Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 932: Metal Monster’s Gym Battle!

"This is…"

Seeing the iron dumbbell like this, Lu Ze was also stunned for a moment.

But what followed was ecstasy.

Iron dumbbells have finally evolved!

After the Iron Dumbbell evolves, you will be able to train!
In this case, we are not far from Metagross!

The evolution of the metal monster is over, and the message of the metal monster also appeared in Lu Ze's eyes.

Elf: Metal Monster★
Gender: no gender
Attributes: steel, psychic
Ability: Eternal Purity (Pokémon with this attribute will not be reduced by the skills and characteristics of its companions and opponents under normal circumstances.)
Qualification: Gold (golden crown used)
Basic skills: slightly

Genetic Skills: None.

Looking at the metal monster with a new panel, Lu Ze was also very excited.

"Brother Ozawa, it seems that I am going to change my strategy for this afternoon's battle with you."

Citron below saw the Iron Dumbbell evolving into a metal monster, and he also smiled and said to Lu Ze.

"Well, wait for you."

Lu Ze nodded, but the metal monster on the side looked at Ha Lili curiously.

Harry Li was also very excited to see the successfully evolved metal monster.

During the Iron Dumbbell period, he had a very good relationship with Iron Dumbbell and Pikachu.

Hete Dumbbell and Tondo Rat are even more famous theater-type Pokémon.

A Harry, a Iron Dumbbell, and a Tondo. All three of these Pokémon have little fighting ability.

But things are different now, Iron Dumbbell has evolved into a metal monster.

Now he has fighting ability.

Lu Ze looked at the strength of the metal monster high-level Pokémon and thought.

I feel like I will be able to reach senior level soon.

If Citron can be used to pressure him with senior-level Pokémon, maybe it will work.

Lu Ze thought about it, and the battle between Citron and Xiaozhi had already begun.



"Do you want to have a battle with Nian Meilong?"

The battle between Ash and Citron ended quickly.

Not surprisingly, Xiaozhi won in the end.

After constantly using [Patience], Citron's Roentgen Cat was finally defeated.

And seeing that his former opponent was now so powerful, a strong fighting spirit appeared in the metal monster's eyes.


"Okay, but you have to wait until you evolve into Metagross."

Lu Ze said and hesitated: "Or, after the gym battle is over."

The metal monster has just evolved, and it may not be possible for him to evolve as quickly as the slimy dragon.

However, now that he was facing Nian Meilong's fighting spirit, Lu Ze still felt that it would be better not to delay for too long.

"The agreement made at that time can finally be realized."

Citron looked at Xiaozhi with a smile, and then took out his gym badge.

"This is the proof of Miare Gym's victory, the Voltage Badge!"

As Citron said, he took out a golden badge that looked like a paper sword.

"I got the voltage badge!"

After Xiaozhi got the badge, he shouted excitedly.

"This is the fifth one, Xiaozhi!"

"In other words, there are only three badges left to participate in the Carlos Conference." Citron's father also said excitedly.

"So, have you decided where to get the sixth badge?"

"Um, not yet."

"Well, in that case, how is it here?"

Serena took out her map, which showed exactly what the next city looked like.

"Okay, it's decided, then the next gym will be Aroma City!"

"Brother Ozawa, is that okay?"

After Xiaozhi finished speaking, he turned to look at Lu Ze and asked.

"Of course it can."

Lu Ze smiled and nodded: "I am traveling with you, so naturally I have to follow your ideas."

"Okay, then it's decided, the next stop is Aromatherapy City!"

After Xiaozhi finished speaking, Citron's father also put his arm on Citron's shoulder.

"You should go too."

"Of course."

After seeing Citron agreeing, Yurika couldn't help but cheered.

"It's great, I can travel with my brother again."

After Citron nodded and agreed, he turned to look at Lu Ze.

"But before that, we have to have a gym battle with Brother Ozawa!"

"Looking at your state, are you ready?" Lu Ze looked at Citron like this and asked with a smile.

"Brother Ozawa is a bit of a guest. This is the question I want to ask!"

Citron's eyes were full of confidence. Even though he had just lost to Xiaozhi, he didn't look depressed at all.

On the contrary, he looks more confident.

"I have no problem."

"me too!"

Citron smiled confidently, took the Pokémon that had just recovered from Stroyd's hand, and said to Lu Ze.

