Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 927 The problem with the croaking frog

"Give me enough time!"

Serena couldn't bear it any longer, and roared at the fire fox and naughty panda with an afro.

"Why don't you do it well?"

In Serena's roar, the two little guys, Fire Fox and Naughty Panda, also instantly became frightened.

"Serena, calm down."

Xiaozhi saw Serena's reaction and quickly stepped forward to try to comfort Serena.

"You two should reflect on it." Xiaozhi turned to look at the fire fox and naughty panda, trying to save the situation.

Serena also calmed down at Xiaozhi's voice, but regret followed.

Especially after seeing the fire fox and naughty panda showing a well-behaved and aggrieved look.

"I'm going out."

"I want to be alone."

Regretful, Serena chose to escape.

Before Xiaozhi and the others could react, Serena turned around and left.


Ash exclaimed, but did not stop Serena.

"It's better to leave her alone for a while."

After Lu Ze stopped Xiaozhi, he turned to look at the fire fox and the naughty panda.

"You two this time..."

Halfway through his words, Lu Ze smiled and shook his head and stopped talking.

After all, this is Serena's Pokémon, and Serena must educate it.

"Come out, Mr. Tan."

He ignored the regretful Fire Fox and the naughty Panda. He also had his own training to complete today.

"Today we will review the battle with the frog."

As Lu Ze said this, he took out his mobile phone and spoke to Tan Xiaoshi.

What was recorded on the mobile phone was the problem that occurred during the battle between Tan Xiaoshi and the frog.

Of course, it’s not just Tan Xiaoshi’s, there’s also the croaking frog.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, if there's nothing wrong with the little frog, let him come too."

"it is good."

Xiaozhi, who was comforting the fire fox and naughty panda, raised his head and agreed, then released the frog.

"Good morning, frog."


The frog also nodded to Lu Ze and began to listen to Lu Ze's explanation attentively.

The journey did go much faster during this period, and each time the two little guys reviewed it before going to bed.

"We'll talk about Mr. Tan's training later. Now let's talk about the two of you."

As Lu Ze spoke, he broke off a branch and started making gestures on the ground.

"You see, in yesterday's battle, facing your charged flame attack, the Croak-headed Frog jumped up to dodge and at the same time released water waves at you."

Lu Ze said, and both Pokémon nodded seriously.

"When you have no room to hide, you can use skills to resist."

"The water element restrains the fire element, but the fire element's skills can also evaporate the water element."

Lu Ze said, and let the two Pokémon begin to practice.

"Little Attendant Tan, charge up the flame attack."

After opening up the space, Lu Ze said to Mr. Tan.

Tan Xiaoshi didn't hesitate, and flames instantly burst out from his body.

Under the guidance of Lucario and Iron Warrior, Tan Xiaoshi's skill proficiency is still very good.

Especially this commonly used skill.

"The croaking frog, use the wave of water on Mr. Tan."

"Tan Xiaoshi watched the fluctuations of the water and burst out the flames when he was about to hit."

After passing through Fuye's gym, Lu Ze also gained a new understanding of the use of skills.

Skills are not just fixed methods and fixed routes like those in games.

This is the real world after all, and skills have unlimited possibilities.

For example, [Jet Flame], Fire Fox can control [Jet Flame] to form a circle.

Can my own fire-breathing dragon do the same?

After all, it's just about controlling the flames, so it's not that difficult.

The difficulty is simply due to the power and movement.

The fire fox's circle of [flame jets] is much less powerful, its movement speed is also slower, and it lacks the agility of the line of fire.

But this is what Serena uses for Pokémon performances, so maybe that’s how she prepares it.

But doesn’t this also illustrate the degree of freedom in Pokémon’s skills?
Just like now, the frog jumped up again, and with a wave of his hand, he hit Tan Xiaoshi with [Water Wave].

"Now, burst out the flames!" Lu Ze saw the opportunity and shouted.

In order to succeed, Lu Ze even turned on the waveguide to seize the best opportunity.

Just when [Water Wave] approached Tan Xiaoshi, the flames of [Charged Flame Attack] on Tan Xiaoshi also burst out instantly.

At the same time as the flames erupted, the water in [Water Wave] was also rapidly evaporating.

