Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 931 Iron Dumbbell, Evolution!

By the time Crossbat took Lu Ze to the electrical products warehouse, Black Stroyd had disappeared.

Only Miss Junsha, who was taking photos, was left at the scene.

Lu Ze was a little impatient.

He just wants to have a gym battle, why is he still chasing that Black Stroyd!

But there's nothing we can do about it, because Stroud is Citron's partner.

Can only continue.

"Hey Citron, how's it going?"

"it is good."

After Lu Ze hung up the phone, an excited smile appeared on his face.

They had already planned it, and the next step was just to wait for the two guys who made him unhappy to take the bait.

In the evening, everyone gathered at the Miare City Art Museum.

"I have already discussed with the person in charge of the art museum that we must operate in secret. You lead him out and I will catch him!"

"it is good."

After everyone nodded, Miss Junsha continued: "I'll go over there to look out for you first. If anything happens, you must contact me immediately."

"Look out..."

Lu Ze was a little silent. Is it really okay for a policeman to use such words?

It makes us look like we are going to do something bad.

After Miss Junsha finished speaking, she left.

Lu Ze lazily followed Xiaozhi and the others.

They didn't plan to come originally. After all, they had a plan and the plan would basically succeed.

But he was really curious about the identity of Flame Chicken Mask.

On this occasion, Flame Chicken Mask will definitely appear.

So Lu Ze followed him.

After arriving at the art gallery, everyone began to patrol in groups.

Speaking of groups, it's just that everyone brings their own Pokémon together.

Lu Ze was carrying a cross-shaped bat.

Not only is the cross-shaped bat fast, but the most important thing is that it can take Lu Ze to fly.

The Super Flame Chicken's bouncing on the roof is no different from flying.

"Well, that's it!"

Xiaozhi, who was patrolling his area, suddenly saw something wrong with the shadow on the ground.

When I looked up, I saw a robot climbing to the top of the building with a human.

Xiaozhi didn't act rashly and went directly to find Citron and the others.

"I saw Black Stroyd and the others."


After hearing Xiaozhi's words, Citron immediately became excited.

After listening to what Xiaozhi said, Stroyd ran over with Citron.

After Lu Ze looked around, he found a roof and sat down.

Looking at Black Stroyd on the roof on the other side.

If nothing else, this is the best place to watch a show.

Lu Ze yawned. He had no intention of taking action.

Tomorrow's gym battle is the highlight.

Everything in Belmond is a small scene.

While Lu Ze was sitting on the roof, Black Stroyd also discovered Lu Ze.

Just when he was about to take any action, Stroyd suddenly appeared behind Black Stroyd.


With one kick, Stroyd directly kicked Black Stroyd from the roof to the ground.

Belmond on the ground was startled, and the next second Ash's voice came over.

Lu Ze still had no intention of moving, holding his chin and looking at the movement below.

Lu Ze didn't care at all about the dream of Professor Belmond.

After listening to a few words exchanged between the two sides, the two robots started fighting.

After all, this is the world of Pokémon, and the battle between two robots is also a Pokémon battle.

Well, two robots as trainers.

Following Stroyd's command, Black Stroyd's three-in-one magnet monster soon lost because it was too weak.


However, Lu Ze felt a little unhappy when he looked at Black Stroyd and Belmond below.

This guy’s robot doesn’t care what Pokémon think, or even whether Pokémon lives or lives!
Robots are like this, and humans are no better!
Lu Ze's eyes showed a trace of displeasure.

I really want to go down and kill him directly!

After another flurry of words, Lu Ze also understood what Belmond meant.

"Winning the battle is the most important thing!"

"A weakling doesn't deserve to say whether he can win or not."

After hearing Belmond's words, Lu Ze couldn't help but taunted him directly.

Just when Belmond was angry, a sudden strong magnetic force directly attracted the two robots to a magnet.

Looking at the familiar Meow Meow hot air balloon, Lu Ze couldn't help but laugh.

Team Rocket just showed up.

However, before the Rockets even said a few words when they came on stage this time, they were sprayed directly in the face by a burst of [flame jets].

Lu Ze subconsciously dodged back.

