Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 926 Fight!

Lu Ze was shocked, but the moment he opened the Poké Ball thrown in the air, a puff of black smoke instantly enveloped the entire venue.

"Ahem, cross-shaped bat, the wind is rising!"

Lu Ze and Xiaozhi couldn't help coughing. This Poké Ball turned out to be a smoke bomb.

Who made the smoke bomb look like a Poké Ball?
Get sick!
While Lu Ze was complaining in his heart, I had already blown away the smoke.

Another one, the rugged old man had already ridden on the armored bird and ran far away.

"Crossword Bat, capture him!"

Lu Ze felt unhappy after feeling the dust on his face.

Next to them, Xiaozhi, Kojiro, Serena and Musashi all had dark faces because of the smoke bomb just now.

You don’t need to look at it to know it, and I guess it’s similar.

The cross-shaped bat flapped its wings and accelerated instantly. In a short time, it caught up with the rugged uncle, defeated the armored bird, and brought him back.

"Leave it to Miss Junsha."

After tying up the two Pokémon hunters, Xiaozhi raised his head and said to Lu Ze.

"I'm fine."

Lu Ze spread his hands indifferently, although in his opinion, this kind of guy should be destroyed humanely.

After Lu Ze finished speaking, the Rockets left.

Kojiro, Musashi and Meowth, along with Guo Ranweng and the others, no one is missing.

It was getting dark gradually, and Dr. White came here with his childhood sweetheart.

"Did you catch the Pokémon hunters?" White said in disbelief as he looked at the two solidly tied Pokémon hunters on the ground.

After all, in his opinion, except for Lu Ze, everyone else is just a child.

"No, it's all thanks to Miss Musashilett." After Xiaozhi and Lu Ze looked at each other, they said the words they had prepared in advance.

It’s better to leave a good impression of Musashi on Musashi’s Bai Yueguang.

After all, in this world, there may be no Musashi Leiter in the future.

"This is given to you by Miss Musashi Leiter." Yurika stepped forward and handed the small white flowers Musashi had prepared to Dr. White.

"It's so beautiful."


Doctor White chuckled and nodded, and Qingmei on the side also showed envious eyes.

She also had a very good impression of Musashi Leite.

"But where did Miss Musashirete go?" Dr. White asked curiously after receiving the flowers.

"She, of course, went home."

Lu Ze smiled and explained for Musashi: "She said that she didn't like to be separated, so she asked us to come in her place."

"Break up."

Doctor White looked at the night in the sky: "I don't like it very much either."

"I'm Team Rocket and I have the best partners by my side."

Under the night, in the Meow Meow hot air balloon, Musashi also looked at the little white flower in his hand and thought in his heart.

Raising his hand, small white flowers fell from the sky.

In the night, the thoughts hidden in my heart drifted away.

Musashilet disappeared.



"Did you just leave like this?"

After Miss Junsha came and took away the two Pokémon hunters, Lu Ze and Xiaozhi were also ready to say goodbye and leave.

"Yes, we still have to hurry."

After Xiaozhi smiled, he waved to Dr. White and prepared to leave.

Lu Ze sighed, today is another day of sleeping outdoors.


After Dr. White sighed helplessly, he sent Xiaozhi and the others away.

After walking out of the forest, Lu Ze looked at the night and murmured.

"Actually, I want to stay one night."

"Ah? Didn't Brother Ozawa mean that we should hurry up?"

Xiaozhi's hand holding the tent stiffened for a moment, then he raised his head and looked at Lu Ze blankly and asked.

"Forget it, let's set up the tent."


After Xiaozhi scratched his head, he and Lu Ze started to set up the tent.

Lu Ze didn't understand why he made it so obvious, but Xiaozhi saw that he wanted to leave?
Xiaozhi also didn't understand why Brother Ozawa chose to rush away when he had a good bed to sleep on?

Obviously, the way Lu Ze blinked excitedly at Xiaozhi was misunderstood by Xiaozhi as wanting to challenge Citron's gym faster and rushing all night.

Well, Brother Ozawa is working very hard too!
I also want to learn from Brother Ozawa!

