Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 937 Team Flare Base, Super Evolution!


In the room at night, after Lu Ze heard Lucario's words, he looked at the Crossed Bat in surprise.

The cross-shaped bat nodded seriously.


"That's right, a base similar to Team Rocket."

After Lucario finished speaking, Lu Ze's expression became serious.

The place where I found the biting land shark this afternoon was near the city of Miare.

Is there a secret base near such a big city?

Lu Ze thought, then looked up at the wall next to him.

this kind of thing...

Do you want Xiaozhi and the others to come together?

After Lu Ze thought for a moment, he shook his head.

How can we let them follow us?

Although Xiaozhi is the protagonist, this plot does not seem to have appeared in Xiaozhi's main plot.

If they were involved in this matter because of themselves, it would be okay, but if something happens...

Don't talk about anything else, regardless of whether Xiaozhi is the protagonist of this world, let's just talk about Xiaozhi and the others.

Although he has been traveling for many years, Xiaozhi is still a ten-year-old child.

Ash, Serena, Citron plus a younger Yurika.

Not only are they not very old, but they are not very strong either.

Only Pikachu can occasionally burst out with King-level strength.

Still not taking them with me.

"Then let's go, there's just a night attack!"

Lu Ze was also a little angry because he also heard from Crossbat that the experiments in that base were conducted with Pokémon.

Yes, this is the Pokémon world after all, and experiments naturally revolve around Pokémon.


Lu Ze's eyes were cold, he left his handwriting on the paper with an unhappy look on his face and left.

He didn't know how long it would take to destroy this base, so he chose to let Xiaozhi and the others leave first.

Just wait until you have secured this base and then catch up.

It shouldn't take long.

It's just right to let Pokémon such as Tanchan and Metallo, who have never experienced any wild battles, experience a real battle.

After leaving a note, Lu Ze glanced at Xiaozhi and the others who were still sleeping and left the room.

Next, it’s time for justice to strike!

Looking at the starry sky outside, Lu Ze couldn't help but have some secondary thoughts.

"Crossword Bat, take us there."

Lu Ze said, and released the metal monster.

Although the speed of the metal monster is slower, the comfort level is still much better than that of the cross bat.

It does look a bit unsightly to let the cross-shaped bat carry you around.


After the Crossed Bat nodded, he led the way, leading Lu Ze and the metal monster to fly towards the location of the base.

To be honest, I saw those Pokémon go in intact and crying, only to be thrown out incomplete not long after.

The cross-shaped bat really wanted to hit it right then and there.

However, Crossed Bat also understood that if he punched in at that time, he might not be able to get out.

After coming to this world, she learned that there were still human machines that could have a great effect on Pokémon with king-level strength like them.

When the Joker appears and Team Rocket is knocked away, he can use the machine to control the electric monster, which is not bad even in the King class.

What would happen if I went in by myself?

Crossed Bat doesn't know.

So to be on the safe side, she came back first to find Lu Ze, and then walked over there.

As for the problem of Lu Ze not going there.

She had never thought about it at all. She knew that as long as she told Lu Ze about this matter, Lu Ze would definitely go.

And the kind that goes right away.

But because of the electric shock to the Warcraft, Crossed Bat also became cautious.

For this kind of thing, it's best to go at night.

After all, the night is dark and windy!

Crossbat's eyes were equally angry, even though she had already driven away most of the Pokémon near the base after seeing the base.

But she was still worried whether any Pokémon would encounter their poisonous hands during this period!
The cross-shaped bat led Lu Ze to fly very fast.

The metal monster even used [High Speed ​​Movement] twice before barely catching up with the angry Crossed Bat.

At the speed of the cross-shaped bat, Lu Ze quickly arrived at the entrance of the mysterious base.

"Wait a mininute."

After Lu Ze glanced at the entrance of the base, he said to the Crossed Bat who was preparing to attack.

The entrance to the base is in the mountain, so it is relatively well hidden.

If Crossbat hadn't happened to see those people entering with Pokémon, I'm afraid she wouldn't have known this was a base even if she flew over.

