Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 929 The arrival of Miss Junsha!

Chapter 929 The arrival of Miss Junsha!
"How about our show!"

As soon as Elena spoke, everyone immediately looked at Elena in surprise.

"Huh? Is Miss Elena a performer?" Serena asked with an incredulous look on her face.

"Hey, didn't I say that?"

Elena said, making a naughty expression towards Serena.

"Is this the battle of performers?"

"Okay, now the performance officially begins!"

After Serena murmured, Elena, whose identity was revealed, no longer concealed herself, and spoke directly to Serena.

"it is good!"

Serena looked serious: "Naughty panda, use the stone blade on the fragrance!"

The naughty panda slapped the ground hard, and then [Stone Blades] rushed out of the ground one by one.

However, the effect of the aromatic essence [Reflective Wall] has not disappeared, and it once again blocked the attack of the naughty panda [Stone Blade].

"You can't disperse the attack."

Elena gave guidance again: "In a doubles match, the coordination between Pokémon, trainers, and Pokémon is also very important."

"If we fight separately, we can't win!"

"You can't win if you fight separately?"

After Serena repeated it, she suddenly turned her head to look at Xiaozhi.

Yes, this is what Xiaozhi said all the time during the battle!
"Believe everyone, gather your strength!"

After realizing this, Serena made a prompt decision and took command directly.

"Naughty Panda, Stone Blade!"

After commanding the naughty panda to use [Stone Blade] again, Serena also asked the Fire Fox to jump on top of [Stone Blade].

After jumping up with the help of the power of [Stone Blade], the Fire Fox found a place that the [Reflective Wall] could not cover, and used [Spray Flame] against the Demon Fire Red Fox and Aroma Essence.

Elena also has a lot of combat experience.

In addition, her Pokémon are now stronger than Serena's Pokémon.

So she doesn't have any special way of coping.

"Demon Fire Red Fox, shoot flames!"

The same [Jet Flame] used, the Demon Fire Red Fox's [Jet Flame] is obviously much more powerful than the Fire Fox's [Jet Flame].

In just a moment, the Fire Fox was knocked down from the air by the Demon Fire Red Fox's [Spray Flame].

[Jet Flame] and [Jet Flame] collided with each other and exploded in the air.

As a result, Serena's fire fox fell from the air with injuries all over its body.


"Aroma essence, charging beam!"

Elena didn't wait for their chance to react.

Aroma Essence's [Charging Beam] hit the fallen Fire Fox.

But at this moment, the naughty panda trotted in front of the fire fox.

"Naughty Panda, Wave of Evil!"

Serena also reacted quickly and asked the naughty panda to use skills to block Aroma Essence's attack.

Lu Ze did not pay attention to Fire Fox and the others. He was looking at Elena at this time.

Elena, looking a little strange?

The attack from the aromatic essence just now can hit the naughty panda directly.

But in the end, he went to the fire fox.

In a doubles match, it seems reasonable to use all your strength to kill one.

But what's going on with that expectant smile on Elena's face?
Moreover, the demon fire red fox with the same senior level strength defeated the fire fox in one go.

But your fragrance attack was blocked by the naughty panda?

This is?

Just when Lu Ze was puzzled, he suddenly saw Elena's eyes suddenly light up.

Turning her head again, Serena had already begun to confess her feelings.

"Fire fox, naughty panda, it doesn't matter, I believe you two!"

"Because you are my best partners!"

As Serena's voice fell, the fire fox lying on the ground suddenly stood up, and then his body emitted a light representing evolution.


Lu Ze looked at this scene and looked thoughtfully at the iron dumbbell next to him.

After Tie Dubell felt Lu Ze's gaze, he glanced at Lu Ze and silently turned around and left, leaving only Lu Ze's butt.

Lu Ze smiled awkwardly. He seemed to see contempt in Iron Dumbbell's eyes.

That's right, I don't seem to be suitable for this method.

After sighing helplessly, Lu Ze looked at Elena again.

Sure enough, after the fire fox evolved, Elena also showed a happy and successful smile on her face.

