Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 939 Metagross, super evolution!

After Lu Ze arrived, Dr. Lawrence also landed on the ground with his little assistant.

After Lu Ze glanced at the king-level strong shield sword monster fighting with the cross-shaped bat in the sky, he also directed the metal monster to land on the ground.

"Kid, you're pretty strong, but I advise you not to wade into this muddy water. You're still young and can't grasp it!"

Dr. Lawrence had a smile on his face: "Team Flare is not something that a brat like you can offend. I'll give you a chance. Now get out and pretend I didn't see it."

Lu Ze didn't speak, just looked at Dr. Lawrence, and several luxurious balls appeared in his hands.

Dr. Lawrence also laughed angrily when he saw Lu Ze like this.

"Since you don't listen, I'll send you to join those people just now."

Dr. Lawrence said as he took out five elf balls from his arms.

"I told you so much."

"Actually, I want to tell you."

"I'm also good at fighting!"

Dr. Lawrence said, looking at Lu Ze with a smile, and then threw out his elf ball.

Three king-level Pokémon, and three veteran-level Pokémon.

"Just right, let's use you to test this new gadget."

After Dr. Lawrence took one look at his three Pokémon, he took out a black energy cube-like object and threw it to his three senior-level Pokémon.

The three senior level Pokémon did not hesitate and opened their mouths to accept the food thrown by their trainers.

But the next second, they seemed to be in great pain, with ferocious expressions on their faces.

Lu Ze understood after seeing the eyes of the three senior-level Pokémon, whether they were Electric Dragon, Gotha Duck or Crow Chief.

This guy must have taken some kind of medicine.

Although I don’t know what kind of medicine it is, I think it should improve combat ability.

Three veteran-level Pokémon that took the medicine plus three king-level Pokémon.

Not bad, within the acceptable range.

Just as Lu Ze was thinking about who to use to deal with them, the assistant's eyes flashed with determination and he released his three senior-level Pokémon.


The assistant's voice made Dr. Lawrence laugh.

"Okay, it's good that you have this awareness. When you go back, the Pokémon Team Flame you lost will give you something better!"

After Dr. Lawrence finished speaking, he handed the black energy cube in his hand to his assistant.

The little assistant took the black energy cube and hesitated for a moment, but finally threw it into his Pokémon's mouth.

"Four Pokémon with king-level strength, and six Pokémon with strength comparable to king-level, what can you do to stop them!"

Dr. Lawrence smiled very exaggeratedly. He knew that Lu Ze had seven Pokémon with king-level strength.

Originally, I wasn't too confident about my seven Pokémon, after all, three of them were enhanced with drugs.

As a result, I didn't expect that my little assistant would be so sensible.

It's a shame that I brought him out.

Lu Ze's face was a little ugly, which could be heard from the conversation between him and his assistant just now.

Even if a Pokémon that uses this drug does not die, it may become disabled.

This is the most unacceptable thing for people like Lu Ze who regard Pokémon as companions.

For a moment, he wanted Deoxys to destroy them directly.

But at the moment when he hesitated, his assistant's three Pokémon had also taken the medicine.

Seeing the three Pokémon taking the medicine without hesitation, Lu Ze felt a little heartbroken.

How much they trust their trainers.

As a result, he was treated this way.

This is how it feels to be entrusted to a non-human being.

Looking at the big wolf dog, Dunjia and Cradle Lily, whose eyes also turned scarlet, Lu Ze's eyes also became cold.


Dr. Lawrence laughed wildly and shouted, and his Pokémon rushed towards Lu Ze.


Lu Ze also released his Pokémon and directed them to kill their opponents.

Kirby stood in front of Lu Ze, blocking the attack on Lu Ze.

But the remaining Pokémon rushed straight towards the other's Pokémon.

They also understand what is happening now.

The Pokémon on the opposite side can be said to be of king-level strength.

But the number on the other side was much greater than mine.

If it is not resolved as soon as possible, Ozawa may fall into a passive state.

The Crossbat in the sky naturally understood this, and opened fire with full force, so that the Pokémon below had to separate one of them to help the Shield Sword Monster resist the Crossbat.

Dr. Lawrence looked at his Pokémon. After hesitating for a while, he finally chose to let his crow head go up.

Although the crow leader was upgraded with drugs, in his opinion, there was already a strong shield sword monster with king-level strength on it, so there was no need for the help of another sonic dragon with real king-level strength.

The crow chief is enough.

After the crow leader flew into the sky, the iron-clawed lobster also punched Dunjia's body.

First deal with Pokémon that can be suppressed by attributes and killed quickly.

