Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 938 This is a dead end!

Chapter 938 This is a dead end!
The light of evolution flashed, and the next second Super Lucario appeared on the field.

The bone rod formed by the power of the waveguide in Super Lucario's hand condensed and formed, and then rushed towards the charging Commander.


The bone rod formed by the power of the waveguide collided with the long knife in Commander Choi's hand, making a crisp sound.

But soon the sound became endless, and with the constant attacks and defenses, and the constant collision of long knives and bone clubs, the muscular man's face became a little ugly.

Glancing around him, he saw that the members of Team Flare were still too weak after all.

Under Lu Ze's Pokémon attack, they quickly became unable to withstand it.

He also knew clearly that if the intruder and other Pokémon freed their hands, his Slash Commander would definitely not be able to stop them.

It's not even certain whether his own Commander Slash can block that guy's Super Lucario.

The muscular man thought, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Although it was only one person who invaded, this person was comparable to Miss Junsha from the brigade.


Thinking of this, the muscular man couldn't help but feel the intention to retreat.

"I am coming!"

Just as the muscular man was about to leave, another member of Team Flare rushed out of the elevator.

But seeing the proficiency in this scene, the expression of the middle-aged greasy-headed man who rushed out changed instantly.

"One, two, three...eight Pokémon with king-level strength!"

The oily middle-aged man turned around and returned to the elevator without any hesitation.

"Musta, hold on, I'll take the doctor away first!"

The middle-aged oily man yelled, and kept tapping the elevator's door button with his finger.

But the response of the elevator is really not that fast.

The muscular man turned his head to look at the middle-aged greasy man, and almost spurted out a mouthful of blood.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have been scrambling to get this credit.

It’s hard to say what the credit is, my life may be decided here.

"Kapimon, destroy the death light!"

After seeing Kirby knocking his opponent away with one punch, Lu Ze quickly directed Kirby to stop the guy from escaping.

If it was just him, it wouldn't be a big problem.

But the Doctor?

We can't let the big fish run away.


Kirbymon roared, and a blazing white light shot towards the elevator.

The middle-aged greasy man's expression changed, and he subconsciously got out of the elevator, rolling away from the elevator.

"It's pretty fast."

Lu Ze chuckled lightly and looked at the middle-aged greasy-headed man's resentful eyes indifferently.

He is not the protagonist of the Pokémon world like Ash Ketchum.

Facing this kind of villain who has exterminated humanity, destruction on the spot is the best choice.

Especially these cadre players.

"Iron claw lobster, water jet!"

Looking at the Pokémon released by the middle-aged greasy man, Lu Ze directly let the Iron Claw Lobster attack.

On the other side, Super Lucario already had the upper hand in the battle against Commander Cleaver, and it was only a matter of time before he won.

The digger rabbit released by the middle-aged greasy man was handed over to the iron-clawed lobster.

After [Water Jet] arrived in front of the Digger Rabbit, the clawed lobster raised the pincers in his hand, and then hit the Digger Rabbit with [Crab Claw Hammer] without hesitation.


The pliers carrying the water flow hit the Digger Rabbit, and the Digger Rabbit also used [Splitting Tiles] to hit the Iron Claw Lobster.

Instead of resisting the attack of the Iron Claw Lobster, he chose to exchange injuries for injuries.

The Digger Rabbit with the [Hercules] trait is very powerful, and it knocked the Iron Claw Lobster away in one go.

However, the fist of the Iron Claw Lobster just hit the Digger Rabbit, and the Digger Rabbit also felt very uncomfortable.

One thousand damage to oneself, eight hundred damage to the enemy.

Generally speaking, the damage suffered by Iron Claw Lobster is not as high as that of Digger Rabbit.

Although it seems that the iron-clawed lobster is more embarrassed.

"Iron-clawed lobster, trick!"

After Lu Ze saw this scene, he didn't choose to fight forcefully.

I was a little careless just now and didn't check the characteristics of the Digging Rabbit on the opposite side.

Sure enough, I was at a bit of a disadvantage.

But this kind of loss once is enough.

"Digging Rabbit, Sword Dance!"

The middle-aged greasy-headed man panicked when he saw Iron Claw Lobster using enhanced skills, and then asked his Digger Rabbit to also use enhanced skills.

