Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 928 Doubles match?

The training and learning of Tan Xiaoshi and the frog began, and Lu Ze also began to continue making the training plan for Tan Xiaoshi.

In one morning, Lu Ze had almost completed Tan Xiaoshi's training plan.

After all the things Tan Xiaoshi lacks now are taken care of, he can almost start evolving.

He stretched out and looked at Xiaozhi, who was sticking out his butt in the grass and secretly observing the frog learning new skills.

Lu Ze was a little helpless, but decided to implement the training plan for the frog.

This is the Koga Ninja Frog!

Or the Koga ninja frog who can bind evolution!
Even though it has been a long time now, it is no longer the same world.

But I vaguely remember how moved I was when the Koga Ninja Bond evolved.

And in the end, after Koga Ninja lost to Charizard, he felt sad and unhappy.

Well, although you still can't win the championship this time.

But as compensation, you will be able to defeat Ai Lan and his fire-breathing dragon when you face him again!
Sorry, this time the championship belongs to me!

After Lu Ze laughed twice happily, he began to think about the training plan for the frog.

He wants to challenge the Four Four Kings of Carlos, and he wants to challenge Kaluni, the champion of Kalos.

The formal challenge can only be challenged after you become the champion of the Kalos Conference.

So this championship is inevitable!
He never thought about whether he could defeat Xiaozhi and Ai Lan.

He is still very confident in his Pokémon.

What he is thinking about now is whether he can use his second team of Pokémon to win the Kalos region championship.

Although this road is a bit difficult, it is still possible to succeed.

The Pokémon in my second team are not bad either.

Wind Fairy, Lucario, Metagross, Iron Warrior and Blue Flame Blade Demon.

The sixth Pokémon hasn't been conquered yet, so it has to be chosen from a team.

At that time, depending on the situation, a Pokémon from the first team will be selected to appear as the sixth man.

Among the Pokémon in your second team, there are Lucario and Metagross that can Mega Evolve.

If the battle requires it, you can also choose who will super evolve depending on the situation.

Thinking of this, Lu Ze also looked at the iron dumbbells swinging around in the open space.

According to the current progress, will Iron Dumbbell be able to evolve into Metagross by then?

Lu Ze was a little worried about this. After all, Iron Dumbbell was a master.

One of the characteristics of quasi-gods is the slow growth process.

Lu Ze looked at Iron Dumbbell and thought. It stands to reason that Iron Dumbbell has reached the point where it can evolve into a metal monster.

Why is it not evolving?

Is it because there is no fighting?

Lu Ze was thinking and couldn't help but look at Nian Mei'er, who was excitedly looking at the iron dumbbells floating in the air.

Nianmeier is a good opponent, but this is for metal monsters.

The most annoying thing about Iron Dumbbell is that he only has two skills: [Slam] and [Crash].

[Collision] does no harm, [bump] will hurt yourself.

These two skills…

No matter what, it's not a skill that Lu Ze likes to use.

So for such a long time, iron dumbbells basically rarely fought.

In other words, iron dumbbells rarely come out.

Usually when something happens, Lu Ze will directly put the iron dumbbell back into the elf ball.

After all, the silver-white iron dumbbells are more conspicuous.

It's not like the Iron Dumbbell doesn't go into the Poké Ball like the Mini Dragon.

Lu Ze still tried his best to avoid any trouble that could be avoided.

A quasi-god with different colors.

Still very attractive.

The iron dumbbell was still swinging, and Lu Ze continued to write the training plan for the frog.

Time passes quickly when you are serious.

It always feels like it’s already evening not long after lunch.

Looking at Pikachu and Dong Dong Mouse playing with Yurika, the naughty panda and fire fox next to them also showed envious eyes.

"Miss Serena, don't you?"

After stretching, Lu Ze put down his pen and came to the side of the two little guys and asked.

The naughty panda and the fire fox looked up, looked at the serious Lu Ze and nodded quickly.

"Because you really made Serena a little sad today."

Lu Ze looked at the anxious look of the two little guys and smiled.

"You should know what to do when Serena comes back."

