Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 935: The Captured Biting Land Shark

"Brother Ozawa, this is proof that you defeated Miare Gym."

After Citron handed the voltage badge to Lu Ze with a wry smile, Serena rushed over quickly.

"Wind Fairy!"

Serena did not see the strange look in Lu Ze's eyes, who had already obtained the badge, but looked at the wind fairy excitedly.

Why didn't I realize that the wind fairy was so... before?

So perfect for performers!
To Serena, the battle that the wind fairy had just fought was an art form.

Apart from anything else, the control and elegance of a performer were demonstrated to the fullest by the Wind Fairy!

Facing the enthusiastic Serena, the somewhat disappointed Wind Fairy was immediately startled.

Of course, her loss had nothing to do with the battle just now.

Simply because although the battle was over, he still failed to break through successfully.

Is it because there is no pressure?

The wind fairy was a little disappointed.

Kirbymon told her that their breakthroughs were all made under the pressure of facing powerful enemies.

Do you want to choose a strong opponent to challenge yourself?
Just when the wind fairy was meditating, Serena's sudden enthusiasm really shocked her.


After reacting, the wind fairy carefully poked her head out from behind Lu Ze, looked at Serena with a confused expression and asked.

"Well, brother Ozawa, can you let the wind fairy be the guide for my long-tailed red fox and naughty panda?"

"Huh? What does that mean?"

Now it's not just the wind fairy, but also Lu Ze who is a little confused.

Xiaozhi, who ran over from the side and was about to speak, turned to look at Serena curiously after hearing Serena's words.

"It's like this. The posture of the wind fairy when fighting is very suitable for the performance method of a performer, so I want my long-tailed fire fox and naughty panda to learn from her for a while."

Serena said, looking at Lu Ze and the wind fairy next to Lu Ze with pleading eyes.

"I have no problem, but it depends on what the wind fairy says."

After Lu Ze nodded, he reached out and rubbed the wind fairy's head.


After the wind fairy shouted happily to Lu Ze, she turned to look at Serena.

Seeing Serena's pleading eyes, the wind fairy also smiled and nodded.

"Really, thank you so much, Wind Fairy!" Serena shouted happily and hugged the Wind Fairy.

"Brother Ozawa, you Wind Fairy just..."

"He has the characteristic of mischief."

Looking at Citron's questioning eyes, Lu Ze also took the initiative to answer.

"And my wind fairy is focused on speed, so your Roentgen cat can't keep up with her speed."

"Moreover, the wind fairy is also very good at dodging."

Lu Ze didn't lie. Although the Wind Fairy didn't have the supersonic talent of the Crossed Bat.

There is no chance that Crossbat has used ultrasonic waves to practice dodge since he was a child, so that it almost formed a conditioned reflex later on.

But the wind fairy took another path.

A cross-shaped bat himself did not need it, but it taught him the way of the wind fairy.

Rely on your own speed!

The speed of the wind fairy is not slow to begin with, and after [Tailwind] is turned on, the speed of the wind fairy becomes even faster.

A wind fairy with this speed only needs to be able to react to the opponent's attack.

In this regard, it doesn't matter even if she doesn't train or can't react.

In the end, Lu Ze's waveguide power came to give him the answer.

Therefore, the wind fairy can safely avoid the opponent's attacks on the field.

This is why the Roentgen Cat cannot catch up with the Wind Fairy.

It can be said that the Wind Fairy is on the field, unless you are crushing it with speed like Deoxys in speed form.

Otherwise, when you meet him, there will be a conspiracy waiting for you.

"Is it the main speed?"

Citron thought.

No wonder, my Roentgen cat does have a shortcoming in terms of speed.


Citron looked up at the wind fairy who was being held in Serena's arms over there.

In this game, the wind fairy does not have any electric skills or fighting skills.

He has seen it before.

In the gym battle with Grandpa Fukerji, the wind fairy used skills such as [Sonic Fist] and [Thunder Fist].

It was not used in this competition, probably because of its unfavorable attributes.

After all, Brother Ozawa's fighting style is very similar to his own. They both like to use attribute restraint to attack opponents.

Unlike Xiaozhi.

Thinking of Xiaozhi, Citron was also a little worried.