But the next second, the Digger Rabbit flew into the sky.


Falling suddenly to the ground, the impact of the contact between his face and the ground also made Digger Rabbit feel a little confused.

"This is not a formal ring battle."

Lu Ze smiled and patted the iron warrior next to him who had just used [Psychic Strength] and said to the middle-aged oily man.

The oily middle-aged man was about to scold Lu Ze for his lack of martial ethics, when he suddenly noticed that the scene was much quieter.

Looking up, he saw that except for the muscular Strongman, who was still struggling to hold on, the other Pokémon had basically been killed.

Even the members of Team Flare have been controlled.

Seeing the vines wrapped around the members of Team Flare, the middle-aged oily man couldn't help but panic.

He was about to join forces with the muscular man to fight, but he didn't see the other person when he raised his head.

When I turned around again, I realized that the other party had already reached the door of the stairs next to the elevator.

This guy doesn't even want his own Pokémon!

The oily middle-aged man's eyes were about to burst, but the next second a figure carrying green onions broke into his sight.

The green onions flew, and the weapon of the green onions, which looked like ordinary green onions, was inserted directly into the wall, blocking the path of the muscular man.


When the muscular man was about to let his Commander Pi Zhan protect him, before he could turn around and speak, Commander Pi Zhan had already flown past his eyes, hit the wall hard, and then slowly slid down. Come down.


He glanced at Commander Cleaver, who had lost his ability to fight, and then at Super Lucario, who was holding a bone club in his hand and looking at him coldly.

The muscular man squatted down without hesitation, holding his head.

After Cong Youbing easily pulled out the green onions blocking his way, he used the green onions to remove all the Poké Balls from the muscular man's waist.

Among the remaining Pokémon of Muscular Man, there is only one with senior level strength, and the rest are all intermediate or advanced level Pokémon.

It was only after he saw that the situation was gradually being controlled by Lu Ze that he felt something was wrong and chose to run away.

His Pokémon no longer had the ability to resist.

Especially after he saw the most terrifying cross-shaped bats and electric monsters free their hands.Who among Lu Ze’s team has killed the most Pokémon?

That must be the Crossed Bat and the Electric Shock Beast.

Crossbat's precise [Air Blade] is like a Pokémon at once.

Under the precise control of the Crossed Bat and the abnormal proficiency of the [Air Blade], the Crossed Bat's [Air Blade] is like a sure-hit skill, just like the God of Death calling his names one by one, and he will be knocked down if he hits it!
Although the Electric Shock Monster is different from the precise roll call like the Crossed Bat, the electric skills have a large range and are powerful.

Coupled with the lightning speed of the monster, he defeated a lot of Pokémon.

As for Kirbymon, although he also punches one punch at a time.

But after all, speed limits his output speed.

He can only wait for the opponent to come to him and attack him. If the opponent deliberately distances himself from him or even refuses to attack him directly, then he can only use long-range attacks to fight.

In this way, his output speed is completely inferior to that of Cross Bat and Electric Shock Beast.

After seeing that his "comrades" had squatted down and surrendered with their heads held in their hands, the middle-aged greasy-headed man also glanced at the Digger Rabbit, who was being continuously hit by the Iron Claw Lobster with long-range attacks and could not hold on for much longer. Without hesitation, he squatted down and held his head.

He was not blind. After the remaining Pokémon with king-level strength had no opponents, all their eyes were on him and Digger.

If he could escape in this situation, he would be more than just a small cadre in Team Flare.

"Trash, it's all trash!"

After Dr. Lawrence saw this scene through the surveillance camera, he loudly tapped the keyboard in front of him with an angry look on his face.

After cursing angrily for about a minute, Dr. Lawrence forced himself to calm down after seeing from the surveillance camera that Lu Ze had already disposed of the two wastes and was already looking for an upward entrance.

"Let's go, the data has been transferred almost, let's leave here immediately!"

After speaking to the assistant next to him, Dr. Lawrence immediately stood up and prepared to leave.

"But what about those experimental subjects?"

"How to do?"

Dr. Lawrence turned his head and looked at the assistant next to him.

"As long as I'm here, there will still be experimental subjects!"