When he arrived in front of Tan Xiaoshi, the [Water Wave] was also evaporated into water vapor.

"That's it. It's about this distance, you see."


After a success, Lu Ze also smiled and said to Tan Xiaoshi.

Tan Xiaoshi nodded and looked at the frog with excitement.

Having also succeeded once, he couldn't wait to practice hard.

You know, the reason why we lost to the frog in yesterday's battle was because he was hit by the frog's [Water Wave].

Otherwise, it’s hard to say whether we will win or lose.

"Okay, let's talk about the frog."

In fact, Lu Ze had no intention of raising some small questions. What he raised was usually able to change the two Pokémon's fighting thinking and change it into a better fighting thinking.

They have to discover and change small problems by themselves.

For example, after Tan Xiaoshi was hit by the Frog's [Water Wave] yesterday, he fell on the charge due to a misjudgment of his own physical strength and the Frog's speed.

This is a small thing that after experiencing it once, you will remember it the next time.

No need to mention this.

The problem with the Frog is that his skill pool is too small.

There are no rules stipulating the number of skills in the gym competition.

Although there is a rule in Ash's World that only four different skills can be used in competitions, most competitions do not have this rule.

Another thing, even with this rule, once you have more skill pools, you will have more skills to choose from.

Just like Carlos faced Ailan's Charizard in the finals.

Although I don’t know if the Carlos Conference has a rule that limits four skills, but even if it is based on the limit of four skills.

Let’s not talk about evolution, let’s just say that Ai Lan’s Charizard has super evolved into Super Charizard X, which is a fire type plus a dragon type.

If there are no restraints on water or ice skills, you can definitely use rock skills.

With [Rock Crash], what if Ai Lan's fire-breathing dragon still dares to be so arrogant?

Think about what Xiaozhi brought in that game?
[Shadow Clone], [Swallow Return], [Iai Slash], [Water Flying Shuriken].

This is a skill that I, a Pokémon game player, would never use like this.

What about Ai Lan’s fire-breathing dragon?

I brought [Thunder Fist] with me!You know, Super Charizard X does not have the weakness of the water element.

But [Thunder and Lightning Fist] is specialized in fighting the water element.

In addition, the X spray is a double sword, and the physical attack and special attack are the same.

However, Koga Ninja, who has a higher special attack, only has the special attack skill [Flying Water Shuriken].

If [Rock Crash] is not used in this situation, either Xiaozhi is superstitious about his title skill of reverse attribute master.

After all, [Rock Collapse] is considered a restraint, and the title skill of Master of Inverse Attributes cannot be activated.

Either Koga Ninja doesn't know the [Rock Crash] or [Rock Blockade] skills.

It stands to reason that Koga Ninja still has a lot of skills in his skill pool.

It's a pity that Xiaozhi's croaking frog has the [Riptide] attribute. It must be for this reason that Xiaozhi didn't let his croaking frog develop more skills.

In other words, Xiaozhi doesn't know how to let the frog learn more skills.

Many of his Pokémon are with Dr. Oak, and he cannot use old Pokémon to teach new Pokémon skills like Lu Ze did.

Just like every Pokémon's initial teacher who can learn the Farmer's Three Punches is a Kirby.

Kirby's proficiency with Farmer's Three Punch is still the highest among Lu Ze's team.

Not only new Pokémon can benefit from each teaching, but old Pokémon can also deepen their mastery of the teaching skills.

Xiaozhi was exposed to this kind of training method in the Kalos region.

I forgot whose croak frog taught Xiaozhi's Koga Ninja frog, and whose Fierce Arrow eagle taught Xiaozhi's little dart bird.

However, it was only short-lived.

And it doesn't teach any skills.

"Xiao Zhi, come on."

Looking at the expectant frog, Lu Ze hesitated for a moment and then called Xiaozhi.

After all, the Frog is Xiaozhi's Pokémon. Even if he wants to teach it, he has to get the consent of Xiaozhi, the trainer of the Frog.

"I'm coming."

Xiaozhi, who was comforting the fire fox and the naughty panda, quickly trotted over.

"I want to let my Pokémon teach the frog some skills."

Lu Ze frowned when he saw Xiaozhi's excitement: "Don't you think that the frog has too few skills?"