Just like Onion Rangers also came to the big wolf dog.

Under the command of Lu Ze's waveguide power, everyone's goals are clear.

Get rid of those who have been improved with drugs first.

The Heavenly King level that has been improved with drugs will definitely not have the strength of the real Heavenly King level.

As long as they are all killed, the remaining four Pokémon with truly king-level strength will be easy to fight.

One Pokémon, Shock Monster, faces the two Pokémon on the opposite side, Electric Dragon and Gotha Duck.

Under the attack of the electric dragon's electric skills, the electric monster, whose speed was increased by the [electric engine], directly used the [plasma lightning fist] to hit Gotha Duck.

Lu Ze, who activated the power of the waveguide, naturally discovered this scene.

"It seems that these Pokémon that have taken the drug can now obey commands or rely on instinct to fight."

Lu Ze thought, Lucario here also rushed towards the Cradle Lily.

Neither Iron Warrior nor Charizard are in Lu Ze's current team.

Lucario is also temporarily unable to Mega Evolve.

I have just used Mega Evolution, and the time has not come yet.

Kirby stood in front of Lu Ze and had activated the [Abdominal Drum] skill.

Coupled with the Wind Fairy's [Magic Space], she is now fighting against three truly king-level sonic dragons, the Edelweiss Moth and the Molten Ant Beast.

However, the wind fairy and the metal monster were not idle either.

After adding [Magic Space] to Kirby, the Wind Fairy, Metal Monster, and Tan Xiaowei also set their sights on the crispier Edelweiss Moth.

Lu Ze did not look at the battlefield between Iron Claw Lobster and Electric Shock Monster.

He believed that they should have no problem dealing with a few guys who took medicine to improve their strength.

The focus is on the ones Kirbymon and the Wind Fairy faced.

The edelweiss moth opposite was female, so Lu Ze directly asked the wind fairy to use the [Coquettish] and [Charming] skills on the Sonic Dragon.

Sonic Dragon fell into a [Charmed] state, and for a moment he didn't notice the Molten Ant Beast next to him.

And in just this moment, Molten Antmon was directly beaten to death by Kirbymon in the [Abdominal Drum] state.One punch [One Hundred Thousand Horsepower] killed the Molten Ant Beast directly.

However, because the wind fairy is no longer around, the pressure on Metal Monster and Tan Xiaoshi has suddenly doubled.

When the metal monster used [Psychic Power] to try to control the Edelweiss Moth, the Edelweiss Moth broke free with great force.

The price the Edelweiss Moth paid for breaking free was that while it was accumulating [Overheat] and preparing to give the Edelweiss Moth a big blow, it was directly hit by the [Storm] released by the Edelweiss Moth.

After the powerful [Storm] hit, it killed Tan Xiaoshi directly.

After all, Edelweiss is a truly king-level Pokémon, and the gap between it and Tan Xiaoshi is still quite large.

After Tan Xiaoshi was killed, the metal monster couldn't stand it alone.

He is only a Pokémon with senior level strength, and is still far from the King level strength.

It was okay for him with the help of Tan Xiaoshi and Wind Fairy, but without the help of the other two Pokémon, it would be a bit difficult for him to face the Edelweiss alone.

As expected, after Edelweiss Moth killed Tan Xiaoshi, he focused on the metal monster.

Lu Ze had no choice but to command the wind fairy to assist the metal monster.

But even after the wind fairy came over, there was nothing he could do with the Edelweiss Moth, which had already used [Butterfly Dance] once.

The original plan of the three of them was that the two of them would restrain it, and then Tan Xiaoyu would use [Overheat] to give the Edelweiss a big one.

As a result, the containment failed.

In other words, the three of them all thought that the metal monster's [mental force] controlled the Edelweiss Moth.

Only then did Tan Xiaoshi start using [Overheat], and the wind fairy went over to help Kirbymon relieve the pressure.

It turned out that the edelweiss moth that had just been controlled did so on purpose.

The scene suddenly became like this.

Kirbymon is not very easy to fight against Sonic Dragon.

The main reason is that after Sonic Dragon witnessed the scene where Kirbymon killed Molten Antmon with one punch, he no longer gave Kirbymon a chance to get close.

He has been using long-range attacks to fight with Kirby.

Kirbymon thinks that if Sonic Dragon can't be dealt with, it should deal with the Edelweiss Moth first.

But once Kirby leaves Lu Ze's range, Sonic Dragon will attack Lu Ze.

There was no way, Kirbymon could only stay by Lu Ze's side, and was constantly harassed by the Sonic Dragon.