When Xiaozhi, Serena and Citron's father saw this, they immediately distanced themselves, leaving the fighting field to the two of them.

"I thought it would have to wait until the afternoon."

Lu Ze said, and then he chose his own metal monster to play without hesitation.

The silver-gray metal monster shines under the lights of Miare Gym.

"A strange metal monster."

Outside the court, Citron's father looked at the metal monster with envy in his eyes.

After all, he is a quasi-god with different colors, who wouldn't envy him.

Even Xiaozhi is very envious of Lu Ze's heterochromatic metal monster.

"Is it a metal monster?"

"Then the decision is yours, three-in-one Magneto!"

Elf: Three-in-one Magneto

Gender: no gender
Attributes: Electricity, Steel

Characteristics: Strong (One-hit kill skills are ineffective for Pokémon with this characteristic. At the same time, when the physical value is greater than a certain level, at least a little physical value will be retained after being attacked.)
Qualification: Purple

Basic skills: slightly

Inherited skills: slightly

"Three-in-one Magnemite?"

After Lu Ze checked the information about the three-in-one magnet monster, he laughed.

The three-in-one Magnemite is a high-level Pokémon, just like the newly evolved Metal Monster.
"It seems Citron doesn't pay attention to you. How about it? Do you have any ideas?"

Lu Ze had already determined his opponent with the metal monster when Xiaozhi was fighting Citron.

He wants to fight the Optoelectronic Umbrella Lizard.

If you can break through to the senior level in the battle with the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, you can directly challenge Xiaozhi's Sticky Dragon.

If not, then wait until he breaks through to senior level strength or evolves into Metagross before challenging him.When Lu Ze and the metal monster were talking about this just now, the metal monster also looked at the photoelectric umbrella lizard seriously and analyzed it.

However, he didn't expect that after he came on the field, he did not wait for the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, but instead waited for the three-in-one Magnemite.

In this case, let's defeat the three-in-one Magnemite, and then let the Photoelectric Umbrella come on stage!


The metal monster's eyes were full of seriousness.

After maintaining health for such a long time, it’s time to show off my strength.

Lu Ze also laughed after seeing the metal monster full of fighting spirit.

Of course he knew that Citron had no intention of looking down on him.

After all, one of the unspoken rules of the gym leader is that you cannot use Pokémon that are stronger than the challenger.

The strength here refers to the strength level.

Just like you send out a king-level Pokémon, it's okay for me to send out a mythical beast with a king-level strength.

However, as an unspoken rule, some museum owners may not care about this rule.

Of course this rarely happens.

After all, the gym leader's duty is to help challengers improve their strength.

Instead of ravaging the challenger.

That's right, I'm talking about two new gym leaders in a certain Kanto region who used MEGA to evolve.

The challengers in Zhenxin Town are already quite difficult, not only do they have to break through the large needle swarm.

There is also a fully-leveled Bi Diao waiting outside the Novice Village.

The result was finally over, but this is what happened to your two gyms?
You really have to dream of becoming a trainer, right? (laugh)
"Now the gym battle at Miare Gym begins!"

"Both sides use three Pokémon. If all the Pokémon on one side lose their combat capabilities, the battle ends!"

"Also, only the challenger can change Pokémon during the battle!"

As Stroud's words fell, Stroud's palm suddenly fell down.

"Then, the battle begins!"

"Three-in-one Magneto, triple attack!"

"Metal monster, bullet punch, and then mind hammer!"

The moment the battle began, both sides simultaneously commanded their Pokémon to attack each other.

The metal monster moved directly and hit the three-in-one magnet monster.

[Bullet Punch] was very fast and hit the three-in-one Magnemite before he released [Triple Attack].

Next is the [Ideational Hammer]!

After the powerful [Imagine Hammer] hit the three-in-one magnet monster, the three-in-one magnet monster was also knocked away and fell to the ground.

"Catch up and split the tiles!"

After seeing that the three-in-one magnet monster was defeated, Lu Ze took advantage of the victory and pursued it.

The three-in-one Magnemite's electric and steel types only have three weaknesses: fighting, ground and fire.

Lu Ze has always liked to use attribute restraint, so he let the metal monster use [Split Tiles] without hesitation.

After all, he can't learn fire skills, and there is only one ground skill [Earthquake].

Although the three-in-one magnet monster was knocked to the ground, it soon flew up again.