"Even that special experimental subject is the same!"

Dr. Lawrence said, and directly pressed the red button hidden under the table!

"Destroy button!"

The little assistant looked at the alarm light bulb that had started to flash red with a horrified look and lost his voice.

He had no time to think about those experimental subjects at this time.

Although most of those experimental subjects failed, one of them succeeded.

I originally planned to study the data in the next two days and send it to the boss.

After all, that was just an experimental subject that Dr. Lawrence succeeded by accident.

That's why he just asked Dr. Lawrence about the experimental subjects.

He knew that even if the data had been transmitted, it would be of no use.

The experimental subjects that succeeded by chance and the data have not yet been tested.

Even if Dr. Lawrence successfully returns to Team Flare, this special experimental subject will never appear again.

Moreover, it looks like Dr. Lawrence is already planning to completely destroy this base!
It only takes 10 minutes. After they escape in 10 minutes, the base will be in ruins under a large amount of explosives.

Nothing will exist.

Whether it's the experimental subjects or the invaders.

Even the rest of Team Flare.

The assistant calmed down his emotions silently and followed Dr. Lawrence.

Nothing is as important as your own life!

"This is…"

Lu Ze, who was still on the second floor at this time, had no idea that Dr. Lawrence had activated the "destruction button", nor did he know that the base was about to explode.

This is originally a button used to die together, or in other words, just to let the bottom layer die together.

So except for the flashing alarm lights in the laboratory and the high command office, the other places were completely the same as usual.

There was nothing abnormal, and Lu Ze naturally didn't know.

Looking at the cages in front of him, Lu Ze also became a little angry.

All Pokémon are locked up here.

Various Pokémon that participated in the experiment.

Although I don’t know what kind of experiment it is, you can tell by looking at the miserable conditions on these Pokémon.

Not a single Pokémon is in perfect condition.

Lu Ze was silent, but soon he asked Lucario and Iron Warrior to step forward and open the cage.

The cages were opened one by one, and the Pokémon inside were motionless like zombies, with no thought of coming out.

Lu Ze looked a little heartbroken, but he couldn't care less at this time.

He could sense that two waveguides had appeared outside the base.

It seems that there is some secret passage and someone has left.

The positions of the two waveguides just now should be where the doctor was mentioned by the cadre.

"Iron Warrior, you stay here and open all the cages. After opening them, use teleportation to find me!"

After Lu Ze quickly explained to the iron warrior, he looked at the dull eyes of the Pokémon in the cage.

Lu Ze opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

After all, he had never experienced anything like this before, and he had never faced this kind of Pokémon.

After Lu Ze hesitated for a moment, he finally decided to kill the two escaping guys first.

As for these Pokémon, Ms. Joy should have a solution.

Lu Ze left and went to hunt down the two escaping guys.

But the iron warrior stayed and quickly opened the cages one by one.

In order to be quick, he cut off all the locks on an entire row of cages with one knife, regardless of whether there were any empty cages in this row.

But this is indeed very efficient, and all the cages are opened in a short time.

After taking a look at the appearance of the Pokémon, the Iron Warrior had no choice but to leave here.

He had no good way to comfort these Pokémon with empty eyes.

After feeling where Lu Ze was, the Iron Warrior directly used [Instant Movement] to move outside.

But what he didn't notice was that there seemed to be something strange in his shadow.

The words were divided into two parts, and after leaving the iron warrior to open the cage, Lu Ze also led Lucario and Kirbymon to find a way out, and came outside with great success.

The metal monster was still leading Lu Ze, while the cross-shaped bat moved forward quickly, intercepting the two escaping guys first.

Because Lu Ze discovered it earlier, the two guys didn't run too far.

Not long after the Crossed Bat stopped them, Ji Xia followed.

At this time, the Crossed Bat was fighting with a Shield Sword Monster in the air.

The shield sword monster in the form of a shield continued to resist the attacks of the cross bat, while Dr. Lawrence and his assistant on the sonic dragon behind him were trying to escape.

But every time they tried to escape, the Crossbat was able to escape the entanglement of the Shield Sword Monster and attack the Sonic Dragon.

The meaning is obvious.

No way!
(End of this chapter)

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