"Without Dr. White, we have to travel all night!"



Early the next morning, everyone who set out again soon arrived at a small city on the way to Miare City.

Everyone who arrived at the Pokémon Center and was about to make a temporary correction also saw the video of the Tribeca Convention on the Pokémon Center TV.

The picture on the TV stimulated Serena again.

After getting her Pokémon back, Serena immediately decided to give her a special training!
Pokémon show!
After everyone arrived at the open space next to the Pokémon Center, Serena wrote and drew her thoughts on the land.

"Like this, the naughty panda jumps up and circles around in a circle."

Lu Ze looked at Serena's ghostly drawings and listened to Serena's explanation, and couldn't help but touch his chin.

I don’t understand, but it sounds so awesome?

The Pokémon show should be similar to the glamor contest.

Why do you feel that Serena and Tang Yunqin look different?

However, as a layman, Lu Ze had no intention of expressing his opinion.

Just watch quietly by yourself.

Moreover, since special training is required...

It seems that Tan Xiaoshi's special training should also be put on the agenda.

Now Tan Xiaoshi's strength progress is a bit slow.

The main reason for this is that there are quite a lot of battles, but there is no time to verify or change the problems that arise during the battles.

This may be the downside of traveling.

Although I am not in a hurry, there is still a time limit for collecting eight badges and participating in the Kalos Conference.

If you don't have eight badges after this time, you won't be able to participate in the Carlos Conference.

So time is still a bit tight.

This also resulted in Tan Xiaoshi not having much time to undergo special training.

Obviously during this period, he would have a battle with Xiaozhi's frog every day.

"Let's try this first."

"Just treat Xiaozhi and the others as the audience and do it carefully."

After Serena finished speaking, Lu Ze couldn't help but frown.

It's that simple?Just do it seriously?

Shouldn't we try it first?

He didn't understand anything else, but he still understood the fire fox's flame.

A little sloppy?
Lu Ze thought about it, but the naughty panda and the fire fox nodded and agreed seriously.

Serena stood up, and Xiaozhi and Lu Ze immediately retreated.

"So, here we go!"

After Serena finished speaking, she bowed slightly amidst the cheers of Ash and the others, and then began her performance.

"Fire Fox, Naughty Panda, jump up!" Serena waved her hand, and the two Pokémon ran forward side by side.

Take off, land, and then support with one hand! "Success!"

"Very good Serena!"

Amid the cheers of Xiaozhi and Yurika, Serena danced with the fire fox and the naughty panda.

The practice of the three of them during this period was still very effective.

At least the three of them performed this dance very neatly.

While dancing, the two little guys jumped on Serena's shoulders.

With Serena's gentle force, the two Pokémon also jumped up, looking as if they were ejected by Serena.

The moment they jumped out, the two Pokémon also released the colorful mist they had prepared.

The naughty panda is purple, the fire fox is golden.

Two colors of mist fell behind Serena, just like a single color of rainbow falling.


Seeing this scene, even Lu Ze applauded and praised.

He probably understood what Serena just meant.

The next step should be jumping through fire hoops, right?

"Fire fox, spray flames!"

Serena's voice fell, and the fire fox also controlled its power and formed a fire ring with [Spray Flame].

The naughty panda just jumped up and got through the ring of fire.

However, it seemed that the naughty panda's take-off was a little low, and his butt was burned by the flames.

Burn your ass~
"Iron-clawed lobster, water gun."

Seeing the naughty panda running around on the ground with his butt still on fire and the helpless Serena, Lu Ze had no choice but to release the iron-clawed lobster to put out the fire.

Xiaozhi, another water-type Pokémon, was still in a state of surprise. Waiting for him to react...

The force of the Claw Lobster's [Water Gun] was a bit strong. Even though it had controlled the force, it still pushed the naughty panda directly into the wall.

The good news is that the fire on the naughty panda’s butt has been put out.

The bad news is that the naughty panda's tail is black.

Although for Pokémon, this injury can be recovered quickly.

But this is really a bit embarrassing.

There are so many people watching!
"Are you okay, naughty panda!"

After seeing the flames on the naughty panda being extinguished, Serena quickly stepped forward and asked the naughty panda.

