Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 940 Hello, I am Zfuqi Dawu!

Chapter 940 Hello, I am Zfuqi Dawu!


At the same time as a voice came from the sky, a strong explosion suddenly came from the direction of the base just behind them.


Lu Ze was shocked, and then quickly turned his head and looked behind him.

The base exploded?
The iron warrior is still inside!

Lu Ze panicked and turned to look at the cross-shaped bat in the sky.

Because of the intervention of the super Metagross, the Crossbat quickly got rid of the entanglement of the Shield Sword Monster and the Crow Leader.

However, the silver-white super Metagross?
Lu Ze was stunned for a moment, but because he was too worried about the iron warrior, Lu Ze had time to react.

Lu Ze, who was about to call the Crossed Bat down to see the iron warrior, suddenly discovered a familiar waveguide rushing towards him from the power of his waveguide.

Lu Ze relaxed and then laughed.

It seems that the iron warrior is still very fast.

But the next second, Lu Ze looked at Dr. Lawrence who was laughing over there, as if he suddenly thought of something, and his expression immediately turned ugly.

There are so many Pokémon!
Although the iron warrior can come out, judging from the speed at which the iron warrior has just come.

The Pokémon inside couldn't come out in time.

Some may have come out, but most of them are probably still inside.

Not only the Pokémon used by Team Flare for experiments, but also Pokémon belonging to Team Flare members and leaders of Team Flare are also included.

If you calculate it this way, there are quite a few Pokémon inside that were directly destroyed by the explosion!

An unknown anger rose in Lu Ze's heart. Looking at Dr. Lawrence who was still laughing, Ji Xia walked directly towards him.

After the Edelweiss Moth was killed, Huchu and the Wind Fairy also went to help their other companions.

The metal monster followed Lu Ze and walked towards Dr. Lawrence.

"Is this their leader?"

A familiar voice came, and a young man with silver-blue hair and handsome clothes fell from the sky.


The moment Lu Ze saw the young man, he rang.

Also, only Daiwu has the strange-colored Metagross.

"Hello, I am Zfuqi Daigo from the Hoenn region."

"Hi, I'm Lu Ze."

After Lu Ze and Da Wu said hello, they both looked at Dr. Lawrence and took action at the same time.

"Nianli puppets, supernatural powers!"

"Metal monster, strong mind!"

The two of them simultaneously commanded their Pokémon to control Dr. Lawrence and his assistant.

Compared to the frustrated look on the assistant's face next to him, Dr. Lawrence's face showed no sign of failure.

"After the support from Team Flare arrives, none of you can escape!"

Dr. Lawrence is not stupid either. He understood the moment he saw the master-level Metagross appear.

He is finished.

The Flare Team's support has not yet arrived, but the opponent's support has arrived first.

But it's not a big problem, since he is a useless person now anyway.

It's a pity that I didn't have time to calculate the manufacturing method of the Frenzy Energy Cube in my hand and send it back to Team Flare.

Who made this fanatical energy cube just a successful experiment.

Now that's all he has on hand.

But after all, Dr. Lawrence is just a researcher and has no combat capabilities.

In fact, when his edelweiss moth was killed, he was already not far from failure.

What's more, the iron warrior is already on his way.

After the Iron Warrior arrived, Dr. Lawrence couldn't run away even if he wanted to.

Unfortunately, Daiwu came first.

Lu Ze looked at this famous Fengyuan Street liar with curiosity on his face.

I vaguely remember that Daigo appeared in the XY plot.

But I didn't expect to be bumped into like this.

At this time, Daiwu was also curiously looking at the strange-colored metal monster next to Lu Ze.

He has seen a lot of metal monsters, including several in his own family, not to mention those from other people's families.

But whether it's an iron dumbbell, a metal monster or a giant gold monster, there is only one with a strange color: his metal monster.

Unexpectedly, after arriving in the Kalos area, he actually saw another strange-colored metal monster.

It really is…

Interesting too!
An elegant smile appeared on Dawu's face. After looking up at the battle between Metagross and the others, he stopped paying attention.

There is no need for his other Pokémon to play.

Metagross plus Lu Ze's Pokémon are enough.