Lu Ze knelt down, rubbed the heads of the naughty panda and the fire fox, and then said to them.

Yulijia and Xiaozhi on the side looked at the naughty panda and fire fox with smiles in their eyes, as well as Lu Ze who was comforting the two little guys.

"Brother Ozawa really likes Pokémon very much." Xiaozhi looked at Lu Ze happily.

What he felt was correct that Brother Ozawa and he were of the same mind.

Just as Lu Ze, Fire Fox and Naughty Panda were talking, Serena also returned here.

In one day and with the help of a friend she met by chance, she had already solved the knot in her heart.

To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than the reason why she is still struggling with her mistakes at the Tribeca conference.

Although today's incident is said to be a problem between the fire fox and the naughty panda, there is also a problem with her mentality.

Lu Ze also understood this, but it would have no effect if he said it.

It is not easy to persuade people who are stuck in a corner.


When Serena came back, Yurika saw Serena.

After exclaiming, Lu Ze and Xiaozhi also looked at Serena at the same time.

Looking at Serena's eyes, Lu Ze smiled and then patted the naughty panda's little butt.

The naughty panda received the signal and quickly ran towards Serena.

The fire fox only took a step slower, and then quickly kept up with the naughty panda.

"I'm back, that..."

Before Serena could finish her words, she was interrupted by the naughty panda and fire fox who jumped on her.

After Xiaozhi and Lu Ze's persuasion, the two little guys started talking to Serena without any hesitation.

Although Serena didn't understand what they said, she could see the apology and embarrassment in their eyes.

"Sorry, I have a problem too."

With tears in her eyes, Serena held the fire fox and naughty panda in her arms and whispered to them.

The two little guys also felt very sorry for Serena in this state, and couldn't help but rub Serena's face to express that there was nothing wrong with them.

Xiaozhi and Lu Ze also smiled when they saw this scene.

It'll be good if you make peace.

It would be better for Pokémon and trainers to live in harmony.

"These two children are Serena's partners."

The sudden sound attracted both Lu Ze and Xiaozhi.

A red-haired girl wearing fashionable clothes and square black-rimmed glasses appeared behind Serena.

"Hmm, it looks good."

"Well, this is Miss Elena, we met in town."

After seeing her new friends coming over today, Serena quickly stood up and introduced them to Xiaozhi and the others.

"Hello, my name is Xiaozhi, and this is my partner Pikachu."

"Hello, I'm Yurika, and this is Dongdongshu."

"Hi, I'm Lu Ze."

After the three of them made a brief introduction, Elena also showed a happy smile.

"Please teach me more."

After Elena finished speaking, she looked at Lu Ze.Ash and Serena are obviously not very old, they are still children.

But this Lu Ze...

Not only is the introduction different from them, but he doesn't look like a child either.

More like an adult like yourself?
After Elena glanced at Lu Ze curiously, she immediately rejected her idea in her heart.

Well, I am a child myself.


"Miss Elena! Keep!"

"Although I'm not here now, my brother is in your hands!"

Yurika saw the beautiful young lady's passive moment and confessed her love to Elena directly.

But unlike Xiaogang, Yulijia is confessing her love for her brother Citron.

Lu Ze looked at this scene curiously. This was the first time he had seen it since he came here.

And now, what should we do if Citron is not here?
Lu Ze had no intention of pulling Yulijia away, but watched this scene with interest.

"Ah?" Elena was a little flustered: "What, please ask me?"

"I said, Yurika!"

"It's because Miss Elena is so beautiful." Yurika explained to Serena, who was also embarrassed.

"Ah, thanks."

After Elena said something embarrassed, Yurika came to Elena's side again.

He blinked and bumped Elena's leg with his elbow: "I will introduce you to my brother when he comes back."

"Brother is very reliable."

Elena smiled a little at a loss, but her eyes looked at Lu Ze who was watching the show again.

This guy!

"Hey, Serena, do you want to have a doubles match with me?"

After complaining about Lu Ze's lack of gentlemanly manners, Elena quickly changed the subject and said to Serena.