"Is this her plan?"

Lu Ze also saw that the fire fox was about to evolve.

But when to evolve and how to let her evolve, Lu Ze really didn't have a clue.

Lu Ze looked at Elena.

Look at Elena's outfit.

Isn't this guy a big shot?

The moment the Fire Fox evolved, the excited and naughty panda directly directed the attacks from both sides into the air.

"The Pokémon responded to Serena's feelings." Elena saw this scene and said to Serena with a smile.

"Isn't it possible to do this? Become one with the Pokémon's heart!"

After Elena finished speaking, the long-tailed fire fox also showed a shy smile to Serena.

"Yes, thank you!"

After Serena wiped the tears from her eyes, she thanked Elena loudly.

"Okay, now the winner is about to be decided!"

"Show me your bond!"

Seeing Elena's movements, Lu Ze was stunned for a moment.

Do we still need to fight in this situation?
Not a touching atmosphere?
Lu Ze scratched it, but after seeing Serena nodding energetically, he didn't say anything more.

"it is good!"

"I'm going to fuck you two!"

"Spray flames again, wave of evil!"

After the demon fire red fox pulled out the stick from his tail, he waved the flames.

After the wooden stick was used as a magic wand to emit flames, the naughty panda's [Evil Wave] was also released.

[Evil Wave] hit first, and before the Demon Fire Red Fox and Aroma Essence could react, [Spray Flame] followed.

[Jet Flame] produced a violent explosion, which exploded the Demon Fire Red Fox and the Aroma Essence into a somewhat embarrassing situation.

"It's amazing. It felt so good just now, Serena!"

"Then I have to show my real skills!"

After Elena praised Serena some, she was ready to get serious.

However, a sudden ringing sound plunged the scene into silence.

"Miss Elena?"


Elena looked at Serena and the others with some embarrassment: "I have to go back."


Everyone was stunned for a moment, and Xiaozhi, who was most concerned about the battle, also quickly asked.

"What about the battle?"

"Let's stop here this time."

After Elena said something, she took her two Pokémon back into the Poké Ball.

"Miss Elena."

"Thank you so much for today."

Serena quickly stepped forward with her long-tailed firefox and naughty panda, and thanked Elena.

Elena helped her a lot today.

Not only did he enlighten her, but he also taught her how to communicate with her Pokémon.

The most important thing is that his fire fox also successfully evolved into a long-tailed fire fox.

"Well, you have a nice smile. Don't forget this smile."

"Yes, smile!" Serena nodded obediently, and then held hands with Elena's outstretched hand.

"See you on stage sometime."

"Well, definitely!"

After the two released their hands, Elena smiled at Serena and trotted away.


After Elena left, Lu Ze remained silent.

When Elena and Serena shook hands just now, why did the blue bracelet on Elena's hand look familiar?
"thank you!"


Xiaozhi and Yurika also stepped forward and said something to Elena's back, and then everyone looked at the evolved long-tailed fire fox.


"I am the one, please give me some advice, long-tailed fire fox."

"Please give me some advice, Naughty Panda."

Lu Ze scratched his head in confusion. Did the long-tailed fire fox say anything just now?



"Ah, Nian Mei'er has evolved again."

Lu Ze looked at Nian Mei'er, who was glowing with evolution again in the valley, and couldn't help but turn his head and glance at the iron dumbbell.

Everyone has evolved into their final form, why haven't you evolved yet?

After Lu Ze shook his head helplessly, he put the iron dumbbell back into the elf ball.

He didn't want the three guys from the Rockets to target him.

Too much trouble.

On the way out the next day, after Xiaozhi and I met Tierno by chance, we were attacked by Team Rocket again.

But it's not a big problem, Lu Ze remembers the plot.

Isn't this the plot of Nian Meier evolving into Nian Meilong?

In the end, Nian Meier evolved directly into Nian Meilong without Lu Ze's intervention.

[Pray for Rain] This skill is quite familiar to cross-shaped bats, wind fairies, and even electric monsters.

But in the end it was released by the evolved Sticky Dragon.

