Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 936 Super Bite the Land Shark!

Chapter 936 Super Bite the Land Shark!

"What's going on? The conditions for MEGA's evolution should be gathered."

After Kojiro saw the Mega Evolution of Biting Land Shark failed, he looked at the Mega Evolution Keystone in his hand with a strange expression and said.

"Isn't that a malfunction?"

Musashi said impatiently, but Liebite Land Shark let out a painful roar under the induction wave of Meow Meow's increasing energy.


After the biting land shark made a sound, Dr. Buratano, who was looking for the biting land shark in the forest nearby, was also suddenly startled.


"That voice just now!"

Dr. Bratano looked around, as if trying to determine the source of the sound.

"I just heard the sound of a land shark biting."


After Dr. Bratano finished speaking, Xiaozhi and Citron looked confused.

"But we didn't hear anything?"

"A fetter?"

Lu Ze looked at Dr. Buratano in front of him who was still looking for the source of the sound and murmured.

"No, I did hear it!"

Dr. Buratano looked determined, then turned his head and looked in one direction.

"Over there, the biting land shark is over there!"

"Why?" Yurika asked curiously.

"Although I can't explain it clearly, I just know it!" Dr. Buratano said seriously.

"Instead of searching without direction, it's better to trust the doctor's intuition and let's follow him and take a look."

As Lu Ze said that, he followed Dr. Buratano and ran in the direction he said.

The cross-shaped bat seems to be running backwards.

Lu Ze, who was following Dr. Buratano, felt helpless.

No wonder the cross-shaped bat hasn't come back yet.

Naturally, you can't find it if you run backwards.

But it's too late to wait for the cross-shaped bat now, let's wait until he comes back later.

"It is said that there is a bond between Pokémon and humans that cannot be explained by science."

Xiaozhi and others also followed, and while running, Citron said to Xiaozhi and others.

On the other side, Kojiro and Musashi saw that the Biting Land Shark had not yet been able to super evolve, so they asked Meow Meow to increase the energy of the induction wave again.

After the energy was boosted, Liebite Land Shark's body also showed the light of super evolution again.

However, this light was also seen by Lu Ze and Dr. Buratano who came over.

"It seems that the light of super evolution is right there!" Dr. Buratano said, speeding up and rushing forward.

After arriving at the top of the ravine in front, I saw the biting land shark below.

"Bite the land shark fiercely!"

Seeing the painful look of the bitten land shark, Dr. Bratano rushed in without hesitation.

"That rascal?"

Musashi looked at Dr. Buratano who rushed down with a surprised look on his face.

However, Dr. Buratano stood directly in front of the biting land shark.

"Bite Land Shark, it was you who was calling me just now!" Dr. Buratano said with a look of relief as he looked at Lie Bite Land Shark behind him.

"It's just a nuisance!"

"Hmph, it's useless, Meowth, increase the energy of the induction wave!" Kojiro commanded Meowth again and said.

"But, there is no way to improve it." Meow Meow said with a sad face: "It has been raised to the maximum, Meow."


Seeing Dr. Bratano in pain under the induction wave, Ash couldn't bear it anymore and rushed forward with Pikachu.

"Pikachu, get on!"


Just as Xiaozhi rushed down, a black figure jumped out of the forest.

"Super Flame Chicken, stop that wave!"

Under the command of Flame Chicken Mask, Super Flame Chicken jumped directly on the head of Robot Meow, and continuously launched attacks on Robot Meow.

But looking at it this way, it seems that the Super Flame Chicken's attack cannot break the defense.

Lu Ze looked at the meow robot and thought for a while.

In this case, it would be best for Kirby to go up.

Beat him to pieces with one punch!
But unfortunately, Kirbymon didn't come with him.

While the Super Flame Chicken attacked the robot Meow Meow, Flame Chicken Mask also quickly rescued Dr. Bratano.

"What a hindrance!"

Musashi was furious: "Meow meow, what are you doing? Release the radio waves quickly!"

"Wait, I'm doing it!"

Meow Meow also had an irritated look on his face. After controlling the robot Meow Meow who was kicked by the Super Flame Chicken to get up again, the induction wave was released again.

"If this continues, if Liebite Land Shark becomes super evolved, he will obey those guys' words."