Lu Ze looked at the entrance of the base and roughly estimated the situation of the base.

If nothing else goes wrong, this base should be in the mountains.

Is there any backdoor?

Lu Ze thought about it, and then let the metal monster take him to the mountain above the entrance of the base.

After holding hands with Lucario, Lu Ze closed his eyes and released all the power of the waveguide, quickly enveloping the entire mountain.

However, due to the characteristics of the power of the waveguide, Lu Ze was not sure whether there was any backdoor.

The general situation in the base can only be determined by the movement of the waveguide.

"It looks like we are about to attack by force."

Lu Ze was a little angry. After waiting for about 5 minutes, he could not find any other exits with moving waveguides.

He also sensed the disappearance of a waveguide.

According to what Crossed Bat said, if nothing unexpected happens...

Lu Ze didn't dare to imagine, nor did he want to imagine, just storm in.

If we are still conducting this kind of experiment at this late hour, there is no point in sneaking in secretly.

In that case!

"Electric shock monster, [-] volts!"

"The cross-shaped bat, the wave of evil!"

"Kapimon, destroy the death light!"

"Crawfish, surf!"

"Onion Ranger, Sunlight Blade!"

"Wind Fairy, use Help on Kirbymon!"

"Lucario, wave missile!"

"Iron warrior, metal monster, mentally strong mind!"

"Tan-chan, spray flames!"

After a series of commands, Lu Ze's Pokémon were all ready, facing the camouflaged entrance to the base in front of them.

All attacks were released, and all the energy gathered in the air to form a colorful energy that slammed into the entrance of the base.

Under the powerful energy attack, the entrance to the base was instantly broken open.

Likewise, the alarms in the base began to sound rapidly. "what's the situation!"

"Dr. Lawrence, someone is attacking our base!"

A staff member on the side took a look at the monitor and quickly said loudly to the doctor next to him.

"Alone?" Dr. Lawrence was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the monitor.

"No, why should he be alone!"

After seeing that there was no one else around, not the King of Carlos Region, not Miss Junsha, not Interpol, Dr. Lawrence instantly became confused.

"Call me!"

After Dr. Lawrence put away his intention to escape, he left and gave instructions below.

Now that Kuseloski is away, he is the supreme commander of this base.

Since there is only one person, let’s fight!
Just beat him to death here!
After Dr. Lawrence finished speaking, the security personnel of Team Flare in the base reacted quickly and rushed towards the entrance of the base.

However, Lu Ze was not afraid at all. Facing the villain-specific Pokémon such as Black Luca, Squid King, and Wolfhound, Lu Ze directly commanded his Crossbat and the others to attack them.

Most of them are high-level Pokémon, and a few are veteran-level Pokémon.

However, even Tan Xiaoshi is not afraid of opponents of this strength.

The forked bat and iron-clawed lobster moved one at a time and quickly cleared their surroundings.

With one hand of fire and one hand of lightning, Kirby quickly cleared away the Pokémon that were rushing towards him.

Under the command of Lu Ze, the metal monster, together with the iron warrior, used [mental power] to instantly control the members of Team Flare who were commanding the Pokémon behind them.

"Team Flare."

Lu Ze looked at the guys wearing Team Flare uniforms with cold eyes.

The evil organizations appearing in various places, even the part revealed in the animation, are annoying enough.

Unexpectedly, the part that was not revealed was even more disgusting.

If this is the case, then destroy the entire base!
Lu Ze had a look of displeasure on his face. The members of Team Flare, who were controlled by [Strengthening Mind], were quickly hypnotized by [Grass Flute].

After the sleeping Team Flare members landed, they were all tied up by the Wind Fairy's [Grass Knot].

The battle went quickly, and the first few dozen Pokémon were quickly taken away by Lu Ze's Pokémon.

But before Lu Ze could reach the elevator, the second batch of Team Flare arrived with their Pokémon.

Looking at the more than 100 senior-level wolfdogs in the open space at the end of the passage, Lu Ze also laughed.

"Metal monster, iron warrior, electric shock monster!"

After talking to the three Pokémon with a sneer, Lu Ze looked at Kirby.