It's okay to spray such a fierce [Flame Jet] directly on your face.

The flames disappeared, and a super flaming chicken appeared on the roof of another scene, and a man wearing a mask stood next to the super flaming chicken.


After Lu Ze turned on the waveguide, a smile appeared on his face.

Flame Chicken Mask is Father Citron.

The familiar waveguide speaks volumes, even with a mask on.

"Flame Chicken, Flame Charge!"

As Citron's father's voice fell, the Super Flame Chicken suddenly jumped up and broke the cable hanging the magnet with one kick.

"We can't always go to the theater."

Seeing this scene, Lu Ze smiled and decided to give Team Rocket a ride.

"Forked Bat, Blade of the Air!"


The cross-shaped bat flew into the sky, and the [Air Blade] directly hit the Meow Meow hot air balloon.

Although I don’t know why, the sudden explosion of the hot air balloon with the cut hole directly blew the Rockets trio away.

"Yeah, familiar stars."

After looking at the sky, Lu Ze continued to look at Belmond below.

"Hey, are there any other means? If not, just let it go and we'll go back to sleep."

"Damn it!"

Faced with Lu Ze's ridicule, Belmond was furious and directly sent out his Pokémon.

"Go, Explosive Magneto!"

Two self-destructing magnet monsters appeared at the same time, one aimed at Lu Ze and the other at Citron.


Miss Junsha scolded angrily and prepared to step forward, but was stopped by Citron.

"Let me come!"

Citron took two steps forward and threw out his Roentgen cat's elf ball.

"Magnetic self-exploding, electromagnetic gun!"

Belmond commanded the self-destructing Magnemite to attack, and Lu Ze had no intention of replacing other Pokémon.

"Crossword Bat, avoid and destroy the death ray!"

Facing the senior-level self-destructing magnet monster, Lu Ze didn't look too serious.

The Crossed Bat is enough.

Even if the attributes are unfavorable.

"Roentgen Cat, duck and go Volt!"

Not only Lu Ze, but also Citron's command was almost the same.

After the two Pokémon dodged the opponent's attack at the same time, they immediately launched a counterattack.

"What are you doing? Stand up quickly!"

"Electric ball!" After Belmond glanced at the self-destructing magnet monster fighting against the cross-shaped bat, his heart suddenly dropped.

Crossbat's unfavorable attribute [Destructive Death Ray] actually instantly killed his own self-destructing magnet monster!
However, I still have one!
Seeing the self-destructing magnet monster lying in front of him, Belmond said loudly.

"Bounce back with high-speed stars!"

Amid Citron's command, Roentgen Cat also launched [High Speed ​​Star].

When Lu Ze saw this scene, he quickly opened the waveguide and tried to see how this was bounced back.

In Xiaozhi's world, many people can use skills to bounce the opponent's "ball" and "bounce" skills using other skills.

But [High Speed ​​Star]?
Lu Ze watched carefully. After Roentgen Cat turned around, he threw the [High Speed ​​Star] out.

When the rotating stars hit the [Electric Ball], they instantly changed the direction of the [Electric Ball].


Lu Ze was a little confused when he saw this scene.

What's the use of springing back?

I can't control the direction at all.

I went to my grandma's house.

"Bounce back with impact, don't dawdle!"


But the next second, Belmond made Lu Ze understand.

How to hit this rebounding skill.

Can you still command your Pokémon to catch it bravely?

Lu Ze rolled his eyes. This guy was probably not a fool.

"Roentgen cat, high-speed star!"

Under Roentgen Cat's final [High Speed ​​Star], Belmond's last self-destructing magnet also lost its combat capability.

Looking at Belmond who took two steps back with a look of disbelief on his face, Lu Ze also shook his head.

It's totally because of your own stupidity.

Both sides are senior-level players, and if they are serious about fighting, they can definitely put up a fight.

As a result, the trainer was not strong enough and his Pokémon was crushed throughout the process.

What a weak chicken.

Lu Ze no longer paid attention to the situation below, but looked up at the Flame Chicken Mask over there.

Citron's father saw Lu Ze staring at him with a strange smile on his face, and then scratched his head in embarrassment.