After the plot of Team Rocket ended, the tag team battle between Ash and Tierno began again.

Not surprisingly, in the doubles battle again after the evolution of Nian Meilong, Xiaozhi also successfully won the victory with a crushing advantage.

After parting ways with Tialuno, everyone finally saw the city of Miare at night.

Looking at the towering prism heads in Miare City, both Xiaozhi and Lu Ze became excited.

I can finally challenge Miare Gym!


"Miare City, I'm back!"

Early the next morning, Lu Ze was called out by the excited Xiaozhi, and then ran towards the prism lens.

"elder brother!"

At the entrance of the Prism Tower, Citron is already waiting here.

Pikachu excitedly rushed forward and hugged Citron's Harry, and Yurika followed Pikachu's footsteps and rushed into Citron's arms.

Citron was happy: "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Stroyd: "Everyone, long time no see."

"Long time no see, Stroyd."

"Yurika, are you okay?"

"Well, it's great that my brother seems to be in good spirits too."

Yurika nodded happily, and then showed a sly smile.

"A lot of things happened when my brother was away."

"Brother Seller has also sold it many times."

"Yurika, calm down, I will listen to you later." Citron was a little embarrassed and quickly stopped Yurika's behavior.

"Even if my brother is not here, I can sleep alone."

After Yurika returned to Serena, she said to Citron with a proud look on her face.

"With Serena, right."


After Yurika finished speaking, Xiaozhi, a fighting maniac, couldn't wait to speak: "So, Citron, are you ready for the gym battle?"

"Yes, I've been looking forward to it for a long time." Lu Ze also asked with a smile.

"Of course!"

After Citron nodded equally excitedly, Serena seemed to suddenly remember something.

"By the way, look at this."

Serena said as she released her long-tailed fire fox from the poke ball.

"The fire fox has evolved into a long-tailed fire fox!"

Citron was very excited: "The fire fox is also very cute, but the long-tailed fire fox is also very beautiful."

"By the way, I'm coming too."

Not to be outdone, Xiaozhi released his sticky dragon.

"Nianmei'er has evolved into Nianmeilong!"

"Well, I've become very strong, and I'm fully prepared!"

After Xiaozhi finished speaking, Citron turned his head and looked at Lu Ze expectantly.

Lu Ze smiled awkwardly and also took out the elf ball.

But under Citron's expectant eyes, the iron dumbbell came out of the elf ball.


Citron was stunned for a moment: "Isn't it possible to evolve yet?"

"Well, this guy is a little too lazy." Lu Ze shook his head helplessly and said.

"However, there is no need for him to appear in this gym battle."

Lu Ze smiled, and then entered the prism tower with Citron.

"Which of you two will come first?"

"Ash, come first."

Facing Citron's question, Lu Ze spoke directly.

"Xiao Zhi has been looking forward to this for a long time."

Lu Ze smiled. He also wanted to see if the iron dumbbell could evolve.

After all, Nian Meilong can be regarded as his "old enemy".

Looking at Nian Meilong's strong combat power, it might be able to stimulate Iron Dumbbell.

"it is good."

Xiaozhi was excited, and soon everyone was led to the battlefield by Citron.

"This is the gym battle we agreed on!"

"I'll accept the fifth badge!"

"It won't be that simple!"

Ash is full of confidence, and so is Citron.

The training that arrived in Miare City early during this period was not in vain!

"I'm really looking forward to the gym battle between Ash and Citron!" Serena was also excited, with Ash in her eyes.

Yurika also expressed emotion: "Just for this day, that's why my brother separated from us and came back alone."

"Then, let's start the Miare Gym Challenge!"

After Stroyd's voice sounded, the two also made preparations.

But at this moment, the door behind Xiaozhi suddenly opened.

Miss Junsha, dressed in police uniform, also walked out of the door.

"Miss Junsha?"

"You are the gym leader of Miare City Gym, Citron, right?"


Citron nodded blankly, not understanding what Miss Junsha meant.

"Then, that's Stroud, right?"

 It’s amazing that it’s so early today!

(End of this chapter)

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