Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 933 Metal Monster VS Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard!

"It's too strong."

After watching Brother Ozawa's metal monster quickly defeat the three-in-one magnet monster, Serena and Yurika couldn't help but be a little surprised.

They knew the strength of the three-in-one magnet monster.

As a result, he was defeated so quickly today by a metal monster of equal strength that had just evolved.

"Come back, Magnemite, you've done a great job!"

After Citron put the three-in-one magnet monster back into the elf ball, the smile on his face seemed to be brighter.

"Then, do as you wish, brother Ozawa!"

As Citron said, he threw his elf ball directly.

"Go ahead, Photoelectric Umbrella!"

Elf: Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard
Gender: Male

Attributes: general, electric

Characteristics: Dry skin (Pokémon with this characteristic is not affected by water-type skills, and will recover a quarter of its maximum physical strength when attacked by water-type skills.)
Qualification: Orange

Basic skills: slightly

Genetic skills: slightly.

"The Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard is finally here!"

Lu Ze was excited when he saw Citron's photoelectric umbrella lizard.

Before the battle, I told Citron that my metal monster could face senior-level Pokémon.

But Citron was unwilling, saying that he was a gym leader after all.

After being tested by the three-in-one magnet monster, Citron also agreed with Lu Ze's words.

Looking at the state of Metal Monster, the Pokémon in his hand with high-level Pokémon strength should not be a match for Metal Monster.

Maybe even a metal monster will cross the team.

Coupled with the identity of the quasi-god of the metal monster, Citron finally made up his mind when the three-in-one magnet monster lost its fighting ability.

Since you said it’s okay, let’s do it!

I’m also looking forward to a close battle with Brother Ozawa!
"Photoelectric frill lizard, flash!"

"Metal monster, bullet fist!"

Both sides launched attacks simultaneously.

I have to say that Citron's Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard is indeed very fast.

If the metal monster didn't have the speed increased by [High Speed ​​Movement] just now, it might not be able to compete with the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard now.

The photoelectric umbrella lizard collided with the metal monster, and the collision between its body and the metal monster's fist was indistinguishable.

But the next second, the photoelectric umbrella lizard disappeared in front of the metal monster.

"Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, Flame Fist!"

The next second, the photoelectric umbrella lizard appeared directly behind the metal monster, and hit the metal monster with its flaming fist.

"The metal monster is not slow either." Lu Ze chuckled.

The metal monster reacted when the photoelectric umbrella lizard disappeared.

He is not a sticky dragon, and after watching the battle between a sticky dragon and a photoelectric umbrella lizard, he will naturally not take it lightly.

He still very much recognized the speed of the photoelectric umbrella lizard.

and so…


The flaming fist of the photoelectric umbrella lizard collided head-on with the metal monster's fist.

The collision of [Fire Fist] and [Freeze Fist] not only caused the aura to spread outward, but the contact between flame and ice also caused a stream of water vapor to rise above the area where the two parties came into contact.

"As expected of brother Ozawa!"

Citron applauded, but still chose to take the initiative to attack.

"Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, run!"

Citron waved his hand, and the photoelectric umbrella lizard disappeared again.

"Metal Monster, compare your speed with him!"

Lu Ze didn't hesitate and spoke directly, letting the metal monster start running as well.

After all, the metal monster has used [high-speed movement], and its speed is not much faster than that of the slow photoelectric umbrella lizard.

But the problem is that Lu Ze has something that Citron does not!

The power of the waveguide is fully activated, capturing the moving light in the two fields with all its strength.

"My eyes are dazzled!" Yurika shook her head in an exaggerated manner. She could not see the two Pokémon in the field at all.

"Brother Ozawa's metal monster is so fast!"

Xiaozhi looked at this scene on the field and said very excitedly.

But Nian Meilong next to him was a little sad.

His speed is very slow, he knows this.

He also knew that there would be a battle between him and the metal monster.

If this speed can't be solved...

Nian Meilong also felt unhappy after thinking about the battle with the Optoelectronic Umbrella Lizard just now.

Well, it must be solved!

Thinking of this, Nianmeilong immediately opened his eyes wide and looked at the two Pokémon moving quickly in the field.

As long as you can see clearly!
"Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, dancing and waving wildly!"

"Metal Monster, Comet Fist!"

The fast-moving two sides collided constantly, but they were all small collisions, the kind that would go away at a touch.