Why does Xiaozhi's Pokémon have effects with reverse attributes?

"Xiaozhi, what's wrong?"

After answering Citron's question, Lu Ze also looked at Xiaozhi next to him.

He also saw Xiaozhi's hesitation, so he was also a little curious about what Xiaozhi wanted to do.


"Just tell me, I won't do anything to you." Lu Ze smiled and patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder and said.

"That's right, I still want to have a battle with Brother Ozawa!"

Facing Lu Ze's encouragement, Xiaozhi finally plucked up the courage to speak out.


Although Lu Ze was surprised, he quickly asked Xiaozhi with a smile.

"Well...it will take a while."

After Xiaozhi thought for a while, he said to Lu Ze seriously.

"I want to give my Pokémon a special training first!"

Xiaozhi smiled brightly, not hiding his thoughts at all.


Lu Ze agreed without hesitation.

Special training?
I also seem to need some time for a special training session.



"Brother Ozawa, it's not good!"


Lu Ze, who was making Pokémon food for his Pokémon, turned his head and looked at Ash, who quickly rushed in with Pikachu in his arms, with a confused look on his face.

"What's the matter, speak slowly."

Seeing Xiaozhi panting, Lu Ze also felt dumbfounded and patted Xiaozhi's back and said.

"Is such that…"

Time back to morning.

After the Miare Gym challenge ended, Xiaozhi said that he would go to Dr. Buratano's research institute to see Dr. Buratano.

However, Lu Ze did not follow him.

The Pokémon food he made before is almost gone, so Lu Ze needs to make some again now.

Otherwise, we might not have enough food when we get on the road.

After Lu Ze stopped going, Xiaozhi and others quickly arrived at Dr. Buratano's research institute after setting off.

"Xiao Zhi, long time no see."

After Dr. Buratano saw that it was Xiaozhi and the others, he also smiled and said hello to Xiaozhi and the others.

"It's just a good time. I have a very interesting experiment to do today."

"Ah? What kind of research?"

Upon hearing the hesitation, Xiaozhi and others immediately became interested.

Dr. Buratano smiled mysteriously: "Stay tuned."

However, Dr. Buratano did not hold on for long, and soon led Lu Ze and the others to the place where the experiment was conducted.

"You'll be surprised when you see it." "Finally got both of them together."

Dr. Buratano said as he lifted the cloth covering the machine in front of him.

"Ah! It's the MEGA Evolution Stone and Key Stone!"

Xiaozhi and others couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing the two colored stones on the machine.

Especially Xiaozhi, he had already thought of the way Karuni commanded his Gardevoir to super evolve during the battle with him that day.

Super Gardevoir looks so handsome!
Thinking of this, Xiaozhi also became excited and looked up at Dr. Buratano.

"The MEGA stones also vary from Pokémon to Pokémon!" Citron turned to look at Dr. Bratano and asked, "Which Pokémon's MEGA evolution stone is this?"

"Citron, that's a good question."

Dr. Buratano nodded: "Today's research is to investigate which Pokémon this MEGA evolution stone belongs to."

Dr. Bratano said as he stepped forward and started the machine.

"Then, let's investigate it right away with this clean room synchronizer."

Dr. Buratano said as he placed the MEGA evolution stone on the machine.

"First of all, fix it like this."

Dr. Bratano looked at the machine and the Mega Evolution Stone in front of him, and couldn't help but think of Ai Lan.

"Alan, I really want you to see it too."

"Dr. Bratano, can the dong dong rat super evolve?"

Under Yurika's questioning, Dr. Buratano's thoughts gradually dissipated.

"Where's my Pikachu? Can it Mega Evolve?"

"Although Pikachu is not in its final evolved form and cannot super evolve."

Dr. Buratano said, turned his head, looked at Yurika and said with a smile: "But Dongdong Rat is possible."

The Dongdong Rat has no evolutionary form, and theoretically can super evolve.

For example, the Bagosaurus and Absolu are like this.

They also have no evolved form or degenerated form.

But it can still super evolve.

After hearing what Dr. Buratano said, Yurika instantly became happy.

"Check, check, check!"

Yurika was very excited, maybe this super evolution stone is the super evolution stone of Dongdong rat.

