue crocodile, there was also an old construction craftsman with the same strength as a king.

After the old builder appeared, he directly used [Sonic Fist] to block the path that the Iron Claw Lobster must pass, trying to resist the Iron Claw Lobster.

"Karby, kill him!"

Faced with the rushing rogue crocodile, Lu Ze sent out the Kirby beast without hesitation.

Now the only one who can beat the rogue crocodile on the opposite side to death is Kirbymon.

If you are not sure how many powerful Pokémon the opponent has left, quickly eliminate the Pokémon that have appeared on the opponent's side.

This is wild fighting!
The moment Kirbymon appears, it is an [Arm Hammer] facing the rushing Crocodile!
After the powerful [Arm Hammer] hit the rogue crocodile, the rogue crocodile was immediately beaten to the point of losing its ability to fight.

At this time, Xiaozhi and the others reacted.

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!
"Fire fox, spray flames!"

"Okay squid, phantom rays!"

"Pumpkin spirit, wave of evil!"

The skills of the four Pokémon hit the artificial cell eggs in the sky at the same time.

As for the iron-clawed lobster?

At this time, he had already met with the old construction craftsman.

Elf:Old Builder
Gender: Male

Attribute: fighting
Features: Iron Fist (The power of boxing skills is increased.)
Qualification: Orange

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

An old builder with king-level strength still has the characteristics of [Iron Fist].

Lu Ze's eyes were solemn, but he breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the Pokémon hunter just now looked ugly but did not use his skills again.

This situation shows that he has no Pokémon left to fight again.

Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief, and then sent out his Iron Warrior and Lucario.

"You two, kill that artificial cell egg!"

If Xiaozhi and the others hadn't stopped them in time, the iron-clawed lobster would have been attacked by the artificial cell eggs.

The strength of the old builder on the opposite side is not weak. If artificial cell eggs are added to help, the victory rate of the iron claw lobster is really not high.

"What are you doing!"

After seeing his Pokémon being surrounded, the rough uncle yelled anxiously at the Pokémon hunters below.

"Both of them have lost the ability to fight. Where can I still have Pokémon!"

As soon as the rough uncle said these words, Lu Ze no longer hesitated: "Iron Warrior, control him!"

As Lu Ze's voice fell, the Pokémon hunter also showed a hint of unwillingness in his eyes.

"You stepped on the horse and killed me, Nidoking, poisonous attack!"

When watching the Iron Warrior rush toward him quickly, the Pokémon Hunter gritted his teeth and took out his last Pokémon.

Nidoking looked at the Iron Warrior, the horns on his head flashed with purple light, and he rushed towards the Iron Warrior.

"Wind Fairy, Trick Space, Kirbymon, [-] horsepower!"

Lu Ze threw the elf ball again, and the wind fairy directly released the [Magic Space], and the speed of Kirby Beast in the [Magic Space] also increased greatly.

Facing Nidoking, who was equally powerful as a king, Kirbymon punched [Nidoking] directly.

Because of the [Magic Space], Kirbymon's attack on Nidoking didn't even have time to dodge.

And under Kirbymon's full attack, with Kirbymon's power, a double damage of [[-] HP] directly knocked Nidoking out of his ability to fight.


At this time, the eyes of the rough and crazy uncle in the sky were about to pop out.

He looked at the artificial cell egg that was constantly pulling against Lucario, and at the iron-clawed lobster that was fighting against the old builder.

Look at the Kirby below, which is watching eagerly, and the unknown Pokémon that has already controlled its companions.

If he didn't realize at this point that he had messed with the wrong person, then his long career as a Pokémon hunter would have been in vain.

"Armor bird, let's go!"

"Want to go now?"

Seeing the rough uncle's actions, Lu Ze also had a smile on his face.

"Crossword Bat, stop them!"

As Lu Ze threw the elf ball again, looking at the cross-shaped bat that was blocking him in front of him in a flash, the rough and crazy uncle also showed a trace of madness in his eyes.

"You forced me!"

The rough uncle roared, and then threw the elf ball in his hand!

(End of this chapter)

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