Lu Ze's Pokémon are not weak either.

It can even be said that except for his few ace Pokémon, Lu Ze's Pokémon are not weaker than his main Pokémon.

I just don’t know why there is no news about such a strong guy before.

Dawu's curious eyes shifted to Lu Ze.

But at this time, Lu Ze focused on his Pokémon.

With the addition of Metagross, the battle is much faster than I imagined.

With the assistance of Kechu and Wind Fairy, Kirby quickly killed Sonic Dragon.

The Electric Shock Monster and the Iron Claw Lobster quickly killed their opponents with the help of the freed-up Kechu and the Wind Fairy.

Metagross and Metabatus were together. Although the two Pokémon only met for the first time, they cooperated with each other very well.

In a short time, with the help of two guerrilla groups, Metagross and Metabatus, all the Pokémon of Dr. Lawrence and his assistant were wiped out.

"Pleasant to work with."

After Dawu saw that all the Pokémon had been killed, he smiled and extended his palm to Lu Ze.


"Pleasant to work with."

The two high-fived each other and couldn't help but laugh when they looked at each other.

The Super Metagross exited the super evolution state, and the Iron Warrior also came to Lu Ze's side.

The iron warrior's face was also very ugly.

He saw it more clearly than Lu Ze.

After all, he wasn't too far away.

But looking at the rising mushroom clouds and the soaring flames, all the iron warrior could do was mourn in his heart.

He asked himself, if he couldn't bear it there, which of the remaining Pokémon could bear it?

Although I was very sad and couldn't bear it, I still had the courage to run towards Lu Ze.

"Inform Miss Junsha."

As Daiwu said, he suddenly saw Lu Ze looking beyond him and looking behind him.

Dawu turned his head a little strangely, and then saw a Fiery Arrow Eagle turning around in a panic in the air and a middle-aged man on the Fiery Arrow Eagle.

The middle-aged man who came over was also a cadre of the Flare Team.

I just received a signal that he was asked to come here for support.

He rushed over without stopping and saw all the familiar Pokémon from Team Flare falling to the ground.

Seeing Dr. Lawrence being controlled into the air by superpowers, he couldn't help but feel angry.

Just as he was about to yell to save Dr. Lawrence, he suddenly saw a man with silver-blue hair.

and the silver-white Metagross next to him.

Silver-blue hair is okay, there are other people with this hair color in the Pokémon world.

But the heterochromatic Metagross is the only one in the entire Pokémon world!Coupled with the master-level strength of Metagross, there is no need to guess who that person is.

Isn't that the champion of the Hoenn region, the young master of the Zivucci family.

Is Zifuqi big?

The intelligence said that Daigo had been active in the Carlos area recently, but unexpectedly, he ran into him just after he came out today.

There is Dai Wu, a Fengyuan champion, and there is another one whom I don’t even know.

But look at the seven king-level Pokémon next to him, and then look at the strange-colored metal monster next to him.

Don't even think about it, you definitely can't afford this!
He turned around and left without hesitation, but it seemed that he was still discovered by the unknown guy.

But it’s not a big problem, my Fierce Arrow Eagle specializes in speed!
Run fast!

"Crossword Bat, follow me!"

After Lu Ze saw that the other party turned and left without hesitation, he immediately said to the Crossed Bat.

After seeing the cross-shaped bat turning into a stream of light and chasing that person, Dawu couldn't help but reveal an envious look in his eyes.

"I don't have any Pokémon that are too fast."

Daiwu looked at Lu Ze and explained: "But if you don't mind, you can follow them on my Pokémon."

Dawu is also a smart person, which can be heard from what Lu Ze said to the Crossed Bat.

This guy wants to find the base near Team Flare.

Otherwise, instead of following him, we would have stopped him.

Daigo wasn't afraid, it was just a base for Team Flare.

He is a former champion of the Fengyuan region, and Lu Ze is also considered powerful among the kings.

What Team Flare base can't be visited?

Daigo said, taking out the Poke Ball and releasing his armored bird.

"He can take you with him."

"how about you?"

Lu Ze was a little curious. What would he do if Dawu gave him his armored bird?