After Dr. Buratano saw the biting land shark like this, he also understood Team Rocket's plan.

"We have to stop them!"

After Dr. Bratano finished speaking, it seemed as if something suddenly occurred to him, and he quickly turned to the Flame Chicken Mask and asked.

"By the way, can I borrow your super evolution keystone?"

"They don't have any bond with Liebite Land Shark. I can let Liebite Land Shark evolve first!"

After Dr. Buratano finished speaking, Flame Chicken Mask did not hesitate.

After the Flame Chicken exited the mega evolution, the Flame Chicken Mask handed the Mega Evolution Keystone to Dr. Buratano.

Lu Ze was a little agitated up there.

Where is the Mega Evolution Keystone in my backpack?
Remember it was placed here?

Why can't I find it when I want to use it?

Lu Ze was a little upset. The super evolution keystone he was using was placed on the portable device on his wrist strap.

Just when he was about to give this to Dr. Buratano, Flame Chicken Mask had already handed the Mega Evolution Key Stone to Dr. Buratano.

"If this can come in handy, then go ahead and use it!"

"Okay, thank you, Flame Chicken Mask!"

After Dr. Bratano finished speaking, he took the Mega Evolution Keystone and turned around and shouted at the Biting Land Shark.

"Bite the land shark, MEGA evolves!"

Seemingly seeing what Dr. Buratano was thinking, Kojiro also took the Mega Evolution Keystone he grabbed and shouted to the biting land shark at the same time as Dr. Buratano.

The light of super evolution flickered on the bodies of the two people and Liebite Land Shark.

Lu Ze was also a little surprised when he saw this scene for the first time.

"Two people's keystones actually affected Biting Land Shark at the same time!"

Citron is also a little unbelievable. Logically speaking, it should be impossible!
Under the influence of the two's super evolution keystones, Biting Land Shark finally successfully evolved this time.

After the Super Bite Land Shark evolved, everyone looked at the Super Bite Land Shark with caution.

No idea whose orders he would take.

"Lucario, super evolution!"

However, no matter whose orders Super Biting Lu Shark listens to, Lu Ze will not take it lightly.

This biting land shark needs someone to stop him.

Now beside him, apart from Deoxys, Lucario was the only one who could block the biting land shark in an instant.

The cross-shaped bat hasn't come back yet, and he hasn't brought the Kirby beast, the iron claw lobster, the electric monster, the green ranger, or the iron warrior.

This Super Biting Land Shark is also a King-level Pokémon, and even the metal monsters can't stop it.

It can only be Lucario.Fortunately, I brought Lucario with me.

Otherwise, Deoxys would have to protect them now.

"Hmph, because of the induced wave, the biting land shark is now obedient to our Rockets!"

Kojiro glanced at Super Lucario warily, and when he saw that Super Lucario was only protecting them, he said to Dr. Buratano with a proud look on his face.

"That's absolutely impossible!"

Dr. Buratano yelled, but Kojiro and the others stepped forward without fear.

"Bite Land Shark, you know, your master is our Rockets!"

"No, you are my Biting Land Shark!" Dr. Buratano looked at the Super Biting Land Shark with its head lowered and shouted anxiously.

"Okay, very good, the next step is to kick these guys in front of you away!"

After Kojiro saw that the Super Biting Land Shark didn't respond to Dr. Buratano's words, he excitedly commanded the Super Biting Land Shark.

"Bite the land shark..."

Seeing the Super Biting Land Shark walking toward him step by step, Dr. Buratano was not afraid.

"Bite the land shark fiercely, I believe you!"

"Lucario, you should be fine."

After seeing Lie biting Lu Shark like this, Lu Ze couldn't help but laugh.

Although the speed of Biting Land Shark has been reduced a bit after its super evolution.

But launching an attack will not be like it is now, and it will be done step by step.


Super Biting Land Shark yelled at Dr. Buratano, but it did not attack Dr. Buratano.

Instead, under the horrified eyes of everyone, he tapped his head on the back of Dr. Buratano's hand.

The Mega Evolution Keystone in Dr. Buratano's hand flashed, and Dr. Buratano also looked at the Super Biting Land Shark in front of him with a look of surprise.