If it is in the air, [Earthquake] cannot hit.

"Three-in-one Magneto, Spinning Ball!"

Facing the charging metal monster, Citron once again commanded the three-in-one magnet monster to launch a counterattack.

Facing the metal monster's fist, the body of the three-in-one magnet monster suddenly rotated, directly knocking the metal monster away.

"Metal Monster, Shadow Ball!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Ze changed his tactics without hesitation.

The three-in-one magnet monster on the opposite side doesn't look very fast.

In this case, choose to use long-range attacks and fight slowly.

Compared with physical defense, the special defense of the three-in-one Magnemite is still relatively low.

In addition, it seems that the metal monster can't break through the three-in-one magnet monster's [gyro ball].

"Three-in-one Magnemite, another triple attack!"

Citron is not to be outdone. Since you choose to use long-range attacks, my three-in-one Magnemite's long-range attack capabilities are not weak either!

It is indeed a Pokémon specially trained by the gym leader for gym battles. It is indeed not weak in strength, and the most important thing is balance.

Both melee and long-range attacks are possible.

Lu Ze looked at the three-in-one magnet monster that used [Triple Attack] to intercept the metal monster [Shadow Ball] and couldn't help but admire it.

"But, it won't be that simple next time!"

Lu Ze smiled: "Metal monster, use high-speed movement!"

"I've seen a lot of Xiaozhi's fighting style, so let's see my fighting style next!"

Lu Ze said, the metal monster also used [High Speed ​​Movement], and after avoiding the three-in-one magnet monster's [Triple Attack], the metal monster's speed ability value also increased by two levels.

The metal monster became even more powerful after its speed was increased. It used the increased speed to continuously dodge the opponent's attacks, and also used [Shadow Ball] to quickly fight back.

Although the reaction of the three-in-one magnet monster is very fast, many times the [Shadow Ball] was intercepted by the [Triple Attack].

But there were also some [Shadow Balls] that successfully hit the three-in-one Magnemite that was unable to dodge.

Lu Ze took full advantage of the slow speed of the three-in-one magnet monster.

Although the three-in-one magnet monster probably knows this skill [auto-suggestion], Citron did not dare to let the three-in-one magnet monster use this skill at this time.

When I just tried to use it, I was hit in the face with a [Bullet Punch] by the metal monster, and then I was hit with a [Cracking Tiles] punch.

Not only did it interrupt his use of [Autosuggestion], but it also shattered the [Light Wall] that had just been released.

Not to mention losing his wife and losing troops, the damage of [Splitting Tile] just now was much higher than the damage of [Shadow Ball] later.

If it is hit by [Splitting Tiles] again, the three-in-one Magnemite may fall.

The metal monster on the opposite side did not lose much physical strength.

"Three-in-one Magnemite, use Mirror Shot!"

"Metal monster, shadow clone!"

After Lu Ze saw the skill used by the three-in-one magnet monster on the opposite side, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he used the [Shadow Clone] method he had stolen from Xiaozhi.

A large number of metal monsters appeared, constantly surrounding the three-in-one magnet monster in the middle.

Citron couldn't tell which one was the real Metagross for a while.

When watching a large number of Metagross rushing towards the three-in-one magnet monster, Citron also quickly directed the three-in-one magnet monster to attack.


But unfortunately, it's too late.

The metal monster has approached the three-in-one magnet monster from behind.

After the [Bullet Punch] hit, the following [Splitting Tiles] directly knocked the three-in-one Magneto to the ground.

"The three-in-one magnet monster loses the ability to fight! The metal monster wins!"

"Does this skill look familiar?" Serena said, looking at Xiaozhi next to her.

Xiaozhi also became excited after seeing this skill.

"Did you see the croaking frog? The shadow clone can still be used like this!"

Xiaozhi was very excited. His frog used [Shadow Clone] and just circled around the opponent.

Occasionally, he used the smoke from his clone to get close to him.

But now after seeing the [Shadow Clone] used by Lu Ze's metal monster, he immediately thought of the new use of [Shadow Clone].

My own croaking frog can do this too.

The shadow feints, and then his own frog appears behind the opponent, like a metal monster, giving the opponent a fatal blow!
"As expected of Brother Ozawa!"

Xiaozhi outside the court and Citron in the court looked at Lu Ze and praised him at the same time!
Push the book Push the book!

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