Daigo's flying Pokémon seems to only have one Armored Bird.

Although in Lu Ze's heart, Dawu and Mo Qiancheng were very similar.

But Mo Qiancheng felt even more out of tune.

As for Daigo, this shouldn't be the case, right?

"Metrogross can take me with him."

As Daigo spoke, Metagross' pupils were shrouded in blue light.

Under the control of super powers, Daiwu also stood on Metagross.

After Lu Ze glanced at Dawu and Metagross, he looked at the metal monster again.

"Okay, let's go then."

As Lu Ze said that, he took back all his Pokémon, including the metal monster.

Then Lu Ze came to the armored bird.

It is indeed a bit inconvenient to not have Charizard around.

Lu Ze sighed silently on the armored bird's back, completely unaware of the addition of something in the armored bird's shadow.

Deoxys noticed it, and looked down at the shadow of the armored bird strangely, thoughtfully.

The armored bird is not very fast, although it may be faster than its own metal monster.

However, it still couldn't catch up with the speed of the Fierce Arrow Eagle and Crossed Bat in front.

Looking down at Dr. Lawrence and the others who were tied to Metagross' legs with vine whips, Lu Ze even wanted to ask them directly.

But looking at the look on Dr. Lawrence's face, it was obvious that he had been brainwashed and stupid.

It's probably impossible to count on him.

Lu Ze shook his head unhappily. Fortunately, the watch on the neck of the cross-shaped bat, used for payment, had a positioning function.

Even now in a different world, as long as there is electricity, Lu Ze can see the location of Crossed Bat and the others on his mobile phone.

The farthest one is obviously the fire-breathing dragon, and the other one farther away is the cross-shaped bat that is following the arrow eagle.

Just follow the red dot.

Flying over the wilderness next to the city of Miare.

They had already crossed the city of Miare but still hadn't reached their destination.

This place was different from the way Lu Ze came here, which made Lu Ze a little confused.

But the good thing is that the red dot representing the position of the cross bat has stopped.

It seems that that guy has arrived at Team Flare's base here.

Lu Ze became a little excited. Although it was already getting dark, the excited Lu Ze didn't look tired.

"Is it here?"

After Lu Ze, who was leading the way, stopped, Dawu and Metagross, who were following behind, also stopped.

"Well, it should be here."

Lu Ze's waveguide power spread out and after finding the Crossed Bat, the Crossed Bat flew towards Lu Ze.

"where is it?"


The cross-shaped bat's face looked a little ugly, and Lucario also spoke from the elf ball.

"The eldest sister said she lost her."


Lu Ze was obviously a little surprised.

After all, it was obvious from the moment the Crossed Bat started that the Crossed Bat was faster than the Fierce Arrow Eagle.

In the end, was it possible to lose him like this?

Lu Ze's voice also surprised Dawu next to him.

"I think the speed of your cross-shaped bat should be faster than the speed of the arrow eagle. How could it be..."

Dawu didn't finish what he said, but Lu Ze also understood what Dawu meant.


Crossbat nodded and explained, and Lucario in the Poké Ball also spoke again.

"After arriving at this place, the opponent's Fierce Arrow Eagle suddenly launched an attack on the eldest sister."

"In the smoke of collision between attack and attack, the other party disappeared, and the eldest sister could not find any news about the other party."

After Lucario finished speaking, Lu Ze also explained to Daigo.

But even so, Lu Ze still frowned.

This place shouldn't be Team Flare's base.

After all, there is no concentrated, large-area waveguide here.

But the question is, how did the other party disappear?

According to what Crossed Bat said, the smoke from the explosion only lasted for a second or two.

Even if the other party disappears, it shouldn't be impossible for the cross bat's ultrasonic wave to find the other party.

The cross-shaped bat's ultrasonic expansion speed is very fast.

Basically, very few Pokémon can exceed this speed.

"Is Team Flare's base nearby?"

After listening to Lu Ze's explanation, Dawu also thought about it and asked.

"Does Team Flare have any special means to allow him to enter the base directly?"

"No, my waveguide didn't find anything similar to Team Flare's base."


After Dawu heard what Lu Ze said, he immediately looked at Lu Ze strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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