When Citron saw that the speed of the metal monster on the opposite side was almost the same as the speed of the photoelectric umbrella lizard that he was proud of, he immediately changed his fighting method.

Naturally, facing an opponent with similar speed like this cannot be the same as facing Xiaozhi's Nian Meilong.

The smile on Citron's face faded slightly. When he became serious, he found the opportunity and directly commanded the photoelectric umbrella lizard to launch a strong attack on the metal monster.

Although he highly recognized Brother Ozawa's strength, the metal monster's strength level was not as good as his own Optoelectronic Umbrella Lizard, so he had nothing to fear.

Lu Ze also liked the open and close style of play very much, and commanded the metal monster to follow him.

Facing the photoelectric umbrella lizard's sweeping tail, the metal monster punched it mercilessly.

The metal monster was knocked back two steps, but there was no expression on his face.

Seeing the photoelectric umbrella lizard rushing up again, wrapped in evil energy, the metal monster did not hesitate for a moment.

The [Cannon Light Cannon] was released directly, washing the face of the photoelectric umbrella lizard that rushed over.


Lu Ze was also very excited when he saw this scene.

The Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard was very fast, and his command was too late.

I originally thought that the metal monster would have a head-to-head confrontation with the photoelectric umbrella lizard, but I didn't expect the metal monster to be so smart.


Xiaozhi's face lost the excitement just now, and instead looked seriously at the metal monster in the field.

"It's really powerful. The change in the battle rhythm makes the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard fall into a passive position."

Compared to Xiaozhi, the Flame Chicken Mask on the side, Citron's father, looked deeper.

It was originally a close combat situation, but you suddenly did this when I launched an attack.

Not to mention the successful effect, the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard will have an extra layer of worries if it wants to attack his face again.

Citron's father looked at Citron, who was also looking seriously in the field, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face.

"The Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard also has two swords, but it is not afraid of the sudden change of rhythm of the Metal Monster."

The metal monster looked at the vigilant photoelectric umbrella lizard in front of him, but his heart remained calm.

I learned this from Lucario and Iron Warrior.

When the two of them were teaching Tan Xiaoshi, he would often hang around next to them.

Although it cannot be practiced, the theoretical knowledge is very sufficient.

But now, I have achieved good results as soon as I put it into practice.

The scene fell silent for a moment, with both the metal monster and the photoelectric umbrella lizard looking at each other.

"What a peaceful scene."

After Yurika saw this scene, she couldn't help but sigh.

"Both of them are thinking about how to fight next."

Facing Yurika's emotion, Citron's father also laughed and put his hand on Yurika's head. "That…"

"Photoelectric frill lizard, flash!"

Yurika was about to speak when suddenly Citron's voice rang out from below.

Citron's glasses glowed with silver light, and he calmly watched the photoelectric umbrella lizard rushing towards the metal monster.

Although the speed of the photoelectric umbrella lizard is faster with the blessing of [Lightning Flash].

But this is not a problem for the scientific genius Citron.

Just a simple calculation!

After seeing the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard approaching the range planned by the Metal Monster, Citron quickly shouted.

"Electromagnetic waves!"

Since the opponent's speed is as fast as your own Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, let's slow him down!
Even if your metal monster is very fast with [Electromagnetic Wave] at such a close range, it will still be too late to react!

Citron pushed up his glasses, raised his head, and Lu Ze could see his determined eyes through his glasses.

But Lu Ze just smiled calmly.

"Metal monster, earthquake!"

Facing the [Electromagnetic Wave] of the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, Lu Ze did not choose any other response.

Just a head-on confrontation!

When the metal monster was hit by [electromagnetic wave], its powerful superpower also shook the earth.

The shock wave hit the body of the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, causing him to almost kneel on the ground when he was still full of energy just now.

Ground-types deal double damage to Electric-type Pokémon.

Coupled with the powerful ground-based skill [Earthquake] and the metal monster's already weak physical attack.

Lu Ze can guarantee that if the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard dares to eat [Earthquake], it will directly send him back to the Poke Ball.

As for the [Paralysis] state.

well enough.

Lu Ze didn't really care about this [paralysis] state.

Although it is annoying, it is not impossible to eliminate.

"Optical frill lizard!"

After Citron saw the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard being hit by [Earthquake], he quickly shouted in panic.

Fortunately, the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard held on.

"Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, another fire punch!"

After seeing that the photoelectric umbrella lizard was holding on, Citron breathed a sigh of relief.

But the top priority now is to kill the metal monster first.