The wet and naughty panda turned his head and saw the fire fox, and his heart immediately became angry.

"It's all your fault, otherwise my ass wouldn't be on fire!"

"Nonsense, you obviously jumped too low!"

As a fire Pokémon, Fire Fox is obviously not a good-tempered guy.

The two Pokémon immediately started arguing.

"You two, please stop quarreling. It was just a bad timing. Let's try it again, okay?" Serena panicked to stop the fight.

But obviously, it didn't work.

The naughty panda still looked fierce, while the fire fox turned away with an unhappy expression.

"By the way, how did you two resolve the quarrel?"

When Lu Ze saw this scene, he immediately looked at the iron-clawed lobster next to him, and then asked funnyly to the iron-clawed lobster.


The iron-clawed lobster turned his head away in embarrassment.

He had a conflict with the Electric Shock Monster at first, but it was later resolved through a fight.

But how did Ozawa know about this kind of thing?
It stands to reason that although the two of them quarreled, they were unhappy with each other.

But in front of Ozawa, they behaved well and harmoniously.

The clawed lobster scratched his head in embarrassment, but Lu Ze couldn't help laughing.

Both of them thought they didn't know, but they actually knew it from the beginning.

But Lu Ze didn't care, wanting to see how the two of them solved the problem.

Later, Crossbat should be the mediator, and Kirbymon would be the referee. The two of them had a fight after going out in the middle of the night.

Both guys were so bruised and swollen the next day that they really thought they were blind.

Of course, even so, Lu Ze pretended not to see it and did not ask them what was going on.

Then that day, two guys with bruises and swollen faces got into a fight again for some unknown reason and then somehow got better.

"If both of them have bad tempers, a fight will resolve all conflicts."

Lu Ze smiled and touched the head of the lobster before speaking.

Iron Claw Lobster and Electric Shock Monster are both resolute guys, so they got better soon after the fight.

Because their personalities are similar.

The naughty panda and the fire fox are almost the same in Lu Ze's opinion.

They're all bad tempered.

A fight should be almost enough.

"Brother Ozawa, what did you just say?" Xiaozhi turned to look at Lu Ze curiously.

He seemed to have heard what Lu Ze said just now.

"It's okay, I told the crayfish."

"oh oh."

After Xiaozhi nodded, Serena also coaxed the two little guys and started practicing again.

"It's now!"

Serena waved her hand, and the Fire Fox released [Flame Jet] again to form a circle.

The naughty panda did a somersault, but his butt was not burned this time.

However, when it landed, the naughty panda was unsteady and landed like a dog.

I don’t know if it was revenge or unintentional, but after the naughty panda staggered twice, he pinned the fire fox underneath him.

Now the fire fox couldn't bear it anymore and started quarreling with the naughty panda before he even got up.

The naughty panda was naturally not used to the fire fox, so he also spoke at the same time.

The two Pokémon started to quarrel.

"Hey, you two!"

Serena rushed over, but as soon as she opened her mouth, the naughty panda jumped on her shoulder.

Then he continued to quarrel with the fire fox.

"Get along well and don't quarrel!"

The two Pokémon were quarreling fiercely, and Xiaozhi and Yurika quickly came to break up the fight.

However, because the naughty panda was on Serena's body, he took advantage of Serena and directly stuck out his tongue at the fire fox to provoke him.

The next second, the fire fox couldn't bear the humiliation, and directly hit Serena, or the naughty panda, with a [spray flame].

Lu Ze, who was watching the excitement, was startled.

Will Serena be okay?

Lu Ze stood up quickly, but Serena didn't seem to have any problems except that her face was darkened and her hair was curly.

At this time, Lu Ze was a little glad that Serena had cut her hair.

But the fire fox...

Lu Ze glanced at Fire Fox.

Seriously, this should be Naughty Panda's problem.

But the fire fox actually launched a direct attack.

Then the nature has changed.

When the Electric Shock Monster and Iron Claw Lobster were at their most fierce, they were just getting started and didn't use any skills.

They only use skills when fighting.

But the fire fox...

(End of this chapter)

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