"Kabimon, abdominal bulge, and then earthquake!"


Kirby roared angrily, and its pupils instantly became bloodshot and red.

Then he stomped hard on the ground.

A strong shock wave was released with Kirby as the center, and soon arrived in front of the big wolfhounds.

Not surprisingly, the big wolfhounds who had no time to react were immediately shocked and lost their ability to fight.

After seeing this scene, Lu Ze smiled and then let the metal monster put him down.

This is what they just said to the metal monster and the iron warrior.

Don't worry about the cross-shaped bat and the wind fairy. The rest are controlled by super powers to fly into the air.

This way you won't be affected by Kirbymon's [Earthquake].

In a situation like this where there are so many people on the opposite side, in fact, the effect of one Pokémon, Kirby, is greater than the effect of all Pokémon together.

[Earthquake] This skill is simply a magic skill to clear the field.

Especially after Kirby used [Abdominal Drum], even senior-level Pokémon couldn't withstand Kirby's [Earthquake] attack.

Seeing the devastation after the [earthquake] and the base passage that looked like a high-tech base no longer existed, Lu Ze also used the waveguide again to start searching for the remaining people.

After the person who just came over was controlled by [Strong Mental Thought] again, [Grass Flute] fell asleep, and [Grass Knot] tied him up.

"Is it up there?"

Lu Ze chuckled. It was a pity that the elevator was destroyed by Kirby's [Earthquake] just now. Otherwise, he could still take the elevator up.

In that case...

"Kabimon, destroy the death light and create a passage!"

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Kirby used [Destructive Death Light] on the ceiling above his head.

A big hole suddenly appeared above Lu Ze and the others.

"Snorby, use sleep."


Kirbymon nodded and used [Sleep] to recover its physical strength.

Lu Ze had no intention of waiting and glanced at the wind fairy with a smile.

After the wind fairy squirmed a little sheepishly, she came to the side of Kirbymon who was lying sleeping.

After hesitating for a moment, he walked around behind Kirby and used [Awakening Slap] on Kirby.

With the property of [Awakening Slap], Kirbymon quickly woke up.

"Let's go."

Looking at the energetic Kirby Beast, Lu Ze nodded and was carried by the metal monster through the hole made by the Kirby Beast to the second floor.

They had already killed the forked bats and iron-clawed lobsters that had come in early.

The security of Team Flare at this level is obviously not as strong as those in the second batch.

Although there are more types of Pokémon, there are only a few senior-level Pokémon.

"who are you?"

As soon as Lu Ze came up, he saw a muscular man walking out of the elevator.

Lu Ze glanced at the elevator strangely.

Why is there an elevator here?

Lu Ze was a little surprised. He had known that the elevator had just been destroyed.

Compared to everyone on the other side coming together, Lu Ze prefers them coming in batches.

This way he can kill easily.

After all, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. When the number of Pokémon increases, sometimes there will be a qualitative change.

"A righteous Pokémon breeder!" Lu Ze looked at the muscular man and replied calmly.


When the muscular man heard this, he was suddenly confused.

He glanced at the cross-shaped bats and iron-clawed lobsters who were killing people with king-level strength, and then looked at the shiny metal monster at Lu Ze's feet.

"What do you call a breeder?"

The muscular man said, smiling and shaking his head.

"But it doesn't make any difference. I also want to thank you for sending me the shiny metal monster!"

The muscular man laughed wildly, and then commanded the fourth batch of guards behind him to release his Pokémon.

"The metal monster sent to you?"

Lu Ze also smiled: "Come and get it if you can."

"Commander Zhanzhao, take him down!"

After seeing that there was only a senior-level metal monster and a senior-level wind fairy around Lu Ze, the muscular man immediately released his Pokémon.

As the leader of Team Flare, he naturally possesses a Pokémon with king-level strength.

And this Commander of Splitting and Slashing has the strength of a heavenly king.

"Your powerful Pokémon have been held back, how will you face my baby next!"

The muscular man laughed: "You'd better hand over the metal monster obediently, and then die here!"

"Hey, Lucario, Mega Evolution!"

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