Otherwise, if the metal monster hits another [Earthquake], he might be able to counterattack.

Lu Ze didn't hesitate when he saw the photoelectric umbrella lizard rushing towards him.

"Block with Freeze Fist, Earthquake, Substitute and go to sleep!"

Lu Ze chuckled. Regarding the [Paralysis] state of the Electric Pokémon, he was prepared for it during the battle between Citron and Ash.

Facing the charging Optoelectronic Umbrella Lizard, the fists of both sides suddenly touched each other.

But in the next second, Citron saw the metal monster's little movements.

"Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, back off!"

Citron's pupils shrank and he quickly commanded the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard to retreat.

Because the metal monster has suddenly fallen downwards.

In this case, [-]% of the time it is an [earthquake].

This is exactly Lu Ze's plan.

Use [Earthquake] to force the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard to retreat, and then use the combination of [Substitute] and [Sleep] to restore its physical strength.

In this case, although the metal monster will be hit twice, there is enough time, and it should only need to withstand the [Fire Fist] of the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard to wake up.


But what Lu Ze didn't expect was...

The [Paralysis] state was triggered twice. Not only was [Earthquake] not used, but even [Substitute] was not able to be used.

Looking at the photoelectric umbrella lizard charging towards him again, the corner of Lu Ze's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Without Tang Yunqin here, her luck didn't seem to be that good.

After Citron saw this scene, he couldn't help but regret it.

Although the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard rushed over quickly, if the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard had not retreated just now, would it have defeated the metal monster by now?

Of course, Citron only regretted it in his heart.

If he had to choose again, he would also choose to let the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard retreat.

The photoelectric umbrella lizard's current physical strength does not dare to gamble on the [Paralysis] effect.

Without [Paralysis], the metal monster could withstand one of his attacks, but it was impossible for him to withstand the metal monster's [Earthquake].

"Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, parabolic charging!"

When the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard approached the metal monster, Citron repeated his old trick, allowing the close-range Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard to use long-range attacks again.

The light ball flew into the sky, and then quickly hit the metal monster whose speed was reduced.

However, the metal monster had no intention of suffering this loss. Although the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard's physical strength recovered somewhat, the metal monster charged forward again.

After learning and applying it flexibly, when he was about to approach the photoelectric umbrella lizard, the metal monster directly released the [mental force] to control the photoelectric umbrella lizard.

Then [Comet Fist] slammed down.

"The wave of evil!"

Citron was furious when he saw this scene. When the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard was thrown away, he used [Evil Wave] on the metal monster!
"What a fierce battle!"

Seeing the constant attacks from both sides, Serena covered her mouth and said in surprise.

"Metal monster, so strong!"

Compared to Serena, Xiaozhi saw it more clearly.

The strength of the metal monster is weaker than that of the photoelectric umbrella lizard.

As a result, it seems that the metal monster still has some advantages.

You know, the metal monster just went through a battle.

"It's Qiang Ozawa."

After Xiaozhi spoke, Citron's father also watched the battle between the two Pokémon on the field begin.

"Although the metal monster is strong, the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard can still defeat the metal monster in a normal battle."

"But just now Ozawa..."

Citron's father didn't finish speaking, but Xiaozhi already understood.

Use [Paralysis] in exchange for the opponent's physical strength?

Xiaozhi thought about it, this was how his sticky dragon was [paralyzed] by the photoelectric umbrella lizard just now.

If I let Nian Meilong do this...

No one knew what Xiaozhi was thinking, but the battle on the field was still going on at this time.

After the two sides clashed for a while, neither could do anything to the other.

Although the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard is stronger, the very fast Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard is only slightly stronger than the Metal Monster in terms of attack power.

This small gap cannot cause crushing damage to the metal monster.

Although a [Evil Wave] and a [Parabolic Charge] due to [Paralysis] allowed the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard to regain its physical advantage.

But Lu Ze and Metal Monster have already made their decision.

Seeing the panting metal monster that could be defeated with just one attack, Citron was also very happy.

"Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, dancing and waving wildly!"

Facing the photoelectric umbrella lizard that rushed over again, Lu Ze didn't show much expression.

Like the current metal monster, he also fell into the state of Gujing Wubo.

However, Lu Ze, with his waveguide power fully activated, still captured the location of the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard.

Although the magical power is not as good as Tianshu, but...

Lu Ze's eyes flashed, he saw the right moment!

"Metal monster, earthquake!"

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