"Too little?"

Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the frog next to him.

By the way, the only skills that the Crotal Frog knows now are [Shadow Clone], [Lightning Flash], [Iai Slash], [Water Wave] and [Swallow Return]?
Oh, there’s also a [Bubble].

Xiaozhi thought about it for a while, and it seemed that the skills of the frog were indeed lacking a bit.

Look at Tan-chan, he seems to have learned basically all the skills that can be learned.

The frog looked at Xiaozhi expectantly.

His skills are indeed very few compared to Tan Xiaoshi.

After all, Tan Xiaoshi has already learned some basic skills.

The skill I am learning now is [Big Character Explosive Flame].

Although Charizard is not here, Kirby can also learn this skill.

Speaking of Kirbymon, Kirbymon's skills have basically been learned.

As long as he can learn a skill, he can use any skill.

And the proficiency is not low.

"Okay frog."

After Xiaozhi saw the expectant look in the frog's eyes, he immediately understood what the frog was thinking.

After gently touching the head of the frog, Xiaozhi looked at Lu Ze.

"Then, please leave it to Brother Ozawa."

After Xiaozhi finished speaking, he bowed slightly to Lu Ze seriously.

Lu Ze was startled and quickly helped Xiaozhi up.

Although this is normal in an island country, Lu Ze, a native of Yan and Huang descendants, is really frightened by this approach.

"It's okay, leave it to me."

After Lu Ze helped Xiaozhi up, he smiled and said to Xiaozhi.

"Brothers, we're here to pick up the guests."

After Xiaozhi smiled sheepishly, Lu Ze turned to look at the Pokémon enjoying the shade with Kirby under the shade of the tree.

There are still many skills that croaking frogs can learn.

It just depends on what skill the frog wants to learn first?

[Freezing Fist], [Sword Dance], [Poison Caltrop], [Saling], [Self-motivation], [Rock Crash] and other attribute skills can be taught by Kirbymon.

Water skills can be taught by Iron Claw Lobster.

The evolved form of the Koga Ninja, the Koga Ninja, is also a water-based and evil-type Pokémon like the Crayfish.

There's nothing better than letting a crayfish teach a frog the water-based skills.

Looking at the Kirby Beast and Iron Claw Lobster in front of him, the Croak-headed Frog thought for a while and then glanced at Tan Xiaoshi who was bursting into flames in the [Charged Flame Attack] state.


The frog looked at the crayfish.

This makes Lu Ze a little strange. It stands to reason that in the current situation of the frog, he would rather learn from the Kirby beast.

The frog has not awakened any mage soul at this time.


Lu Ze glanced at the waiter Tan next to him thoughtfully.

Was it because he wanted to help Tan Xiaoshi practice together that he chose to learn water skills first?

Thinking of this, Lu Ze couldn't help laughing: "It's okay, it still takes a long time, and it will be the same when I study with Kirby."

After Lu Ze gently patted the frog's head, he handed over the venue to them.

After hearing Lu Ze's words, the frog became happy instantly.

I originally thought that after choosing one, the other would not work.

The frog jumped happily for a few times before being held down by the lobster.

"Study is about to begin, little one."

Kirby happily returned to the shade of the tree to continue enjoying the shade, while the lobster began to teach the frog to learn new skills.

"Do you have a heart for close combat?"

We also know a lot about the crotch frog and iron claw lobster.

After all, you can see the battle between the frog and Tan Xiaoshi every day.

It's like dreaming about a fire-breathing dragon.

At that time, Ozawa and Sui Yan's Charizard were fighting every day.

Well, it's not the same world now, but Charizard still seems to be fighting other Charizards.

After the iron-clawed lobster's thoughts wandered for a while, he quickly came back.

Most of the frog's skills are close-range skills.

And the fighting style is also the one that Iron Claw Lobster prefers.

Although the Iron Claw Lobster can be used as a turret under certain circumstances.

But what he likes most is to rush up and kill the opponent with two punches!
"In that case, let's choose the waterfall climbing skill first."


The frog nodded excitedly. It would be great if he could learn this skill.

It is really inappropriate to use [Iai Slash] or [Swallow Return] in every close combat.

After all, he is a water-type Pokémon!

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