Does this guy know who I am?
Seeing the movements of the Flame Chicken Mask, Lu Ze also smiled and pursed his lips at Citron below.

Citron's father finally understood that he had indeed been discovered.

He glanced at Lu Ze imploringly, and then relaxed after seeing Lu Ze nod.

At this time, the following events have also ended.

After Miss Junsha arrested Professor Belmond, the incident came to an end.

"Citron, Ash, aren't you going to have a Pokémon battle in the gym?"

After hearing what Flame Chicken Mask said, Citron and Xiaozhi looked at each other, and Xiaozhi shouted.

"How did you know!"

"I know everything about this city!"

After saying something very pretentious, Citron's father left from the roof with the Flame Chicken.

"Wish you guys good luck!"

"Wait a moment!"

After seeing them leaving, Miss Panji quickly chased them out.

"It's over, let's go back and take a rest first?"

After Citron and Xiaozhi smiled at each other, they turned to look at Lu Ze on the roof and asked.

"I also can."

After Lu Ze nodded, everyone left here together.



Early the next morning, Lu Ze and Xiao Zhi, who had breakfast under the hospitality of Citron, came to the Prism Tower again and the entrance of Miare Gym.

"Citron, today we must..."

"Of course!"

Before Xiaozhi had finished speaking, Citron eagerly nodded in agreement.

"I ran into trouble yesterday when I was just getting ready to start." Serena joked with a smile on her face.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Stroyd's voice suddenly appeared, and Xiaozhi said excitedly to the screen: "I am Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and I am here to take away the Miare Gym badge!"

"It was decided a long time ago!"

After the electronic sound fell, the door of Miare Gym opened.

"Brother Ozawa?"

"You guys come first, I'll come in the afternoon."

After Lu Ze smiled, he said to Citron and Xiaozhi who were looking at him.

Now the two of them, who are full of fighting spirit, can start directly.

You can do it any time you want.

"it is good!"

After Citron nodded excitedly, the two stood on the battlefield.

"Come out, wind fairy, iron dumbbell, little charcoal servant."

After Lu Ze directly released the Pokémon he was going to play, he was ready to watch the match between the two.

Citron's gym is also three versus three, so let the three of them play.

But iron dumbbells...

"Iron Dumbbell, do you feel like you have evolved?" Lu Ze asked in a low voice to the Iron Dumbbell next to him.


Iron Dumbbell nodded, then shook his head.

Yes, but not many.


Lu Ze is helpless, the iron dumbbell is now stuck on the edge of evolution.

Maybe it will suddenly evolve at some point.

This kind of thing cannot be forced.

After Lu Ze released his Pokémon, Serena and Yulijia also released the naughty panda, long-tailed firefox and dongdong rat.

However, like Lu Ze, they were not here to inquire about the enemy's situation, but to cheer for the two men fighting below.

"Huh? Harry?"

In the spectator seats, Ha Lili also walked over a little disappointed.

The moment he saw Ha Lili, a picture suddenly appeared in Lu Ze's mind.

When I first watched the anime, it was a naughty translation.

Yurika's original words were: "Halili doesn't have to play today?"

As a result, the translation of the animation is: "Hey? Doesn't Ha Lili have to give up his head?"


Lu Ze couldn't help but laugh when he saw Ha Lili.

However, if his Iron Dumbbell comes on stage, his opponent will most likely be Harry Li.

"Iron Dubell, do you want to get close to Harry?"

After Lu Ze grabbed the iron dumbbell casually, he asked the iron dumbbell with a smile on his face.


After Tie Duling glanced at Lu Ze with his own ancient eyes, he flew towards Ha Lili.

"Looks like I've caught up!"

There was a sudden sound, and Citron's father also appeared in the audience.

"I also want to see Aiko as the owner!"

A bright smile appeared on Citron's father's face, and then he shouted loudly below.

"Xiaozhi, it's okay, just fight Citron with all your strength!"

"Show me a fiery battle!"

"it is good!"

Xiaozhi nodded excitedly, and then everyone's attention was attracted to the side.

A rich white light lit up from the body of the iron dumbbell.

At the same time he came into contact with Harry.

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