"Bite the land shark fiercely!"

After shouting in surprise, Dr. Buratano hugged the biting land shark directly.

"what happened!"


After seeing that Super Bit Land Shark did not obey his command, Kojiro and Musashi also shouted in disbelief.


After Xiaozhi and others laughed excitedly, the next step was to impose sanctions on Team Rocket.

"Bite the land shark fiercely and break him!"

Dr. Bratano rubbed the back of the biting land shark just like he did to the biting land shark when he was a child, and then gave instructions to the biting land shark.

Super Bit Lu Shark turned around and struck a few claws at Robot Meow Meow's head, and then Robot Meow Meow's head was disintegrated.

Meow Meow, whose inside was exposed, looked at Super Biting Land Shark with a horrified look on his face.

"What's going on, meow!"

"This time it's the same bad rhythm as usual."

"It seems so."

After Kojiro and Musashi said something awkward, they jumped up and reached the two positions next to Meowth.

"Emergency retreat for now!"

"Evacuate with rocket jets!"


The serious look of the three of them also made Lu Ze couldn't help laughing.

"In that case, let's give them a ride!"

"Lucario, wave missile!"

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!"

"Flame chicken, shoot flames!"

"Bite the land shark fiercely, destroy the death light!"

The four of them simultaneously commanded their Pokémon to attack the headless robot Meow Meow that had already flown into the sky.

Under the attack of four Pokémon, the robot Meowth also exploded directly.

"Speaking of disgusting feelings, here comes the disgusting feeling!"

After the last shouts of Kojiro and Musashi came from the sky, they turned into a star in the blue sky and disappeared.

Dr. Bratano looked up and saw a rock falling where Team Rocket had just turned into stars.

Lu Ze looked a little helpless. In this case, can the super evolution key stone come back?

Lu Ze was puzzled, but Dr. Buratano had already reached out and caught the key stone.

Looking at the two Mega Evolution Keystones in his hands, Dr. Bratano also raised his head and spoke happily to the Biting Land Shark who had exited the Mega Evolution.

"Thank you, bite the land shark!"

"Pikachu, well done!"

"Good job Lucario!"

Seeing Dr. Bratano's praise for Biting the Land Shark, Xiaozhi and Lu Ze also praised their Pokémon.

After high-fiving Lucario, Lucario also looked at Flame Chicken Mask.

Although Lu Ze didn't tell him that the Flame Chicken Mask was Citron's father.

However, as a Pokémon with a waveguide, Lucario naturally noticed that Flame Chicken Mask's waveguide was the same as Citron's father's waveguide.

Lucario turned his head curiously and glanced at the worthless Citron, then looked at Lu Ze with questioning eyes.

Lu Ze smiled and waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to worry about it. Lucario shook his head slightly and entered the elf ball.

Ah, the evil taste of mankind.

"Hmm, does it smell like fragrant oil?"

When Dr. Bratano was about to return the Mega Evolution Keystone he borrowed from Flame Chicken Mask, he suddenly smelled a familiar smell.

"This is…"

Dr. Buratano smiled and understood immediately.

However, he didn't mean to expose it, but turned around and returned the Mega Evolution Keystone to Flame Chicken Mask.

"Flame Chicken Mask, thank you!"

"Great help!"

Just after Dr. Bratano returned the Mega Evolution Keystone to Flame Chicken Mask, the siren sounded.

Lu Ze smiled slightly. Sure enough, no matter where they were, they arrived after the incident was over.

Miss Junsha came with the doctor's assistant, but Flame Chicken Mask left here directly with his own flame chicken.

"Doctor, where is the biting land shark?"

"Everyone is fine."

After Dr. Buratano said something to the assistant, Miss Junsha ran over with the assistant.

"Is the incident over?"

"The matter has been resolved!"



Yurika nodded happily: "Listen to me, Flame Chicken Mask came over to save us after hesitating."

"Flaming Chicken Mask?"

"Where is it?"

Miss Junsha was confused, and everyone turned around.

Only then did they realize that the Flame Chicken Mask had disappeared at some point.

"Cha Zi Bat, where are you going to play?"

Lu Ze asked with a smile as he looked at the Crossed Bat that flew back after the same incident.

(End of this chapter)

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