Serena was a little confused, but Lu Ze roughly understood what Elena meant.

"Maybe you can understand something by fighting with your partner's Pokémon."

"What do you mean?"

Xiaozhi turned to Lu Ze curiously and asked.

"When two people fight together, their tacit understanding will improve." After Lu Ze briefly explained, he looked at Serena.

It seems that he and his Pokémon have never tried a formal doubles battle.

Well, not counting wild fights.

"That's it."

Xiaozhi nodded excitedly, and then quickly came to Serena, who was still hesitating.

"Isn't it great Serena!"

Xiaozhi cheered: "Now that we have reconciled, let him see your seamless cooperation!"


Lu Ze couldn't help but sigh when he saw Serena, who was immediately determined to fight after Xiaozhi's words.

Sure enough, it has to be Xiaozhi!
Only Ash can make Serena like this.

"That's right, let me give it a try!"

After Serena finished speaking, she looked at Elena and agreed.

Lu Ze quickly cleared the area. The frog and Tan Xiaoshi, who were learning skills and training, also stopped temporarily and stood aside to watch the battle between the two.

The street lights that signify night turn on, and the two face each other, ready to fight.

"Serena, come on!"

After Xiaozhi shouted, the battle between the two officially began.

"Please advise!"

"My Pokémon are these kids!"

After Elena said something, she released her two Pokémon at the same time.

"Go, Demon Fire Red Fox, Fragrance Essence!"

Two Pokémon in their final evolved forms appeared on the field.

One of them is the final evolved form of Serena's Fire Fox.

"Miss Elena's Pokémon."

"Is the Fire Fox's final evolved form?"

"Naughty Panda, Fire Fox, come on!"

After Serena took out the Pokédex and looked at the information on the two Pokémon, she spoke energetically to her two Pokémon again.



The two Pokémon did not lose their will to fight because their opponent was in their final evolved form, and they still agreed with serious faces.

"Hmm, Demon Fire Red Fox?"

Lu Ze touched his chin and looked at Elena inexplicably.

This is…

What is the treatment of the protagonist group?
Among the opponents that the protagonist's group encounters, there is a high probability that the evolved form of the Pokémon in the protagonist's hand will appear.

Xiaozhi also experienced this.

For example, when the Little Arrow Bird evolves, the opponent it faces is the Little Arrow Bird's final evolved form, the Fierce Arrow Eagle.

I forgot how the croak frog evolved.

Anyway, when he was still a croaking frog, one of the opponents he faced was the croaking frog.

I vaguely remember that Xiaozhi's croaking frog defeated the Koga Ninja Frog, but I don't know if it was the same opponent.

However, looking at this situation, the Fire Fox is going to evolve?

"Then, let's get started!"

While Lu Ze was thinking, Elena also shouted with full energy.

"Fire fox, catch it!"

"Aromatherapy, reflective wall!"

Elena reacted quickly and commanded Aroma Essence to activate the defensive skills at the same time as the Fire Fox took action.


Lu Ze looked at Elena with some weird eyes.

Aroma and Elffire are both veteran-level Pokémon.

But Serena's two Pokémon are only intermediate-level Pokémon.

I want to see how you fight match-fixing.

Lu Ze smiled and looked at Alena, who also wanted to learn some experience in match-fixing.

Aroma essence took action, and the [reflective wall] released directly bounced away the charging fire fox.

"It was bounced away!"

Serena looked at the fire fox in the sky with surprise.

Lu Ze also looked at Elena with a surprised expression.

No match-fixing?
Crush it with force?

Hey, I like it!

Lu Ze smiled excitedly, and then looked at Serena.

How should Serena deal with this situation?
Under Lu Ze's gaze, Elena assumed a strange posture and then commanded the demon fire red fox to launch an attack.

"Demon Fire Red Fox, Magic Flame!"

The signature skill of the demon fire red fox, after waving the wooden stick in his hand, the thick orange-red fire pillar hit the naughty panda.

The naughty panda was startled and hurriedly avoided.

But unfortunately, his butt was burned again by the flames in the end.

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