After watching the scene take advantage, Dr. Lawrence and the assistant next to him laughed together.

Iron Claws and Shock Monsters cannot quickly eliminate those Pokémon that rely on drugs to improve their abilities.

As we all know, the drugs used by villains to enhance their strength basically have a basic ability.

Not afraid to die.

In other words, there is no pain.

The same drug Dr. Lawrence just used.

The Pokémon that had no sense of pain showed no fear at all when faced with the attacks of Iron Claws and Shock Monsters.

This situation made the Electric Shock Monsters and the others feel a little timid.

Lu Ze ignored Dr. Lawrence's laughter.

He has already seen that this Dr. Lawrence doesn't know how to command at all.

At the very least, if he could command, he wouldn't let his electric dragon use electric skills to attack the electric monster.

The electric shock monster is almost at full speed now.

On the contrary, the little assistant still has some brains.

If he hadn't asked Gotha Duck to use [auto-suggestion], I'm afraid his Gotha Duck would have been killed by the electric monster.

Lu Ze used the waveguide to look at the overall situation and quickly came to a conclusion.

If the iron warrior doesn't arrive in time, he will lose.

Mainly here is the edelweiss moth.

The edelweiss moth has performed its second butterfly dance.

Wind fairies and metal monsters couldn't stop the Edelweiss Moth at all.

Even though the Wind Fairy's skills are very disgusting, this Edelweiss Moth is obviously very smart.

Many of the Wind Fairy's disgusting skills were deliberately interrupted or avoided by the Edelweiss Moth.

"The key to breaking the situation now lies in the cross-shaped bat, or in other words, Hu Hu!"

Lu Ze looked up into the air. The Crossed Bat was currently fighting the Shield Sword Monster and the crow leader.

The shield form of the Strong Shield Sword Monster mainly defends against the attacks of the cross-shaped bat, allowing the crow leader next to it to attack.

But even so, the Crossed Bat still has the upper hand.

Because of the existence of Hu Hu.

After Huhu used [Strength Equally] on the Shield Sword Monster, he also used [Poison] on the crow leader.

However, [Poison] seems to have no effect on the crow leader.

In other words, it has no impact now.

But even so, the battle on the cross-shaped bat side still has the upper hand.

The breaking point lies in whether the Crossed Bat kills the opponent faster, or the Edelweiss Moth kills the opponent faster.

If you look at the opponents on both sides, you will understand that the Edelweiss Moth is naturally faster.


"Come back, Kettle!"

After Lu Ze took out Huchu's elf ball, he put Huhu's elf ball on the back of the cross-shaped bat back into the elf ball.

Although Hu Huhu is only at the senior level now, Hu Hu's disgusting skills are not inferior to those of the wind fairy.

Even in a sense, Huhu is still a senior.

After putting Kechu back into the elf ball, he released Kechu again on the battlefield on the Edelweiss side.

After Huchu came on the stage, he did not hesitate to use [Strength Equalization] on Edelweiss Moth.

Because of being taken back into the Poké Ball, Huchu's condition has returned to its normal state.

This [power split] directly reduced the attack threat of the Edelweiss Moth by more than a point.

The pressure on the metal monster and the wind fairy was greatly reduced, but the Edelweiss Moth was shocked.

When a [Freeze Beam] hit the wind fairy, he immediately used [Meditation].

But she obviously didn't know that besides the wind fairy, Hu Hu also knew how to use [One More Time].

After seeing Edelweiss Moth use transformation skills, Huchu used [One More Time] on Edelweiss Moth without hesitation.

Under Edelweiss Moth's panicked gaze, [One More Time] hit, and she could only be forced to use [Butterfly Dance] again.

However, the metal monster on the side was not polite and directly used [Autosuggestion] to copy the opposite Edelweiss Moth's six-level special attack, two-level special defense, and two-level speed.

The next second, when Edelweiss Moth used [Meditation] for the third time, the metal monster's [Cannon Cannon] and Hu Hu's [Sharp Stone Attack] were released at the same time.

There is a wind fairy on the side, ready to give her another [do it again] if the Edelweiss Moth is not dead.

The metal monster's [Cannon Cannon] and Hu Hu's [Sharp Stone Attack] hit the Edelweiss at the same time.

And the Edelweiss Moth fell down without any surprise.

Breaking the game successfully!

Just when a smile appeared on Lu Ze's face, his waveguide suddenly sensed an unfamiliar waveguide rushing in.

"Team Flare?"

"Mega monster, super evolved!"

(End of this chapter)

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