Just when Yurika was excited, Dr. Buratano's biting land shark also came over.

Look at the super evolution stone on the machine.Liebite Land Shark also showed an interested expression.

The energy in this stone seems to resonate with me.

"Bite the land shark fiercely, this is the MEGA evolution stone."

Dr. Bratano watched the Sharp-toothed Land Shark touch the Mega Evolution Stone, and then said to the Biting Land Shark.

But just as the biting land shark touched the super evolution stone, fluctuations appeared on the display over there.

"Doctor, the crystal synchronizer has responded!" the female assistant on the side said excitedly.


Dr. Buratano was also very happy: "It seems that this is the super evolutionary stone that bites the land shark."

"In this case, will we be able to see the super evolution of the biting land shark?"

Citron asked Dr. Bratano excitedly.


Just when Dr. Buratano was about to super-evolve the Biting Land Shark, a big hole was suddenly blown out of Dr. Buratano's research institute.


"So, Dr. Bratano's Bite Land Shark was captured by Team Rocket?"

The corner of Lu Ze's mouth twitched.

This is really surprising.

Apart from anything else, Dr. Bratano's Bite Land Shark must have at least reached the senior level of strength.

Plus Xiaozhi next to him, Miare Gym Leader Citron.

Can this lineup allow the Rockets to easily capture the quasi-god Liejie Land Shark?

And by the way, he also took away the super evolution stone and key stone that bit the land shark.

Lu Ze was a little helpless.

What can he say?

"So what's the situation now?"

"We are going to find the biting land shark."

"Okay, let's go then."

After Lu Ze nodded, he looked at Cong Youbing.

Cong Youbing is still training and has no intention of slacking off.

"Onion Ranger, you watch here, we will be back soon."

After thinking for a while, Lu Ze asked Cong Youbing to look at the machine while he went with Xiaozhi and the others.


Just when Lu Ze was about to take Kirby and the others back into the Poké Ball, Kirby directly raised his hand to indicate the ingredients next to him.

"You mean..."

Lu Ze looked at Kirby with some uncertainty.

But after seeing the Kirby Beast leaving the Iron Warrior, the Electric Shock Monster and the Iron Claw Lobster, Lu Ze smiled and nodded.

"Okay, then you just pack the ingredients at home and continue cooking for you when I come back."


After Kirby nodded with a smile, Lu Ze set off with Xiaozhi.

"Any clues?"

"Of course!"

Citron looked excited: "Citron's special machine is named the Perfect Search and Exploration Device!"

Citron on the jeep proudly introduced his newly invented product, so proud that his voice changed.

"Northwest, right?"

After Lu Ze listened to Citron's introduction, he silently turned on the waveguide.

But Dr. Buratano asked calmly.

"That's right, just go straight ahead!"

As the car continued to move forward, Citron kept staring at something similar to the aerial detector in Dragon Ball in his hand and said.

Lu Ze also breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the new invention made by Citron did not explode for so long.

It seems that Citron's invention this time is unexpectedly reliable...


Before Lu Ze could praise him, the instrument in Citron's hand suddenly exploded.


Lu Ze was shocked. Fortunately, he didn't turn off his waveguide just now.

After seeing that his waveguide blocked most of the impact for him, Lu Ze couldn't help but feel lucky.

The vehicle came to an emergency stop, and Afro-head Citron came online again.

"Maybe those guys added some load to the crystal synchronizer, which caused the explosion." Citron calmly thought about the reason.

It's not my problem this time.

Well, not my problem!

"This kind of information doesn't matter anymore!"

Yurika yelled, but Dr. Buratano got out of the car.

Just when everyone was confused, the doctor started shouting loudly.

"Bite the land shark fiercely!"

"Bite the land shark fiercely!"

"Answer what you hear!"

Dr. Buratano roared at the top of his lungs, and Xiaozhi and others behind him also looked at Dr. Buratano with worried faces.

"Crossword Bat, help Dr. Bratano find Liebite...well, that talking meow."

Lu Ze originally asked for his cross-shaped bat, but after thinking about it for a while, Lu Ze still said meow.

After all, this Meowth who could speak human language was deeply remembered by Lu Ze’s Pokémon.

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